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Here is my other thoughts

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Jul 17, 2018, 2:49:08 PM7/17/18

Here is my other thoughts:

The essence of Class Struggle

An idiot will say that Class Struggle such as of communism
is not correct !

But philosophy is not the same , in philosophy you have
to be more rigorous like in mathematics !

I will get on more philosophy..

I think the nature of Class Struggle of communism
has changed a little bit in the West, i mean Class Struggle
of communism has soften, but it is still Class Struggle !
i mean that "Democracy" and "usefulness" or to make
yourself a "utility" or to make yourself "useful" are also Class
Struggle ! and consumerism do bring the counter-power of consumer
confidence index that we have to higher internationally and locally, so
this counter power of consumer confidence index is like Class Struggle
also, this is what i have said bellow that the essence of compassion is
the essence of humanity that is perfection. And this is why i have
spoken about the essence of Israel in a such
way, because making yourself "useful" is also a wise egoism
that lesser egoism of nationalism and egoism. Here is what i have said:

About the essence of Israel...

You have seen me in my political philosophy introducing to you what i
called guidance of moral as embellishment of humanity, and i have
defined it as being like: happiness and tolerance that are parts of the
set of our essence ! because we are capable of knowing them and feeling
them and measuring with them.

So now there is an important question related to the essence of Israel..

Do we have to judge Israel by this guidance of moral, by saying
for example that Israel is not tolerance and is not happiness
of guidance of moral ?

This is not the right way to measure, you have to be wisdom that knows
how to measure ! so efficient morality that is performance and
reliability must be used as a soft way also that constrain the
spirit of Israel, so Israel must know that efficient morality
must be capable of "balancing" well or "tuning" well if you want, i give
you an example: today we are trying to be efficient morality
that is taking into account not just our today but also taking
into account the future of our planet earth that we have not to hurt
with excessive pollution and exploitation ! this is the kind of spirit
that lacks Israel ! because nationalism must be constrained by the
essence of humanity that is perfection , so perfection is that Israel
has to know how to think the after and the after after with arabs, so we
have to be frank between us, i think like was saying it Fordism,
consumerism or economy between Israel and arab countries is the right
solution that will bring peace and prosperity, and arabs has to know it
and be capable of being useful to Israel and Israel has to be capable of
being useful to arabs , the interdependence of the two economies of
Israel and arabs will create good relations between arab countries and

And i have said also that:

Is Donald Trump nationalism ?

We have to be smart, what do i think about Donald Trump ?
is Donald Trump nationalism ? i think it is a really good
question of philosophy ! so what do thinks philosophy about
it ? i think that we have to look at it from the perspective of
my philosophy that is in accordance with efficient morality,
because philosophy also must adhere to efficient morality to
be able to be called a high standard of philosophy, this
is why i think from my writing of before, that Donald Trump
do adhere to my rule that is: survival is usefulness ! and
as you have noticed that we are more lucky with empirical moral
inferred from experience, because the tools of today are
much more enhanced to bring more dignity to the table,
so if i just say that: survival is usefulness and usefulness
is egoism and survival is egoism.. so if you are less smart you will
think that it is not acceptable, but a smart person will say
that it adheres to the standard of efficient morality that is
as i have defined it: performance and reliability, this is
why we have to be more confident with it, and not be blind and
notice that when i say: survival is usefulness, it is said
in a "context" of today, so it brings many conatrains that
provoke quality and bring more quality, usefulness do
cause the rise of different actors as powers and counter-powers,
but don't be stupid to see it as an evil war, because
the tools of today are much more advanced and enhanced, so we have to
be more optimistic about it, because survival is usefulness
and usefulness is egoism and egoism has brought consumer confidence
index that we have to higher internationally and locally, this egoism
is the solution to egoism and nationalism, because consumerism
and consumer confidence index has completely constrained
nationalism and egoism in such a manner that it has lesser
egoism and make the actors of economy to share more with third world
countries and other countries , also usefulness of competitiveness
between different actors of economy has played the same role of egoism
that is the solution to egoism and nationalism, because also
competitiveness and consumerism has completely constrained nationalism
and egoism in such a manner that it has lesser egoism and make the
actors of economy to share more with third world countries and other
countries, and you will notice it from how Donald Trump is talking about
economy by saying the following:

US President Donald Trump on Friday said that "America first does not
mean America alone," even as he maintained his country would remain his
top priority. He reminded the audience that "American prosperity created
countless jobs in world."
"As President of the United States, I will always put America first...
America first does not mean America alone. When the United States grows,
so does the world,"

Read more here to notice it:

So as you have noticed "usefulness" as concept of my rule:
survival is usefulness, is a broader concept that models better
than simply saying like Fordism that consumerism brings prosperity
and peace, because usefulness is a much brother concept that models
better and brings prosperity and peace etc.

The essence of compassion..

We have to do more philosophy to know about it..

What about compassion ?

What is the essence of compassion ?

You have to deeply think philosophy to understand it,
the essence of compassion is the essence of humanity
that is perfection and strongness, the essence of
compassion comes the fact that i said before that:

"because a society is constrained by general morality such as laws
that states that what is bad is "relative" to our
level of sophistication by performance and reliability or if you want
that it is relative to the level of quality that we have attained, this
is why i have said, that corruption of morality is measured by
the level of "quality" that we have attained or if you want by the
essence of humanity that is perfection and strongness"

Is there any contradiction or is there a "bug" ?

No, in the above i have said that: "because a society is constrained by
general morality such as laws that states that what is bad is
"relative" to our level of sophistication by performance and reliability"

So i am stating that it is the level of quality that we have attained
by performance and reliability, so morality is constrained by
reliability, so you can not simply say that corruption of morality is
measured by the level of "quality", this will introduce a "bug" that
can bring violence to the system, so measuring of corruption of
morality is measured by and relative to performance and reliability, so
hope you have understood this distinction. And morality is then safe !

So the essence of compassion is a balance of powers ! it's
like a balance of powers and counter-powers, this is the essence
of our humanity, perfection and strongness has given rise
to powers and counter-powers that bring more quality to the table !
so without being extermist, i will say that this has the same
effect of "Class Struggle" in communism, because this
brings embellishment and this brings justice and this bring quality,
because look at what i was saying about handicaped people:

If we ask a question of: is handicaped people useful ?

Compassion of government (in form of help) is applied on handicaped
people because i think this is "useful" as a way to embellish our world,
also it is "useful" because the government risks to be punished by
people if he doesn't help handicaped people, and also we risk violence
inside the system if government doesn't help handicaped people.

So as you have noticed that governement is "constrained" by
counter-powers to be able to help handicaped people.

And the essence of compassion is the same as the essence of Democracy,
because as you have noticed i said before that:

About dictatorship and communism and the dictatorship

The problem with those is the problem of the past, because there is
a necessity to provoke and bring quality with the introduction of new
mechanisms, like the mechanisms of the counter-power of consumerism and
consumer confidence index, and like the mechanism of the power of
democracy, and like the mechanism of the counter-power of the financial
and bank institutions that have there rating methodology that take into
account the Political Risk factor and the economic conditions, and this
creates more quality and a world stability, this balance of powers
ensure us of more stability and more quality and more security, this is
the weakness of dictatorship and communism, they lack some of or all of
those mechanisms that bring more quality.

And look at nazism and neo-nazism, nazism and neo-nazism is racism, but
you have not to be fooled by nazism and neo-nazism, because it is racism
also from inside the system and racism from outside the system, this is
why it has persecuted the handicaped people ! because this kind of
racism is "maximization" of efficiency !
and this "maximization" of efficiency is "performance", so nazism and
neo-nazism do neglect "reliability", because there maximization of
efficiency is violence that causes violence inside the system. This is
why i have said above that dictatorship doesn't "balance" correctly and
it is not correct morality.

I have said , read bellow, that:

Hitler viewed jews as being "anormal" and more "violent"

and i have said, read bellow, that:

Nazism was not based correctly on science

We have to be more scientific:

So we have to ask ourselves a question:

Is the affirmation of Hitler correct or not correct ?

Is the affirmation of Hitler such as saying that jews are abnormal
and more violent , correct or not correct ?

I think that Hitler was not correct, because we can not say all jews
are bad people, there is a certain still small "percentage" of jews
that are bad, but we can not generalize to all jews and say all
jews are bad, this is the same for arabs, we can not say all arabs are
bad people, because there is only a still "small" percentage of arabs
that are bad, but we can not generalize and say that all arabs are bad.
So we have to refrain from talking like Hitler and we have to be more
realistic. And yet we have to make a distinction between "tolerable"
and bad, because the big percentage of arabs are "tolerable" and not
bad, i think it is the same for jews, even if they are not as beautiful
as white europeans. So case is closed !

Please read the rest of my post to understand better:

More precision about the true essence of nazism, read again:

We have to get into philosophy , philosophy is like mathematics
and it must adhere to the essence of humanity that is perfection and
strongness , so it must be "precise" and precise "calculations", and
its goal must be the goal of wisdom that is to comprehend or to know !

So what is the true essence of nazism?

1- The living conditions

The living conditions of Germans in the time of Hitler were still too
much difficult, so German people were suffering, because life in the
time of Hitler was still a real difficult task.

2- The consequence

The consequence of this really bad living conditions is that Hitler
was much more violent than average people, so he has
choosen to "maximize" "efficiency" because he was a true "racist" and
nazism was also "racism", so he has started violently to kill handicaped
people to be more efficient, and to maximize efficiency he has started
to kill jews, because jews for him were an evil for different reasons:
because also he has viewed jews as being capitalists ! so since he was
socialist, he has used, like communists, the tool of "Class Struggle" of
communism and he has started violently persecuting jews and killing
them, communists also has persecuted the capitalists !
also Hitler has wanted to kill jews because he has viewed jews
as being "anormal" and more "violent", even if his thinking was not
based on science ! that was also the weakness of nazism, because
this was not based on science. For example when Hitler has said
that German people was the superior "race" over the others,
yet this affirmation was not based on science, so i think
also that nazism was not based correctly on science.

And here is my other proof that nazism and neo-nazism
are not accepted by efficient morality:

Futility of nazism and neo-nazism..

Nazism and neo-nazism are childish in that they want violently to
maximize efficiency, this is the essence of nazism , it wants also
to maximize efficiency even using violence, so we can not be confident
with nazism and neo-nazism because they are like childish ideologies
because they are not thought correctly.

I said that morality is composed of a priori pure moral inferred from
reason and empirical moral inferred from experience, but that's not so
efficient because we have to include what i called "guidance of moral":
like happiness and tolerance that are parts of the "set" of our essence,
because we are capable of knowing them and feeling them and measuring
with them, i think that this guidance of moral is a prerequisite to
counter nazism and neo-nazism, because nazism says to maximize
efficiency even with violence, but since guidance of moral that is
inherent to us and a priori pure moral that takes into account
reliability says that this act of nazism that maximize efficiency even
with violence that it is an extremism that is too violent, because
reliability sees this act of nazism as being too violent that causes
violence, and guidance of moral that is inherent to almost all of us
sees this act of nazism as being not acceptable , so nazism and
neo-nazism is out of question and they are not accepted by efficient

The essence of Nazism..

So what is the essence of Nazism ?

When we become smart we have to find the shortest path to the solution,
here it is:

Nazism is also racism, but this racism of nazism is a violent racism
that maximizes efficiency, and this racism that maximizes efficiency is
a racism towards others that are not us, and it is a violent racism
towards us, this is why nazism has tried to exterminate handicaped
people, but you have to be careful with nazism because it tries also to
exterminate the weak members to maximize efficiency, this is inherent to
nazism, so imagine that we are attaining general artificial
intelligence, so nazism can say by maximizing efficiency
to exterminate humans that are not needed for a best efficiency,
this is why nazism or neo-nazism is violent and dangerous.

Thank you,
Aminer Moulay Ramdane.

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