More of the Pattern

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Warren D Smith

2018年8月8日 下午1:24:032018/8/8
Trump-endorsed Troy Balderson (R) appears to have won, by about 0.5%,
the congress seat for special election in Ohio's 12th District.

The Pattern I refer to is the following.
1. Some close election occurs, in which the Democrat loses. (In this
case Danny O'Connor.)
2. This happens in a highly gerrymandered district.
3. There is a third party candidate (in this case Joe Manchik, Green
party) whose vote
count was comparable or exceeding the victory margin.
4. all sorts of Dem-party propagandists, including in this case the
head of the DNC
himself, appear on TV proclaiming loudly over and over what a Great
Victory For Democrats, this loss was. (Huh?)
And they also proclaim how it is important to vote for the lesser evil and
abandon that Green party candidate, because although they "feel for"
those Green sympathizers, this race is just too important to allow
voting honestly.
5. No mention at all is made of better voting systems.
6. No mention at all is made of better ways to draw districts to avoid

Warren D. Smith <-- add your endorsement (by clicking
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Sara Wolf

2018年8月8日 下午3:38:232018/8/8
Seriously. Can I share what you wrote there? 
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