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MechWarrior II versus MechWarrior I

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Ronald Trang

Jul 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/1/95
This is related to the game logic or playability.

In MechWarrior I, you played the role of a mercenary and you

got to negoiate what mission you wanted for a certain price,

travel where you wanted and try to solve the mystery or complete

the objective of the game if you felt like it or continue the

accepting missions and do battles at your leisure.

This I consider, replayable and free-form.

Is MechWarrior II like this? Will it be replayable?

I heard that in MechWarriorII, missions are assigned to you.

This sounds like a game you would play once or twice one time

through and put down. Like WingCommanderIII.

I don't find this replayable and probably not worth buying.

It will just sit on the shelf.

Tim Morten

Jul 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/2/95
<Is MechWarrior II like this? Will it be replayable?
I heard that in MechWarriorII, missions are assigned to you.>

In MechWarrior II, there are two ways to play the game. The
first is as a member of one of two clans: Jade Falcon or Wolf.
In this mode, you are assigned missions and progress through a
carreer path. Each mission will probably require more than one
try to succeed.

Once you have succeeded in one clan, you can go back and play
through a career in the other (they have completely different
mission sets).

There is also an instant action screen that allows you to
choose from a pool of missions and play at your leisure (sounds
like this might be more what you're looking for).

I hope this sounds like it might have some replayability, but
if you have some suggestions of how to improve the
replayability in addition to these things, definitely send me
some e-mail.

We'd very much like to create a game that keeps you interested.


Ian Edwards

Jul 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/3/95
Tim Morten <> wrote:

>In MechWarrior II, there are two ways to play the game. The
>first is as a member of one of two clans: Jade Falcon or Wolf.
>In this mode, you are assigned missions and progress through a
>carreer path. Each mission will probably require more than one
>try to succeed.

>Once you have succeeded in one clan, you can go back and play
>through a career in the other (they have completely different
>mission sets).

>There is also an instant action screen that allows you to
>choose from a pool of missions and play at your leisure (sounds
>like this might be more what you're looking for).

>I hope this sounds like it might have some replayability, but
>if you have some suggestions of how to improve the
>replayability in addition to these things, definitely send me
>some e-mail.

>We'd very much like to create a game that keeps you interested.


That sounds fun, but I would enjoy some mission involving combat vs.
the IS. This would be a suggestion for those Add-on packs. Like maybe
some scenarios for major battles, like Twycross and of course
Tukkayyid. I don't know exactly how the missions are designed but I
think it would be fun to raid Inner Sphere bases and demolish them :)
Or vice versa...

Your loyal customer,

Ian Edwards

Ronald Trang

Jul 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/3/95
to writes:
> That sounds fun, but I would enjoy some mission involving combat vs.
> the IS. This would be a suggestion for those Add-on packs. Like maybe
> some scenarios for major battles, like Twycross and of course
> Tukkayyid. I don't know exactly how the missions are designed but I
> think it would be fun to raid Inner Sphere bases and demolish them :)
> Or vice versa...

I think that was their orginial plan a few years ago to do a
prequel involving the clans attack on the inner sphere. I guess
now that FASA is into the gaming arena this will no longer be
possible. Not to mention the fact that it will take another 2
or 3 years.. B-)

Brad Plecs

Jul 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/3/95
In article <3t763l$>,

Tim Morten <> wrote:
><Is MechWarrior II like this? Will it be replayable?

>There is also an instant action screen that allows you to

>choose from a pool of missions and play at your leisure (sounds
>like this might be more what you're looking for).
>I hope this sounds like it might have some replayability, but
>if you have some suggestions of how to improve the
>replayability in addition to these things, definitely send me
>some e-mail.

Stuff like Brent Iverson's Create-a-mission options (USNF, Chuck Yeager's
Air Combat) seem to work pretty well, especially if you want to try
specific situations head-to-head.

Simply, It lets you specify your friendly forces

X mechs of type A, with [skill level] computer pilots
Y mechs of type B, "
Z mechs of type C, "

...Against [enemy]
U mechs of type D, with [skill level] computer pilots
V mechs of type E, "
W mechs of type F, "

in [terrain]

at [distance]

objective [foo] (kill 'em all, blow up a building, whatever)

...add options for a coupla vehicles, and perhaps initial placement, and
you've got yourself a veritable mission builder. Or computer-generate the
placement, and you've got instant, original missions. These can really
boost the replayability, especially once you get good. You can take on a
lance of elite mechs all by yourself, if you want. =) It's great for
practice, too.

Depending on how the mission setups are stored, this may (or may not) be
very easy to implement. Just write a routine that generates a new mission
with the designated mechs, on an existing (or randomly generated) map, and
at the designated range. Let the AI handle maneuvers for the other mechs
once it starts up. Granted, these thrown-together scenarios tend to work
best if the whole premise is, "Look! Baddies! Kill!", rather than specific
mission objectives, especially if you want your computer opponents to behave
with any semblance of intelligence. =)


Tim Morten

Jul 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/4/95
Thanks for your post about including a mission builder. We're
working on something like this for the 'Missions & Technology'
add-on that's due out at the end of the year.


Tim Morten

Jul 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/4/95
Going back in time to the inner sphere invasion has been a
popular request. We're considering waays we might work this
into the add-on.

I'll let you know as it's design comes together.


Thomas Serio

Jul 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/6/95


I know you've said that physical combat (punches, kicks, and hatchet
attacks) weren't worked into the game, but are they considering adding
that aspect of the game in a future add-on? The same question goes for
the water and forrest terrains.

Thanks in advance,

Thomas Serio

Thomas Serio -
"I'm not looking forward to my ship coming in...
I already know it's the Titanic."

Tim Morten

Jul 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/7/95
<I know you've said that physical combat (punches, kicks, and
hatchet attacks) weren't worked into the game, but are they
considering adding that aspect of the game in a future add-on?>

We'll definitely be debating this as we design the add-on. It
adds a little complexity to our animations, but personally, I
think it would add a lot to gameplay.

<The same question goes for the water and forrest terrains.>

If we do a version of MW2 for a hardware accelerated 3D card
(not in any way insinuating or otherwise hinting that we might
do such a thing), we would have the necessary performace boost
to incorporate both these environment types. ;)

Thanks for the questions,

Thomas Serio

Jul 7, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/7/95
Tim Morten ( wrote:
: <I know you've said that physical combat (punches, kicks, and
: hatchet attacks) weren't worked into the game, but are they
: considering adding that aspect of the game in a future add-on?>

: We'll definitely be debating this as we design the add-on. It
: adds a little complexity to our animations, but personally, I
: think it would add a lot to gameplay.

Cool. Provided that physical attacks are eventually implemented, I would
like to suggest that the Berserker be added to the list of future mechs.
There's something about a 100 ton, fire breathing, axe-wielding mech with
MASC that appeals to me. :)


Steph Smith

Jul 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/8/95

Tim Morten ( writes:
> <I know you've said that physical combat (punches, kicks, and
> hatchet attacks) weren't worked into the game, but are they
> considering adding that aspect of the game in a future add-on?>

> We'll definitely be debating this as we design the add-on. It
> adds a little complexity to our animations, but personally, I
> think it would add a lot to gameplay.

ok, so punching and kicking are out for now,but can you hold hand held
weapons? and if so,could you use your outstretched arm/hand to "strike" an
opponent? >:)

Also,I have a question about procurement of equipment. is it going to be
like MWI where you buy Mechs and equip/weapons or is it going to be more
of a salvage operation?(sorry if this question has been asked before :)


I once had a squirrel named Peanut....that is until my Dad sat on
him....the we called him Peanut-butter....*sigh*

Blair Nowakowsky

Jul 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/10/95
In article <3t763l$>, says...

><Is MechWarrior II like this? Will it be replayable?
>I heard that in MechWarriorII, missions are assigned to you.>
>We'd very much like to create a game that keeps you interested.

Hello Tim,

Seeing you on the net and in this newgroup is great! You add great
information with calm and coherent messages. The amount of mail you get must
be increadible.

About gameplay I am finding more and more games are going with a mission tree
style. I first saw this in Wing Commander I and I found it very
dissapointing. There are only a limited number of ways to play the game.
With WCI I played it twice I played until I won, then I played until I lost.
End of story, end of game. Put it on shelf or toss it out, whatever! I was so
disappointed that I did not bother with any of the subsequent released. I did
get a cheap copy of WCIII but that is just WCI with PHancy graphics. Nice but
graphics do not make a game.

The inclusion of the instant action goes a LONG way to improve the game. In
the game StarControl 2 they had an adventure game and a Melee game. I
finished the adventure game that was put away but the melee portion was on my
computer for a long time. It was great!

I guess what I am trying to say is that I hope way of randomizing missions so
that even if you go on the same type of mission it will be different. Enemy
in different places, more friendlies on the battle that have nothing to do
with your mission, or use several different missions mixed into one. I am
thinking of Falcon 3 and its campaign missions. You could actually follow
some other plane and watch it do its own mission. (Of course you will never
get yours done that way:-)

I am looking forward to the release of MWII.


Gary Eastham

Jul 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/10/95

Hi Tim,
I hope that sensor shadowing is included in the sim. For example, if I am
'sitting' behind a rock in my mech, approaching mechs SHOULD NOT be able
to detect my presence *unless* they have Line Of Sight (LOS). This is one
of the really lame features with the Virtual World Btech simulators, the
enemy can detect you no matter what terrain you are hiding behind.

BTW, I noticed that some of the screen shots were taking during night
manuevers, could you please describe the sensors that are incorporated?


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