Colorado missing roll call votes

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Alex Garlick

Feb 8, 2016, 8:01:09 PM2/8/16
to Open State Project
Hi everyone, 

I love this project, but just wanted to see if anyone knows what is going on with Colorado.

There's a bunch of bills that had roll-call votes that were not recorded. For example: The third reading of this ball occurred on 2/27/12 as listed in the actions, however, it doesn't register as having any roll call votes on it? I've attached the pdf of the house journal to make sure a vote did happen (see page 394).

I can provide a complete list of bills without roll-call votes from my analysis of the data but wanted to know if there is a possible fix or explanation.



Andy Lo

Feb 10, 2016, 5:18:17 PM2/10/16
to Open State Project
Hi Alex,

Since this issue goes back a few years, I can only conjecture at this point, but it's likely the roll call vote scraping simply did not detect the vote for whatever reason.  A list of the bills missing roll call votes would be extremely helpful, but unfortunately I can't currently give an estimate as to how long or when a fix could be effected.  I can, however, make a ticket for it so it remains on our radar (

Alex Garlick

Feb 10, 2016, 5:47:51 PM2/10/16
to Open State Project

Thanks for the quick response. I've attached a CSV with a list of bills that are missing votes. Colorado is unique in that it has a law that each bill receives a vote. I've poked around some more and it looks like Colorado only puts roll calls out via PDF, so something listed as a "HB" is probably being missed by the code that sifts through the Journal pdfs. That's where I would start, I'm not sure if resolutions get the same privilege of a vote. 

I appreciate it.
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