IOT, AI, Lab Helpers

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Andrew Gray

Jul 8, 2016, 11:56:08 PM7/8/16
to DIYbio
Hey guys,
Starting to brainstorm a project with some amigo/a's of mine that would make use of Raspberry Pi 3's and IOT to create a "lab helper". There is no actual replacement for a qualified lab manager, but i think we could find or make a crutch :P Some of the ideas have been to allow for monitoring who has access (door bot like) but also cross examining that against training records and payment history. It could remind people of chores that need to be done in the lab and who is rostered on to handle this.

Other ideas are to allow people to engage with experiments in some controlled manner online (brewing beer, raising, lowering temperature etc...) while also monitoring the lab environment and experiments while people are away. Watching your water usage, consumable usage, etc...Obviously you should never leave the lab while something risky/hazardous is happening on the bench, but if you're stepping up yeast overnight, observing growth of recently transformed cells etc....this may be a fun addition. Anyway, i'm still studying science so i was wondering in the mind of the more experienced lot of you or even imaginative lot of you, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this. What would you like to see automated in the lab so you didn't have to remember to do these things?

Feel free to add stuff here :)

Thanks guys

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