Need to create a new variable using COUNT

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Bruce Miller

Mar 31, 2018, 6:02:34 PM3/31/18
Hi all,

I have been struggling to create a new variable using a count command-  I have looked at a number of options none have worked.
add_count(TBC, wt = NULL, sort = FALSE
count(df, vars = TBC, wt_var = NULL

add_tally(x, TBC, sort = FALSE)...Etc. all fail.

It was straight forward to derive 2 new variables (but had to kludge it with two separate steps rather than one)

What I am after is the sum of time bats were recorded that is simply adding duration of call pulses [Dur] and the time between the calls [TBC]. This became TT (total time).  I also needed to create a variable for Bandwidth (BW) of signals and that was easy.

Could not seem to combine doing this in one step. Myopil is the CSV data file

# Create new BW & Total time TT variables then change data file name


BW<- within(TT_CR,BW<-Fmax-Fmin)

What I need now to create a new derived/calculated variable "Call rate".

This is a simple "rate per second" so the new variable CR is the number of call pulses divided by TT (measured in milliseconds) * .001.

So I will have N/TT, but can not seem to derive the count of the number of TBC variables in the data.  This will change with each data set.

As noted above I tried using some of the count etc. function ]s but none worked.

I would like to combine creating the 2 variable TT & BW in one step then also create the new CR (call rate).

Suggestions needed on how to derive the count of the values of TBCs.



AKA the Bozo on the Bus LOL

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