2018 AVC recap

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Ted Meyers

Sep 9, 2018, 3:22:48 PM9/9/18
to diyrovers
AVC 2018 was a blast!  For any of you who didn't make it here are my observations.

The classic AVC speed demons event was really hard this year!  Lots of hay bale obstacles were put on the course, and a hay bale "maze" was added near the end of the course.  The hoop was also moved to after the hay bales, so much harder to get to.  Also, the barrels were filled with water to make them much harder to push out of the way.  Still, 6 bots completed the course, and 2 of those completed the course twice.  There were 4 school groups that competed, 4 college teams, and 18 adult teams.  All the bots that finished were in the adult category, none of the school or college teams made it further than the first checkpoint (the winning school team did get points for going over the ramp without getting to the first checkpoint).  The winning adult bot used a realsense sensor to navigate the course by looking for the best open path, and it sounded like it used no other sensors (except a clock for timing).

Speed demons was the most fun of all the events to watch and participate in, at least in my opinion.  I entered 2 bots, Daisy and Rosy, both of which did quite well.  I used dead reckoning and lidar to scan for and avoid the obstacles.  The runs that they didn't complete were mostly due to crashing into other vehicles, which was a real problem this year, mostly due to the bottlenecks at the barrel section, and in the hay bale maze.  There was one bot ("I M Groot") that was a rock crawler and able to get over the climbing wall.

Logistics was more interesting this year with 3 competitors that were all somewhat successful.  Still, it was a really, really slow event to watch, a little like watching grass grow.

Car Wars is fun to watch, but a little slow due to the time it takes for each team to get ready.  There were 4 teams that started (of 6 there), 2 of which successfully completed the course.  I also participated in this event, but our vehicle (Asterisky) did not complete the course; as we were trying to run it faster than the steering system could steer -- needed to go fast to beat the other 2 bots!

Looking forward to next year!  Who knows what challenges will be added?


Sep 9, 2018, 4:04:17 PM9/9/18
to diyrovers
I had a great time too.  I didn't make it around the course in the competition, as I was having calibration issues with my IMU.  However, I did make it to the hay bales during practice.  I have a feeling the rocky ground messed with my IMU, but further testing is needed.

Interestingly enough, I had more fun on Friday than I did on Saturday.  On Friday, I'd perform a run, identify a problem, fix it, and run it again.  As time passed, my car got better and better.  On Saturday, my first heat was a disaster.  I knew how to fix it, but it required remapping the course, which I couldn't do, so it was a bit frustrating.

As this was my first year, it was interesting to see everyone's robots, their design ideas, and to learn that no one had 100% confidence that they'd complete the course (with the exception of one lady, and their robot didn't score any points).

I didn't get to look at the winner's robot, but I'm surprised that it used image processing.  From the little I've used with openCV, I would think that it would be tough to distinguish between the brown, textured hay and the brown, textured ground.  That Intel camera might have some really good processing on it though.

I am Groot was using a Neo-8N GPS, and claimed he could get around .5 meter accuracy with it.  Considering he made it through the bales with that (no other obstacle avoidance sensors), that's damn accurate.

Another guy that completed was using some Traxxas chassis (I don't know much about RC cars) and the stock motor with the XL5 esc, which is exactly what I'm using.  I was surprised how slow he got the car to move by the barrels without stalling the motor, as I couldn't get my car to go that slow without stalling.  He did it by varying the PWM cycle above and below the stall speed, something I hadn't thought about.  He was also using dead-reckoning, using the standard RPM sensor on the gearbox and the gyroscope, which he claimed was way more accurate than trying to use the mag sensor.  Last of all, they had a pretty nice lidar mounted near the rear of the vehicle for obstacle avoidance.  I don't remember the model of the lidar, but they said it was their "low-end" model that cost about $1000.

Props to Ted's bumper design and using flexible filament.  I hadn't thought of that, and may try it next year.  I had 2 3D printed bumpers...both shattered when I hit an obstacle, and I spent much of my time repairing them.  Even after repair, one of them was severely warped, probably because I left it in the sun.

I'd love to go again next year.

Ted Meyers

Sep 9, 2018, 5:47:13 PM9/9/18
to diyrovers
Ryan, thanks for your perspective.  You were in my heat, next to me, right?  I was impressed with what you had, and it I remember that it was doing well on Friday.  You were using a BNO-055 IMU, correct?  I use it also, but in gyro and accel only fusion mode; much more accurate over a few minutes, and no calibration required.  Although, I was also having a problem; occasionally the heading would suddenly change to a random heading.  This happened to me once during a competition run and Daisy suddenly turned 90 degrees and ran into the hay wall.

Was the guy with the traxxas on Team Slash?  With a triangular aluminum bumper?  He did well on one of the runs, but got tangled with our bot on the first run.  Seemed to do well on the second run though, and finished.


Sep 9, 2018, 7:02:16 PM9/9/18
to diyrovers
Yeah, Team Slash.  I was disappointed to see his and your vehicle get tangled in the barrels.  Without that, you both probably would've finished the course.

Team Slash also didn't use the magnetometer.

So are you running the BNO055 in IMU fusion mode?

Ted Meyers

Sep 9, 2018, 9:24:04 PM9/9/18
to diyrovers
Yes, IMU mode.

jesse brockmann

Sep 9, 2018, 10:19:03 PM9/9/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com
The realsense D435 is a stereo camera, and produces a depth map on board the camera.   So opencv isn't required.   Just got to look at the output map and decide what direction to go. 
   If your not going slow enough go to a motor with more turns.  I'm currently using motor with 35 turns.  Much better at slow speed. 


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Ted Meyers

Sep 9, 2018, 10:22:09 PM9/9/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, I went to a 55T motor.

Somehow I think that "look at the depth map and decide" is a bit of a simplification.  :)  I do wonder what they could have done with heading and distance information in addition!

Jon Watte

Sep 10, 2018, 1:00:19 AM9/10/18
to diyrovers
Again, I had to live vicariously through reading about you all. But, one of these years, all the stars will align and I'll be there!

>  the barrels were filled with water to make them much harder to push out of the way 

aw yeah! ;-)


Jon Watte

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." -- Thomas Jefferson

jesse brockmann

Sep 10, 2018, 1:08:17 AM9/10/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com
Water in barrels?   Hmm I wonder what Maxx could have still gone through them.  Would have loved to try... Next year for sure.  

JW why, just why?  :P

Ted Meyers

Sep 10, 2018, 1:39:52 AM9/10/18
to diyrovers
Would have been fun to see Maxx try!  What would have been your strategy, high speed slam, or slow and steady?  BTW, they didn't put water in until the morning of.  They were sneaky.

David Wheeler

Sep 10, 2018, 9:52:07 AM9/10/18
to diyrovers
Hey everyone,

Although I wasn't in the competition, I had a great time meeting some of you in person and seeing everyone's creations.  The designs were impressive and the variety of approaches was really interesting.  I especially enjoyed watching the practice runs on Friday and seeing how much improvement you all could eek out of your systems during the day.  And it was a vicarious thrill (and sometimes heartbreak) to watch all the performances Saturday.

I hope I can put together an entry myself next year but that feels like a long shot right now.  In the meantime, I'll be following you all's progress here.

Dave Wheeler

jesse brockmann

Sep 10, 2018, 10:11:00 AM9/10/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com
Slow steady for much of lap.  But don't think hitting barrels at low speed would of worked.   They were very sneaky.   Maybe they would have given me notice if I was ramming them Friday. Or not.  I would not have changed course.
  But since AVC is going to continue down this same path, I'm going to evolve JRover as well.  So stay tuned.  ;)
   If I were to have an AVC like event in Iowa who would be interested??  Is there a best time of year?  I was thinking June



Sep 10, 2018, 10:32:56 AM9/10/18
to diyrovers
There wasn't much water in the barrels.  I doubt there was more than a gallon in each.  But ramming the hay bales probably wouldn't have worked.

I'd be interested in an Iowa event, and early June or late May would be a good choice.  I don't know to much of the robotics community in Iowa City, but you'd probably get a lot of interest/sponsorship from the local groups in Cedar Rapids like NewBoCo and Kirkwood.  My former employer, Kinze manufacturing, supports some robotics competition (but don't mention my name if you inquire, as they had really harsh feelings for me when I left the company).  In fact, given all the Ag companies in the area trying to attempt autonomy, you'd probably have lots of sponsors and competitors (and probably recruiters).

Actually, with an Ag theme, you could make some interesting Logistics competitions, like creating a small autonomous corn planter, weed sprayer, or crop picker (like strawberries).  That would probably gain interest from John Deere, Ag Leader, and Kinze...not to mention all the little Ag startups in the area.  And they have all test fields that you could probably "borrow" for your event.

Ted Meyers

Sep 10, 2018, 7:52:46 PM9/10/18
to diyrovers
When is the weather nice in Iowa?  Late spring/early summer would be a good time, weather permitting.  I would probably go.

Ted Meyers

Sep 10, 2018, 8:45:55 PM9/10/18
to diyrovers
Jesse, are you thinking of doing a full-blown AVC?  That would be a lot of work.  Just all the hay bales would be intensive.  Old school AVC might be simpler, just some portable posts to mark corners -- not quite the same though, I've kind of gotten to like the challenge of hay bales.  Plus with good lidar, a bot can just follow the hay walls, mostly;  I've been working on that, but still have a few issues to work out.  Funny, and annoying thing was during practice for the AVC, the logistics guys kept pulling out bales from the inside rings (to get their bots in).  When my bot was wall following, it kept going in the opening to the inside.  I guess that means it worked.

Ed Nutter

Sep 11, 2018, 11:24:18 PM9/11/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com
Probably not being able to travel to Denver, I've wondered about doing something in WV...

jesse brockmann

Sep 11, 2018, 11:29:04 PM9/11/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com
I suggest you check out https://diyrobocars.com/local-meetup-groups/ there could be some closer group that has competitions.  

Michael Stephens

Sep 13, 2018, 12:32:28 PM9/13/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com

Apologies to anyone on spark un on this list... 

Was it just me or did something feel off at AVC this year? Its been a few years since I have been but the energy seemed really low. It felt like people were more interested in packing up by 4:00 than sponsoring the event.  I really have to wonder if 10 was the last. 

Michael Stephens

Ted Meyers

Sep 13, 2018, 8:45:27 PM9/13/18
to diyrovers
Yeah, I feel that way every year, the last few years.  Last year there wasn't even an awards ceremony, so some improvement.  And I think that Nathan Seidle added a lot of energy when he was more involved, but now that he has let others take it on, something is missing.  Also, I think that a lot of the energy has shifted to the combat bots.  If you noticed, the live feed was almost all combat.  Combat doesn't really interest me, so I don't really know how well that went.  Still, several of the Sparkfunions talked about next year, so there is hope!

David Wheeler

Sep 15, 2018, 9:05:33 AM9/15/18
to diyrovers
I uploaded some photos from the competition to my Flickr account:

And I've found a few videos on youtube from others.  Does anyone else have links they might share?

Dave Wheeler

On Sunday, September 9, 2018 at 3:22:48 PM UTC-4, Ted Meyers wrote:

Ted Meyers

Sep 15, 2018, 10:56:24 AM9/15/18
to diyrovers
Great pictures!  I didn't take many pictures, but I did post some videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/TedMeyers1

Charles Sun

Sep 15, 2018, 11:18:53 AM9/15/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com
I wonder if we could bring classic Sparkfun AVC to Bay Area Maker Faire.
I saw a race track set-up at the Maker Faire event last May.

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jesse brockmann

Sep 15, 2018, 11:52:34 AM9/15/18
to diyr...@googlegroups.com
Some maker faires host PRS and A+PRS events.   Could try to get AVC like events at others that don't do PRS.   The only way it happens is if people step up and bring it up and follow through.    Ideally we would have common rules and maybe a couple of sponsors.   I'll keep working on my ideas and let the group know as things progress

Jon Watte

Sep 15, 2018, 3:15:55 PM9/15/18
to diyrovers
I think that Maker Faire track was the DonkeyCars? Maybe they were sharing with something else, like PRS?
Personally, I find Maker Faires way too crowded and loud. (Not in the good, night-clubby way.) Maybe a specific event wouid stay a bit more separate?
I'd love to attend a bay area event.


Jon Watte

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." -- Thomas Jefferson

Ted Meyers

Sep 15, 2018, 4:16:17 PM9/15/18
to diyrovers
Yeah, last year the AVC was held at the Denver Maker Faire.  It worked, but I think it is better as a separate event.

Also not a fan of Maker Faires.  They were fun and interesting at one time, but now they are just too crowded, and too much about just selling stuff.  Also, most of the exhibits are the same thing every year; nothing new.
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