Cookie control text and button not displaying in broswer

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Feb 8, 2017, 5:51:27 AM2/8/17
to Cookie Control Support
I've just installed cookie control on the blog side of my site (it's currently working correctly on my main site). The same code has been added to the blog footer but now the bar appears across the top with the orange C logo but nothing else displays. it does however display correctly on mobile devices. I tried with the Wordpress plugin instead of code in the footer and had the same result. I've tried updating the cookiecontrol js file too, but that just gives the API error. 

The code currently in the footer just before the </body> tag is:

<script src="...../cookiecontrol-6.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
 t: {
 title: '<p>We use cookies to help improve the service we offer. ......</p>',
 intro: '',
 full:'<p>To control third party cookies, ......</p>'
 theme:CookieControl.THEME_LIGHT, // light or dark
 protectedCookies: [], // list the cookies you do not want deleted, for example ['analytics', 'twitter']
 apiKey: 'API key here',
 product: CookieControl.PROD_PAID,
 consentModel: CookieControl.MODEL_INFO,
 countries:'' // Or supply a list, like ['United Kingdom', 'Greece']

 function ccAddAnalytics() {ANALYTICS HERE

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