PSA: GN migration update

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Henrik Kjellander

Aug 24, 2016, 3:50:30 AM8/24/16
TL:DR; Android is now flipped to GN by default.

Edward (ehmaldonado@) and I are working hard on moving to GN by default (main tracking bug).
Today I have flipped our Android bots over to GN by default (in this CL). We'll continue to do so for the other platforms as we fix blocking issues.

GYP will continue executing as part of gclient runhooks for now on all platforms (you can set GYP_CHROMIUM_NO_ACTION=1 in your environment if you want to skip it).
We'll keep GYP bots around during a transition period. Some scripts also still checks for GYP_DEFINES so we can't get rid of those until Chromium has started cleaning all that up (will begin next week).

I've updated with new instructions regarding the GN build.

Let me know if you have/see any issues. 
Stay tuned for coming updates regarding the other platforms.

Henrik Kjellander

Aug 24, 2016, 1:06:32 PM8/24/16
Update: Mac bots are now flipped over to GN. 

The build instructions at are updated.

Regarding keeping GYP around: only a small portion of the production code (i.e. no tests or examples) will be maintained for a limited time. The rest of the GYP targets are likely to be deleted soon (as Chromium will start doing that shortly). So you're recommended to move over to GN as soon the platforms you care about are flipped over to GN (ETA this week).

Henrik Kjellander

Aug 26, 2016, 9:24:06 AM8/26/16
Update: Linux bots are now flipped over to GN and the build instructions at have been updated again.

FYI: The previously existing GN bots are now building GYP (with include_tests=0 and include_examples=0 set in GYP_DEFINES). We'll rename them to GYP soon to make it more clear. Sorry for the confusion in the transition.

Henrik Kjellander

Aug 28, 2016, 11:42:17 PM8/28/16
Update: Windows bots are now flipped over to GN and the build instructions at have been updated again.

Now the only platform left is iOS.

Henrik Kjellander

Aug 30, 2016, 5:22:01 PM8/30/16
Update: iOS bots are now flipped over to GN, being the last platform to migrate. 
Build instructions at have been updated.

ehmaldonado@ and I will now be working with auditing each platform to ensure the builds are identical. 
The only issue we've discovered so far is a performance regression in webrtc_perf_tests on Windows that seem to be related to different compiler optimization flags being used.
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Sep 8, 2016, 5:16:21 AM9/8/16
to discuss-webrtc
With the old GYP build (for Android) we where able to build a (statlc) .a library. At the end of the build it did " .... ar rcsT  obj/talk/libjingle_
peerconnection.a  ....". With the new GN method it seems that this archiving is missing. So it's not generating the static .a anymore. How is it possible to generate the static .a library with GN.

William Cheung

Sep 11, 2016, 8:53:13 PM9/11/16
to discuss-webrtc
Does the GN flag --is_component_build=false meant to generate static libs? I've tried it found it generates dynamic anyway.

I'm on VS2015.

Sep 12, 2016, 3:31:27 AM9/12/16
to discuss-webrtc
I don't know if it's meant to be but for me it does not generate the static libs, maybe it's a bug. The .so are for JNI, it has the java "decoration/prefix" for the exports see also!searchin/discuss-webrtc/native$20android%7Csort:relevance/discuss-webrtc/TVjjgUSQlik/jPdeAn7xZW8J so we cannot use them. At this moment I'm stuck.

Henrik Kjellander

Sep 12, 2016, 9:48:43 AM9/12/16
to discuss-webrtc


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