Bug in Path facet?

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Davi Lima

Sep 12, 2013, 1:00:33 PM9/12/13
to eea-facete...@googlegroups.com
Using Plone 4.3.1 and eea.facetednavigation 5.8 I'm unable to add a Path facet, receiving this error on the browser:

This site encountered an error trying to fulfill your request
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for your patience.

The error happens after I fulfill all fields in the Add widget overlay and press Add button. I can still visit the View tab but configure_faceted.html can't be accessed anymore, displaying the error above until I undo the 'faceted_configure' transaction in 'manage_UndoForm'.

Nothing shows up on console or error_log, but if I clean up the 'Ignored exception types' field, I see this:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 115, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 516, in traverse
  Module ZPublisher.HTTPResponse, line 727, in debugError
NotFound:   <h2>Site Error</h2>
  <p>An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
  <p><strong>Debugging Notice</strong></p>

  Zope has encountered a problem publishing your object.<p>
Cannot locate object at:</p>
  <hr noshade="noshade"/>

  <p>Troubleshooting Suggestions</p>

  <li>The URL may be incorrect.</li>
  <li>The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect.</li>
  <li>A resource that this resource relies on may be
      encountering an error.</li>

  <p>For more detailed information about the error, please
  refer to the error log.

  <p>If the error persists please contact the site maintainer.
  Thank you for your patience.

Anyone can reproduce this one? If so I can file an issue.

BTW Is anyone from EEA coming to PloneConf 2013? I'll present a talk [1] introducing the use of EEA products on a governmental website, still to be launched. You can see its development version here: (facetednav is here: )

Davi Lima

Alin Voinea

Sep 13, 2013, 5:50:03 AM9/13/13
to eea-facete...@googlegroups.com
Hi David,

Thanks for reporting this, it's fixed now https://github.com/eea/eea.facetednavigation/issues/33

Unfortunately we're not going to be physically present to this edition of PloneConf :( but we'll be online connected to it ;)

We're looking forward for you're presentation and if you need any of our assistance we'll be glad to help ;)

BTW check our github documentation page http://eea.github.io as many of our products introduced lot of new features (like eea.daviz, eea.alchemy) and we also have brand new products like eea.progressbar

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