Feedburner Only Shows Ten Recent Podcasts

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Jeff Meyerson

Jan 9, 2015, 2:34:50 PM1/9/15
to feedburner...@googlegroups.com
My podcasts are posted through WordPress: http://quoracast.com/

My feed is at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/quoracastpodcast

I would like the feed to display all of my past podcasts, not just the most recent 10. On my phone's podcast app, I can only access the most recent 10.


Matti Nescio

Jan 9, 2015, 6:39:24 PM1/9/15
to feedburner...@googlegroups.com
On Friday, January 9, 2015 at 9:34:50 PM UTC+2, Jeff Meyerson wrote:
My podcasts are posted through WordPress: http://quoracast.com/

My feed is at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/quoracastpodcast

Is the Original Feed http://quoracast.com/category/podcast/feed/ or something else ? 
How many posts is your Wordpress feeds set to have ? 
Disable WP-Super-Cache for your feed URLs. 

I would like the feed to display all of my past podcasts, not just the most recent 10. 

Displaying all would result in problems sooner or later. 
The 37 posts so far in podcasts category result in http://quoracast.com/category/podcast/feed/  
being ~112 KiB . At that rate, the Feedburner feed would stop updating around the 340th post, 
when the Original Feed reaches 1 MiB. 
But Wordpress doesn't normally even allow setting the number of posts in a feed to more than 50. 

You should consider replacing the few base64 embedded images in some of your posts 
with properly uploaded ones, even though they are quite small, 7 to 8 KiB each. 

Of course you (and subscribers of your blog) could use a feed aggregator service or app that 
caches old entries,  instead of only showing ones that are available in your live feed. 

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