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emergency broadcast signal

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Jun 6, 2009, 12:41:25 AM6/6/09
You're watching the idiot box and the emergency broadcast signal comes
on. The broadcast tells you that the old government has been
dissolved. It tells you not to resist. It tells you to contact your
local police dept to turn in all your firearms and you will not be

The internet goes down.

What do you do for real information? Shortwave? Pony express? Paul
Revere? What do you do for non-propaganda information in those first
few critical hours?

Jun 6, 2009, 4:47:01 AM6/6/09

CB radio. TRUCKERS will pass along news along the hundreds of miles
each drives daily. The regime won't shut them down - as no trucking
means core urban Blue Nation starves from lack of food delivery and
runs out of power-generating coal, then comes the riots there. - your source for hard-to-find stuff!

Basil Karlo

Jun 6, 2009, 1:03:36 PM6/6/09

"Buboise" <inv...@email.address> wrote in message

> You're watching the idiot box and the emergency broadcast signal comes
> on. The broadcast tells you that the old government has been
> dissolved.

Get out the hats and hooters. Throw the idiot box in the trash.


Jun 6, 2009, 1:15:00 PM6/6/09
Buboise wrote:
> You're watching the idiot box[...]

then you must be an idiot...

robert bowman

Jun 6, 2009, 3:01:51 PM6/6/09
to wrote:

> CB radio.  TRUCKERS will pass along news along the hundreds of miles
> each drives daily.  The regime won't shut them down - as no trucking
> means core urban Blue Nation starves from lack of food delivery and
> runs out of power-generating coal, then comes the riots there.

Speaking as a former trucker, truckers also pass along bullshit, rumors, and
outright lies along with some accurate reporting. Come to think of it,
about the same as the internet, although a CB doesn't require basic

Day Brown

Jun 7, 2009, 10:35:55 AM6/7/09
Buboise wrote:
> You're watching the idiot box and the emergency broadcast signal comes
> on. The broadcast tells you that the old government has been
> dissolved. It tells you not to resist. It tells you to contact your
> local police dept to turn in all your firearms and you will not be
> harmed.
> The internet goes down.
Then the government goes down; the courts, LEO, and the military all
rely on it, and the people in those parts rely on email.

> What do you do for real information? Shortwave? Pony express? Paul
> Revere? What do you do for non-propaganda information in those first
> few critical hours?

There already are pirate FM transmitters. Its not hard to make one. You
mite need an outdoor TV antenna and cable to your radio.

Stormin Mormon

Jun 7, 2009, 3:28:40 PM6/7/09
With that scenario, I doubt there will be any real info for
several days. The situation is just too urgent, and too
emerging. That said, AM / FM radios may have some
information. Shortwave, well, if any useful information can
make it out of the country to some other transmitter.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Buboise" <inv...@email.address> wrote in message


Jun 7, 2009, 3:35:33 PM6/7/09


We'll use sun and mirrors to relay messages.

Each neighborhood, each community around the nation will have
a team of communicators whose job will be to collect, send
and distribute communiques.

With succeeding generations will come a class of communicators
called 'light senders' who will regale listeners with tales of
long ago times when men sent pictures and sound on invisible beams.
The young will laugh and sleep well.


Jun 7, 2009, 8:36:29 PM6/7/09

This must be planned for in advance, but a "backup" for the Internet
would be to go back to the old Dial up Bulletin Board Systems and
FidoNet, over the PTSN(Public Telephone Switched Network). Of course
the announcement may tell you to stay off the phones, and there may be
trouble getting connections the first few days, but FidoNet transfers
generally happened in the middle of the night when traffic is the
lightest and the long distance rates were the cheapest.


Jun 7, 2009, 9:05:51 PM6/7/09

LOL...and now you are going to tell us that anything a winger
transmits is the real poop.



Jun 7, 2009, 9:07:06 PM6/7/09
> your source for hard-to-find stuff!

LOL...let me sell CB radios at gun shows?

Do you ever lose sleep knowing that you are taking advantage of the
conservative sheeple?



Jun 7, 2009, 9:11:00 PM6/7/09

The lines will be jammed...and you will not have access...that is if
the lines are up at all.



Jun 8, 2009, 8:00:37 AM6/8/09

What a preposterous premise.

So let this be a lesson to you kids out there:
Don't huff the varnish from Fox News.
It'll make you stupid and crazy with rage.


Jun 8, 2009, 12:48:36 PM6/8/09

That's why I said "there may be trouble getting connections the first
few days."

Amateur Radio is another alternative, but the Government may ban amateur
radio operation like they did during World War II.


Jun 8, 2009, 9:44:30 PM6/8/09
Why would it have to make it out of the country to some other transmitter?
If you're suddenly limted to a few radio transmitters in the country,
there'd be no more reliable means of getting news out to a really large area
of the US...

"Stormin Mormon" <cayoung61**> wrote in message

Stormin Mormon

Jun 8, 2009, 10:19:49 PM6/8/09
If I'm going to listen to shortwave. Maybe the guys at the
shortwave station don't have any information to share.

The original question was how to get information with the
internet and phones down. Listen to out of country shortwave
stations, well, that's more news than I had before.

But, for me to get any information from shortwave, the info
has to make it out of the US to the other radio stations.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"BD" <> wrote in message


Jun 8, 2009, 11:41:26 PM6/8/09
Buboise wrote:
> You're watching the idiot box and the emergency broadcast signal comes
> on. The broadcast tells you that the old government has been
> dissolved.

The US government does not "dissolve".

> It tells you not to resist. It tells you to contact your
> local police dept to turn in all your firearms and you will not be
> harmed.

At this point, the US Constitution and all the laws that depend on it
no longer exist. Those people who were once in the US military still
have their skills and a fair chance of getting their hands on weapons.
Exactly /who/ is going to tell them otherwise?

And they are going to be very unhappy.

In addition, the US currency (fiat money) is going to lose nearly all
it's value. Just exactly /what/ is the new regime going to pay the
goons enforcing the new edicts? Where is the new regime going to get
it's money from? Taxes?

They call me Trinity

Jun 9, 2009, 9:59:25 AM6/9/09

"Strabo" <> wrote in message

No, No, No. We'll use smoke signals!

Jeff Mc

Jun 9, 2009, 2:15:35 PM6/9/09
>> We'll use sun and mirrors to relay messages.
>> Each neighborhood, each community around the nation will have
>> a team of communicators whose job will be to collect, send
>> and distribute communiques.
>> With succeeding generations will come a class of communicators
>> called 'light senders' who will regale listeners with tales of
>> long ago times when men sent pictures and sound on invisible beams.
>> The young will laugh and sleep well.

They are called heliographers. Heliography was a primarily military
communications technology that was well developed by the mid to late
19th century. Pretty cool stuff.


Jun 10, 2009, 2:16:17 PM6/10/09

No night time talk shows???


Jun 10, 2009, 3:51:30 PM6/10/09
Once again..Why?
Have you never actually listened to shortwave?... (Hmm.. Or are you outside
the US, maybe?)
A large percentage of it's American broadcasters.. And a very large
percentage of that's religion and "right wing wackos"... Which kinda fits
with the original question, I guess.
The reception usually kinda s*cks, but you can normally get more American
news (vs talk-show) programming from shortwave than AM or FM, even without
some sort of nuclear attack.

"Stormin Mormon" <cayoung61**> wrote in message


Stormin Mormon

Jun 10, 2009, 8:12:34 PM6/10/09
Well, everyone within binoculars distance of the Jay Leno
studios can watch Jay Leno Live. You have to read the smoke
signals, and guess what the guest stars look like.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Strabo" <> wrote in message


Stormin Mormon

Jun 10, 2009, 8:15:49 PM6/10/09
Once again..Why?

CY: Cause if the information net shuts down, the information
won't make it to the broadcasters. Didn't I write that,

Have you never actually listened to shortwave?... (Hmm.. Or
are you outside
the US, maybe?)

CY: I've only listened for a few seconds to say "Oh, yeah,
it's working". I'm in NYS, USA.

A large percentage of it's American broadcasters.. And a
very large
percentage of that's religion and "right wing wackos"...
Which kinda fits
with the original question, I guess.

CY: So, how does right wing whackos relate to the original
question "how will you get your information"?

The reception usually kinda s*cks, but you can normally get
more American
news (vs talk-show) programming from shortwave than AM or
FM, even without
some sort of nuclear attack.

CY: And when the internet shuts down, and the phones are
shut down, how do you think the broadcasters will get

robert bowman

Jun 10, 2009, 11:27:59 PM6/10/09
BD wrote:

> Have you never actually listened to shortwave?...  (Hmm.. Or are you
> outside the US, maybe?)
> A large percentage of it's American broadcasters.. And a very  large
> percentage of that's religion and "right wing wackos"...  Which kinda fits
> with the original question, I guess.

I'd suggest you get a decent receiver, an efficient antenna, and a copy of
Monitoring Times for the schedules. Unlike the US stations like WWCR, the
foreign broadcasters aren't up 24/7.


Jun 11, 2009, 12:10:26 AM6/11/09
Other forms of RADIO, maybe?... Duh...
Shortwave would be the idea form of communication for getting news quickly
to large parts of the country,..
but just look at what always happens in small areas of the country when
phones, electricity, etc. goes out due to storms or whatever..
Radio communications (mostly ham-radio) takes over tasks normally done by
other means so that news, emergency, etc communications gets thru. People
don't just "sit in the dark" wondering what's going on in the rest of the
world when the internet goes out.

"Stormin Mormon" <cayoung61**> wrote in message



Jun 11, 2009, 1:02:23 PM6/11/09

Personal observation and reasoning.
Social networks.
Smoke signals.

How have people always managed to communicate?

Message has been deleted


Jun 15, 2009, 10:53:50 AM6/15/09
So who/what're you replying to?... I was arguing for shortwave as a source
of local (national) news..
You cut-n-pasted my post in an attempt to make it look as if I was on the
exact opposite side of the argument, or somethng...
Like the very first line you pasted from my post.. "Why?" wasn't asking
"Why listen to shortwave?"...
Or the very last one... While attempting to twist my position again, you
simply repeated what I had said.. Shortwave doesn't make for the best
listening experience when you've all the other forms available now, but it
could be the most reliable.

"John Mayson" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 10 Jun 2009, BD wrote:
> > Once again..Why?
> Shortwave stations have the best chance of making it to your location. If
> every city 1,000 miles from your home is off the grid or gone, AM and FM
> will be useless to you.

> > Have you never actually listened to shortwave?... (Hmm.. Or are you
> > the US, maybe?)

> I have been a SWL since 1982.

> > A large percentage of it's American broadcasters.. And a very large
> > percentage of that's religion and "right wing wackos"... Which kinda
> > with the original question, I guess.

> Define "large percentage". I strongly disagree with your assessment even
> excluding Voice of America.

> > The reception usually kinda s*cks, but you can normally get more
> > news (vs talk-show) programming from shortwave than AM or FM, even
> > some sort of nuclear attack.

> When things are normal, sure, it's more pleasant to listen online or to
> local radio. But guess what will be the first to fail?
> --
> John Mayson <>
> Austin, Texas, USA

John Mayson

Jun 15, 2009, 5:31:08 PM6/15/09
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, BD wrote:

> So who/what're you replying to?... I was arguing for shortwave as a source
> of local (national) news..
> You cut-n-pasted my post in an attempt to make it look as if I was on the
> exact opposite side of the argument, or somethng...
> Like the very first line you pasted from my post.. "Why?" wasn't asking
> "Why listen to shortwave?"...
> Or the very last one... While attempting to twist my position again, you
> simply repeated what I had said.. Shortwave doesn't make for the best
> listening experience when you've all the other forms available now, but it
> could be the most reliable.

Perhaps if you didn't top post this sort of thing would happen to you.


Jun 15, 2009, 7:35:27 PM6/15/09
Why? If you've been following the thread, you waste time scanning thru the
previous posts (quotes) to get to the reply with so-called bottom-posts,
especially if there's several posts and you have to do it with each-n-every
one of 'em.... If you haven't, and it's top-posted, occasionally scrolling
down to read the replied-to post isn't that difficult..... Which I find I
do much less so, btw...

MOST of the time, such critism is simply someone's dislike of seeing
something done differently than they do it. Nothing more. And there's a
word for that, doncha know?

"John Mayson" <> wrote in message


Jun 15, 2009, 7:57:53 PM6/15/09
PS. That was some good Herring, btw, John...

"John Mayson" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, BD wrote:
> > So who/what're you replying to?... I was arguing for shortwave as a
> > of local (national) news..

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