Favicon in title bar

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Apr 22, 2017, 2:03:45 PM4/22/17
to flyspray
My local flyspray (1.0-rc4) installation lives, along with other projects in my xampp htdocs.
When I access the flyspray data, I would like to show the flyspray - or possibly another favicon in the browser title bar.

Is thus possible and how :-) ?

TIA for nay help or pointers.


Aug 24, 2017, 7:11:07 PM8/24/17
to flyspray
Flyspray has a favicon.ico in its root folder and is found automatically by browsers if flyspray runs at webroot folder of domain. (fallback case)

If you run Flyspray in a subfolder of your domain (www.example.com/flyspray ) or want a different favicon than the default, copy your individual favicon.ico (or favicon.gif or favicon.png if you ignore older webbrowsers) into themes/CleanFS folder of Flyspray.
It will then be detected and included by templates/CleanFS/templates/header.tpl 
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