Re: using attributes to set level Weight?

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David McFarlane

Mar 2, 2010, 2:51:27 PM3/2/10

Standard reminder: 1) I do not work for PST. 2) PST's trained staff
really does like to take any and all questions at , and they
strive to respond to all requests in 24-48 hours. So don't be shy
there. 3) If you do get an answer from PST Web Support, please
extend the courtesy of posting their reply back here for the sake of others.

That said, here is my take ...

First, in this respect EP2 works the same as EP1.1. Just the same, I
do not understand why anyone persists in running EP1.1 when they can
easily download & install EP1.2, which may fix some problems in EP1.1
as well as add more capability.

Second, if you look more carefully, you will almost certainly
discover that EP *did* change the weight of your List
level. However, it just did not change the total number of levels
run, i.e., the .ResetCondition or .TerminateCondition. If you look
at the full generated code, you will see a pair of lines in
InitObjects() such as

Set TrialList.TerminateCondition = Cycles(1)
Set TrialList.ResetCondition = Samples(2)

You need to add some lines like this in your inline code. For
instance, when in my own example I changed the weight of level 1 from
1 to 2, that changed the total levels to run to 3, so I used the
following inline code:

TrialList.SetWeight 1, c.GetAttrib( "WeightNumber" )
Set TrialList.ResetCondition = Samples(3)

Of course, getting the correct number of levels to run can be tricky,
but you can take it from there. (Note also that EP does not provide
a List.GetWeight method to help you, as documented at .)

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder
"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over
public relations, for nature cannot be fooled." (Richard Feynman,
Nobel prize-winning physicist)

>I have a Trial List with 4 levels, corresponding to 4 different
>conditions. I want to present the first condition (i.e., the first
>level in the list) a varying number of times during a given cycle. So
>essentially, rather than having the Weight for the first level set to
>a fixed number, I would like to use an attribute in the Weight column
>that refers to another variable, e.g., [WeightNumber]. However, E-
>Prime won't let me use attributes in this column (I am using E-Prime
>1.1, I don't know if this is possible in version 2).
>I have tried inserting an inline code just before the TrialList in
>order to set the Weight:
> TrialList.setWeight 1, c.getAttrib("WeightNumber")
> TrialList.reset
>This doesn't work at all; the Weight appears to remain the default
>number 1.
>Does anyone have any ideas?

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