Re: Exporting edat file to R

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읽지 않음,
2015. 4. 23. 오후 4:38:0715. 4. 23.
Hi Sagi,

Not entirely sure where your problems lies... at the e-prime/exporting side of things or at getting R to read it properly? The following thing works for me:

Prepare a .txt file in just the same way as you'd prepare e-prime data for export to SPSS: first use the e-merge facility to merge the e-dat2 files of all your participants into a single e-merge file. Open this e-merge file with the e-DataAid facility. In e-DataAid choose file > export > export to statview and spss > untick the unicode option. Go. This results in a tab delimited .txt that can be read into R using the following line (note the sep = "\t" part to specify tab as the delimiter):

     mydata = read.table("woahhh.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE)

Think this should work for your data as well. However, I've tested this on only a couple of files, so do make a visual check of the data to make sure no info has shifted columns (and do report back if that happens please :) ).

All best,


On Sunday, 19 April 2015 00:28:34 UTC+1, Sagi G wrote:
Hello, I want to Analyze Data from my E-prime experiment and I want to export it to csv or txt (basicly and format that can be directly loaded into R is fine) in order to use it for data anlysis. I tried for hours almost all the export options and I couldn't find a direct way (one that does not involnve copying by hand from the GUI to excell and than saving as CSV) to do it. I could use some help for this issue.
Thanks in advance, 
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