“Editor’s Picks” for the Earth Science Site of the Week, spring 2014

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Francek, Mark

May 7, 2014, 1:46:51 PM5/7/14
to EA...@ls2.cmich.edu

­­­­­­­­­­­­­Here is an organized “Editor’s Picks” for the Earth Science Site of the Week, spring 2014.  It’s a long list but there is something here for everyone.  If length restrictions at your home server prevent you seeing the complete mailing, contact me off list and I’ll send you a Word document (There are 107 sites that made “Editor’s Picks).  This will be the last installment of the mailing until mid-September.  Please remember to send me site suggestions directly to my email as a simple response to the listserv address ends up in junk mail.  A special thanks to our office assistants, Kate and Jessica, who helped with formatting this mailing.  I am also grateful to the many subscribers who have suggested sites.  I wish you all a restful, recharging, and renewing summer break! 

Take care,


Hello everyone,

This week’s “Earth Science Sites of the Week” feature “Editor’s Picks” for spring, 2014.

Geology and Geography
Landslide Derails Train Video

2. Empirical Evidence against Young Earth Arguments

3. Interactive World Maps of Interesting Topics

4. An Interactive Map of Baseball Nation from the New York Times

5. Pangea Map With Modern-Day Borders – Walk to Spanish Sahara

6. Mine Time-Lapse Google Earth Imagery for Research

7. Interactive: Before and after the Highway 530 Washington State mudslide

8. Montage of Sinkhole Photos

9. Spot the Geography-Related Movie Error Quiz

10. Map Misconceptions Highlighted on “The West Wing”

11. 40 Maps that Explain the World

12. Animated Map of Europe 1000 AD To Present With Timeline

13. Tips on How to Become a Fossil

14. Animations for Physical Geology

15. Video of Giant Boulder Almost Crushing Car

16. Karst Sinkhole Swallowing Corvettes Video

17. Enhanced USGS Topo Maps

18. Stunning And Disturbing Satellite Images Of Environmental Change from NASA

19. Continental Drift Rap Video Created by 6thGraders

20. Audio Readings from Textbooks for Visually Impaired Students and Others

21. Interactive Earth History Timeline

22. Ted Lecture: Can Geography Save Your Life In A Zombie Apocalypse?


1. Real Time Geographic Position of Ships from around the World in GIS Interface

2. Thickness of Ice Sheets Compared to City Skylines

3. Can you Start a Fire with a Water Filled Bottle?

4. Interactive Audio Gallery of Animal Sounds in the Sea

5. Time Lapse of Meandering River Forming Oxbow Lake Over 28 yr. Period

6. Underwater Filmmaking And Science Beneath The Sea

7. A 4 Year Olds Bucket List – to have Clean Water

8. Putting All the World’s Water into a Big Cube

9. Stunning Underwater Footage of Coral Reefs



1. Ted Talk Video: Why the Moon Looks Bigger on the Horizon

2. If the Moon were at the Same Distance as the ISS

3. Astronomy Interactives for Introductory Astronomy and Earth Science Classes

4. Scalable Interactive of Solar System’s Size

5. What Would it Look Like if the Moon were at the Same Distance as the International Space Station?

6. How Astronauts Are Affected By Space Exploration



1. Wundermap – Weather Data in GIS Interface

2. Video of VIOLENT Arizona Hailstorm

3. Video of a Beautiful, Rotating Super cell near Booker, Texas

4. A Year of Sky on Earth Time Lapse Video

5. How a Changing Jet Stream Might be Contributing to Climate Change

6. Matrix of Weather Topics from National Weather Service

7. Great Real Time Interactive Tool for Exploring Weather

8. A Year of Weather 2013 Visualization and Commentary

9. Scrollable, Interactive Globe Visualizing Global Weather Conditions (Use Firefox or IE9)



1. Overview of U.S. State Energy Statistics

2. A Breathing Earth: One Year Of Seasonal Transformations on Earth

3. Trophic Cascades: How the Reintroduction of Wolves in Yellowstone Changed the Course of

4. New York City's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Visualized As One-Ton Spheres

5. Population Education

6. 7 billion +, The Surprising Face of the Most “Typical” Person

7. Environmental Cartoon Kids Love: The Lorax By Dr Seuss

8. EarthWeek – Colorful Clearinghouse for Environmental News

9. Concise Environmental Stories from around the World



1. Data Visualizations You are Going to Love

2. What Happens when you Pour Molten 1200° F Aluminum into an Anthill? (You don’t want to
    be an ant)

3. Interactive Science Labs from NOVA

4. Two to Four Minute Science Video from the American Museum of Natural History

5. Fresh Prince Parody Rap on the Value of Farming

6. 50 Common Science Misconceptions Video

7. Ted-Ed Animation: Just How Small is an Atom?

8. Infographic of the Elements According to Relative Abundance

9. Collection of Science Music Songs

10. History of Universe in 2 Minutes

11. Daily Science Trivia

12. Game Navigating a Nanobot Through Blood Vessels

13. Science Interactives

14. What if you Dug a Hole through the Earth and You Jumped In?

15. Minute Physics: simply put: cool physics and other sweet science

16. Science Daily

17. Tween Tribune – Compelling News for Kids

18. Middle School Chemistry Resources from American Chemical Society

19. OUCH That HURTS! Yellow Jacket & Honey Bee Sting Close-up!

20. Multilingual Glossaries for All Subjects

21. Beauty and the Beak: Eagle Gets a Second Chance



1. Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are Not ‘Learning Styles’

2. Satire: NFL Adopts Common Core Playbook--Copying Education Reforms

3. Ted Talk: 3 Rules To Spark Imagination And Learning And Get Students Excited About

4. 26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System

5. A Rainbow Pileus Cloud over Zimbabwe

6. Suggestions for Substitute Teachers from a Veteran Teacher

7. Games for Teaching Content in PowerPoint

8. So What Do You Do When Students Finish an Assignment Early?

9. Game for Building Vocabulary



1. Make a Laser Dance around by Voice

2. Explore The Baffling Behavior Of A Helium Balloon In An Accelerating Vehicle

3. Will a Bowling Ball Float?


Computer Tip

1. iPad Apps 4 Teachers

2. The Tech Savvy Science Teacher Tips and Tricks

3. Remove Distracting Ads And Comments From YouTube Videos



1. Ted Talk: What it Feels Like to Bully and to be Bullied

2. Being Rich Is Not About How Much You Have, But How Much You Can Give

3. A Tough Teacher’s Alter Ego

4. Keys for Living a Good Life by Sam Levinson

5. Why God Made Moms
Brilliant answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:

6. Girl’s First Ski Jump Video: Lesson in Confidence

7. Cold Have You Down? View Puppies and Kittens vs. Mirrors

8. An Orchestra For Kids With Instruments Made From Trash?


1. Anti-Cheating Hats our Students Would Love Wearing

2. Morgan Freeman and a Choir Of Scientists Sing about Black Holes

3. Here's your Dog's Perspective on Life!

4. Professor or Hobo?

5. Photoshop Live - Street Retouch Prank

6. Ever Wonder Why…..?

7. Dog Caught Red Handed Knocking over the Garbage

8. Bouquet and Garter Toss From A Human Slingshot



Geology and Geography

Site Name

Landslide Derails Train Video

Site URL


Site Author

John Hill

Suggested by

Mark Francek


“They laughed at Bill when he said he was just going to sit in his van and film trains in case something happened.” Watch the expletive at 1:33 or so.


Site Name

Empirical Evidence against Young Earth Arguments

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Larry Flammer


“If a student ever challenges you with criticisms of the reliability or validity of geological age-dating methods, point out that...”


Site Name

Interactive World Maps of Interesting Topics

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Tanya Baumgardner


“View a web-based data visualization tool that features a number of world maps displaying unusual and interesting topics from world maps to what side of the road people drive on.”


Site Name

An Interactive Map of Baseball Nation from the New York Times

Site URL


Site Author

NY Times

Suggested by

Matt Liesch


“Looking at a complex map can be overwhelming for students — especially for those with a shaky knowledge of geography. We recommend an inquiry-based approach. Ask students to make their own observations, and give them the freedom to raise their own questions organically. You might adapt the three questions we use every Monday as part of our “What’s Going On in This Picture?” series to help guide this process:

What’s going on in this map? What observations can you make?

What do you see that makes you say that? What’s your evidence in the map?

What more can you find?”


Site Name

Pangea Map With Modern-Day Borders – Walk to Spanish Sahara

Site URL


Site Author

Henry Grabar

Suggested by

Mark Francek


“If the geopolitical divisions of the modern world had existed when Stegosauruses roamed the earth, the world might have looked something like this map by Italian blogger Massimo Pietrobon. Pietrobon has overlaid today's borders over Pangea, the mega-continent of the early Mesozoic period. At the time, the land we now call Portugal bordered Canada, and the Brazilian coastline lay nestled in the Gulf of Guinea. The Caspian Sea was truly a sea, and Southern and Northern Eurasia were swung apart as if on a hinge. (Their fusion would later create the Alps and the Himalayas.)”


Site Name

Mine Time-Lapse Google Earth Imagery for Research

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Randy Schaetzl


“Google Earth Engine brings together the world's satellite imagery — trillions of scientific measurements dating back almost 40 years — and makes it available online with tools for scientists, independent researchers, and nations to mine this massive warehouse of data to detect changes, map trends and quantify differences on the Earth's surface. Applications include: detecting deforestation, classifying land cover, estimating forest biomass and carbon, and mapping the world’s road less areas.”


Site Name

Interactive: Before and after the Highway 530 mudslide

Site URL


Site Author

Seattle Times

Suggested by

Randall Schaetzl


BEFORE AND AFTER: This aerial photograph shows the devastation Monday afternoon near Oso, Snohomish County. In this view to the west, Highway 530 runs along the Stillaguamish River -- until the highway disappears into the debris field. The pile of mud and debris at center, 20 feet deep or more in some areas, blankets Steelhead Drive and surrounding homes. On the other side of the river, which is cutting a new channel, stands the cliff that was left behind, 1,500 feet wide and 600 feet tall. For more information.”


Site Name

Montage of Sinkhole Photos

Site URL


Site Author

The Atlantic

Suggested by

Bill Dicks


“Sinkholes can be anywhere from a few feet wide and deep, to two thousand feet in diameter and depth. Gathered here are images of some of these sinkholes, both man-made and natural, around the world.”


Site Name

Spot the Geography-Related Movie Error Quiz

Site URL


Site Author

Sporcle, Inc.

Suggested by

Robert V Rohli


“Can you pick a movie, given a geography-related error?”


Site Name

Map Misconceptions Highlighted on “The West Wing”

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by



“All this map talk makes me think of one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite shows of all time... From "The West Wing" Season 2 Episode 16”


Site Name

40 Maps that Explain the World

Site URL


Site Author

Max Fisher

Suggested by

Charles Burrows


“Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable.”


Site Name

Animated Map of Europe 1000 AD To Present With Timeline

Site URL


Site Author

Lucas Girandi

Suggested by

Mark Girondi


Neat animated map showing evolution of European state boundaries.


Site Name

Tips on How to Become a Fossil

Site URL


Site Author

Brian Switek

Suggested by

Jay Sinclair


“But even a perfect burial doesn't guarantee discovery. In the millions of years of Earth history that lie ahead, oceans and mountains will rise and fall, and the continents will shift. Should my remains actually become a part of the fossil record, they may rest in a place wholly inaccessible to any future explorers.”


Site Name

Animations for Physical Geology

Site URL


Site Author

McGraw Hill

Suggested by

Charles Burrows


Includes multiple choice, true and false, and matching quizzes. Offers flashcards, Animations and movies, internet exercises, virtual vista, and web links for all chapters on physical science.


Site Name

Video of Giant Boulder Almost Crushing Car

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Rose Sanders


“Car narrowly survives being crushed by a giant boulder in Taiwan.”


Site Name

Karst Sinkhole Swallowing Corvettes Video

Site URL


Site Author

Corvette Museum

Suggested by

Mark Francek


“Video footage from the National Corvette Museum security cameras showing the karst sinkhole collapse in the Skydome. Start the video at about 0:30.


Site Name

Enhanced USGS Topo Maps

Site URL


Site Author

U.S. Department of Interior

Suggested by

Dave Patton and Tom McGuire


Users can turn US Topo data layers on and off as needed, zoom in and out to examine specific features or see a broader area, and print the maps in their entirety or in customized sections on a broad array of printing devices. Viewing and analytical tools are available for free download from Adobe and TerraGo Technologies. Most US Topo files are between 15 and 30 megabytes in size.


Site Name

Stunning And Disturbing Satellite Images Of Environmental Change from NASA

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Mark Francek


“Each week our State of Flux gallery features images of different locations on planet Earth, showing change over time periods ranging from centuries to days. Some of these effects are related to climate change, some are not. Some document the effects of urbanization, or the ravage of natural hazards such as fires and floods. All show our planet in a state of flux. “Choose by geographic location or by “CITIES · EXTREME EVENTS · ICE · HUMAN IMPACT · WATER · LAND COVER · TOP PICKS


Site Name

Continental Drift Rap Video Created by 6thGraders

Site URL


Site Author

Tom McFadden

Suggested by



“I've been following this guy (Tom McFadden) for a while and still use some of the videos he created as an undergraduate at Stanford for my AP and IB students. He has moved across the Bay to Oakland and is working with middle school students. I LOVE the kids in this and they created it.”


Site Name

Audio Readings from Textbooks for Visually Impaired Students and Others

Site URL


Site Author

McDougal Littell Science

Suggested by

Charles Burrows


“Click the links below to hear readings of the full text of each chapter from various science textbooks. Ideal for visually impaired students.”


Site Name

Interactive Earth History Timeline

Site URL


Site Author

John Kyrk

Suggested by

Gerald Carey


This is not an article but it's a great timeline - from the Big Bang to the present. It’s worth the time it takes to load!


Site Name

Ted Lecture: Can Geography Save Your Life In A Zombie Apocalypse?

Site URL


Site Author

Ted Talk

Suggested by

Dave Meyer


Can geography save your life in case of, say, a zombie apocalypse? Understanding the push and pull factors that create geographic movement -- or how people, resources, and even ideas travel -- might help you determine the location that's best for survival. David Hunter playfully analyzes the geography skills that you'd need to escape the zombies



Site Name

Real Time Geographic Position of Ships from around the World in GIS Interface

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Matt Liesch


Track “current geographical positions of ships as well as other related information, whenever available, such as ships’ details, their destination, estimated time of arrival, photographs, port traffic statistics, weather conditions, points of interest, etc. This is especially interesting given the site’s GIS interface. As a Great Lakes inhabitant, it’s neat to see the ships dodge the waning spring ice floes.


Site Name

Thickness of Ice Sheets Compared to City Skylines

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Alice Kasten


“Thickness of the ice sheets at various locations 21,000 years ago compared with modern skylines.”


Site Name

Can you Start a Fire with a Water Filled Bottle?

Site URL


Site Author

Grant Thompson - "The King of Random"

Suggested by

T. Wozniak


“Here's a technique you can use to start a fire for survival if you having nothing but a water bottle and a bright sunny day. If you like survival and fire-making techniques, this video is a must see!”


Site Name

Interactive Audio Gallery of Animal Sounds in the Sea

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Holly Morin


“Science of Sound Summary contains information about sound movement, measurement, different sounds in the sea and advanced topics.”


Site Name

Time Lapse of Meandering River Forming Oxbow Lake Over 28 yr. Period

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Samantha Dieck


I found this really awesome time lapse of a meandering river. Thought you'd enjoy it!


Site Name

Underwater Filmmaking And Science Beneath The Sea

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Craig Musburger


“UnderH2O is a new series from PBS Digital Studios about underwater filmmaking and science beneath the sea. Led by underwater cameraman and marine biology Ph.D. Craig Musburger, the filmmaking team takes viewers on deep sea adventures to give a behind-the-scenes look at how they capture images of some of nature's most exciting underwater events, creatures and locations.”


Site Name

A 4 Year Olds Bucket List – to have Clean Water

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

T. Wozniak


“There's a 1 in 5 chance Nkaitole won't reach the age of 5 due to unsafe drinking water. So we helped him complete his bucket list.”


Site Name

Putting All the World’s Water into a Big Cube

Site URL


Site Author

Tim Urban and Andrew Finn

Suggested by

Glenn Dolphin


“So I’ve been thinking about all this water and how I don’t really have a handle on how much of it there really is. It’s clear what needs to happen—I need to cube it. I need to put all the world’s water in cubes so I can look at it all at once and grasp how much there really is. It’s only fair. Let’s start by examining where all the Earth’s water is.”


Site Name

Stunning Underwater Footage Coral Reefs

Site URL


Site Author

Bubble Vision

Suggested by

Mark Francek


Underwater footage shot whilst scuba diving in the Fiji islands and Tonga. Featuring colorful coral reefs, huge schools of tropical fish, sharks, humpback whales, underwater caves, scuba divers and much more marine life from the south Pacific.






Site Name

Ted Talk Video: Why the Moon Looks Bigger on the Horizon

Site URL


Site Author

Andrew Vanden Heuvel

Suggested by

Bill Dicks


“Have you ever wondered why the full moon looks bigger on the horizon than high overhead?”


Site Name

If the Moon were at the Same Distance as the ISS

Site URL


Site Author

yeti dynamics

Suggested by

Pete Saricino


“When the Moon eclipses the Sun, the camera exposure is adjusted so that you can see the Light of the earth reflecting back upon the moon. This was actually done by using a stand in Earth model to get reasonably accurate Earth "shine", it is Blue on the left side because the moon is flying over the Gulf of Mexico, and is white/tan on the right side because that part is over the United States . it is Dark in the middle because it is casting a huge shadow, and that shadow does not reflect light back on the Moon. I didn't quite expect it to look like this, it was a nice surprise”


Site Name

Astronomy Interactives for Introductory Astronomy and Earth Science Classes

Site URL


Site Author

David Hudgins, Kevin Lee, and Edward Prather

Suggested by

John D. Hulsmann


“This site provides ranking tasks for teaching introductory astronomy. Pencil-and-paper versions as well as computer-based versions are available grouped by topic. New materials will be added as the computer-based versions are completed. It is anticipated that the pencil-and-paper versions will be photocopied for students and either used in the classroom or assigned as homework. The computer-based versions are intended as formative assessment tools to be used by students outside of class and have considerable utility in distance education courses.”


Site Name

Scalable Interactive of Solar System’s Size

Site URL


Site Author

Josh Worth

Suggested by

Heather Rencyk


This interactive gives a scrollable eye-opening perspective of how big the solar system would be if the moon were the size of 1 pixel.


Site Name

What Would it Look Like if the Moon were at the Same Distance as the International Space Station?

Site URL


Site Author

yeti dynamics

Suggested by

Pete Sar


“When the Moon eclipses the Sun, the camera exposure is adjusted so that you can see the Light of the earth reflecting back upon the moon. This was actually done by using a stand in Earth model to get reasonably accurate Earth "shine", it is Blue on the left side because the moon is flying over the Gulf of Mexico, and is white/tan on the right side because that part is over the United States . it is Dark in the middle because it is casting a huge shadow, and that shadow does not reflect light back on the Moon. I didn't quite expect it to look like this, it was a nice surprise.”


Site Name

How Astronauts Are Affected By Space Exploration

Site URL


Site Author

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Suggested by

Lawrence Mascotti


Shows the different affects space exploration has on the human body.



Site Name

Wundermap – Weather Data in GIS Interface

Site URL


Site Author

Weather Underground

Suggested by

Mark Francek


“The layers on the right include the usual weather data like radar, cloud cover, and temperature, but also include some interesting ones, like active fires and fire risk, severe weather and alerts, webcams and available weather photos, and even useful real estate and geographic information, like floodplains, seismic risk zones, fault lines, and more.”

“You can choose overlay layers on the right side, scroll the slider at the bottom to go back in time and see historical data, or scroll forward to view forecast data instead. Click the play button to watch an animation of the time period you've selected. “

Review from http://lifehacker.com/5966172/the-new-weather-underground-wundermap-offers-current-conditions-plans-trips-even-helps-buy-a-home


Site Name

Video of VIOLENT Arizona Hailstorm

Site URL


Site Author

James Gordon

Suggested by

Thomas McGuire


2010 clip showing baseball sized hail pummeling a pool.


Site Name

Video of a Beautiful, Rotating Super cell near Booker, Texas

Site URL


Site Author

Mike Olbinski

Suggested by

Don Duggan-Haas


“Video of a super cell near Booker, Texas”


Site Name

A Year of Sky on Earth Time Lapse Video

Site URL


Site Author

Ken Murphy

Suggested by

Jim Gulick


Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.


Site Name

How a Changing Jet Stream Might be Contributing to Climate Change

Site URL


Site Author

Jennifer Francis

Suggested by

Ryan Shadbolt


A short review of how the jet stream and Rossby waves work, and some emerging indications that the dynamics may be changing in a warming world.


Site Name

Matrix of Weather Topics from National Weather Service

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Lindsay Knippenberg


I can’t think of a better single, go to resource for weather, authoritative, easy to access, and organized.


Site Name

Great Real Time Interactive Tool for Exploring Weather

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Shelly Olds


WunderMap® is an interactive weather map from Weather Underground that allows users to choose from different weather layers plotted on top of a dynamic map interface.


Site Name

A Year of Weather 2013 Visualization and Commentary

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Robert Rohli


The visualization, comprised of imagery from the geostationary satellites of EUMETSAT, NOAA and the JMA, shows an entire year of weather across the globe during 2013, with commentary from Mark Higgins, Training Officer at EUMETSAT.



Scrollable, Interactive Globe Visualizing Global Weather Conditions (Use Firefox or IE9)

Site URL


Site Author

Cameron Beccario

Suggested by

Randy Schaetzl


“Many have admired the http://hint.fm/wind/for its real time depiction of wind patterns in the lower 48 of the U.S. Now, extend this capability to a scrollable globe with pressure, moisture, and temperature at various levels within the atmosphere. Click on the "earth" lettering for a menu of options, such as winds (at several heights, water vapor in the air, etc.) The "control" button allows you to move back in time, for older maps. The Earth can rotate using your mouse.” This site needs a better name than just “Earth” like “SuperFantastic Tool for Teaching Weather”. I found trouble loading this site in Explorer; try Firefox.



Site Name

Overview of U.S. State Energy Statistics

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Jeff Utz


“State Total Energy Rankings”


Site Name

A Breathing Earth: One Year Of Seasonal Transformations on Earth

Site URL


Site Author

John Nelson

Suggested by

John Nelson


“Here's a view looking at one year of seasonal transformations on Earth. Made possible by the tremendous folks of the NASA Visible Earth team, I downloaded the twelve cloud-free satellite imagery mosaics of Earth ("Blue Marble Next Generation") at each month of the year. I wrapped them into some fun projections then stitched them together into a couple animated gifs...”


Site Name

Trophic Cascades: How the Reintroduction of Wolves in Yellowstone Changed the Course of Rivers

Site URL


Site Author

George Monbiot

Suggested by

Bob Peterson


When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States after being absent nearly 70 years, the most remarkable "trophic cascade" occurred. What is a trophic cascade and how exactly do wolves change rivers? George Monbiot explains in this movie remix.


Site Name

New York City's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Visualized As One-Ton Spheres

Site URL


Site Author

Carbon Visuals

Suggested by

Robert Badger


Here's a cool 3 minute video on CO2 release in NYC. “In 2010 New York City added 54 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (equivalent) to the atmosphere, but that number means little to most people because few of us have a sense of scale for atmospheric pollution. Carbon Visuals (http://www.carbonvisuals.com) and Environmental Defense Fund (http://www.edf.org/climate/remaking-e...) wanted to make those emissions feel a bit more real - the total emissions and the rate of emission. Designed to engage the 'person on the street', this version is exploratory and still work in progress.”


Site Name

Population Education

Site URL


Site Author

Population Education

Suggested by

Angie Lawrence


Population Education, a program of Population Connection, is the only national program with a strong emphasis on curriculum and professional development for K-12 educators that focuses on human population issues.


Site Name

7 billion +, The Surprising Face of the Most “Typical” Person

Site URL


Site Author

National Geographic

Suggested by

John Cottrel


What does the “typical” person on a planet with 7 + billion people look like? What are other characteristics of this “typical” person?


Site Name

Environmental Cartoon Kids Love: The Lorax By Dr Seuss

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Mark Francek


Copyright for this special is owned by "The Cat in the Hat Productions" and current distributors. This is for Entertainment/Educational Purposes only. Please support the official release.


Site Name

EarthWeek – Colorful Clearinghouse for Environmental News

Site URL


Site Author

Earth Environment Science

Suggested by

Bob Campbell


Find out intriguing topics going on with the planet.


Site Name

Concise Environmental Stories from around the World

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Andrea Swensrud


A collaboration of six public broadcasters around the country, QUEST is a multimedia series that strives to deepen our understanding of some of today’s most pressing sustainability topics through articles, videos, radio reports, television broadcasts, and educational materials.



Site Name

Data Visualizations You are Going to Love

Site URL


Site Author

Dustin Smith

Suggested by

Scott McComb


“This site grew out of an admiration for all the amazing data analysis work being done in the world, and the desire to pull it all together in one place. The blog’s original focus on economics and graphic design has expanded over time to cover a wide range of topics.”


Site Name

What Happens when you Pour Molten 1200° F Aluminum into an Anthill? (You don’t want to be an ant)

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Mark Francek


“Have you ever dreamed of shrinking yourself so you could go inside an ant colony and see exactly what they do in there?”


Site Name

Interactive Science Labs from NOVA

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Mark Francek


“NOVA Labs is a new digital platform where "citizen scientists" can actively participate in the scientific process. From predicting solar storms and designing renewable energy systems to tracking cloud movements and learning cybersecurity strategies, NOVA Labs participants can take part in real-world investigations by visualizing, analyzing, and sharing the same data that scientists use.”


Site Name

Two to Four Minute Science Video from the American Museum of Natural History

Site URL


Site Author

American Museum of Natural History

Suggested by

Mike Passow


“Great for bell ringers, our science bulletins at 2 to 4 minutes provide a quality educational boost for students.”


Site Name

Fresh Prince Parody Rap on the Value of Farming

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

T. Wozniak


“A parody music video by the Peterson Farm Bros (Greg, Nathan, and Kendal) promoting agriculture!”


Site Name

50 Common Science Misconceptions Video

Site URL


Site Author

Hank Green

Suggested by

Phil Medina


“50 common science misconceptions.”


Site Name

Ted-Ed Animation: Just How Small is an Atom?

Site URL


Site Author

Jonathan Bergmann

Suggested by

October Smith


“Just how small are atoms? And what's inside them? The answers turn out to be astounding, even for those who think they know. This fast-paced animation uses spectacular metaphors (imagine a blueberry the size of a football stadium!) to give a visceral sense of the building blocks that make our world.”


Site Name

Infographic of the Elements According to Relative Abundance

Site URL


Site Author

William Sheehan

Suggested by

Don Duggen Haas


This is a cool set of representations - I like the oldest one the best and I'm including it in the message. To see the others, click the link below.


Site Name

Collection of Science Music Songs

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Bill Dicks


A collection of “Sing Along Science Songs” from a variety of sources.


Site Name

History of Universe in 2 Minutes

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Mary Panik


“I’ve heard it's a final project by a high school student.”


Site Name

Daily Science Trivia

Site URL


Site Author

The Science Spot

Suggested by

Stephanie Homyak


“Daily Science Trivia can be used as a quick class starter activity. Visit my Trivia Procedure Page page for more information on my trivia procedures! I also have several Trivia To Go sets on several areas of science. More resources and thinking games are available on the Trivia Challenge page at the Kid Zone!”


Site Name

Game Navigating a Nanobot Through Blood Vessels

Site URL


Site Author

Immune Attack

Suggested by

Sharon Plickert


“You must navigate a Nanobot through a 3D environment of blood vessels and connective tissue in an attempt to save an ailing patient by retraining her non-functional immune cells. Along the way, you will learn about the biological processes that enable macrophages and neutrophils – white blood cells – to detect and fight infections”


Site Name

Science Interactives

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Mark Francek


“View emerging "learning tools" of science education. Tools such as real-time data collection, simulations, inquiry based lessons, interactive web lessons, remote instrumentation, micro-worlds, and imaging, among others, can help make teaching science an exciting and engaging endeavor.”


Site Name

What if you Dug a Hole through the Earth and You Jumped In?

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Brian Patterson


“What if there were a tunnel through the middle of the earth and you jumped in?”


Site Name

MinutePhysics: simply put: cool physics and other sweet science

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Larry Claypool


“Simply put: cool physics and other sweet science”


Site Name


Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Charles Burrows


ScienceDaily is one of the Internet’s most popular science news web sites. Since starting in 1995, the award-winning site has earned the loyalty of students, researchers, healthcare professionals, government agencies, educators and the general public around the world. Now with more than 3 million monthly visitors, ScienceDaily generates nearly 15 million page views a month and is steadily growing in its global audience.


Site Name

TweenTribune – Compelling News for Kids

Site URL


Site Author

Tween Tribune

Suggested by

Sandy Reed


Welcome to TeenTribune, TweenTribune,TTEspañol and TTJunior – the daily news sites for kids, tweens and teens – where you'll find the most compelling, relevant and interesting news for 55 million kids in K-12 and their 3.5 million teachers. Stories are selected by professional journalists working closely with teens, tweens and teachers. Teens and tweens can post comments, with all comments moderated by their teachers before they are published


Site Name

Middle School Chemistry Resources from American Chemical Society

Site URL


Site Author

American Chemical Society

Suggested by

Robin Wooten


The resource helps students: Ask scientific questions and investigate them, Design and conduct experiments; Understand their observations on the molecular level; Record and communicate results. For teachers, Middle School Chemistry includes: Comprehensive 5-E lesson plans; Detailed procedures for activities; Science background for teachers; Molecular model illustrations and animations; Student activity sheets and student reading.


Site Name

OUCH That HURTS! Yellow Jacket & Honey Bee Sting Close-up!

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Mike Nolan


Yellow Jacket ( Vespula squamosa ) & Honey bee (Apis mellifera) macro footage, showing stinging a human arm. Not for the faint at heart!


Site Name

Multilingual Glossaries for All Subjects

Site URL


Site Author

University of the State of New York

Suggested by

Renee Aubry


The bilingual glossaries are intended to be used by teachers, LEP students, test translators, and material and curricula developers.


Site Name

Beauty and the Beak: Eagle Gets a Second Chance

Site URL


Site Author

Keith Bubach

Suggested by

Larry Claypool


“Beauty the Bald Eagle gets a second chance with a little help from technology. Shot and edited by Trooper Media's Keith Bubach for Evening Magazine (KING-TV). 2008 Emmy winner. See more work and talk to us about creating a video for you at trooper-media.com. Tip this video and Trooper Media will donate the money to Birds of Prey Northwest.”



Site Name

Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are Not ‘Learning Styles’

Site URL


Site Author

Valerie Strauss

Suggested by

Carolyn Thomas


“The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when the now world-renowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences,” which detailed a new model of human intelligence that went beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized tests.”


Site Name

Satire: NFL Adopts Common Core Playbook--Copying Education Reforms

Site URL


Site Author

John J. Viall

Suggested by

Liz M


“(Washington, D. C.) In a surprise news conference today U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell announced plans to improve NFL performance in coming seasons. “We in the NFL love the Common Core Curriculum that Mr. Duncan is pushing on schools here in D. C. and in forty-five states,” Goodell continued. “Just as he believes Common Core Curriculum can save the schools, we believe a Common Core Playbook will save our struggling teams. Beginning with the 2013 season every coach and every team will use the same playbook.”
A collective gasp went up from the audience. “Does Bill Belichick know about this?” a reporter from ABC wondered.”


Site Name

Ted Talk: 3 Rules To Spark Imagination And Learning And Get Students Excited About Learning.

Site URL


Site Author

TED Conferences LLC

Suggested by

Renee Papelian


“It took a life-threatening condition to jolt chemistry teacher Ramsey Musallam out of ten years of “pseudo-teaching” to understand the true role of the educator: to cultivate curiosity. In a fun and personal talk, Musallam gives 3 rules to spark imagination and learning, and get students excited about how the world works.”


Site Name

26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System

Site URL


Site Author

Adam Taylor

Suggested by

Matt Bobrowsky


“Since it implemented huge education reforms 40 years ago, Finland's school system has consistently come at the top for the international rankings for education systems. So how do they do it? It's simple — by going against the evaluation-driven, centralized model that much of the Western world uses.


Site Name

A Rainbow Pileus Cloud over Zimbabwe

Site URL


Site Author

Robert Nemiroffand Jerry Bonnell

Suggested by

Pete Saricino


Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.


Site Name

Suggestions for Substitute Teachers from a Veteran Teacher

Suggested by

Brandi Duncan-Herrington


1. Keep the students from taking things from my desk. When I get back, it seems I've been stolen blind of pens, pencils, Sharpies, etc.

2. Leave the papers that were turned in INSIDE the turn in spot, which is organized by period. This makes it much easier on me.

3. Stay out of my food and drinks.

4. Straighten up the desks at the end of the day.

5. Leave my desk area in the neat fashion it started out in. Even if there are more papers, books, notes, etc., please stack them in an organized way.

6. Leave a note about each class period concerning their behavior, whether it was good or bad. List specific students who were an issue so I can deal with them.

7. Use the infraction sheet and referral sheets I provide. If you fill them out, I will turn them in. This makes the story more specific to what actually happened, rather than me trying to interpret what happened.

8. Have students clean up their area before they leave the classroom. I always come back to what looks like a balled up paper fight occurred while I was out.


Site Name

Games for Teaching Content in PowerPoint

Site URL


Site Author

Dianne Jones and Diana Mungai

Suggested by

Cathy Loomis


The Parade of Games web site was created to provide educators and trainers with easy-to- assemble educational games in a technology- enhanced environment to support key learning points. The site demonstrates the creative use of popular game shows and other familiar games to reinforce learning.


Site Name

So What Do You Do When Students Finish an Assignment Early?

Site URL


Site Author

Mr. Snyder

Suggested by

Nanette Fladung


Anchor activities are used in class when students have completed their class work ahead of time. Anchor activities are also used for earning extra credit, extra late homework passes or to improve a poor grade. The following files are the current anchor activities which students can do for extra learning. Students may print, complete and pass the activity into their science folder.



Game for Building Vocabulary

Suggested by

Patricia J. Holloway, Ed. D.


“I saw an activity similar to an old television game: students are paired up, half the vocabulary words are displayed on a screen, one student can see the words and gives clues to the other student until each word in the list is named. (No rhyming words are allowed). Have each pair high 5 or stand when finished. Students could switch places and complete the second half of the word list. It was interesting to watch students as they achieved the task.”




Site Name

Make a Laser Dance around by Voice

Suggested by

Dick Heckathorn


“Cut the ends out of a metal can. Put a rubber membrane, balloon over one end. Tape a small mirror to the center of the membrane. Shine a laser so it reflects from the mirror. Speak into the open end of the can. Watch the laser jump around.” More info at http://www.physicslessons.com/demos.html


Site Name

Explore The Baffling Behavior Of A Helium Balloon In An Accelerating Vehicle

Site URL


Site Author

Smarter Every Day

Suggested by

Andie McDougal


“What's remarkable about this experiment is that the balloon's behavior seems completely counterintuitive to what we've been conditioned – with every turn, brake, and press of the gas pedal – to expect of objects in accelerating vehicles. What's beautiful about it is that this behavior isn't counterintuitive at all.”



Will a Bowling Ball Float?

Suggested by

Mark McGuire


“A few other fun demos for density can include two bowling balls ( I owned one and had the other donated) in a bucket of water or fish tank. The 10 lbs. ball will float while a 14 lbs. ball will sink. Same basic idea of the coke cans but it’s easier to be a little more theatrical when you ask for predictions when placing the 10 pound ball in.”



Computer Tip

Site Name

iPad Apps 4 Teachers

Site URL


Site Author

Michael Eby

Suggested by

Michael Eby


This blog is meant to be a place to share applications I have found and tested on my iPad and in my classroom. I currently own 3 iPads (iPad, iPad 2, and an iPad 3) and have a solo iPad in my classroom (This one will be exclusively for my students to use). We also have a school mobile iPad set for student use. I am a fanatic about using technology in my classroom. Please share any ideas you have. I love to collaborate.


Site Name

The Tech Savvy Science Teacher Tips and Tricks

Site URL


Site Author

Cristina Conciatori

Suggested by

Cristina Conciatori


A science teacher shares her journey through technology. This is her impressions of various websites and technology in science classroom.


Site Name

Remove Distracting Ads And Comments From YouTube Videos

Site URL


Site Author

Safe Share

Suggested by

Ellen J. Collard


Remove distracting ads and comments from YouTube videos



Site Name

Ted Talk: What it Feels Like to Bully and to be Bullied

Site URL


Site Author

TED Conferences, LLC

Suggested by

Virginia Malone


“By turn hilarious and haunting, poet Shane Koyczan puts his finger on the pulse of what it's like to be young and … different. "To This Day," his spoken-word poem about bullying, captivated millions as a viral video (created, crowd-source style, by 80 animators). Here, he gives a glorious, live reprise with back-story and violin accompaniment by Hannah Epperson.”


Site Name

Being Rich Is Not About How Much You Have, But How Much You Can Give

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Tim Wozniak


Being Rich Is Not About How Much You Have, But How Much You Can Give




Site Name

A Tough Teacher’s Alter Ego

Site URL


Site Author

CBS News

Suggested by

Tim Wozniak


“Steve Hartman meets the students of St. Francis High School near Los Angeles who thought they knew everything about their math teacher, Jim O'Connor. But what they found out at a local hospital taught them a life lesson.”


Site Name

Keys for Living a Good Life by Sam Levinson

Suggested by

Mike Ross


“For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness.  For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.   People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.”


Site Name

Why God Made Moms
Brilliant answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:

Suggested by

T. Wozniak


“Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring
3. God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.
What ingredients are mothers made of?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.
Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
1. We're related
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me.


Site Name

Girl’s First Ski Jump Video: Lesson in Confidence

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Grant Davidson


“Here's a great video to use to inspire confidence if you're ever working with a group of students or adults who are about to do something outside of their comfort zone. Girl's first Ski Jump. We used it this week with a group of teachers who are starting in on a new math program that we knew would cause them a bit of stress and apprehension.”


Site Name

Cold Have You Down? View Puppies and Kittens vs. Mirrors

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

Larry Claypool


TAKE a break - laugh or smile some!!! Puppies & Kittens.....with Mirrors


Site Name

An Orchestra For Kids With Instruments Made From Trash?

Site URL


Site Author

Dan Case

Suggested by

T. Wozniak


An orchestra for kids with instruments made from trash?



Site Name

Anti-Cheating Hats our Students Would Love Wearing

Site URL


Site Author

Scott Neuman

Suggested by

Steve Kluge


“Wandering eyes at test time is hardly a new problem, but a photo of one classroom's unique solution has proved an embarrassment for Kasetsart University in Thailand, The Bangkok Post reports.”


Site Name

Morgan Freeman and a Choir Of Scientists Sing about Black Holes

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by



“Symphony of Science returns! Morgan Freeman and a choir of scientists sing to you about the science and freakiness of black holes.”


Site Name

Here's your Dog's Perspective on Life!

Suggested by

Larry Claypool


“Top Ten Reasons Why It's Great to Be a Dog

1. If it itches, you can reach it. And no matter where it

itches, no one will be offended if you scratch it in public.

2. No one notices if you have hair growing in weird places

as you get older.

3. Personal hygiene is a blast: No one expects you to take a

bath every day, and you don't even have to comb your own


4. Having a wet nose is considered a sign of good health.

5. No one thinks less of you for passing gas. Some people

might actually think you're cute.

6. Who needs a big home entertainment system? A bone or an

old shoe can entertain you for hours.

7. You can spend hours just smelling stuff.

8. No one ever expects you to pay for lunch or dinner. You

never have to worry about table manners, and if you gain

weight, it's someone else's fault.

9. It doesn't take much to make you happy. You're always

excited to see the same old people. All they have to do is

leave the room for five minutes and come back.

10. Every garbage can looks like a cold buffet to you.”


Site Name

Professor or Hobo?

Site URL


Suggested by

Charles Burrows


“Look at pictures and guess whether the face belongs to a hobo or a professor.”


Site Name

Photoshop Live - Street Retouch Prank

Site URL


Site Author


Suggested by

T. Wozniak


One Photoshop magician, one bus stop and lots of hidden cameras.


Site Name

Ever Wonder Why…..?

Suggested by

Tim Wozniak


Why do supermarkets make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front?

Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke?
Why do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters?

Why do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in our driveways and put our useless junk in the garage?


Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?

Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?

Why is 'abbreviated' such a long word?

Why is it that doctors and attorneys call what they do 'practice'?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavoring, and dish washing liquid made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff??

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


Site Name

Dog Caught Red Handed Knocking over the Garbage

Site URL


Site Author

Horizon Animal Hospital Videos.

Suggested by

Diane Thomas


The trash has been raided with the contents spread all around the kitchen floor. Who is the culprit? There are 3 possibilities, which of them did it?


Site Name

Bouquet and Garter Toss From A Human Slingshot

Site URL


Site Author

Colton Spencer

Suggested by

T. Wozniak


This video is from a wedding we wished we all could have attended. The Bride and Groom both toss the bouquet and garter from a human slingshot.








Mark Francek



Dow 285

Central Michigan University

Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859


E-Mail: Mark.F...@cmich.edu

Phone: 989 774-7617

Fax: 989 774-2907


Resource Page:  http://webs.cmich.edu/resgi

Office hours: T Th 11-12:30, 3-4 or by appt.



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