The Development Introduction to the HiveNET Programming language and Queueing Theoretic Analytics for drone applications

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Apr 10, 2017, 3:18:44 AM4/10/17
to Flow Based Programming
To All,

I just wanted to announce the development phase of the HiveNET programming language for the development of drone applications.  

What this entails is the development of a programming language whose graphical representations can be auto-generated into the following programming languages: 

C and C++

Java and Python.  

We are also developing support for the following drone systems:

DJI drones including the newer generations of phantom drones.

Mavrick based drones

Parrot beboop programmable based drones.  

and many others.

The support that we will developing is in relations to the avionics of each drone system including reverse engineering the autopilot of each drone system fore-mentioned.  

We will also include the possibility of developing the ability to program multiple drones to allow for intelligent behavior of drone swarm technology where drones can learn and adapt based on the fusion of data from other drones within an environment.  

So far it has been difficult to find support for a programming language to support drone swarming technologies.  We are currently developing an FBP library entitled LOCUSTS that will allow drones to engage in GIS ( Geo-Spatial Informatics) and data analytics to allow for applications such as precision agriculture and construction surveying to be developed quicker by using drone swarming technologies.  

We have also decided to extend the HiveNET programming language to support queueing theory analytics that will allow one not to only visulaize that a system isworking thanks to FMP framework but also allows the developer to determine if a drone application has any computational inefficiencies within the design of the actual Flow-Based drone applications.  The same queueing theory analytics we are currently using are identical as to those used by Intel to determine if the hardware layout design of a microprocessor has any computational inefficiencies as well as the same queueing theory analytics used by flexible manufacturing automation engineers.  

We are currently developing a website for this initiative and we were wondering if anyone has any additional comments regarding this Flow-based framework, since we are currently pursuing a kick-starter initiative to this new programming language or HiveNET.

Also we have been trying to find documentation on FBP systems and we were wondering if flow based programming has ever been used for safety critical systems such as those used in avionics such as FADEC controllers for jet engines by General Electric??  HasFBP ever been used in the development of DO-178B Level A certification, because we are aiming to develop the HiveNET programming to directly support DO-178B Level A and newer levels of certifications for system design and deployment.   

A website for HiveNET  is currently under construction.   

Does any one have critical questions or comments regarding these new developments......???


David Blubaugh  


Paul Tarvydas

Apr 10, 2017, 8:31:33 AM4/10/17
The UofT physics colloquium of Mar. 23, 2017 (active matter) addressed swarming behaviour. It appears not to be online yet.

The Fields Institute has been running a series of seminars about deep learning. The following talks addressed drones. Feb. 16, 2017

The April 6, 2017 talks discussed robotics (It appears that these talks are not yet online).

Precision Hawk is working with drones. It might be an idea to speak with Ernest Earon - in private conversation he mentioned to me that there is a “kill zone” during landing which is well-known in helicopter circles but as-yet unadressed in drone circles.


Paul Morrison

Apr 10, 2017, 9:55:54 AM4/10/17
to Flow Based Programming
You've probably seen the TED talk by Vijay Kumar - - I thought it was pretty impressive!  Seems to be an idea whose time has come!


Paul M.

Apr 10, 2017, 4:30:29 PM4/10/17
to Flow Based Programming
OK what example would like to first be displayed on this blog regarding the possibilities of HiveNET ???  Would you like a demonstation or demo ???

On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 8:31:33 AM UTC-4, Paul Tarvydas wrote:

Apr 10, 2017, 4:31:45 PM4/10/17
to Flow Based Programming

Paul has FBP ever been used for the design and development of safety critical software and hardware ??? 


David Blubaugh
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