Flutter aad_oauth - How to get back to mobile app after the Microsoft authentication.

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Vinícius Passarella

Oct 9, 2020, 2:45:33 PM10/9/20
to Flutter Development (flutter-dev)
I created a mobile application using Flutter with Microsoft Azure. Basically, I would like to access the Azure Functions using the Microsoft account. Using my app I was able to access through web browser the  Microsoft identity platform, I could Sign In using my credentials, but after that I cannot return to my app. In other words I just have an option to to go the Azure portal home page. 
Does anyone know how I could set the Redirect_URI to return to my app. 

Look, I am using this library: import 'package:aad_oauth/aad_oauth.dart';
With this configuration: 
static final Config config = new Config("Tenent-ID number", "Client_Id number", "openid profile offline_access", "https://myappname.azurewebsites.net/.auth/login/aad/callback", clientSecret: "Secret_Id number",);

I tried several things, but none of my tries were effective to solve this mystery. 

Please, if anyone has an idea, it would be really important for me. Thanks a lot.
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