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Imported Postscript files, problems with image displaying

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Joaquin Lopez Cortes

Aug 11, 1994, 8:33:30 AM8/11/94

Here a possible answer to a question in the news group and a question. First of
all the answer:

1. The answer
A question of the last days was how to import psotscript files into FrameMaker.
Framemaker can import images in EPS (encapsulated postscript files). Some appli-
cations generate images that are not strictly in eps-format. However, after making
some changes, a "crude"-ps file can be converted into an appropriate eps-file. We
only needed to do the following two changes:

- Add the EPSF information to the first line of the ps-file:

%!PS-Adobe-3.0 to be changed into %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0

- Insert the bounding-box line as the second line of the document, for instance:

%%BoundingBox: 82 606 205 746

To determine the bounding box use the Unix-command "bbfig", which unfortunately
does not include this line in the file, but it is possible to read it after
displaying the results with GhostScript. Automating of this procedure is possible,
there are perl-scripts that can do all this, but one must have perl.
For more information, please write to me.

2. My question

I am using FrameMaker on a Sun SPARC 2 with a GX graphic card (64 MB memory, 450000
2D and 240000 3D vectors/s, screen dimensions 1152 x 900 pixels. Importing eps-files
into FrameMaker is possible, but the images are represented as gray areas.

According to the fm-manual pages it is possible to change some parameters as
Maker.maxClientBitmaps: 4095
Maker.clientBitmapSize: 20000000
Maker.maxServerBitmaps: 255
Maker.serverBitmapSize: 40000000
to reach the graphical representation. I have tried a lot of value combinations but
not succesfully. On the contrary to my screen, if I start FrameMaker on the same
server but with a Silicon Graphics Indigo XS24 (1280 x 1024 pixels screen dimensions)
as graphic terminal, all eps-images are correctly represented.

Does anyone know what I could do to see the eps-images on the Sun GX-Screen?

Thanks for your help!

Joaquin Lopez Cortes
Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg
Department of Energy Systems and Marine Engineering (6-07)
Denickestr. 15
D-21073 Hamburg

Tel: (49)(40) 7718-2280 FAX: (49)(40) 7718-2639

Joaquin Lopez Cortes

Aug 11, 1994, 11:05:02 AM8/11/94
Hier two additional informations to my question about displaying eps-images
in FrameMaker documents:

- FramaMaker running on a SPARC 2 under SunOS 4.1.3 und xnews as window


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