Add an optional parameter to values() that returns a nested dictionary for foreign keys

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Nov 25, 2015, 2:24:25 PM11/25/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
Currently, after calling values() and the query executes, the output is a single level dictionary, including foreign keys. I propose adding an extra parameter for values, or at least values_list, where if it's set to true, a nested dictionary will be returned when there's a foreign key.


Person model with the following fields: first_name, last_name and hometown (foreign key)
Hometown model with the following fields: name

A single record from Person.objects.values() will looks like this

{"id": 1
"first_name": "first name",
"last_name": "last name",
"hometown__id": 1,
"hometown__name": "town name",

I propose adding a nested optional parameter to values, where a single record from Person.objects.values(nested=Truewill look like

{"id": 1
"first_name": "first name",
"last_name": "last name",
"hometown": {
"id": 1,
"name": "town name"

This feature is needed given that most APIs these days are nested, while it's simple to implement, I think it's much better to have it a built-in django feature.

Bobby Mozumder

Nov 25, 2015, 3:20:37 PM11/25/15
I could also use a couple of enhancement to this:

1) Allow renaming of keys, instead of using the database column names.  
2) Allow callbacks functions (or lambdas) to convert output values to another format if needed.

With this, I could send the queries results right to JSON outputs.


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Nov 25, 2015, 3:25:26 PM11/25/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
100%, that would be great also. I thought of just posting the basic requirement that might be useful to most.

Tim Graham

Nov 25, 2015, 3:43:51 PM11/25/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
There's an accepted ticket for adding aliasing to values():

The current patch there hijacks values() **kwargs for the mapping of renamed fields which would prevent adding other kwargs like "nested" without disallowing those values as aliases. I guess we may want to rethink that approach.

Bobby Mozumder

Nov 25, 2015, 3:54:55 PM11/25/15
A useful overall target for the next Django version would be to try and get all these feature up so that high-speed REST API development becomes easier.  (really need to be able to push thousands of requests per second)

I’d like to directly go from Query to Response:  

response = JsonResponse(Articles.objects.get(id=1).values(’title’, ’author’, ‘body'))

While still having things like aliased fields, nested trees, and value formatting.



Nov 25, 2015, 4:09:29 PM11/25/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
Well, switch the field name aliasing to a dictionary without hijacking **kwargs ?

I prefer the following:

Articles.objects.get(id=1).values(’title’, author’, body', alias={"title": "my_custom_title"}, nested=True)

Marten Kenbeek

Nov 25, 2015, 4:53:25 PM11/25/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
I think it'd be more consistent with other parts of the ORM to use **kwargs to specify aliases. For nested data you can use an object, say N, similar to Q and F objects:

Articles.objects.filter(id=1).values('body', N('author'), my_custom_title='title')

I'm no ORM expert, but could something like this be possible by allowing expressions in values() and using custom output fields?


Nov 25, 2015, 5:11:18 PM11/25/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
I like the idea but what about multiple nesting, multiple foreign keys?

We end up with something like N('author__book')? a bit confusing no?

Joachim Jablon

Nov 25, 2015, 5:21:43 PM11/25/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
Marten's suggestion is quite interesting for providing a way to tell which data you want nested and which data you don't. Plus, this form might be interesting to solve another problem : how would Django know if we want :

{"id": 1
"first_name": "first name",
"last_name": "last name",
"hometown": {
"id": 1,

"name": "town name",
"country": 3

# or

{"id": 1
"first_name": "first name",
"last_name": "last name",
"hometown": {
"id": 1,

"name": "town name",
"country": {
"id": 3,
"name": "country name"

Limiting the nesting to a single level would be an arbitrary decision and users should be able to control this (IMHO)

So we could have a "level" argument that would say how many levels deep it will search but then what if you want SOME nesting in some branches, not in others, like : 

{"id": 1
"first_name": "first name",
"last_name": "last name",
"hometown": {
"id": 1,

"name": "town name",
"country": {
"id": 3,
"name": "country name"
"father": 4

(here, "father" is another FK that we don't want expanded ?

Maybe a syntax like :

N("person", "person__hometown", "person__hometown__country")
Note : this might not be equivalent to N("person__hometown__country"), that you could use if you want ONLY the nested "country"

I'd like that.

And it's compatible with the suggestion of using **kwargs for aliasing (for the top level element of the dict, at least)


Nov 25, 2015, 6:21:40 PM11/25/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
I think I wasn't clear from the beginning, the idea of "nested" is to nest all possible levels, not just a single level. I like the idea of "N", given that you can have more control, but having something like N("person", "person__hometown", "person__hometown__country") which will be different than N("person__hometown__country") is confusing.

I have another idea, why not make the alias + nest possible with a single parameter, where it takes a dictionary and expect how the final structure and aliasing are?

For example:

{"id": "custom_id"
"first_name": "custom_first_name",
"last_name": "custom_last_name",
"hometown": {
"__alias__": "custom_hometown"
"id": "custom_hometown_id",
"name": "custom_name",
"country": "custom_country"

or to make it a standard in someway,

{"id": "custom_id"
"first_name": "custom_first_name",
"last_name": "custom_last_name",
"hometown": {
"__alias__": "custom_hometown"
"hometown__id": "custom_hometown_id",
"hometown__name": "custom_name",
"hometown__country": "custom_country"

as you noticed, if there's a foreign key for example, a new key "__alias__" or something should be added in the dict. Also, no need for values() *args, the dict structure would be more than enough?

Marc Tamlyn

Nov 25, 2015, 6:34:45 PM11/25/15
I can see a use for this, but the API is unsure. Given that from a performance point of view it should be possible to do this as a transform after a values query (in most cases using a similar lazy sequence-like object will maintain the performance you need), can I propose implementing it as an external app to find a good API. Once this has been done, we can look at how buildable that API is at a lower level to get the maximum performance.

Shai Berger

Nov 25, 2015, 7:37:55 PM11/25/15
On Wednesday 25 November 2015 20:34:11 Marc Tamlyn wrote:
> I can see a use for this, but the API is unsure. Given that from a
> performance point of view it should be possible to do this as a transform
> after a values query (in most cases using a similar lazy sequence-like
> object will maintain the performance you need), can I propose implementing
> it as an external app to find a good API. Once this has been done, we can
> look at how buildable that API is at a lower level to get the maximum
> performance.

That sounds like a good plan to me.

I would just like to add that, since we're talking about values() queries
where no model instances are constructed, one possible API is to have just a
single boolean `nested` argument, where the selection of which FKs to expand
is implied by select_related() calls.


Josh Smeaton

Nov 26, 2015, 12:24:22 AM11/26/15
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
I would really like two things for values to support.

1. Aliases .values(alias='field');
2. Expressions .values(alias=F('field'))

I think these two features are absolute must haves, and the syntaxes above are already standard in other parts of the ORM.

If someone can come up with a way to support nested relations while supporting the above syntax, then I'd be OK with that. But at the moment, I'm firmly in the "this is the responsibility of a serialiser" camp. I'm not convinced Django needs to support nested objects at all. Is this something you could implement with your own queryset method on a manager? Is this maybe something we could look at creating a new queryset method called .values_dict() ?

If it weren't for backwards compatibility, I'd suggest that referencing the related object would automatically nest that object. That would differentiate between the id and the field values('related_id', 'related') -> '{"related_id": 1, "related": {"id": 1, ..}}'.

If there's (rough) consensus on having nested objects, then we could allow something like: .values(..., ..., nested=('related', 'related__otherrelated')). If the value of nested is an iterable then assume we're nesting, otherwise nested is an alias for the field. I don't particularly like overloaded kwargs, but we're just guarding against someone wanting to alias as "nested" which we could call out in docs anyway.

The more I think about this the more I think nesting and aliases within a nest should probably be done in a different queryset method. Or just handled by a serialiser. If you want more requests per second, then add some more backends.

Tim Graham

Aug 19, 2016, 6:04:51 PM8/19/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
We now have support for expressions in values()/values_list() -- thanks Ian! With the new commit [0], aliases can be created like this: .values(alias=F('field'))

Ian has offered an additional commit in the pull request [1] to allow .values(alias='field') (without the F() expression) to automatically wrap the string in an F() expression to create an alias. I'm not sure whether or not to accept that patch as I think I prefer the look of the explicit F() rather than magically treating strings as F() expressions. What do you think?


Loïc Bistuer

Aug 19, 2016, 6:59:10 PM8/19/16
I prefer enforcing .values(alias=F(’something’)), to me .values(alias=‘something’) reads as the equivalent of .values(alias=Value(‘something’)).

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Constantine Covtushenko

Aug 19, 2016, 8:53:10 PM8/19/16
Agree with Loïc on 100%.
And also it opens more options in the future.


On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 9:58 PM, Loïc Bistuer <> wrote:
I prefer enforcing .values(alias=F(’something’)), to me .values(alias=‘something’) reads as the equivalent of .values(alias=Value(‘something’)).


> On Aug 20, 2016, at 1:04 AM, Tim Graham <> wrote:
> We now have support for expressions in values()/values_list() -- thanks Ian! With the new commit [0], aliases can be created like this: .values(alias=F('field'))
> Ian has offered an additional commit in the pull request [1] to allow .values(alias='field') (without the F() expression) to automatically wrap the string in an F() expression to create an alias. I'm not sure whether or not to accept that patch as I think I prefer the look of the explicit F() rather than magically treating strings as F() expressions. What do you think?
> [0]
> [1]
> On Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 7:24:22 PM UTC-5, Josh Smeaton wrote:
> I would really like two things for values to support.
> 1. Aliases .values(alias='field');
> 2. Expressions .values(alias=F('field'))
> I think these two features are absolute must haves, and the syntaxes above are already standard in other parts of the ORM.
> If someone can come up with a way to support nested relations while supporting the above syntax, then I'd be OK with that. But at the moment, I'm firmly in the "this is the responsibility of a serialiser" camp. I'm not convinced Django needs to support nested objects at all. Is this something you could implement with your own queryset method on a manager? Is this maybe something we could look at creating a new queryset method called .values_dict() ?
> If it weren't for backwards compatibility, I'd suggest that referencing the related object would automatically nest that object. That would differentiate between the id and the field values('related_id', 'related') -> '{"related_id": 1, "related": {"id": 1, ..}}'.
> If there's (rough) consensus on having nested objects, then we could allow something like: .values(..., ..., nested=('related', 'related__otherrelated')). If the value of nested is an iterable then assume we're nesting, otherwise nested is an alias for the field. I don't particularly like overloaded kwargs, but we're just guarding against someone wanting to alias as "nested" which we could call out in docs anyway.
> The more I think about this the more I think nesting and aliases within a nest should probably be done in a different queryset method. Or just handled by a serialiser. If you want more requests per second, then add some more backends.
> --
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Josh Smeaton

Aug 20, 2016, 5:24:24 AM8/20/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
Just as an additional data point - most expressions that accept strings internally convert them to F(), so it's not entirely inconsistent with other behaviour. I don't really have a preference here though, so happy to go with what the majority prefer.

Артём Клименко

Aug 20, 2016, 1:57:10 PM8/20/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)

Ian Foote

Aug 25, 2016, 11:30:06 AM8/25/16

I think the consensus here is to not add the extra commit, so I've closed the ticket as wontfix. (


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