CJI Covering Up Corruption

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e-clarion of dalit

May 1, 2017, 12:35:46 PM5/1/17
to e-Clarion Of Dalit

S.O.S   e - Clarion  Of  Dalit  -  Weekly  Newspaper  On  Web 

Working  For  The  Rights  &  Survival  Of  The Oppressed

Editor: NAGARAJA.M.R… VOL.11 issue.18… . 10  / 05 / 2017


Editorial  :   CJI  Covering  up  corruption

CJI  -  Are all Judges Honest ?  Satya Harishchandra  ?


Ugly  Face  of  Judiciary



All  Judges  are NOT  Right



Judges  SEX  crimes



High Court  Judges  Favoring  Land  Mafia



 Judge’s Mafia  against  KARNAN

https://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/judge-s-mafia-against-karnan ,

https://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/justice-karnan-victimized ,


A – Z   of   Manipulation  of  Indian  Legal  System


http://www.scribd.com/doc/187575206/A-Z-of-Manipulation-of-India-Legal-System   ,


http://www.scribd.com/doc/173854541/Chief-Justice-of-India-A-Criminal   ,



50% of higher judiciary corrupt, says ex-SC judge Markandey Katju



Eight chief justices were corrupt: Ex-law minister



In suicide note, Arunachal CM Kalikho Pul alleges graft by SC judges, Congress

http://www.sify.com/news/in-suicide-note-arunachal-cm-kalikho-pul-alleges-graft-by-sc-judges-congress-news-national-rcruamjjfdhhc.html ,


Calcutta HC Justice Karnan calls judiciary corrupt, brings up old allegations against HC judges




Traitors  in  Judiciary &  Police

https://www.scribd.com/document/329980170/Traitors-in-Judiciary-Police  ,


Crimes  by  Khaki



FIRST  Answer  Judges  Police



Karnan    Vs  Criminal  CJI

https://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/karnan-vs-criminal-cji  ,

https://www.scribd.com/document/346793283/Karnan-Vs-Criminal-CJI  ,



 Hon’ble  CJI    by sending hundreds of policemen to   serve arrest warrant to Justice Karnan  as if to arrest a dreaded  criminal  and by calling a judge as lunatic and  asking  police force to produce  him for medical examination  with  force  , you are  stooping to a low level .  You  and incumbent   president of india are also accused of corruption by  former Arunachal Pradesh chief minister  late Kalhikho pul. You are  intentionally deviating from core issue of corruption by high court , supreme court judges and president of india.  You are accused of crime  and you are trying all out  to hide those crimes , corruption issues and to protect your corrupt colleagues.  CORRUPTION   IS  A PUNISHABLE  OFFENSE  and  hiding , covering up crimes , criminals  is also one more offense. When you are the accused , how can you judge your own case.  Before going further  on contempt charges against karnan  , supreme court must  immediately  take up corruption charges against incumbent president of india , chief justice of india and  corrupt judges accused by Justice karnan.


     The  mafia  of corrupt  has never allowed for transparent , impartial   investigation into criminal cases  involving higher judges & public servants. Justice Karnan  is in  the position of  high court judge due to his merit , talent , education  not  on the basis of reservation or anybody’s mercy. Justice Karnan is a whistle blower , he has exposed corruption in the higher judiciary , he has not done any crimes. Now , powers that be instead of ordering for a fair investigation into   his charges,  is trying  all out to silence him. Some  people  are  even making personal  attacks , by calling him lunatic. Those persons may be beneficiaries   of the existing corrupt judicial system and they  want to continue  with this present  corrupt system.

   In a Mental Hospital ward , say there  are number of  mentally challenged patients  playing inside the ward. A doctor & his assistant enters  the ward to  check , give  routine medicines , injections to patients and then all those  patients call  the  doctor himself as  mad. It is the same situation now.

     Are  not  the so called learned , aged advocate ( @ god’s airport )  and  learned   judges   see the  crimes by judges in the past. See  sample cases mentioned above & below.  What  action taken by those  learned judges &   learned advocate , to safe guard law  in the above / below  mentioned cases? Our  judicial  system is  being  weakened  by  corrupt  judges &  few  , greedy   advocates  ( learned  ? ) , NOT by  whistle blowers  who  have sacrificed  to protect the  nation from corrupt people.

    In the past  few judges  belonging to powerful castes  facing  charges of  gravest crimes , got a smooth sailing , their  cases white washed. But Justice  Karnan  belonging to oppressed  Dalit  class  is being  tortured  for standing up against corruption. He has done no crimes. This is the very reason few honest judges  & honest  advocates  keep  silent  fearing  victimization.

   Hereby , we  demand Honourable Supreme Court of India :

1.       To  order  transparent , impartial   investigation into all the above mentioned corruption cases involving high ranking judges and president of india.

2.       To  order for filing  charges  under SC / ST Atrocities Prevention Act  against  high ranking judges  who  tortured  Dalit Judges – Justice Karnan , Justice Gawl & Justice Ramakrishna.

3.       To  order for filing  charges  under SC / ST Atrocities Prevention Act  against  learned advocate & others  who made personal attacks on Justice Karnan  by calling him as lunatic and  for  obstructing legal prosecution of the corrupt judges.

4.       To immediately stay all contempt proceedings against Justice Karnan  till the corruption charges leveled by him  against  high ranking judges are enquired into.

5.       To immediately   post all the cases  concerning  Justice Karnan  , to a neutral bench  to conduct trial in a transparent manner as the  accused  are  incumbent chief justice of india  and  a supreme court judge. An accused cann’t be a judge in his own case.

6.       Even though  Justice  Karnan is in good health as  stated by him and his family , CJI is hell bent to subject him to forcible medical examination.  It is gross violation of Karnan’s human rights. If at all CJI wants to go ahead , on an equal footing  CJI , his bench colleagues ,  Advocate General Mukul Rohtagi , learned ( ?) advocate Ram Jethmalani must  also be subjected to  medical tests , psychiatric tests , polygraph , lie detector tests  by a neutral agency in a transparent manner.

7.         The outrageous acts , orders of supreme court  judges  repeatedly ,  itself proves that indeed they are involved in the crimes of corruption  or  it’s cover up  or  both. Which is beyond doubt.


Jai Hind. Vande Mataram.



Nagaraja Mysuru Raghupathi.



Stop targeting whistleblower Justice Karnan. Clean up the judicial system

 By  Mathews J Nedumpara 


Senior advocate Ram Jethmalani recently wrote a scathing letter to the Calcutta High Court’s Justice CS Karnan, advising him to take back every word he has said about two Madras High Court judges and pray for pardon. Jethmalani has termed Justice Karnan’s actions as lunatic. Neither me nor the National Lawyers Campaign for Judicial Transparency and Reforms (NLC), of which I am the president, supports Justice Karnan nor justifies his “tantrums”. However, the NLC supports Justice Karnan because corruption has spread its tentacles in the justice delivery system.

Justice Karnan’s anger might be out of feelings of discrimination, isolation and, or, humiliation. His attack on his brother Judges of the Madras HC, sitting and retired, is perhaps vindictive. He accuses them of having indulged in corruption, nepotism and malpractice. Though many accused of corruption and malpractices by him could be innocent or could have indulged in venial and not venal act of corruption or malpractice, the allegation against at least a few of them may not be unfounded.

But the question to be answered is whether alleging corruption against sitting or retired Judges of the high court or the Supreme Court amounts to contempt of court as defined in Section 2(1)(c) of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 or will it attract the inherent jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Art.138, r/w. Arts. 140 and 142 of the Constitution to punish a person for contempt of court.


The concept of contempt of court is a cathartic jurisprudence, which has its origin in the Canon Law and, in particular, the Canon Law of the Dark Ages, a jurisprudence of a time when the offence of heresy, nay, contempt of the Church, where the contemnor is burnt alive at a stake.

The in terrorem (a legal threat, usually one given in hope of compelling someone to act without resorting to a lawsuit or criminal prosecution) jurisprudence of contempt of Court militates against all canons of justice and fair play; it flourished in the Middle Ages when Inquisition was the mode of justice administration, where contemnor was tortured to extract guilt. The foundation of The Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 on the jurisprudence of the Dark Ages is classically exemplified in Sub-Section (5) of Section 17 of the Act.

Our constitutional and criminal laws are founded on the principle that the guilt against a person accused of an offence ought not to be wrung out of him, but has to be proved against him by other men and means.

Sub-Section (5) of Section 17, supra, places the burden to prove his innocence upon the contemnor; it requires him to file an affidavit in support of his defence and empowers the Court to determine the matter on the affidavit of the contemnor. Section 17(5) of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, therefore, is in violation of Article 20(3) of the Constitution, which states that no person accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a witness against himself; so too Arts. 21, 14 and 19 thereof, which are required to be read together.


The power of contempt, as is presently exercised by the judges of the higher judiciary is, with much respect, more susceptible to be abused than used.

I have witnessed such misuse often against the voiceless, the outspoken and persons who are upright. The power of contempt has often been misused against the voices of truth, even though truth is an undeniable defence against contempt proceedings.

Resorting to the power of contempt without application of judicial mind has ramifications. It creates fear, a terror, and worst, hatred, in the minds of citizen. As pointed out, the fear has led to not venturing to write anything about the functioning of the judiciary, except eulogising and flattery.

Undoubtedly, in the suo motu contempt of court proceeding against Justice Karnan, the prosecutor and the judge, both at once, are the judges themselves. The contempt of court law is undemocratic and, assuming it to be otherwise, the question is, could any action lie against Justice Karnan?

It certainly will not, as:

Even assuming that Justice Karnan has made allegations of corruption and malpractices against his judges, he has not committed any contempt of court.

The concept of equality before law and equal protection of law is at the core of the Constitution.

For the judges against whom Justice CS Karnan has made the allegations of corruption, the law provides for remedy, both civil and criminal.

It is enough to refer to the suit filed by Justice PB Sawant, former judge of the Supreme Court, against Times Now claiming Rs 100 crore as damages to support my contention that law provides for adequate remedy if Justice Karnan has made false or scurrilous allegations against his brethren.

Is it then right for me to expect the vilified judges to institute civil and criminal cases like ordinary citizens? Yes, because in the eyes of the law, all are equal; the immunity which judges enjoy is for what they do from the seats of justice.

I am made to understand that some of the allegations made by Justice Karnan are against the chief justice of the Madras High Court on the administrative side about the construction of court complexes, appointment of judges. It must be said that a situation where judges are accused of corruption and they are forced to institute civil and criminal cases is against their prestige and honour and is no way an ideal situation.

Corruption is undoubtedly spreading its tentacles in the corpus of the justice delivery system, which does not merely mean judges alone.

There ought to be a remedy. The remedy is not in silencing the whisleblowers with the guillotine of contempt of court. There’s a need to bring into existence a credible mechanism by which allegations of corruption, nepotism and malpractices against judges are investigated and those who are guilty are brought to book without impinging their independence and the sanctity of the justice delivery system.

The judicial function has been considered to be sacrosanct; courts are temples of justice; its majesty and credibility and the confidence of the public has to be zealously guarded, but not by silencing whisleblowers and upright men and women who dare to point out instances of corruption, nepotism and malpractices, risking their professional prospects, nay, even their freedom and liberty.


Atrocities against Dalits by Judges

-          An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India, National Human Rights Commission & National Commission  for  Scheduled  Castes  /  Scheduled  Tribes

        The track record of apex court is not clean. There is secrecy involved in selection , promotion , transfer of judges to high court & supreme court. Supreme court judges take huge pay , perks from public exchequer ( now on the verge of getting triple fold increase in pay ) but are not accountable to public. They don’t give information to public , concerning judges and national security , public welfare.

   Consider the case of Dalit judge of sukma , chattisgarh , he was removed for being honest , for upholding law ? Now, Justice Karnan a whistle blower is being victimized. Apex court is not looking seriously  at issues  raised by justice karnan but concentrating on silencing him.

  When other high ranking judges  ( having  influence  & belonging to upper castes )  were accused of more grave crimes like  involvement  in sex racket , sex crimes against women , national security crimes  , etc , they were treated with kid gloves , cases hush hushed , white washed.  Inspite of  fervent  appeals  even  apex court didn’t bother to  conduct a public , transparent enquiry. Now apex court  has  initiated  suo motto  “contempt proceedings “ against  Justice Karnan as he  is a  DALIT  , without influence of powers that be.

  So many dalits , weaker section people   were  cheated  of  their job oppurtunities in mysuru university , KSOU , Various Government  Medical  colleges , Government aided  ITIs , Polytechnics in Karnataka state  by scheming  upper caste officials.  Inspite of repeated appeals , why apex court has not taken legal prosecution to logical end and ensured justice to  aggrieved dalits ?  What action supreme court has taken against  KPSC , VYAPAM members who denied  job oppurtunities to merited candidates , dalit & weaker section candidates ?  ? let alone take  suo motto action . No action to logical end.  Day in day out  there are rampant atrocities against dalits , weaker sections of people. Supreme court judges are enjoying lakhs of rupees pay , perks , 5 star bungalows  , foreign trips , weeks long summer / winter  paid  vacations  , proposed triple  fold salary hike  all at tax payer’s expense.  These judges must be first booked for “Atrocities against Dalits , Weaker sections”  under SC / ST Atrocities Prevention Act.

   If at all , Supreme Court of India is impartial , without bias , let it come out clean :

1.                   To immediately  stay contempt proceedings against Justice Karnan and Order impartial enquiry against  judges accused of corruption , impropriety by Justice Karnan and all other issues raised by him. Take the help of Justice Karnan in collecting evidences.

2.                   Order impartial enquiry against almost half of former chief justices of india accused of corruption by NGOs.

3.                   Immediately give justice to past Sukma Dalit Judge Mr. Gwal who was unjustly removed , to kadapa judge Mr Rama Krishna and to Justice Karnan.

4.                   Immediately  give truthful , full  information , answers  to RTI questions sent to Supreme Court of India by our publication years ago. Inspite of several appeals , majority of questions are unanswered & for few questions got ambiguous answers.

5.                   Immediately take action  to protect fundamental rights , human rights of whistle blowers , RTI Activists & Human Rights Activists.

6. Immediately  take action against  KPSC , VYAPAM   members responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.

7.  Immediately  take action against  KSOU , Mysuru University , Government Medical Colleges , Government Aided Polytechnics , ITI officials  responsible for illegal recruitments , cancel  all those illegal recruitments and   conduct recruitments afresh  with old candidates.

8.    Immediately admit PILs  presented before supreme court of india by our publication .

“Contempt  Proceedings”  should not be used as a weapon to silence voices seeking  justice , accountability of judiciary. Respect of judiciary doesn’t come out of fear rather spontaneously it comes out of a person’s heart  when  he sees a honest judge doing his duties honestly.


#karnan   #supremecourt     #chiefjustice


edited , printed , published & owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @ : LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS OFFICE , LAKSHMIKANTANAGAR ,HEBBAL ,MYSORE -570017 INDIA     

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A   Member  of  Amnesty  International



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