Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel

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Aug 6, 2014, 11:30:07 PM8/6/14

* for Sale Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel Online USA

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Product Name :Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel
ASIN :0840062389
BRAND :By David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams
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@@Updates and Checking Cheap Price Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel IN United State

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Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel: Feature

  • Included with the purchase of the new book is the Student Complimentary Site that gives access to WEBfiles and Palisade Decision Tools (Stat Tools).
  • PROBLEM-SCENARIO APPROACH. Using this approach, the discussion and development of each technique is presented in an applications setting, with the statistical results providing insights to decisions and solutions to problems. The problem scenarios enable students to see how statistics can be applied in business and economics and increase student interest and motivation for learning statistics.
  • STUDENT READABILITY. For more than 30 years, student surveys and instructor feedback have shown that readability is a hallmark of ASW textbooks.
  • INTEGRATION OF EXCEL. Immediately following every statistical procedure is a sub-section that discusses how to use Excel to perform that procedure. This style enables the use of Excel to be integrated throughout the text, but still keeps the primary emphasis on the statistical methodology being discussed. Each sub-section uses a consistent framework for applying Excel to help users focus on the statistical methodology without getting bogged down in the details of using Excel.
  • OUTSTANDING EXERCISES. The end-of-section exercises are split into two parts: Methods and Applications. The Methods exercises require students to use formulas and make appropriate computations. The Applications exercises require students to use the chapter material in real-world situations. Many of the Applications exercises are based on recent data obtained from referenced sources. Combining these two methods enables students to focus on the computational "nuts and bolts" and then move on to the subtleties of statistical application and interpretation. Certain exercises are identified as self-test exercises and have completely worked-out-solutions provided in Appendix D.

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You Can Buy Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel Click Here.

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