Dharavi Household Survey Data

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Sutirtha Roy

Jun 25, 2014, 2:36:28 AM6/25/14
to data...@googlegroups.com
Dear Datameeters: I hope this finds you all well.

I am working on a Dharavi Redevelopment Planning idea and was wondering if anyone here would have access to any kind of data pertaining to Dharavi. From my research, I have learnt that the Dharavi Redevelopment Committee commissioned by the Mumbai municipality did conduct a household survey there through a data collection intermediary called MASHAL but this data is currently not available in the public domain. There is no information online about the ownership of the data, whether it lies with the city municipality, and if it does, whether it will be accessible through provisions under RTI. Hence shooting in the dark through this email.

Any pointers to any other datasets pertaining to Dharavi will also immensely inform our outcomes. Thank you all very much in advance.


srinivas kodali

Jun 26, 2014, 9:26:38 AM6/26/14
to data...@googlegroups.com
how about checking the electoral rolls for that area?


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Justin Meyers

Jun 26, 2014, 3:33:40 PM6/26/14
to data...@googlegroups.com

Sutirtha Roy

Jun 26, 2014, 4:02:01 PM6/26/14
to data...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for the leads - Srinivas and Justin. Srinivas - I will look at the electoral rolls data - didn't think of that earlier. Thank you

Justin - apologies if I wasn't clear on my requirements earlier. I am personally interested in looking at socio-economic data: wages, poverty rates, labor markets information, access to credit, education status etc at a household level. I hope to use this data to see if I am able to make a convincing economic argument that the value of people living and working in Dharavi is greater (or can be made greater) than the value of the land value itself. At an aggregate level, reports indicate that the value of economic output from Dharavi is close to $600 million!! If this is true, then I want to test the hypothesis that increasing productivity through efficient design (which put capital in their hands or improves working conditions etc) will help people perceive Dharavi as less of a 'slum' and more of an industrial powerhouse for Mumbai.

The maps that you sent are extremely useful for the planners in my team though. If you come across anything else on similar lines- kindly request you to forward it as well. It will be of immense help.

Thank you so much again.



srinivas kodali

Aug 29, 2014, 12:38:25 AM8/29/14
to data...@googlegroups.com

It might be late, but I found some data on dharavi accidentally here https://reinventingdharavi.org/resources.php

The page has good CAD files of dharavi and some other resources. Check if it will be helpful.

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