Flapjack 1.3.0 released

瀏覽次數:38 次


2015年2月18日 凌晨3:09:482015/2/18
Flapjack 1.3.0 has been released, including packages for Ubuntu Precise and Trusty, Debian Wheezy, and CentOS 6.

Key new features:

* Tuneable notification delays *

This allows a check to override the default 30 second failure delay before notifications are sent, to an arbitrary amount of time. The property can be set by the API, or from incoming events.

* Added Nexmo SMS gateway *

A gateway and media type supporting SMS alerts via Nexmo - https://www.nexmo.com/

* Added maint command for chat bot *

You can now create maintenance periods for all checks on a group of entities via the chat bot using the "maint" command, eg: "@flapjack maint entities matching /foo/"

All the details:

# 1.3.0 - 2015-02-17
- Feature: Backport notification delays from master #748 (@jgoldschrafe)
- Feature: Add Nexmo SMS gateway #786 (@jsoriano)
- Feature: Add the maint subcommand to the chat bot to fix #664 (@someword)
- Feature: support for Ruby 2.2, drop support for 1.9, removes Resque due to gem dependencies #760 (@ali-graham)
- Feature: Use microsecond resolution for logs (maint/1.x) #762 (@jgoldschrafe)
- Feature: make event summary optional, fixes #513 #779 (@ali-graham)
- Chore: move init scripts to omnibus-flapjack repo (@Hobbsee)
- Bug: cleanup gateway shutdown logic, fix #789 #790 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Error uninstalling - Error generating or dispatching SMS Nexmo message #789 (@Hobbsee)
- Bug: fix purge script #758 (@pulecp)
- Bug: Fix for orphaned entity data #784 (@ali-graham)

The 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 releases missed out on announcements to the mailing list, so here’s what they brought along:

# 1.2.1 - 2014-12-10
- Bug: Fix PagerDuty log failure on POST (maint/1.x) #744 (@jgoldschrafe)
- Bug: flapjack 1.2.0 ignores umask and makes logs world writable #708 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Can't get full name email syntax working #690 (@jessereynolds)
- Bug: Correct scheduled maintenance periods with expiry that don't match their timestamps #734 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Exception in pagerduty gateway when looking for acknowledgements #721 (@jessereynolds)
- Bug: Retrieving scheduled maintenance via api fails when old entities without ids are present #711 (@jessereynolds)
- Bug: Repeated acknowledgement notifications sent after acknowledging on PagerDuty #714 (@jessereynolds)
- Bug: Exception thrown to browser when you pass no values to "Add Scheduled Maintenance" #719 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: API doesn't allow contact timezone to be updated #718 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: IceCube deprecation warning in 1.2.0 - :exrules is deprecated, #715 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Badly formed error response to scheduled maintenance report with invalid check id #712 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Searching for checks in maintenance via CLI doesn't seem to work #710 (@jessereynolds, @Hobbsee)

# 1.2.0 - 2014-11-07
- Feature: Allow updating an entities name via PATCH /entities/id[,id...] #628 (@ali-graham)
- Feature: Pact specs for flapjack-diner compatability testing #663 (@ali-graham)
- Feature: more api check methods #644 (@ali-graham)
- Feature: Cache entity and check name <-> id lookups #682 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: multi blocks for safe redis connection pool usage #694 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: data migration to work around previous notification rule bug #699 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: jsonapi: GET /entities is non performant #674 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Entities should return linked checks with list of check "ids" in API #648 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: 500 error getting all checks from API #641 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Pager Duty credentials get throws error #657 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Flapjack crashes when email alert is triggered #656 (@ali-graham)
- Bug: Fix /edit_contacts media saving after adding contacts #651 (@ali-graham)
- Chore: Add last_change field to status_reports in the API (closes: #678) #679 (@Hobbsee)
- Chore: Move archive cache responsibility to mirror source. #683 (@ali-graham)
- Chore: optimise tag code #654 (@ali-graham)
- Chore: fix #653, overuse of Redis KEYS in mirror #661 (@ali-graham)

Details on installation from our package repositories are at http://packages.flapjack.io/

You can easily test the new version of Flapjack along with Icinga, Nagios, and now Sensu using vagrant-flapjck - https://github.com/flapjack/vagrant-flapjack/ - just bring your own Vagrant and Virtualbox (or VMWare Fusion). Or if you’re Docker-inclined look at the Dockerfile within a checkout of the v1.3.0 tag of https://github.com/flapjack/flapjack

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