displayTeaserStandard dmHTML and SEO

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Phillip Rasmussen

19.08.2013, 01:10:4319.08.13
an farcr...@googlegroups.com
Forgive me if this is a double post, I posted this earlier today and nothing appeared.

I've been heckled by my SEO person about duplicate URLs for the same content. This occurs when a dmHTML content type is referenced through a teaser template.
eg: /about-us (the dmNavigation furl) & /about-us/about-us (dmHTML)

My initial reaction was to put a canonical link tag in the header for a dmHTML content type. (and I did)
<cfif lcase(stobj.typename) EQ 'dmhtml'>
<skin:buildLink objectID="#request.navid#" r_url="theURL"/>    
<cfoutput><link rel="canonical" href="http://#cgi.SERVER_NAME##theURL#"/></cfoutput>

But I also thought fixing the issue at the source would be a good idea, ie any teasers for dmHTML.

<cfset tmpNavid = application.fapi.getContentType("#stobj.typename#").getNavID(objectid="#stobj.objectid#", typename="#stobj.typename#", stobject="#stobj#") />
<skin:buildLink objectID="#tmpNavid#">
<skin:view objectid="#stobj.teaserImage#" typename="dmImage" template="displayTeaserImage" />

Now all the teasers for dmHTML now reference the navigation furl and not it's own.

If anyone has a better solution, or if I'm making things difficult for myself please let me know. Most things I do originated from molio template way back when so some of the newer skeletons (fandango) might contain newer tricks.


Blair McKenzie

20.08.2013, 03:08:3420.08.13
an Unname
That is basically what we would recommend, so congrats on your good instincts.


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Might Aswell

26.08.2013, 13:25:2026.08.13
an farcr...@googlegroups.com
oh my sorry..  I just posted the same issue... someone must have spammed out a white paper on this... 

Might Aswell

26.08.2013, 13:29:0726.08.13
an farcr...@googlegroups.com
With this solution what happens in a case where you have more than one dmHTML inside a dmNavigation?

 It doesn't happen often, but I know we do have a few of these..

Can a conditional statement be added?

On Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:10:43 PM UTC-7, Phillip Rasmussen wrote:

Phillip Rasmussen

27.08.2013, 22:06:5127.08.13
an farcr...@googlegroups.com
You shouldn't have more than one dmHTML per dmNavigation. tut tut.
There really should be something that stops that practice in the webmin.
But if you do have multiples I guess you don't really need to worry. Perhaps just use the dmHTML furl as the canonical and leave it at that.

<skin:buildLink objectID="#stobj.objectid#" r_url="theURL"/>    
<cfoutput><link rel="canonical" href="http://#cgi.SERVER_NAME##theURL#"/></cfoutput>


Chris Kent

28.08.2013, 04:33:1128.08.13
an farcr...@googlegroups.com
I have used multiple dmHTML content items for navigation nodes to allow for splitting large pages into smaller items.

There are a couple of webskin tags to assist - multiPageNav.cfm & multiPageTOC.cfm

I have also used multiple dmHTML page on an in-development project using Bootstrap Tabs getbootstrap.com/components/#nav-tabs to display each dmHTML content body.

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