New release: Thursday 21/3 2013

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Ole Holm Frandsen

غير مقروءة،
14‏/03‏/2013، 11:25:51 ص14‏/3‏/2013
Hi everyone

I planing on doing a new release next Thursday. Its been awhile since I have done an update, this is simply because of lack of time :-) 
There have been a few changes, so far the changes are:

- Added: Turkish by Emre 'emfi' FIRAT
- Fixed: (Issue #1) Check existance of directory for storing recorded videos
- Fixed (Issue #3) Stopwatch does not stop on crashexit
- Changed: The statusbar is now only used for status, not for tips. 
- Changed: (Issue #2) Method for stopping ffmpeg. Previous it was "q" now using Ctrl+C (SIGINT)
- Other: Better management of pointers.

If you haven't updated translation, please visit transifix:
If you have important fixes or issues, please let be know at the issuetracker:

Kind Regards
Ole Holm Frandsen aka Froksen
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