HR. 1649 Fannie and Freddie Open Records Act 2017

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Fanatical Infidel

Apr 27, 2017, 3:43:09 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board


Apr 27, 2017, 3:54:47 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
no, that's just reported out of committee, like my thread stated in the update.

get to folks!  looks like your rep might get a vote on this as it goes to the full house!!

04/26/2017 Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 280 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1694 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. It shall be in order at any time through the legislative day of April 29, 2017, for the Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend the rules.  (All Actions)

Fanatical Infidel

Apr 27, 2017, 4:02:12 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
Skibrian - I will defer to your experience but now I am confused.  I just watched 431 reps vote on C-SPAN 20 min ago...isn't that the full House?

Sorry- Didn't see your other thread earlier


Apr 27, 2017, 4:06:59 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
I'm not privvy to CSPAN!  I guess it moved fast!  Your link only includes updates through:  04/26/2017

It's obviously the 27th, so what you saw on TV is probably what it is, I guess.  Was it an ammendment to a bill, or did they vote on HR 1694 as a standalone bill?  What were the Yes and No's?  did you get the count?

V. interesting...keep an eye on your link, they might get it updated by tomorrow morning.  Wonder when the Senate will take it up?

Fanatical Infidel

Apr 27, 2017, 4:27:01 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
I believe I saw the vote was 234 - 191

Here is the info from the clerk...


Apr 27, 2017, 4:33:10 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
open records fnma fmcc dem rep.jpg


Apr 27, 2017, 4:41:07 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
that screen shot was the procedural vote pertaining to rules of the house:

G. Buckman

Apr 27, 2017, 4:41:12 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
@Ski - 425-0

House votes 425-0 to subject @FannieMae and @FreddieMac to #FOIA disclosure requirements - 

On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 4:06:59 PM UTC-4, skibrian wrote:


Apr 27, 2017, 4:46:45 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
this is the important final vote, and it is unanimous.  off to the senate!  (I think this means the bill was passed, and not some procedural vote to have a final vote another day...I need my book I got in the Senate in's about 50 pages and details how a bill gets passed and all the rules of both chambers.  how a law gets made is more of a mess than your high school text book can relay!  quorum calls, voice votes, roll call votes, rules procedures, etc. etc.)

    H R 1694      YEA-AND-NAY      27-Apr-2017      3:35 PM
      QUESTION:  On Passage
      BILL TITLE: Fannie and Freddie Open Records Act of 2017


Apr 27, 2017, 4:51:19 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
Fuck....all you have to do is watch the old schoolhouse rock videos..."I'm Just a Bill"


Apr 27, 2017, 4:54:35 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board


Apr 27, 2017, 4:57:48 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
I was going to say that NEO...but I went with HS textbook because I wondered if 100% of our audience is old enough to know that cartoon!  I myself caught it on re-run many years after it originally aired.  That ran Saturday mornings through most of the 80s, but I think it was a late 70s animation?


Apr 27, 2017, 4:58:46 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
the main reason I'm not 100% certain it passed out of the house is I can't get over the fact that it had no No votes!  that doesn't seem right!  What gets passed without a No vote in today's Washington?!?!?!?!

joseph s

Apr 27, 2017, 4:59:32 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
Cute. After school specials and "say no to drugs" is our next topic.

Very cute.

joseph s

Apr 27, 2017, 5:00:34 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
Queue Nancy Reagan's dead corpse.....

Kidding, kidding

Fanatical Infidel

Apr 27, 2017, 5:08:10 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
There were votes against it...Not sure why the clerk is reporting 425-0 


Apr 27, 2017, 5:11:25 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
You don't have to be :old" enough ... youtube had EVERYTHING! :-)


Apr 27, 2017, 5:16:23 PM4/27/17
infidel, that was the final vote...pursuant to the link you sent me, which had a link to the roll call results.


G. Buckman

Apr 27, 2017, 5:20:49 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
I believe I heard Congressmen speaking and saying everyone agreed on supporting this bill (H.R. 1694), but it was H Res 280 they were fighting over.  So, I can see  how they got a 425-0 vote.  They added a few amendments to it though.  One, (#3, I think) basically allowed FHFA to decide what info would be keep private through privileges....or something like that. 


Apr 27, 2017, 5:24:46 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
hopefully somebody will summarize this for us.  I'm guessing Investors Unite (who read this board) are already prepping their news release to answer what all passed and what were in any amendments that did or did not pass along with it.

I could see unanimous, what self respecting polictician (besides Barak Obama) could vote against the sunshine laws?  I mean, this isn't a national security issue! 

joseph s

Apr 27, 2017, 7:32:09 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
Well, Buckman..... If FHFA decides what is private and what isn't, doesnt that sound like non-freedom of information?

G. Buckman

Apr 27, 2017, 7:50:23 PM4/27/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
Yes it does, Joseph.  I know one of the amendments allows FnF 6 months to staff up to handle all of the FOIA requests.  So, if a law, it takes effect 6 months after it's signed.  Another, (again #3...I think) let FHFA (or FnF maybe) decide if something should fall under the 9 different types of privilege.  If they so deem that it does, then it doesn't see the light of day.  At least, that's the way I understood what they were saying when discussing the different amendments.  I was in the middle of something else and their process was a bit confusing I could be off just a bit....wouldn't be the first time.  ;-)

joseph s

Apr 28, 2017, 8:16:05 AM4/28/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
This bill is meaningless drivel, then. Just saw the Gotlieb guy is incessantly pumping common and pref. He has a position in Fairholme.

Prefs still holding up well while commons are not. Might be a good spot to trade a very small common position. MACD finally heading up. I would sell at +.10.

This stock works to trade like that. Common s/h on Ihub getting desperate and scared thinking pref are the way to go. Although I think pref are, I think there is a trade opportunity in common right now.

Not a recco.

This board is awesomw. We seem to have a lot of good posts and posters.

Nothing like Cindy Crawford Pepsi poster, though.


Apr 28, 2017, 10:12:44 AM4/28/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
Here you go, Joe* :  Cindy Crawford Pepsi gifs


Apr 28, 2017, 11:34:20 AM4/28/17
to Fannie and Freddie Preferreds and Commons Message Board
officially update by the clerk's office:


Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 425 - 0 (Roll no. 233).
04/24/2017 Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. H. Rept. 115-93.
03/23/2017 Introduced in House

Off to the Senate.....
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