It provides the lorem template tag. The functionality has not changed in 7 years and it has 20 commits in its history which are mostly maintenance oriented (pep8, adding app loading compatibility).
* Move it into the main template tag library and deprecate the hook in contrib.
* Remove it from Django and provide no replacement (let the community maintain it somewhere).
* Remove it from Django and maintain it as a separate project under (django/django).
* Your idea here
thoughts on deprecating it from 2011 mailing list thread:
Carl: +1
Paul M: +0 on webdesign, since it's functionality that's probably in transient use by the more invisible members of our community.
Markus G: I'd miss it even though it's just a tiny piece of code and trivial, it's quite useful when you mock up a site and thus need some text to get a feeling for its layout when there's lots of text involved. I am sure, as you say, there are quite a few people out there who would miss it too.
Gabriel: As for webdesign, why not roll the one piece in it (the marginally-useful lorem tag) into the main library and deprecate the hook in contrib?