Is flot dead?

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2014年9月18日 晚上10:37:362014/9/18
It seems like 0.9 has been in development for quite a while, and there has been very little recent activity.  The most recent info I've been able to find regarding the status of 0.9 is a blog post back in April, and it looks like no new code has been committed to the 0.9-work branch since May.  Does anyone know if 0.9 will eventually get finished, and when that might happen?  I'm especially interested in rotated x-axis labels.  I've been trying in vain to use 0.83 with the flot-tickrotor plugin, but it has some issue that I have not been able to solve.


2014年9月18日 晚上11:08:012014/9/18
I'm the only recently-active maintainer, but I haven't had time this year to do more than basic maintenance. I'd like to complete my work on axis labels, titles, etc. but it's hazy as to when I'll be able to; possibly at the beginning of October, but more likely later.


2014年10月11日 下午1:48:132014/10/11
have you had look on D3.js? It has higher initial barrier to use, but then it offers much more.

Dne pátek, 19. září 2014 4:37:36 UTC+2 cbranch napsal(a):

Brian Peiris

2014年10月31日 清晨5:25:072014/10/31
David, Perhaps part of the problem is that the 0.9 milestone is too big? It might help if you could pare it down to the higher priority bugs and enhancements. (I say this because I intend on contributing more often in the coming weeks.)

peter path

2014年12月16日 凌晨4:44:532014/12/16
Hi, are there any news on flot development? We'd like to use the library on a project and knowing if there is any progress or plan would be useful for us. Thanks


2015年3月2日 清晨7:24:382015/3/2
Hi. I'm really interested in this. I would like to bring a new feature to Flot - see this topic!topic/flot-graphs/Ss0J-AKwT8c
I did my changes against to 0.8.3 branch. Locally, nothing committed yet. I think I cannot contribute new feature to this branch - the 0.9-work branch is dedicated to commit new features. But now I realized that the 0.9-work branch has lot of changes from 0.8.3: structure changes, code formating and changes related to ticks. It take some time to bring my changes to this branch. It's not problem, I'm ready to do it, But before that I would like to know if there is a development plan for Flot in this branch. Thanks.

Dne pátek 19. září 2014 5:08:01 UTC+2 dnschnur napsal(a):

Kevin Gaytant

2015年10月31日 下午4:43:362015/10/31
收件者:Flot graphs
First of all, thank you for all your work on this amazing piece of software!

Is there any update on the future of Flot (0.9+)? It would be such a waste to see this project die...

Op vrijdag 19 september 2014 05:08:01 UTC+2 schreef dnschnur:
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