Geo pole shift

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Wayne J

Jan 7, 2014, 7:50:54 AM1/7/14
boys and girls i was looking at the geo pole shift, i can't find any pole shift data for the last few years, i did find this though....

well if hes right that it is migrating at 161 miles a year, then i can recalc his flip data cus i don't think hes accounted for the earth being on a tilt, what hes got is the core flipping at 63 degree's and thats not goin to happen lol....

k so if you account for the tilt of 23 deg then you get a flip at around 50-51 degree north and a flip in the summer period of earths orbit for the north hemisphere, so according to my theory the pole will flip when it reaches Irkutsk...  2010 is the last correct data i had for its position, have seen nothing recently on where the pole is so i'll take the 2010 position witch is 84 deg north, from there directly south to Irkutsk is about 1,958 miles (Irkutsk 50-51 deg north), so if you divide that distance by the speed this guy states then you get a pole flip in about 12 years, i cant be exact with timing as nobody knows diddle squat but it would put the date in-line with current workings here, comets 2018, pole shift 2024-5, nibiru 2025.  

now Velikovsky comes to mind, didn't he propose a link between nibiru and the pole shift?

where is the north geo pole lol, would love some solid proof of its location?

wayne james

Jan 7, 2014, 9:10:36 AM1/7/14
p.s. im not siding with Velikovsky lol, i still think his book is without scientific reason and i think he made our work look so outlandish it would be hard for anybody in mainline to take these things seriously, im just happy that he didnt destroy it, Sitchin, Andy and various others worked hard to get this back in public view, being younger i appreciate that this knowledge is still around.

kind regards

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John Keebaugh

Jan 7, 2014, 12:03:19 PM1/7/14

A good place to start looking for earth orientation data is:

That page lists several other web sites that could supply the data you seek.


Michael Mandeville has some data on Chandler’s Wobble through May 2006 at:

He has not updated since May 2006. I believe his data came from International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), one of the pages at Maia referenced above and found at then look under the Data/Products tab.



John Keebaugh


Alan Cornette

Jan 7, 2014, 4:08:53 PM1/7/14
to wayne james, dark-star-planet-x
Interesting that the Great Pyramid has 51 degree sides. That's odd and must have been done for a specific purpose - another message they were trying to tell us.  A side note: Velikovsky, although in error in some things, did make us more aware of the importance of legend and myth. In many cases, the only way to make history understandable, available to the masses, and preservable, is to put them in the form of stories they could understand.  And, astronomers (especially one that I won't name) belittled and ridiculed him for suggesting that space is electromagnetic in nature.
Another side note: If hell would ever freeze over, we are in it at this time. Just heard of extreme storms hitting Spain. Very difficult to get up-to-the-minute news from Europe on mainline news casts. Weather will be a strong future indicator of related sun conditions, planet changes, and perhaps a new ice age instead of a warming climate. Al C.



Jan 7, 2014, 6:22:42 PM1/7/14
to, wayne james, dark-star-planet-x
Velikovsky got some of the catastrophism right, but he didn't know about Nibiru, etc.  The cuneform was just starting to be known and deciphered in his day.  There wasn't any info on Nibiru known yet and I don't recall him ever mentioning it...

wayne james

Jan 8, 2014, 3:02:01 AM1/8/14
to Lee,
nicely spotted alan lol, since i started using geometry the old way a lot of things become a lot simpler, im a firm believing in getting the basic's right before complicating anything, with modern maths you need CGI to do anything 3 dimensionally, a wealth of knowledge can be surprisingly simple with the correct tools, and it fits nicely into my head lol. 

what tesla said makes it even easier, strait lines not bent space (bent space can not exist or it would be every where and everything would be blured and confusing), action and reaction must always be accounted for (action without reaction is like planning to blow yourself up lol). when energy interacts it refracts based on spin velocities of the electron state and the matter of witch it is interacting with, this is why i know red shift is twoddle, if something is red and heading at you it makes it extremely difficult to know its true course and position, all you need to do is look through your standard reflector scope, you can focus it on venus for instance and notice one side is always got a red hue and other side of the planet has a blue hue, its not focused properly you may say, i know would be my answer lol, im looking at the refraction of light round the body you see, not the body itself. always the red is left side of the body, doesn't matter witch way the body is spinning or where it is round the sun, it always refracts that way. so i think red shift is nothing more than heat distribution, i remember that discussion with mark about red and blue light, very interesting it was too and i think hes got a valid point about blue light, in my head i got a colour chart witch is a circle and in 4 portions, don't quite know its purpose yet but 60 deg north portion is white, 60 deg south is black, 120 deg east is blue and 120 deg west is red, its a full 360 and some sort of colour chart. any ideas anybody lol??

i don't know much about velikovsky, its just when i read his book i was like 14 or something and like Andy said i never did finish reading it either, some of his stuff isn't bad, its just where he chucked in stuff like Venus was born from the head of Jupiter lol, if he explained it was ancient text saying this and not his logical thought thinking it for real then he would of made a lot more sense, to me he opened the door to ridicule and nearly sacrificed the knowledge within.


Jan 8, 2014, 11:27:09 AM1/8/14
to, Lee,

Hey Wayne,


"Twoodel"??  You are aware of the Doppler shift and interferometry I trust. 


Regarding Velikovsky and Venus - many believe that Venus was a comet that achieved a stable circular orbit around our sun.  This is not as farfetched of an idea as most of us (here) believe in Nibiru/Vulcan. 


Curved space is just plain weird.  It makes for great science fiction though - worm holes, warped space, faster than light travel, etc!




wayne james

Jan 9, 2014, 6:28:32 AM1/9/14
to tarkin,
You are aware of the Doppler shift and interferometry I trust.

yeah lol of course i know, you know me () i wouldn't be happy if i can't flip things round and over looking for answers lol ! 3-4 years ago i said gravity wasn't right, now i have an alternative to known calculations of gravity. (weather people have faith in me or not im still going to do it lol)

i questioned field flow dynamics of planets/solar-systems/galaxies and now i have a potential understanding and explanation for these events

Velikovsky- history was available to him, venus was historically known to be where it is, in and long before his time, he had no excuse, and the fact that he made others believe Venus came from Jupiter is my point proving itself. 


wayne james

Jan 13, 2014, 5:56:50 AM1/13/14
to tarkin,
hey peeps wanna see something everybody has looked at but nobody has noticed?

go to google earth, turn the planet so the atlantic fault line is along the equatorial region, Britain should be tropical then huh like we know it once was, well spin the planet round keeping the axis of the equator on the fault line, im no geologist but im sure, looking at the formation flows under the sea bed of the pacific and the atlantic, this is an old spin vector of the earth. and looking at the formation near asia its not the first time the earth was in that position....i can see 3 different ridge flows of rock....

wayne james

Jan 14, 2014, 7:03:01 AM1/14/14
to Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C],
hi john interesting that like, where are these pyramids you say?

i was thinkin like, land claims can be made if  we new for sure lol, i would slap a claim on that ridge in-between new zealand and samoa, maybe go as far as fiji aha, wouldnt that be funny if claimed it, and after who could dispute it when it raises from the sea bed in 10 years time lmao

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C] <> wrote:

It is possible that the equator matched the Atlantic fault line in the past.  There have been several poles shifts.  Here is a picture that I like.  It shows the North America “north pole” with Cairo and the pyramids on the equator.  Coincidently, there are ancient cities on that equator!




John Stiff (Contractor CSC)


From: wayne james []
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 5:57 AM
To: Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C];

Subject: Re: Geo pole shift


hey peeps wanna see something everybody has looked at but nobody has noticed?


wayne james

Jan 14, 2014, 9:58:21 AM1/14/14
to Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C],
here is something for you all to chew on for a while, field flow dynamics that can explain biblical predictions and if used properly is a tool i find extraordinarily reliable...

Inline image 1

field flow dynamics.png

wayne james

Jan 14, 2014, 2:25:16 PM1/14/14
to Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C],
p.s. your ruler is in time yes? hhhmm mine is all velocities :) in all directions! there is no time lol only your choosing!
field flow dynamics.png

wayne james

Jan 14, 2014, 5:36:45 PM1/14/14
the eye of ra, the symbol of marduk once he learnt from his father!

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 9:08 PM, wayne james <> wrote:
david and many others! try the maths! try the logic! know the failures because i know them too, only united can we prevail!

why do you question the star? it is but knowledge that all is 7 not 6. it is no star but the function of all of them! there command is divine and through such subjects we will find divine subjects! he who knows his people in its entire, step forward! i bet there's not many huh? and even worse who would fight for just hope! hmm, humans need to change or be wiped out is my opinion, they can be easily replaced no ? thats what i dont want for mankind! GODS ORDERS LMAO :) 

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C] <> wrote:

The Star of David eh?  Or two 3-d tetrahedrals depicted in 2-d. 


I would have to re-read the site for the actual cities.  I remember that the author was conveying the information that they were all on the prior equator.  I found that interesting and it supports the crustal displacement theory.  I saved the picture a long time ago to my screen saver. 


wayne james

Jan 14, 2014, 6:19:57 PM1/14/14

wayne james

Jan 14, 2014, 6:47:07 PM1/14/14
i promise a challenge! i can stop a tornado with 1 maybe 2 miles, i challenge the u.s to better me!

this is good it tests my morals and judgement! and for man i ask let me try, because you all got no hope in trying to solve it! let me fire a kill shot, i can save lives and not take them! i can do this! i need an f16 and 2 missiles that i can mod! nothing more. i promise my fate! 

i will not fail you if only you trust in me!

wayne james

Jan 17, 2014, 10:49:49 AM1/17/14
to Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C],
okey dokey, so now you have basic's lets step up the game! this will be a little more complex for some not of technical mind but as usual i'll try to make it a simple as possible. check this out.

Inline image 1

so here we have it, your pole reversal and keep a holy book handy to refer to your revelations, dosn't matter what faith you are, this concerns all of you!
for those who know magnetism and particle polarity (obviously Barry and Andy knows) it will be clear to you, for everybody else when the earth gets close to that solar return feed line it will magnetise instantly to the magnetic pole flipping north to south and vice versa, this will begin the change of the orientation of the earth because north + can not polarise with north - its the wrong energy stream yes! the earth has no choice but to rotate to the next nearest south + that lines up with the suns north - 

Sooooo how did the earthlings long ago know this? how could they know this? 90% of the worlds population are religious in one way or an other, this is stated in all books! its clear they got the knowledge from some one lol, still working on this one.....

what i want to do is compare revelations with Sitchin for you guys, but i will need to ask you people if it is ok, religion is a touchy subject at best and i do not want to offend or scare anybody! this is Andy's group so if its ok to precede, please let me know. i will respect your wishes on this.

kind regards 

field flow dynamics.png
earth pole shift.png

wayne james

Jan 18, 2014, 3:53:05 AM1/18/14
to Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C],
little mistake on the diagram the purple particle flows of the sun the one at the top is south - not north. sorry
earth pole shift.png
field flow dynamics.png

Wayne J

Jan 20, 2014, 8:46:58 AM1/20/14
to, Stiff, John (NIH/NBS) [C],
a question i have, im reading Sitchin end of days and am wondering, after the deluge, why did enlil change the approach vectors for the space sport? there offset 90 degrees to each other? a change in rotation or axial tilt maybe making a need for a new vector angle of re-entry  

wayne james

Jan 22, 2014, 1:09:48 PM1/22/14
also why is there no reference to a time before the half cycle?

10800 to 8640—Age of the Lion (Leo) 
8640 to 6480—Age of the Crab (Cancer) 
6480 to 4320—Age of the Twins (Gemini) 
4320 to 2160—Age of the Bull (Taurus) 
2160 to 0—Age of the Ram (Aries) 

0 to 2160 ----- Age of Pisces (fishes) completes the half cycle in 12,960 witch in full is 25,920

ok so, what's the difference between Sitchins date 2160 and my date 2018-2025, the difference is 142 years over 12 ages, so what is sitchin missing that i haven't??

what is in the solar system, never leaving, powerful and close enough to do this to earth's orbit, the anunnaki built temples for it lmao, it is so obvious to me now and for those who said Jupiter then hurray for you, your about to see why Jupiter was so important they sent instruction to build temples to worship Jupiter. why oh why do you say. lmao another message from Enki 

Jupiter's solar orbital period is 11.8618 years
142 years divided by 12 ages is 11.8333 years 

now that is no coincidence, your talking timing Jupiter's orbit over 13,000 years to within 0.03 error, so Jupiter has been affecting earth's orbit, i didn't expect to find this but thought i would let you peeps know, i don't know exactly what it is coursing this but im sure its why they build those Jupiter temples later!


Jan 22, 2014, 5:27:01 PM1/22/14
The Romans revered Jupiter most.  They built a temple over Baalbek.  Marduk was Baal.

wayne james

Jan 22, 2014, 6:00:27 PM1/22/14
to Lee,
yes indeed they did, so did david and so did soloman amongst others....what am i missing? what is Jupiter telling me? once again something out the blue slaps me in the face and says look at this.

well i did say sitchins dating was bad, now i get to eat my hat, all though hes the other side of life, i apologise to him 


Jan 22, 2014, 6:08:50 PM1/22/14
to wayne james,
According to Gerald Clark ("The Anunnaki of Nibiru"), the Romans worshiped:

Anu = Saturn

Enlil = Jupiter

Enki = Neptune


wayne james

Jan 22, 2014, 6:51:19 PM1/22/14
to Lee,
Romans ripped of the Greeks lol, and Greek at best is all over the place compared to sitchin, my heads pummelled lol, i'll sleep on it i think 


Jan 22, 2014, 7:42:34 PM1/22/14
to wayne james,
According to the same author, the Greeks worshiped:

Anu = Cronus

Enlil = Zeus

Enki = Poseidon


wayne james

Jan 22, 2014, 8:01:00 PM1/22/14
to Lee,
yeah but to me that's just the anunnaki glorifying themselves as gods and it rubbing off on later generations here on earth (Chinese whisper)! when in actuality the planets have there own spirit/souls, galzu who is he? anunnaki didn't know. it shows in the fact they named Venus after there sister at first ninhursag, but when it flipped it was iniana! in context they want to be gods but fall short of the mark, this is the problem royal arseholes!

wayne james

Jan 23, 2014, 7:16:47 AM1/23/14
to Lee,
im not against royalty as a symbol of heritage, i think its good for man to know and respect his bloodline, royals today are not our ancestral blood lines, so to me they should be hoofed on there ass, all im saying is on earth it has been proven that royalty is no different to the people, we have had good kings and we have had greedy, selfish, disrespectful of there fellow man kings, and females can not boast they are better at it because Englands most savage ruler was a woman. democracy is different in the respect that we now have a couple of hundred wanna be kings running our government on capital greed!..nibiru have the same problem in kingship, its not the system that is failing, its the people elected in those positions who are the problem, kingship was made a mockery here on earth, when anybody with a dagger could stab the king in his back and take the thrown. from then on the people have suffered and it is not going to be without redemption!

back to it though im getting the hint that those 7 orbits of earth from 2018-2025 will be the 7 thunders, summertime we are at the closest approach to Jupiter i think heading southwards on our yearly cycle, everybody has heard or seen the noises of the last couple of years, the thunder is not sounding like it used too, those noises are energy flows, the booming sounds in the storms are retrograde matter high in orbit beginning to react with normal matter flows, the trumpets you will here soon enough, have you ever wet your finger and run it round the top of a wine glass? its the resonance  frequency that makes the whistling sound and if continued it cracks and shatters the glass, well consider the south poler vortex as the wine glass, when the pole gets a little closer to this solar return feed to the sun it will act like a finger on the glass, making it sound like a trumpet, 7 trumpets in 7 years of 7 thunders.


Jan 23, 2014, 7:59:07 AM1/23/14
to wayne james,
We're coming up on the end of the "Great Year," one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, about 25,800years.  Anything (or nothing) can happen...

wayne james

Jan 23, 2014, 8:17:27 AM1/23/14
to Lee,
glad you said that lee, this is all scientific speculation, i chose to walk a different path to mainline and everything im doing is untrodden ground, the gamble im taking of me being wrong therefore is quite high! all i have is faith to support me! but, i am accurate to what the texts say.  

wayne james

Jan 23, 2014, 12:28:58 PM1/23/14
to Lee,
back to this though

also why is there no reference to a time before the half cycle?

10800 to 8640—Age of the Lion (Leo) 
8640 to 6480—Age of the Crab (Cancer) 
6480 to 4320—Age of the Twins (Gemini) 
4320 to 2160—Age of the Bull (Taurus) 
2160 to 0—Age of the Ram (Aries) 

0 to 2160 ----- Age of Pisces (fishes) completes the half cycle in 12,960 witch in full is 25,920

ok so, what's the difference between Sitchins date 2160 and my date 2018-2025, the difference is 142 years over 12 ages, so what is sitchin missing that i haven't??

what is in the solar system, never leaving, powerful and close enough to do this to earth's orbit, the anunnaki built temples for it lmao, it is so obvious to me now and for those who said Jupiter then hurray for you, your about to see why Jupiter was so important they sent instruction to build temples to worship Jupiter. why oh why do you say. lmao another message from Enki 

Jupiter's solar orbital period is 11.8618 years
142 years divided by 12 ages is 11.8333 years 

now that is no coincidence, your talking timing Jupiter's orbit over 13,000 years to within 0.03 error, so Jupiter has been affecting earth's orbit, i didn't expect to find this but thought i would let you peeps know, i don't know exactly what it is coursing this but im sure its why they build those Jupiter temples later!

i can show you how this works lol, 

Inline image 2
as you can see, Jupiter has been pulling the earth gently southwards every year we pass it in its cyclic motion, thus reducing the timing of the next happening from 2160 to about 2018 to 2025.

we know Jupiter was in this position or lower, from it having a double vortex at its pole.

pull of jupiter.png

wayne james

Jan 23, 2014, 12:35:39 PM1/23/14
to Lee,
p.s. here is something so you know im not talking out my bumhole lol.

pull of jupiter.png

wayne james

Jan 24, 2014, 1:27:20 AM1/24/14
to Lee,
here is something else you may wanna see, this is how Enki said the earth was speeded up, and it fits Enki, sitchin, bibles and god knows who else, Enki used a base resonance of 71 (galactic resonance) solar resonance is base 72, this can be done by a change in the daily/yearly cyclic orbit.

25,920 divided by 71 is present day orbit 365.0704 due to this alteration listed in the bible i actually pointed out not long back...
Before then, 25,920 divided by 72 is 360 days a year exactly, the natural solar resonance is 72 so somebody has been playing god with earth's orbit.

lol i did tell you last year i was learning to fly planets aha
pull of jupiter.png

wayne james

Jan 27, 2014, 4:41:20 AM1/27/14
to Lee,
also, last of all newtons calc's, although its clear newton didn't go into any detail, as it was back of envelope kind of thing, newton said 800+1260=2060
well to be more precise rome was founded 763 B.C.E according to Egyptian history and they would know because they have history at this time of keeping records. how could rome keep records if the founder was not even 1 at birth? rome did not exist so how could it have accurate records before it was founded? so i tend to take the Egyptian dating as it would of been recorded pre founding of rome.

 According to Lucius Tarrutius of Firmum, Romulus was conceived on the 23rd day of the Egyptian month Choiac, during a total eclipse of the sun. This eclipse occurred on June 15, 763 BC, with a magnitude of 62.5% at Rome. He was born on the 21st day of the month of Thoth. The first day of Thoth fell on 2 March in that year (Prof. E. J. Bickerman, 1980: 115). That implies that Rhea Silvia's pregnancy lasted for 281 days. Rome was founded on the ninth day of the month Pharmuthi, which was April 21, as universally agreed. The Romans add that, about the time Romulus started to build the city, an eclipse of the Sun was observed by Antimachus, the Teian poet, on the 30th day of the lunar month. This eclipse (see above) had a magnitude of 54.6% at Teos, Asia Minor. Romulus vanished in the 54th year of his life, on the Nones of Quintilis (July), on a day when the Sun was darkened. The day turned into night, which sudden darkness was believed to be an eclipse of the Sun. It occurred on July 17, 709 BC, with a magnitude of 93.7%.

k so lets update Newtonian 763+1260=2023 (2018-2025)

pull of jupiter.png

wayne james

Jan 29, 2014, 2:20:39 AM1/29/14
to Lee,
here is something i missed out, when i matched up Jupiter's orbit with the timing of things, i got 0.03 and didn't explain what the difference is, why doesn't it directly match? well! between Earth and Jupiter there is a thing called the moon (kingu) who's orbital inclination is..... wait for it lol 28.5 degrees, the actual 0.03 is in fact (11.8618-11.8333=0.0285) remember to take into account the mass ratio im sure you can figure the rest out! 

no matter how i look at it, historically or mathematically i always get the same time period, Jupiter is in its final orbit of the age of Pisces!

and for conformation let me consult the moon lol, 

 Every 18.61 years (the most recent was 2006) the moon reaches its northernmost and southernmost maximums known as a Major Lunar Standstill.  The next Major Lunar Standstill is calculated to be at apogee in 2024-2025.

so we have something to work with now, something linking history to math, that you know and can define as reliable, Jupiter's orbit is well known, the moons orbit more so....

well one thing is for sure, you'll certainly get your pole shift by that date! nibiru showing up? i can only guess that it is still out there, i like to believe it will show itself in the face of Jupiter of that year.

at present im trying to figure out how to know when nibiru enters the solar field, unfortunately its not so easy as a dent in the solar field, when a smaller object enters the field of a larger body of energy, it has to respond to the more powerful resonance of the field flows, so if anything, it would create a swelling on the field flow of Solaris and not a dent (like a small bubble sticking on a larger bubble, it doesn't have the energy/mass to dent the more powerful bubble), but generally speaking electromagnetically, the law is fundamental that the field of the lessor must integrate and become a server of the dominant field flow.

pull of jupiter.png

wayne james

Feb 2, 2014, 10:02:47 AM2/2/14
to Lee,
some more huge implications for you peeps on this, i found the 5th world pole lol, check out the kung-fu because not even a Shaolin is this deadly.

Anybody notice anything strange about this?

Inline image 2
 Those are your 5 worlds, 25,920 years in each, lets look at the location and what do we see....

Underneath the surface of the Indian Ocean lies the convergence of the African, Indian and Antarctic crustal plates- their junctures marked by the Y-shaped branches of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge and a stem running south from the edge of the continental shelf near Mumbai, India. The resulting ridges subdivide the eastern, western and southern basins into smaller basins. The Indian Ocean consists of narrow 200 km (125 mile) continental shelves with the exception of a shelf of width that exceeds 1,000 km (600 miles) off of Australia's western coast. On average, the depth of this ocean is 3,890m with the deepest point being the Java Trench at 7,450 m. Northwards of 50° S latitude, 86% of the major basin is covered by pelagic sediment and more than half is globigerina ooze. The rest is layered with terrigenous sediments and almost all the extreme southern latitudes are covered in glacial outwash.

highlighted in red you see that number again witch is in fact 51 degree's as alan kindly pointed out, is your pyramid dimensions, but its also how you manipulate electromagnetic fields lol, i'll show you that another time but for now all you need know is that certain pyramids did certain jobs linking field flows to planets so as to move earths orbit slightly out of sink so it doesn't do a tiamat again and get blasted by nibiru, that 5th pole is your new world age. the change is now in full motion and it can not be stopped now, its the final re-shaping of the earth before it is expanded to its full energy state, a little more electromagnetic info so you know what im telling you is a good assessment. this will tell you all about gravimetric's, its thick with data so probably not the best but for the more advanced you may wanna dip your head into this data.

Don't read this next bit if you don't like predictions.....but i'll have a stab at it lol

so you got the gist of things, from this now you know the next world pole position, let me explain what this means, when that pole aligns with the suns field flow lines it will begin to move south, you know its already spluttering from the above data, the land here will rise (double poling remember so twice the force) this isn't that bad but remember every action has a direct and opposite reaction, so whats the other side of world directly opposite this location? Montana, Washington, yellow stone  all that is gonna go, sink when this happens depending on altitude weather you will need wellies or not but to be fair thats the least of your worries, its also gonna trigger the rest of the ring of fire, everything inside the ring is going swimming, this includes California going bye bye, your whole west coast of the U.S is gonna erupt like nothing you seen before, Japan is history and parts of China and Russia, are going down too, from the islands south of china a giant crack will rip right across to the dead sea, you can see the ridge where it connects in the Atlantic on google earth (the Azores) , thats gonna split too, the Atlantic ridge is gonna go crazy, your talking a strip of continental size islands to give you an idea of the scale of all this...and its not gonna happen over millions of years lol, this will be the first 4 years of the 7 trumpets, so if you live in any of these locations listen out for that trumpet and watch out for that island popping up in the north Atlantic, satellites will begin magnetically to be pulled down to earth and all the other space junk because the earths mag field is halved or if not temporarily shut down while the pole moves, half field means double polar magnetics witch will pull around the north pole on the satellites and junk in orbit, refer to nasa to see how much space junk they and others put up there lol, 3 days of darkness is said, 72 hours, i get the hint 71 hours, the numbers in this is cyclic, there will be holes in the sky kind of thing, magnetic field lines bursting to earth though the smaller field or no field at this time, it will switch back on as we pass back up on our yearly cycle, and you can imagine the water displacement its gonna cores, so East coast America's, Greenland, Britain, east coast Europe, Africa expect flooding in a big way. Next couple of years extreme heat near the ground basically radiating out of the earth, like that overcharged capacitor i showed you on the other thread, the ground will be too hot for plant life to take hold for a year or 2 and not much rain because the air will be warm and arrid, as the earth cools down in its new more rounded shape. survivors of this will get to see nibiru's return on the 7th trumpet, i haven't worked this bit out yet so i don't know what will happen...

p.s from studies i get the hint this is not directly related to nibiru, nibiru is the second event, this is the first event that speaks of the god of the gods! as anunnaki loved to name planets and stars after themselves, then its only fitting to introduce you to yahweh or the representative of yahweh, (like jesus)! the gods of the elohim who we know are Anunnaki, so here is yahweh lol or what yahweh represents. (just my opinion)

Inline image 3
pull of jupiter.png


Feb 2, 2014, 10:42:36 AM2/2/14
If the Earth was dented there, India and China would be submerged!--Lee

wayne james

Feb 2, 2014, 11:01:35 AM2/2/14
to Lee,
its not the crust im talking about although that is some of the end dynamics, its the shape of the magnetics from the core, the earth should be a sphere and it clearly shows energy polarity difference in land density, in other words the dips in magnetics need to fill out equally to be a sphere, witch is a natural cores of rotation lol

wayne james

Feb 2, 2014, 11:07:03 AM2/2/14
to Lee,
p.s. remember energy flows at the point of least resistance and the dark spot is the quickest point for energy to realine too. its the point of least resistance to the core of earth!

wayne james

Feb 3, 2014, 2:11:18 AM2/3/14
to Lee,
here is something to explaining what im showing you about the suns field dynamic's 

The solar magnetic field extends well beyond the Sun itself. The magnetized solar wind plasma carries the Sun's magnetic field into space forming what is called theinterplanetary magnetic field.[72] Since the plasma can only move along the magnetic field lines, the interplanetary magnetic field is initially stretched radially away from the Sun. Because the fields above and below the solar equator have different polarities pointing towards and away from the Sun, there exists a thin current layer in the solar equatorial plane, which is called the heliospheric current sheet.[72] At great distances, the rotation of the Sun twists the magnetic field and the current sheet into the Archimedean spiral like structure called the Parker spiral.[72] The interplanetary magnetic field is much stronger than the dipole component of the solar magnetic field. The Sun's dipole magnetic field of 50–400 μT (at the photosphere) reduces with the cube of the distance to about 0.1 nT at the distance of the Earth. However, according to spacecraft observations the interplanetary field at the Earth's location is around 5 nT, about a hundred times greater.[81] The difference is due to magnetic fields generated by electrical currents in the plasma surrounding the Sun.

wayne james

Feb 17, 2014, 4:19:43 AM2/17/14
to Lee,
posted this on other thread for lee but really it belongs here to support this theory.

added this to one of the workings to give you a better idea picture so you see what im trying to explain.

Inline image 1

incidentally nasa may of removed the original vortex images i found back in the 90's but this gives evidence that we have a storm front like the great red one on jupiter in our southern polar region.

Peter Rosie

Mar 2, 2014, 2:02:13 AM3/2/14
to, Lee,


Have you seen this site, Wayne......

some ideas that may be capable of seeding a new concept for your work



 Those are your 5 worlds, 25,920 years in each, lets look at the location and what do we see....



Underneath the surface of the Indian Ocean lies the convergence of the African, Indian and Antarctic crustal plates- their junctures marked by the Y-shaped branches of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge and a stem running south from the edge of the continental shelf near Mumbai, India. The resulting ridges subdivide the eastern, western and southern basins into smaller basins. The Indian Ocean consists of narrow 200 km (125 mile) continental shelves with the exception of a shelf of width that exceeds 1,000 km (600 miles) off of Australia's western coast. On average, the depth of this ocean is 3,890m with the deepest point being the Java Trench at 7,450 m. Northwards of 50° S latitude, 86% of the major basin is covered by pelagic sediment and more than half is globigerina ooze. The rest is layered with terrigenous sediments and almost all the extreme southern latitudes are covered in glacial outwash.


highlighted in red you see that number again witch is in fact 51 degree's as alan kindly pointed out, is your pyramid dimensions, but its also how you manipulate electromagnetic fields lol, i'll show you that another time but for now all you need know is that certain pyramids did certain jobs linking field flows to planets so as to move earths orbit slightly out of sink so it doesn't do a tiamat again and get blasted by nibiru, that 5th pole is your new world age. the change is now in full motion and it can not be stopped now, its the final re-shaping of the earth before it is expanded to its full energy state, a little more electromagnetic info so you know what im telling you is a good assessment. this will tell you all about gravimetric's, its thick with data so probably not the best but for the more advanced you may wanna dip your head into this data.



Don't read this next bit if you don't like predictions.....but i'll have a stab at it lol


so you got the gist of things, from this now you know the next world pole position, let me explain what this means, when that pole aligns with the suns field flow lines it will begin to move south, you know its already spluttering from the above data, the land here will rise (double poling remember so twice the force) this isn't that bad but remember every action has a direct and opposite reaction, so whats the other side of world directly opposite this location? Montana, Washington, yellow stone  all that is gonna go, sink when this happens depending on altitude weather you will need wellies or not but to be fair thats the least of your worries, its also gonna trigger the rest of the ring of fire, everything inside the ring is going swimming, this includes California going bye bye, your whole west coast of the U.S is gonna erupt like nothing you seen before, Japan is history and parts of China and Russia, are going down too, from the islands south of china a giant crack will rip right across to the dead sea, you can see the ridge where it connects in the Atlantic on google earth (the Azores) , thats gonna split too, the Atlantic ridge is gonna go crazy, your talking a strip of continental size islands to give you an idea of the scale of all this...and its not gonna happen over millions of years lol, this will be the first 4 years of the 7 trumpets, so if you live in any of these locations listen out for that trumpet and watch out for that island popping up in the north Atlantic, satellites will begin magnetically to be pulled down to earth and all the other space junk because the earths mag field is halved or if not temporarily shut down while the pole moves, half field means double polar magnetics witch will pull around the north pole on the satellites and junk in orbit, refer to nasa to see how much space junk they and others put up there lol, 3 days of darkness is said, 72 hours, i get the hint 71 hours, the numbers in this is cyclic, there will be holes in the sky kind of thing, magnetic field lines bursting to earth though the smaller field or no field at this time, it will switch back on as we pass back up on our yearly cycle, and you can imagine the water displacement its gonna cores, so East coast America's, Greenland, Britain, east coast Europe, Africa expect flooding in a big way. Next couple of years extreme heat near the ground basically radiating out of the earth, like that overcharged capacitor i showed you on the other thread, the ground will be too hot for plant life to take hold for a year or 2 and not much rain because the air will be warm and arrid, as the earth cools down in its new more rounded shape. survivors of this will get to see nibiru's return on the 7th trumpet, i haven't worked this bit out yet so i don't know what will happen...


p.s from studies i get the hint this is not directly related to nibiru, nibiru is the second event, this is the first event that speaks of the god of the gods! as anunnaki loved to name planets and stars after themselves, then its only fitting to introduce you to yahweh or the representative of yahweh, (like jesus)! the gods of the elohim who we know are Anunnaki, so here is yahweh lol or what yahweh represents. (just my opinion)



On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 7:20 AM, wayne james <> wrote:

as you can see, Jupiter has been pulling the earth gently southwards every year we pass it in its cyclic motion, thus reducing the timing of the next happening from 2160 to about 2018 to 2025.


wayne james

Mar 2, 2014, 5:45:11 AM3/2/14
to Peter and Ann,
interesting, the site fails the thing im trying to explain most, watch this vid from the site closely

2 magnetic field flows, it is the key to anti gravity and ZPE, the thing i found is that life energy is in there somewhere too, i can't identify it yet! i have theory but i can not identify it yet, sigh!

i know the workings, the field flow dynamic's but when your messing with DC your messing with raw energy, this is why tesla moved away from DC current, its the closest earthly knowledge of function of prana, so the principle of a good circuit needs to be sort or we will just be doing the same to the planet as we have been doing for previous generations (taking without balancing) and that will destroy life on earth. AC is much more versatile and functional and in it the context of DC power is broken down into its waveform components hence the use of hertzian frequency and the composite break down into colours of said frequency. 

using DC power is why the U.S can not build a functional anti gravity vehicle, your using one torus of energy for a start and that at best is only 90% efficient lol, in duality which is the fundamental concept im trying to show people is that energy is over proof in mainline terms, let me explain this in a way you will understand but mainline science can not postulate! 
if 2 fields are at 60% potential independently, counter rotating, from the point of ZPE you will draw a 3 potential witch is greater than the 2 combined forces, hence you end up with abundant energy flowing into the circuit, thats the theory behind it! gravity wise that will give you a potential of 120% rather than strain and push one force to try to make it do something it can not logically achieve, there will always be loses in singular systems, logically break down DC and utilise it to its full potential

i can show you a vid proving the theory although here im explaining how and why lol and showing you a little more than mainline know at present.

now you can see why you need 2 field flows, its uncontrollable when you account for only one field flow, the 2 components (frequency) need to be identified and balanced.

wayne james

Mar 2, 2014, 6:22:26 AM3/2/14
to Peter and Ann,
actually very weird you asked me that, i was only mentioning to bruce last night that some of the things i been doing are written in the book he put forward, which i will run through later this year, what i can say is i have never read this book before that i can recall, and it was wrote before i was born. 

bottom of page 146 you'll note this quote! 

"these material organisations are dual in construction and are known as gravita" 

wayne james

Mar 5, 2014, 6:32:24 AM3/5/14
to Peter and Ann,
here is a little more on the subject, and why water is so important! i could pull ton's of info from this book but i will do that later this year im still reading it lol.

page 193
The Paradise force organizers transmute space potency into primordial force and evolve
this prematerial potential into the primary and secondary energy manifestations of physical
reality. When this energy attains gravity-responding levels, the power directors and their
associates of the superuniverse regime appear upon the scene and begin their never-ending
manipulations designed to establish the manifold power circuits and energy channels of the
universes of time and space. Thus does physical matter appear in space, and so is the stage
set for the inauguration of universe organization.

and relative data for man's association with said facts!

this is how i see that mark was right when he put forward his thoughts on blue light, i should've seen it back then, red is the first store house of pre matter and blue is the secondary, ultraviolet (tesla's free energy wireless transmission towers), electrolysis is the core component factory, gravity (blue) and anti gravity (red) is the assistant! your nucleus of reaction is the oxygen left in the water, used for continues reactivity (star fire).

im getting closer lol

Alan Cornette

Mar 5, 2014, 7:36:54 AM3/5/14
to wayne james, dark-star-planet-x
No news here could be bad news. Good idea to keep looking for data. Usually when information disappears, it means there's something going on to be kept from the public. Keep looking, Wayne. My eyes won't let me stare into this screen much - and reading only for short periods of time. Al C..

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 7:50 AM, Wayne J <> wrote:
boys and girls i was looking at the geo pole shift, i can't find any pole shift data for the last few years, i did find this though....

well if hes right that it is migrating at 161 miles a year, then i can recalc his flip data cus i don't think hes accounted for the earth being on a tilt, what hes got is the core flipping at 63 degree's and thats not goin to happen lol....

k so if you account for the tilt of 23 deg then you get a flip at around 50-51 degree north and a flip in the summer period of earths orbit for the north hemisphere, so according to my theory the pole will flip when it reaches Irkutsk...  2010 is the last correct data i had for its position, have seen nothing recently on where the pole is so i'll take the 2010 position witch is 84 deg north, from there directly south to Irkutsk is about 1,958 miles (Irkutsk 50-51 deg north), so if you divide that distance by the speed this guy states then you get a pole flip in about 12 years, i cant be exact with timing as nobody knows diddle squat but it would put the date in-line with current workings here, comets 2018, pole shift 2024-5, nibiru 2025.  

now Velikovsky comes to mind, didn't he propose a link between nibiru and the pole shift?

where is the north geo pole lol, would love some solid proof of its location?

wayne james

Mar 5, 2014, 10:05:23 AM3/5/14
to Alan Cornette,
hi alan, you're on google chrome? if so you may find this a little help for you, 

just install reopen your chrome and highlight said text, it will read it for you mate. 

any problems give me a shout and if need we can link p.c's and i'll set it up from here for you :)

hope its of help to you.

wayne james

Mar 5, 2014, 10:07:26 AM3/5/14
to Alan Cornette,
p.s it will read your pdf files for you too, so any book is now again within your grasp, rest those eye's mate and let the tech work for you :)

John Keebaugh

Mar 5, 2014, 11:10:49 AM3/5/14

The discussion below is about the rotational axis location of the earth, specifically the x,y coordinates of the North Pole. Distances are measured in meters. This discussion does not cover the magnetic north pole behavior.


Data for both actual and predicted earth orientation is easily available at

Click on Data Products in left menu to see what is available. Be sure to look at Programs and EOP Analysis where you will find the coordinates of the Earth’s pole (polar motion), the rotation angle about the pole (Universal Time or UT1), precession, and nutation. There is software available to deal with the data. They have both predicted position by day and actual position based on the celestial reference frame within which the EOP parameters are determined. To find the archive of semi-weekly IERS Bulletin A since 1999, click on Site Index in left menu, and click on the second item under Data Products, The Bulletin A Web Page. That takes you to which is a task shared between USA and France (there’s probably more than one story about how that came about). Scroll down to find “search the Bulletin A EOP Database” and click. That takes you to all the data since 1973. Or you can click on past issues of Bulletin A are archived at CDDIS.


You can probably sign up to receive the daily or weekly data files delivered via anonymous ftp.


A fun image is available under Plots:


Polar Motion X-Y Plot (with linear trends removed)

Needless to say, for the past couple of years polar motion has been wandering sort of aimlessly.


You’re going to need the equations found in various places on the above sites to make sense of the data. Take the time to read and understand about the frame of reference. The software is mostly in Linux so that may be of limited use.


Because all this number crunching takes place, one can easily verify claims of dramatic pole shift over short time periods with a GPS. Go to a favorite place and record the Lat/Long. Following a claim of pole shift, go to the same place (that means stand in the same footprints), take a GPS reading and compare with the recorded version. Be aware that if your GPS unit accuracy is +- 30 feet (10 meters) you can’t say much about pole shift unless the diffference you see is more than that amount.


Oh, there’s not going to be a leap second added in June 2014.



John Keebaugh

wayne james

Mar 6, 2014, 4:20:08 AM3/6/14

all good fun, here we can see that if we can lick this, we can have a 4 month warning between space action and earthly weather system reactions.

Polar motion is primarily made up of two discrete periodic oscillations: one, called the Chandler Wobble, has about a 14-month period, and the other has a 12-month period. The combination of these two wobbles causes the poles to trace spiral paths out of, around, and eventually back into their mean positions over a period of about 6.5 years. The separation between the actual and mean poles was exceptionally large in about 1952, when they were separated by 12 m (37 feet), or 0.37 arc second (0.37″). Their maximum separation during the 6.5-year period averages about 0.25″.

Polar motion was first predicted by the Swiss physicist Leonhard Euler in 1765 using dynamical theory and a rigid model of the Earth; he predicted a 10-month oscillation period for the phenomenon. Observational proof for the postulated latitude variations was obtained in the mid-1880s, and about that time the American astronomer S.C. Chandler analyzed these data and obtained both the 14-month and the 12-month periods. The four-month difference between Euler’s predicted period and the actual duration of the Chandler Wobble is due to the elasticity of the Earth’s mantle and the mobility of the oceans, which together subtly affect the Earth’s response to rotation and for which Euler had not provided in his calculations.

Astronomical observations of the Earth’s rotational position in space, which are used in determining Universal Time, must be corrected for slight variations in longitude caused by polar motion.

wayne james

Mar 9, 2014, 1:14:11 PM3/9/14
to Peter and Ann,
this is funny, as you can see im now posting before i even read the relevant page lmao.

4 days after posting im on page 528

3. The short space rays. These are the shortest of all purely electronic vibrations and
represent the preatomic stage of this form of matter. These rays require extraordinarily high
or low temperatures for their production. There are two sorts of these space rays: one
attendant upon the birth of atoms and the other indicative of atomic disruption. They
emanate in the largest quantities from the densest plane of the superuniverse, the Milky
Way, which is also the densest plane of the outer universes.

wayne james

Mar 9, 2014, 1:16:44 PM3/9/14
to Peter and Ann,
relating to this previous post, sorry lol forgot to mention.

wayne james

Mar 5 (4 days ago)
to Peterdark-star-plan.
here is a little more on the subject, and why water is so important! i could pull ton's of info from this book but i will do that later this year im still reading it lol.

page 193
The Paradise force organizers transmute space potency into primordial force and evolve
this prematerial potential into the primary and secondary energy manifestations of physical
reality. When this energy attains gravity-responding levels, the power directors and their
associates of the superuniverse regime appear upon the scene and begin their never-ending
manipulations designed to establish the manifold power circuits and energy channels of the
universes of time and space. Thus does physical matter appear in space, and so is the stage
set for the inauguration of universe organization.

and relative data for man's association with said facts!

this is how i see that mark was right when he put forward his thoughts on blue light, i should've seen it back then, red is the first store house of pre matter and blue is the secondary, ultraviolet (tesla's free energy wireless transmission towers), electrolysis is the core component factory, gravity (blue) and anti gravity (red) is the assistant! your nucleus of reaction is the oxygen left in the water, used for continues reactivity (star fire).

im getting closer lol

wayne james

Mar 14, 2014, 6:43:34 AM3/14/14
to Peter and Ann,
Electric disturbances in the air and in the earth were also decreasing. The lava flows had
brought to the surface a mixture of elements which diversified the crust and better insulated
the planet from certain space-energies. And all of this did much to facilitate the control of
terrestrial energy and to regulate its flow, as is disclosed by the functioning of the magnetic

above is another extract from the urantia, page 732, note the plural use of the words energy, and clear identification for the gravity calculation i did by identifying the poles as the source of energy! like as i have used correctly the magnetic pole for the above prediction of a pole shift.

Wayne James

Jul 7, 2015, 2:21:55 PM7/7/15
An old post and i been away a few months so im catching up on my reflected thoughts, while refreshing notes...It seems like Cayce seems to of been in similar mind...Not just on the pole shift but also Armageddon and the future of science im trying to define. 

19. Cayce foresaw a shift of the Earth's poles around the millennium


In the late 1920's and early 1930's, Cayce was the first to describe the concept of the shifting of the pole as a result of the crust of the Earth moving independently from the core of the Earth to bring different a surface area over the spin axis. During the past 30 years, this concept has received more and more attention by geophysicists, some of whom now seriously argue that the crust does move independently. Some geophysicists now also argue that the best way to explain a variety of paleo sea-level and other data is that it moves and shifts fairly frequently and more rapidly than previously imagined.


Cayce predicted changes to the Earth surface to begin some time between 1958 and 1998. The cause of these dramatic Earth changes will be the shift in the world's magnetic poles around the year 2000. Cayce predicted that when this pole shift occurs it would begin reversals in the world's climate so that:

"..where there has been a frigid or semi-tropical climate, there will be a more tropical one, and moss and fern will grow."


Cayce's prediction of a pole shift occurred in 1998. According to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, in 1998 something changed the Earth's gravitational field which moved the magnetic poles closer together. The NASA article explained that as the ice on the poles melted, ocean currents moved water toward the equator, which factors researchers believe to be partly responsible, in conjunction with shifts in atmospheric patterns, for this ongoing shift in the Earth's magnetic field. This NASA finding affirms Cayce's prediction of a pole shift. 

1. Cayce identified the year the battle of Armageddon will occur in the spirit realm (may be happening already)


Cayce predicted that the so-called "Battle of Armageddon" described symbolically in the Bible would begin in 1999. Cayce foresaw that this "battle" will not be a war fought on Earth. Rather, it will be a spiritual struggle between the "higher forces of light" and "lower forces of darkness" for 1000 years of Earth time. The reason for this struggle is to prevent souls from lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth. By preventing souls from the lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth, only enlightened souls will be permitted to reincarnate. The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and enlightenment. After 1000 years, souls from lower afterlife realms will be permitted once again to reincarnate to Earth. By this time, the so-called "kingdom of heaven" will have been established on Earth.

Cayce predicted in September, 1939, that when there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of human experience.

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