Monthly Meeting Notes 6/13/2016

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Andrew Wendling

Jun 13, 2016, 8:28:04 PM6/13/16
to Dayton Diode

Monthly Diode Business Meeting: June 13th, 2016

RFID Card reader is up and running

Makerfaire - Saturday July 16th

Thank you Sarah for keeping Diode open during door troubles

9/17 members present = Quorum

There is a regular outlet that is putting out 190v

Liability waivers are to be updated annually

Please clean out your food trash as able

Please recycle! - Sarah has taken up removing our recyclables.. But they need to be placed into the correct bin.

Mid - End July for Raspberry Pi classes - Pat Craig

Dayton Mini Maker Faire : July 16th

People to man the event

People to support the

July 23rd - Proposed date for a grill out meetup following the maker faire

SteamWorks Presentation from Sean

Southern Ohio Makerspace Alliance

Miami Valley Maker Exchange

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