FEST-Swing 1.2a3-SNAPSHOT uploaded to Maven repo

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Alex Ruiz

Jul 13, 2009, 10:24:56 AM7/13/09
to easytesting

I have uploaded fest-swing-1.2a3-SNAPSHOT.jar to our Maven repo. Please give it a try and let us know any feedback. I expect to finish the pending tasks soon and have a full release on August 3rd.

The Maven repo can be found at http://svn.codehaus.org/fest/m2/repo/ . To manually grab the jars, go to http://svn.codehaus.org/fest/m2/repo/org/easytesting/fest-swing/1.2a3-SNAPSHOT/

Please let me know if you think this release is good enough as it is and we can release right away. In such case, any pending tasks will addressed on our next release 1.2a4. The pending tasks for 1.2a3 can be found at http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&mode=hide&sorter/order=DESC&sorter/field=priority&resolution=-1&pid=11920&fixfor=15322

This release has two non-documented changes:
  1. It removed support for German-specific keyboard mappings, due to bug FEST-175
  2. Ignores exceptions in WindowStatus, as a way to help us troubleshoot the problems that Ed Beaty has been experiencing under Xwnc

The fixed issues are (from JIRA)

FEST-149 Update EDT-related threading rules in ComponentFixture's Javadocs
FEST-136 Modifiers behaviour incorrect for JTableFixture
FEST-138 JTableCellFixture.background() doesn't work with table decorators
FEST-122 Add support for editable JComboBoxes as JTable editors (issue 312)
FEST-163 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to ItemGroupFixture
FEST-146 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JListFixture
FEST-159 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JTableHeaderFixture
FEST-161 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JToggleButtonFixture
FEST-143 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JCheckBoxFixture
FEST-156 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JTableFixture
FEST-153 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JButtonMatcher
FEST-144 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JComboBoxFixture
FEST-158 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JTableCellFixture
FEST-160 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JTextComponentFixture
FEST-142 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JButtonFixture
FEST-154 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JRadioButtonFixture
FEST-155 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JTabbedPaneFixture
FEST-145 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JLabelFixture
FEST-151 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JOptionPaneFixture
FEST-164 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to DialogMatcher
FEST-172 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to FrameMatcher
FEST-173 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JLabelMatcher
FEST-174 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to JTextComponentMatcher
FEST-162 FEST-31
Add support for regular expressions to TextDisplayFixture
FEST-31 Overload methods that take String with a version that takes a regular expression pattern (issue 156)
FEST-139 BasicComponentFinder.findByName(String) does not utilize the Settings of the associated Robot
FEST-43 Add selectedRow() to TableCell and TableCellByColumnName (issue 226)


Ed Beaty

Jul 13, 2009, 10:05:48 PM7/13/09
to easytesting
Great! Thanks for posting this. I'll try out the new jar as soon as
I get back from vacation in a week.
Thanks to you, and everyone in the groups, for all your help these
past weeks.
Best wishes,


Jul 20, 2009, 3:06:25 AM7/20/09
to easytesting

I just tried this version, but there is a problem with the pattern
matching on lookup cells:

// find a particular cell caontaining a unc-path

java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Illegal/unsupported escape
squence near index 26
ws_srwg1a\files\sred2a.1\mst2d933v01.4891dc53. ^
at java.util.regex.Pattern.error(Unknown Source)
at org.fest.swing.edt.GuiActionRunner.execute(GuiActionRunner.java:
at org.fest.swing.driver.JTableMatchingCellQuery.cellWithValue
at org.fest.swing.driver.JTableDriver.cell(JTableDriver.java:164)
at org.fest.swing.fixture.JTableFixture.cell(JTableFixture.java:150)

Alex Ruiz

Jul 20, 2009, 3:29:57 AM7/20/09
to easyt...@googlegroups.com
Hi Uli,

We delegate pattern matching to Java's regular expression support. We don't do anything special. I'm guessing there is something in your regex that Java doesn't like. I'm not a regex expert :(


Ted Young

Jul 20, 2009, 11:12:19 AM7/20/09
to easyt...@googlegroups.com

Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but is "ws_srwg1a\files\sred2a.1\mst2d933v01.4891dc53." the regular expression? Is it generated in some way from "\\foo\bar", or is that not the real code?


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 12:06 AM, Uli <i...@ulischrempp.de> wrote:


Sep 15, 2009, 9:38:45 AM9/15/09
to easytesting

Do you plan to deploy this version (1.2a3) into the central
repository ?


Alex Ruiz

Sep 15, 2009, 12:40:33 PM9/15/09
to easyt...@googlegroups.com

I don't think that would be a problem. The only issue is our dependency on the swing-helper project. I'm not sure it is in the central Maven repo. By reading the guidelines, it seems to me that the owner of the project is the one to request an upload (?) I need to confirm this.

Just to make sure this gets done, please file a bug in our JIRA instance. I have found that it is too easy to forget "to do" tasks from e-mail :)

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