Hit, Subscriber, Reach, What does it all mean?

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Bark at the moon themoonbarking.wordpress.com/

May 6, 2015, 3:12:17 AM5/6/15
to feedburner...@googlegroups.com
me and my friend having a podcast and dont understand the meaning of the stats. The podcast is distrubuted on a wordpresspage which we conected to feedburner. lets say for one day have
29 subscrivers
4 reach
102 hits
What does this mean? (Jokes liek - that you are having a realy lousy podcast will be ignored ;) )Weve been Reading the instructions over and over but we have different opinions onj this matter. And where do you finns the Live Hits button to view our live hits?
Our adress: themoonbarking.com
best regards

Matti nescio

May 6, 2015, 12:28:48 PM5/6/15
to feedburner...@googlegroups.com
If https://support.google.com/feedburner/answer/78954 and 
explains them in more detail. 

For Live Hits, it would've been in the Analyze page between Subscribers and Item Use on the left, 
but I don't recall seeing it there in years. 
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Bark at the moon themoonbarking.wordpress.com/

May 8, 2015, 2:41:31 AM5/8/15
to feedburner...@googlegroups.com
OK I have a podcast and feedburner is counting from iTunes. Does this mean that

Subscriber = how many subscriber the podcast has? If so how come it is different subscribers from day to day?
Reach = how many who listened to a podcast from our iTunesaccount that day?
And what does Hits mean if this is true?
And also: what does D'loads (downloads?) mean?

My theory on the last matter is how many downloaded the pod to their computer but more likely cellphone.

Best regards
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