Unexpected exception while updating a flyspray issue

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Apr 18, 2016, 1:39:39 PM4/18/16
to flyspray

We upgraded our FlySpray to 1.0 RC1 and we are still have this issue :

Almost every time we update an issue, we get this message :

Completely unexpected exception: 
This should never happend, please inform Flyspray Developers

This issue was already present with the version.

There is nothing more about the message, no clue is given about where we should search to correct it.

I hope you can help us fixing this issue.



Apr 18, 2016, 10:44:37 PM4/18/16
to flyspray
Open a new task on bugs.flyspray.org please.

There seems to be an exception raised somewhere, but wasn't handled and the exception gave no useful info.

Please provide detailed information at bugs.flyspray.org to find the root of the issue:
  • Almost every time ... <-- "almost every time" or "every time"? - that can be a big difference. Under which cirumstances it never works, sometimes works, always works?
  • If you get this error message, was the edit stored in the database, but just the output in the web browser showed the exception message?
  • How big is your install ( user, tasks) and how much memory available for php on the server? (I do not think this is a problem with 1.0 rc1 ..)
  • Flyspray source itself is quite easy to read and understand. For bughunting sometimes I put just temporarly print_r($a_var_i_want); followed by a die(__FILE__.' '.__LINE__); or similiar to find the position where such a hard unhandled exception/bug happens (no debugger needed). A good start for the bug hunt would be includes/modify.inc.php at line 175 with "case 'details.update':" But maybe the exception is raised by a third party extension ...
  • operation system, phpinfo() output (censored)
  • Do you have the same problem with a default flyspray database( sample task, sample user) on the same server?

Things I could imaging from the small data you provided:
  • notifications or notification settings not working correct after saving a edit task, maybe invalid mail addresses or settings in database.
  • invalid/weired task data in the database

Jouni Ahto

Apr 19, 2016, 2:57:09 AM4/19/16
to flyspray

very hard to say anything for sure. But see the file [flysprayinstalldir]/includes/fix.inc.php, line 163, the comments above and below it, and try temporarily uncommenting those three lines. It might help tracking down the problem. My first guess would anyway be that it could be related to your database, especially to users email-addresses, sending notifications and an external library (swiftmailer). It has occasionally caused the same kind of problems before if there is any corrupted data or any kind of other problem when sending, and we just don't get back enough information to tell what actually happened. But it could be something totally else also...

Best regards,

Jouni Ahto
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