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Using makefiles for dependency resolution

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Anonymous Shadow

Sep 9, 2015, 4:38:06 AM9/9/15
Is it a good idea if I want to create a primitive package management
system for my linux distribution with makefiles? Make has dependency
resolution, and I don't want to spend a lot of time porting existing
package managers to my system, or spending even more time writing my
own package manager.

For example:

@echo "Please specify a package name."

wget -O bash.tgz
tar -xf bash.tgz
bash-4.3.30/configure --prefix=/usr --enable-minimal-config
make -C bash-4.3.30
sudo make -C bash-4.3.30 install

.. add more packages here

If this would be a good idea, what is the best way to implement

Anonymous Shadow
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Kaz Kylheku

Sep 9, 2015, 11:50:44 AM9/9/15
On 2015-09-09, Anonymous Shadow <> wrote:
> Make has dependency resolution

Maybe in some parallel reality.

Here, we have to type explicit dependency rules into makefiles, or have tools
generate them.

What make has is out-of-date-target resolution: checking that a target
doesn't exist or is out of date w.r.t some prerequisites and needs to
be updated via execution of its build recipe.

Martijn Dekker

Sep 9, 2015, 5:34:38 PM9/9/15
In article <msor51$jeq$>,
Anonymous Shadow <> wrote:

> Is it a good idea if I want to create a primitive package management
> system for my linux distribution with makefiles? Make has dependency
> resolution, and I don't want to spend a lot of time porting existing
> package managers to my system, or spending even more time writing my
> own package manager.

pkgsrc uses Makefiles and is cross-platform, so should work under Linux
as is.


- M.
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