Run Parallel MCMC Chains with JAGS/rjags on multiple cores?

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Katherine Lockhart

Jun 19, 2014, 3:41:17 PM6/19/14
Hi Everyone,

This is my first time requesting help from the group, apologies if I do not follow standard procedures. 

I am running some Bayesian models with JAGS/rjags. I have a lot of data in my model (2200 rows) and the chains are relatively long. I want to run each chain on a separate core in order to speed up the model runs. Currently each run is taking about 4 hours. I've searched a bit online, but wound up quite confused after reading about setting up RNGs for each chain, etc. Now, I thought I heard somewhere that rjags does this automatically with multiple chains, but when I look at my CPU monitor it appears that only one core is running. 

Here is my R code for the JAGS portion. Please let me know if you have any advice.

data <- list("y" = nit, "X"=X.mod, "n" = n, "l" = l) 

# Exponential model with gamma priors 
jags.exponential.gamma <-(ExponentialGammaPriors.JAG, data=data, n.chains=2)
update(jags.exponential.gamma, n.iter=100000)
samps <- coda.samples(jags.exponential.gamma, 
                      variable.names=c("beta", "mu"), 
Thank you!

Katherine Lockhart, MS
PhD Candidate
Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group
UC Davis

Yee, Julie

Jun 19, 2014, 3:50:33 PM6/19/14
Hi, Katie,

I've found this example, courtesy of Tim Handley, is a useful step-by-step template for multicore processing of Bayesian models using rjags:


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Julie L. Yee, Statistician
U.S. Geological Survey
Western Ecological Research Center

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Carl Boettiger

Jun 19, 2014, 4:06:43 PM6/19/14
Hi Katie, Julie,

I think the example using the snow package looks a bit overkill if you just want to use multiple cores (but handy for clusters of multiple machines using MPI mode instead of SOCK mode shown in that example.)

Perhaps you were thinking of the `jags.parallel` function from the R2jags package? ?jags.parallel has some examples.  


Carl Boettiger
UC Santa Cruz

Katherine Lockhart

Jun 19, 2014, 5:39:43 PM6/19/14
to davis-rug
Hi Carl and Julie,
Thank you for your feedback! jags.parallel in R2jags seemed pretty straightforward so I went ahead and tried it. I can get the code to run on one core, but no two. Here is my code and error:

# this runs on 1 core
samps <- jags(data=data,"beta", "mu"),n.iter=3000,
                       n.chains=2, n.burnin=1000,n.thin=5)

# I get an error when I run this one in parallel
samps <- jags.parallel(data=data,"beta", "mu"),n.iter=3000,
              n.chains=2, n.burnin=1000,n.thin=5)

Error in get(name, envir = envir) : invalid first argument

#I get the same error if I write my model as a function and then use model.file=thefunction. I found this post and tried making the suggested changes using

data <- list(y = nit, X=X.mod, n = n, l = l) 
parms <- c("beta","mu")
samps <-,list(names(data),inits,parms,

# but then I get another error
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(lapply(cl, recvResult)) : 
  2 nodes produced errors; first error: Number of initialized chains (length(inits)) != n.chains

# I have 13 "beta" parameters and 721 "mu" parameters. I am confused why it seems to be asking for the number of chains to equal the number of initial estimates for all parameters? 
# if I set inits to something I get this error
Error in file(con, "w") : all connections are in use

Thank you for your help! 

Carl Boettiger

Jun 19, 2014, 6:15:24 PM6/19/14
You need to initialize each chain (from ?jags.parallel: "a list with 'n.chains' elements").

You can specify a function that uses random starting values if you don't want to pick specific values for each chain.  I do recommend you see the examples in the documentation of ?jags.parallel, which include an illustration of such a function.  

p.s. good call with the ``, that seems to be a common bug in the R2jags interface where it confuses variables for values if you don't use  And you got 2 nodes to produce errors simultaneously -- so that means something is happening in parallel!


Katherine Lockhart

Jun 20, 2014, 1:26:22 PM6/20/14
to davis-rug
Thanks Carl! I set up the initial values as a list, but I was still getting the connection error. I'm thinking R is opening connections and not closing them, so they are getting maxed out somehow in the process of connecting to multiple cores. 

I ultimately tried the code that Julie initially suggested using the wrapper function and the snow package to time the results and I can get it to run with no errors. The results are also nearly identical to when I run it on a single core. It's definitely faster for short MCMC chains and short burn in (2-5 times), however, the run times don't seem to be improving very much for very long model runs (like 10%). I'll keep testing it.  

Thanks again!
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