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Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops - You in with this killing friend?

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Just Is

May 2, 2003, 3:48:16 PM5/2/03

>Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops

You in with this friend?

Do you remember the "March 7th" argument of the
bushmob's, that every expired container of american
supplied, Iraqi anthrax, is needed to be accounted for
IMMEDIATELY, do you recall?, where bush demanded no time
for unrestricted Blix to complete the job for our
safety, while telling US that weapons of mass
destruction could fall into fanatical hands if he didn't
immediately retaliate by spending tens of billions of
America's much needed, to dump tons of bombs wherever as
radioactive waste into the bodies of American soldiers?
The very same who proudly, with national media fanfare,
sacrificed life as murder victims to the bush demon
cancer cell. Well... now, apparently, the threat to
our victimized humanity is no longer a concern, what
with the reported bushmob intent to remove EVERY
sanction regarding Iraqi asset guarding, but with still,
bush not knowing where all the unused Saddam weapons
went. ? Where did bush's concern for the death of
American Patriots go as genuine? Where is bush on
American Freedom granted through Justice by strong good
reasons as, such within, the American Constitution, or
the Bill of Rights left no longer defended as your own
living included? While You as reader, can easily if you
tried, after reading this complete, forward these
concerns of US bush victims not being heard from up at
national news desk central. If You won't help me in our
own defense truly, who will be there for Yourself as
actually worth something to consider ever?

Let's just say if Saddam had in fact, destroyed all he
claimed, (That Blix was proactively processing for
verification with Saddam's 100% full cooperation), that
was enough of no evidence to collaborate for bush
personally to criminally war our world with mass murder
against God as the antiChrist. With the anti-American
evil bushmob now not encouraging the completion of the
UN's full accounting for the destruction of Saddam's
alleged illicit weapon warehouses, leaves the demon bush
reason for mass murder of US unresolved as no longer
important he figures unthinkingly? The bush
administration, as evil is Just the deceived disguised,
has pronounced to deliberately not be working
collaboratively to seek final conclusion of demanded UN
inspection fulfillments, you know, evidence demanded
that untold thousands of US were murdered for by small
nukes, and clusterbombs?, as devout bush failures
censored to communicate our true instincts on
maintaining our own survival? Instead of further
murdering more as criminal bush purposes, I say we just
arrest for public trial, or immediately destroy, the
bush demon and rotten rumsfeld for criminally
perpetrating the 9/11 senario against our better

So anyway, is bush now saying his concerns for defending
Humanity by WAGING war unjustly, paid with the
indiscriminate murder of the people of this World for
his crimes against humanity with radioactive depleted
uranium for generations, suppose to somehow now make
better sense for ourselves politically? Does the
bushmob concern now for no public accountable oversight
regarding Iraqi contracts going to benefit The Iraqi
People's chances, continue his reasoning as concerned
for our unrepresentative governments? I figure 25
million times 500 dollars equals 12.5 billion dollars.
Iraqis have been barely surviving off 50 cents a day
with a deliberately made, de-abilitated oil industry,
that should be upward nearer 5 dollars, easy. 25
million times 5 dollars times 365 days, equals: 9.125
billion. The World needs to know where this money has
been going under the Saddam regime, and where all the
assets are currently allocated for, to prevent possible
further criminal intentions. It has been reported that
Iraq's escrow account at the UN's oil-for-FOOD program
contains near 14 billion dollars currently, spends 10
billion yearly, with more oil sales further down the
pipeline. Planning continued from under who's direction
as benefactor? Where is Iraq represented on these
Humanitarian issues? The assets of Civilization must
not further be secretly entrusted to the bushmob
shysters for plunder, and destruction, without public
scrutiny, or legal accountability. To leave eternal
Creation undefended as the innocent for criminal
losses?, as casted out of complete existence from
humanity's own human Just being?

Rotten rumsfeld was quoted (while the world's greatest
museum and most ancient Library were being lost to the
bushmob's lawless destruction), chuckling something
like, a free people are free to commit crimes against
our Civilization, a civilization left unprotected
intentionally by the official bushmob strategy. For, it
has also been reported that tommy franks ordered unit
commanders to do nothing to stop looting for several
days, and in several international reports, some units
were encouraging looting to take place against US Iraqi
People, Our People. Why? Demon bush had promises
signed to needlessly spend our money to re-build what is
now forever gone.

If the unjust, war mongering privateer of pillage and
murder, the 9/11 perpetrating heroin pusher, Our Mr.
bush Jr., you know, the American cop killer, was
concerned for US, "The People" in Iraq, (as bush
publicly announced repeatedly) wouldn't he speak then
publicly against the injustices committed against the
completely innocent, that are committed in tyrant bush's
name against Ourselves at Guantanamo? Or bigger even,
when last have you heard bush pontificate on America
directly funding anti-Semitic hate groups like the Likud
party, who publicly hold no apology to Life as enemies
of Judaism, committing criminal assault against all life
as this Universe includes You especially?

Example: Should a crime in New York committed by a
criminal, give the bushmob the go to committing thefts,
or outright murders in Our name against the American
People as established innocent by all parties?

Timeless tales these are from the Testament, or.. how
could anyone surmise ariel sharon is anywhere remotely
close to being a practicing Jew familiar with the likes
in Genesis through Deuteronamy? Or perhaps Muhammed as
Jew lover? Something maybe like, "Well, sure the Torah
of Moses is divinely inspired through God John, and Jews
and Christians are of course godly, like everyone else
is, but, they ignore their own teachings as represented
to be politically acting as a public body. So tell "The
People", especially the Muslims, as the Quran teaches
John: everyone is seeking Peace through understanding
Justice for all people equally treated, IS self
awareness of this eternal struggle to bring about
knowing God as existence itself. Our World is suffering
needlessly for our ignorance on the benefits of learning
our weaknesses as speaking persons."

So where are we left with false deity bush charging
everyone as discounted religiously? Well, for instance,
American Patriots are faithfully being asked to further
blindly sacrifice for the bushmob's criminal intent to
privatize Iraqi's own wealth, for criminal dictator
fenders, like nationless Dutch-Shell execs, while
leaving those very same contaminated soldier Families
undefended back at HomeBase. Specifically: regarding
PAYBACK to age-discriminated granddad on his Pension, or
Social Security, or perhaps Enron (with the stolen funds
yet to be returned to the victims as EARNED life
savings), while the bushmob continues in tradition with,
sabotaging public currency flows, with the devolving,
regressing, bush amerika onslaught of inexcusable
stupidity to practice illegitimately a tax policy bereft
of any economic understandings. Yet another bushmob
atrocity not being discussed by corporate standards to
attempt recovery for America, America, as interested
party not invited for festivities, but tolled for costs
rising due to bad business practices.

Example 1: The New York Times reported, that the bush
and cheney group, with their, they don't want to be
publicly accountable to US, behind closed door themes,
had set up contracting a non-Iraqi firm, Halliburton, to
pocket 7 percent right off the top after expenses, 490
million undefended American worker paid for tax dollars.
Not till now, publicly contended over our air-waves
nationally, anywhere. And this is why, Johnny wants to
interview CNN regarding their private business practice
of our life's living concern.

Example 2: Who spends more at the grocery store to pay
the cashier's babysitter? 1000 individual public health
care workers, or, one trillionaire invested in taking
money for doing nothing by bankruptcy? Don't many
multimillionaires already own a washer\dryer, walk in
freezer, and couldn't if tried, spend 50 percent of
their national income on essential necessities to
survive till next docked payday? People with higher tax
brackets pay more in taxes on market expenditures for
good mathematical reason. Basic necessities, (some as
overpriced stolen public properties), are taxed as 80
percent of income expended to survive in Texas on toast
for something like, $3.45 an hour. To 'stimulate' the
wealth of economies, there needs to be available
currency exchanging things. Ah, but alas, the bushites
would receive no bribes from small business to sway
their secret vote. If bush gave his entire tax handout
of hundreds of billions to the poorest off, and maybe
towards a public school system, the entire American
economy would be better served for benefits as
investment, instead of to do nothing private bankers, or
non living corporate donors, existing for public hand
outs in secret board meetings we know all about from
previous experiences. Halliburton has actually been
repeatedly convicted for massive fraud by over charging
the American dimwits for their own business practices!

Did I tell you?, CNN's Bill Hemmer knows that bush's
business partner who developed the invasion plan for
Afghanistan prior to 9/11 at the White House, also
funded the alleged 'mastermind' Atta according to MSNBC,
Senate Intelligence hearings, and the FBI investigations
made Public for yourself as America?

Loyalty to striving for Justice is an honor bestowed,
for living's interest, is of our own. Why bother to be
profitable you ask of our eternal Universe in your name
Johnny? Why a commitment to empowering your dying
species being unlawfully denied a concern for your own
stupid self not represented by real leadership? Denied
a place at our table? Our birth rite as you know so?

Let's give Life some help out here People, by requesting
some recognition in our ability to be outspoken. Like
J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...

Some kinda freakin' godman!


Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops

What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means

By Amy Worthington The Idaho Observer 4-16-3

On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war
activist holding a sign: "Nuke the evil scum, it worked
in 1945!" That's exactly what George Bush has done.
America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq has been
indeed a NUCLEAR WAR.

Bush-Cheney have delivered upon 17 million Iraqis tons
of depleted uranium (DU) weapons, a "liberation" gift
that will keep on giving. Depleted uranium is a
component of toxic nuclear waste, usually stored at
secure sites. Handlers need radiation protection gear.

Over a decade ago, war-makers decided to incorporate
this lethal waste into much of the Pentagon's weaponry.
Navy ships carrying Phalanx rapid fire guns are capable
of firing thousands of DU rounds per minute.1 Tomahawk
missiles launched from U.S. ships and subs are
DU-tipped.2 The M1 Abrams tanks are armored with DU.3
These and British Challenger II tanks are tightly packed
with DU shells, which continually irradiate troops in or
near them.4 The A-10 "tank buster" aircraft fires DU
shells at machines and people on the battlefield.5

DU munitions are classified by a United Nations
resolution as illegal weapons of mass destruction.
Their use breaches all international laws, treaties and
conventions forbidding poisoned weapons calculated to
cause unnecessary suffering.

Ironically, support for our troops will extend well
beyond the war in Iraq. Americans will be supporting
Gulf War II veterans for years as they slowly and
painfully succumb to radiation poisoning. U.S and
British troops deployed to the area are the walking
dead. Humans and animals, friends and foes in the
fallout zone are destined to a long downhill spiral of
chronic illness and disability. Kidney dysfunction,
lung damage, bloody stools, extreme fatigue, joint pain,
unsteady gait, memory loss and rashes and, ultimately,
cancer and premature death await those exposed to DU.

Award-winning journalist Will Thomas wrote: "As the
last Gulf conflict so savagely demonstrated, GI immune
systems reeling from multiple doses of experimental
vaccines offer little defense against further exposure
to chemical weapons, industrial toxins, stress,
caffeine, insect repellent and radiation leftover from
the last war. This is a war even the victors will

When a DU shell is fired, it ignites upon impact.
Uranium, plus traces of plutonium and americium,
vaporize into tiny, ceramic particles of radioactive
dust. Once inhaled, uranium oxides lodge in the body
and emit radiation indefinitely. A single particle of
DU lodged in a lymph node can devastate the entire
immune system according to British radiation expert
Roger Coghill.7

The Royal Society of England published data showing that
battlefield soldiers who inhale or swallow high levels
of DU can suffer kidney failure within days.8 Any
soldier now in Iraq who has not inhaled lethal
radioactive dust is not breathing. In the first two
weeks of combat, 700 Tomahawks, at a cost of $1.3
million each, blasted Iraqi real estate into radioactive
mushroom clouds.9 Millions of DU tank rounds liter the
terrain. Cleanup is impossible because there is no
place on the planet to put so much contaminated debris.

Bush Sr.'s Gulf War I was also a nuclear war. 320 tons
of depleted uranium were used against Iraq in 1991.10 A
1998 report by the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances
confirms that inhaling DU causes symptoms identical to
those claimed by many sick vets with Gulf War
Syndrome.11 The Gulf War Veterans Association reports
that at least 300,000 Gulf War I vets have now developed
incapacitating illnesses.12 To date, 209,000 vets have
filed claims for disability benefits based on
service-connected injuries and illnesses from combat in
that war.13

Dr. Asaf Durakovic, a professor of nuclear medicine at
Georgetown University, is a former army medical expert.
He told nuclear scientists in Paris last year that tens
of thousands of sick British and American soldiers are
now dying from radiation they encountered during Gulf
War I. He found that 62 percent of sick vets tested
have uranium isotopes in their organs, bones, brains and
urine.14 Laboratories in Switzerland and Finland
corroborated his findings.

In other studies, some sick vets were found to be
expressing uranium in even their semen. Their sexual
partners often complained of a burning sensation during
intercourse, followed by their own debilitating

Nothing compares to the astronomical cancer rates and
birth defects suffered by the Iraqi people who have
endured vicious nuclear chastisement for years.16 U.S.
air attacks against Iraq since 1993 have undoubtedly
employed nuclear munitions. Pictures of grotesquely
deformed Iraqi infants born since 1991 are
overwhelming.17 Like those born to Gulf War I vets, many
babies born to troops now in Iraq will also be afflicted
with hideous deformities, neurological damage and/or
blood and respiratory disorders.18

As an Army health physicist, Dr. Doug Rokke was
dispatched to the Middle East to salvage DU-contaminated
tanks after Gulf War I. His Geiger counters revealed
that the war zones of Iraq and Kuwait were contaminated
with up to 300 millirems an hour in beta and gamma
radiation plus thousands to millions of counts per
minute in alpha radiation. Rokke recently told the
media: "The whole area is still trashed. It is hotter
than heck over there still. This stuff doesn't go

DU remains "hot" for 4.5 billion years. Radiation
expert Dr. Helen Caldicott confirms that the dust-laden
winds of DU-contaminated war zones "will remain
effectively radioactive for the rest of time."20 The
murderous dust storms which ensnared coalition troops
during the first few days of the current invasion are
sure to have significant health consequences.

Rokke and his clean-up team were issued only flimsy dust
masks for their dangerous work. Of the 100 people on
Rokke's decontamination team, 30 have already "dropped
dead." Rokke himself is ill with radiation damage to
lungs and kidneys. He has brain lesions, skin pustules,
chronic fatigue, continual wheezing and painful
fibromyalgia. Rokke warns that anyone exposed to DU
should have adequate respiratory protection and special
coveralls to protect their clothing because, he says,
you can't get uranium particles off your clothing.

The U.S. military insists that DU on the battlefield is
not a problem. Colonel James Naughton of the U.S. Army
Material Command recently told the BBC that complaints
about DU "had no medical basis."21 The military's own
documents belie this. A 1993 Pentagon document warned
that "when soldiers inhale or ingest DU dust they incur
a potential increase in cancer risk."22 A U.S. Army
training manual requires anyone who comes within 25
meters of DU-contaminated equipment to wear respiratory
and skin protection.23 The U.S. Army Environmental
Policy Institute admitted: "If DU enters the body, it
has the potential to generate significant medical
consequences."24 The Institute also stated that, if the
troops were to realize what they had been exposed to,
"the financial implications of long-term disability
payments and healthcare costs would be excessive."25 For
pragmatic reasons, DOD chooses to lie and deny.

Dr. Rokke confirms that the Pentagon lies about DU
dangers and is criminally negligent for neglecting
medical attention needed by DU-contaminated vets. He
predicts that the numbers of American troops to be
sickened by DU from Gulf War II will be staggering.26 As
they gradually sicken and suffer a slow burn to their
graves, the Pentagon will, as it did after Gulf War I,
deny that their misery and death is a result of their
tour in Iraq.

Dr. Rokke's candor has cost him his career. Likewise,
Dr. Durakovic's radiation studies on Gulf War I vets
were not popular with U.S. officials. Dr. Durakovic
was reportedly told his life was in danger if he
continued his research. He left the U.S. to continue
his research abroad.27

Naive young coalition soldiers now in Iraq are likely
unaware of how deadly their battlefield environment is.
Gulf War I troops were kept in ignorance. Soldiers
handled DU fragments and some wore these lethal nuggets
around their necks. A DU projectile emits more
radiation in five hours than allowed in an entire year
under civilian radiation exposure standards. "We didn't
know any better," Kris Kornkven told Nation magazine.
"We didn't find out until long after we were home that
there even was such a thing as DU."28

George Bush's ongoing war in Afghanistan is also a
nuclear war. Shortly after 9-11, the U.S. announced it
would stockpile tactical nuclear weapons including small
neutron bombs, nuclear mines and shells suited to
commando warfare in Afghanistan.29 In late September,
2001, Bush and Russian president Vladimir Putin agreed
that the U.S. would use tactical nuclear weapons in
Afghanistan while Putin would employ nuclear weapons
against the Chechnyans.30

Describing the Pentagon's B-61-11 burrowing nuke bomb,
George Smith writes in the Village Voice: "Built ram
tough with a heavy metal casing for smashing through the
earth and concrete, the B-61 explodes with the force of
an estimated 340,000 tons of TNT. It is lots of bang
for the buck, literally two apocalypse bombs in one, a
boosted plutonium firecracker called the primary and a
heavy hydrogen secondary for that good old-fashioned
H-bomb fireball."31

Drought-stricken Afghanistan's underground water supply
is now contaminated by these nuclear weapons.32 Experts
with the Uranium Medical Research Center report that
urine samples of Afghanis show the highest level of
uranium ever recorded in a civilian population. Afghani
soldiers and civilians are reported to have died after
suffering intractable vomiting, severe respiratory
problems, internal bleeding and other symptoms
consistent with radiation poisoning. Dead birds still
perched in trees are found partially melted with blood
oozing from their mouths.33

Afghanistan's new president, Hamid Karzai, is a puppet
installed by Washington. Under the protection of
American soldiers, Karzai's regime is setting a new
record for opium production. Both UN and U.S. reports
confirm that the huge Afghani opium harvest of 2002
makes Afghanistan the world's leading opium producer.34
Thanks to nuclear weapons, Afghanistan is now safe for
the Bush-Cheney narcotics industry.35 ABC News asserts
that keeping the "peace" in Afghanistan will require
decades of allied occupation.36 For years to come,
"peacekeepers" will be eating, drinking and breathing
the "hot" carcinogenic pollution they have helped the
Pentagon inflict upon that nation for organized crime.

As governor of Arkansas during the Iran-Contra era, Bill
Clinton laundered $multi-millions in cocaine profits for
then vice-president George Bush Sr.37 As a partner in
the Bush family's notorious crime machine, President
Clinton committed U.S. troops to NATO's campaign in the
Balkans, a prime heroin production and trans-shipment
area. DOD's campaign to control and reorganize the drug
trade there for the Bush mafia was yet another nuclear

For years, the U.S. and NATO fired DU missiles, bullets
and shells across the Balkans, nuking the peoples of
Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo. As DU munitions were slammed
into chemical plants, the environment became hideously
toxic, also endangering the peoples of Albania,
Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Austria and Hungary. By 1999,
UN investigators reported that an estimated 12 tons of
DU had caused irreparable damage to the Yugoslavian
environment, with agriculture, livestock and air water,
and public health all profoundly damaged.38

Scientists confirm that citizens of the Balkans are
excreting uranium in their urine.39 In 2001, a
Yugoslavian pathologist reported that hundreds of
Bosnians have died of cancer from NATO's DU
bombardment.40 Many NATO peacekeepers in the Balkans now
suffer ill health. Their leukemias, cancers and other
maladies are dubbed the "Balkans Syndrome." Richard
Coghill predicts that DU weapons used in Balkans
campaign will result in at least 10,000 cases of fatal

U.S. citizens at home are also paying a heavy price for
criminal militarism gone mad. DOD is a pollution
monster. The General Accounting Office (GAO) found
9,181 dangerous military sites in USA that will require
$billions to rehabilitate. The GAO reports that DOD has
been both slothful and deceitful in its clean-up
obligations.42 The Pentagon is now pressing Congress to
exempt it from all environmental laws so that it may
pollute and poison free from liability.43

The Navy uses prime fishing grounds off the coast of
Washington state to test fire DU ammunition. In
January, Washington State Rep. Jim McDermott chastised
the Navy: "On one hand you have required soldiers to
have DU safety training and to wear protective gear when
handling DU...and submarines must stay clear of
DU-contaminated waters. These policies indicate there
is cause for concern....On the other hand the Department
of Defense has repeatedly denied that DU poses any
danger whatsoever. There has been no remorse about
leaving tons of DU equipment in the soil in foreign
countries, and there appears to be no remorse about
leaving it in the waters of your own country."44

DU has been used in military practice maneuvers in
Indiana, Florida, New Mexico, Massachusetts, Maryland
and Puerto Rico. After the Navy tested DU weaponry on
the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, one third of the
island's population developed serious illness. Many
people show high levels of uranium in their bodies.
Hundreds have filed a class action suit against the Navy
for $100 million, claiming DU contamination has caused
widespread cancers.45

The Navy's Fallon Naval Air Station near Fallon, Nevada,
is a quagmire of 26 toxic waste sites. It is also a
target practice zone for DU bombs and missiles. Area
residents report bizarre illnesses, including 17
children who have contracted leukemia within five years.
A survey of groundwater in the Fallon area showed nearly
half of area wells are contaminated with radioactive

The materials for DU weaponry have been processed mainly
at three nuclear plants in Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee,
where workers handling uranium contaminated with
plutonium have suffered for decades with cancers and
debilitating maladies similar to Gulf War Syndrome.47

Emboldened by power-grabbing successes made possible by
his administration's devious 9-11 project, President
Bush asserts that the U.S. has the right to attack any
nation it deems a potential threat. He told West Point
in 2002, "If we wait for threats to fully materialize,
we will have waited too long."48 Thus, it is certain
that Bush-Cheney future pre-emptive nuclear wars are
lined up like idling jetson a runway. Both Cheney's
Halliburton Corp. and the Bush family's Carlyle Group
are profiteers in U.S. defense contracts, so endless
war is just good business.49

The Washington Post reported that the Pentagon will
create special nuclear weapons for use on North Korea's
underground nuclear facilities.50 Next August, U.S. war
makers will meet to consolidate plans for a new
generation of "mini," "micro" and "tiny" nuclear bombs
and bunker busters. These will be added to the U.S.
arsenal perhaps for use against non-nuclear third-world
nations such as Iran, Syria, Lebanon.51

The solution? Americans must stop electing ruthless
criminals to rule this nation. We must convince fellow
citizens that villains like Saddam Hussein are made in
the U.S. as rationale for endless corporate war
profits. Saddam was placed in power by the CIA.52 For
years U.S. government agencies, under auspices of
George Bush Sr., supplied him with chemical and
biological weapons.53 Our national nuclear laboratories,
along with Unisys, Dupont and Hewlett-Packard, sold
Saddam materials for his nuclear program.54 Dick Cheney
was CEO of Halliburton in the late 90s when its
subsidiaries signed $73 million in new contracts to
further supply Saddam.55 The wicked villain of Iraq was
nurtured for decades as a cash-cow by U.S.
military-industrial piranhas.

If America truly supports its troops, it must stop
sending them into nuclear holocaust for the enrichment
of thugs. Time is running out. If the DU-maniacs at
the Pentagon and their coven of nuclear arms peddlers
are not harnessed, America will have no able-bodied
fighting forces left. All people of the earth will
become grossly ill, hideously deformed and short- lived.
We must succeed in the critical imperative to face
reality and act decisively. Should we fail, there will
be no place to hide from Bush-Cheney's merciless nuclear
orgies yet to come or from the inevitable nuclear
retaliation these orgies will surely breed.


1."DOD Launches Depleted Uranium Training," Linda Kozaryn, American
Press Service, 8-13-99.

2."Nukes of the Gulf War,"John Shirley, See this article
archives at

3. BBC News, "US To Use Depleted Uranium," March 18, 2003; U.S.
Accounting Office, Operation Desert Storm: "Early Performance
Assessment of
Bradley and Abrams," 1-2-92.

4."Nukes of the Gulf War," op. cit.

5. Ibid.

6. "Invading Hiroshima," William Thomas, 2-4-2003,

7. "US Shells Leave Lethal Legacy," Toronto Star, July 31, 1999; also
"Radiation Tests for Peacekeepers in the Balkans Exposed to Depleted
Uranium,", 12-31-02.

8. "Depleted Uranium May Stop Kidneys In Days," Rob Edwards, New, 3-12-02; also "Uranium Weapons Too Hot to Handle," Rob
Edwards, New, 6-9-99.

9. "Navy Seeks Cash for More Tomahawks," David Rennie in Washington,
Telegraph Group Limited, 1-4-03,

10. "Going Nuclear in Iraq--DU Cancers Mount Daily," Ramzi Kysia,, 12-31-01.

11."Depleted Uranium Symptoms Match US Report As Fears Spread," Peter
Beaumont, The Observer (UK) 1-14-01,

12. "Gulf War Illnesses Affect 300,000 Vets," Ellen Tomson, Pioneer
Press, See also American Gulf War Veterans Association

13. "2 of Every 5 Gulf War Vets Are On Disability: 209,000 Make VA
World Net Daily, 1-28-03,

14. "Research on Sick Gulf Vets Revisited, "New York Times, 1-29-01;
Show Gulf War Victims Have Uranium Poisoning," Jonathon Carr-Brown and
Meissonnier, The Sunday Times (UK) 9-3-02.

15. "Catastrophe: Ill Gulf Vets Contaminated Partners With DU," The
Herald Limited, Clare Mellor, 2-09-01. This article is available in

16. "Iraqi Cancer, Birth Defects Blamed on US Depleted Uranium,"
Post- Intelligencer, 11-12-02; "US Depleted Uranium Yields Chamber of
in Southern Iraq, Andy Kershaw, The Independent (London) 12-4-01.

17. "The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf War Region
Special References to Iraq," Ross Mirkarimi, The Arms Control Research
Centre, May 1992. See also Gulf War Syndrome Birth Defects in Iraq at

18. "The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm, Has Our Country Abandoned
Them?," Life
Magazine, November 1995; "Birth Defects Killing Gulf War Babies," Los
Times, 11-14-94; "Depleted Uranium, The Lingering Poison," Alex Kirby,
News Online, 6-7-99.

19. "Depleted Uranium, A Killer Disaster," Travis Dunn, Disaster,

20. San Francisco Chronicle, 10-10-02.

21. "US To Use Depleted Uranium," BBC News, 3-18-03.

22. "Depleted Uranium Symptoms Match US Report As Fears Spread," Peter
Beaumont, The Observer (UK) 1-14-01.

23. "Iraqi Cancer, Birth Defects Blamed on US Depleted Uranium,"
Post- Intelligencer, 11-12-02.

24. "US To Use Depleted Uranium," BBC News, 3-18-03.

25. US Army Environmental Policy Institute: Health and Environmental
Consequences of Depleted Uranium in the U.S. Army, Technical Report,

26. "Pentagon Depleted Uranium No Health Risk," Dr. Doug Rokke,
3-15-03; also
"The Terrible, Tragic Toll of Depleted Uranium," Address by Dr. Rokke
congressional leaders in Washington, D.C.,12-30-02; also "Gulf War
Casualties," Dr. Doug Rokke, 9-30-02.

27."Tests Show Gulf War Victims Have Uranium Poisoning," Sunday Times
Jonathon Carr-Brown and Martin Meissonnier, 9-3-00.

28. "The Pentagon's Radioactive Bullet: An Investigative Report," Bill
Mesler, The Nation, 5-28-99, see

29. "Tactical Nukes Deployed In Afghanistan," World Net Daily,
10-7-01. 30.

31. "The B-61 Bomb,The Burrowing Nuke" George Smith,
12-29-02.; also "Bunker-busting US Tactical Nuclear Bombs, Nowhere to
Kennedy Grey,, 10-9-01.

32."Perpetual Death From America," Mohammed Daud Miraki,
Interviews, 2-24-03; also "Dying of Thirst," Fred Pearce, New

33. Ibid.

34. "Afghanistan Displaces Myanmar as Top Heroin Producer," Agence
France-Presse, 3-01-03. This article is at;also
"Opium Trade
Flourishing In the `New Afghanistan,'" Reuters, 3-3-03.

35. "The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire," Michael C. Ruppert, Nexus Magazine,
February-March 2000; The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the
Drug Trade, Alfred W. McCoy, Lawrence Hill & Co., revised edition due
2003; Drugging of America, Rodney Stich, Diablo Western Press, 1999;
for Oil, Drugs for Arms," Bob Djurdjevic, Truth In Media, April 2000, 36. ABC News, February 27, 2003.

37. Compromised, Clinton Bush and the CIA, Terry Reed and John
S.P.I. Books, 1994; The Clinton Chronicles and The Mena Cover-up,
for Honest Government, 1996; "The Crimes of Mena, Grey Money," Ozark
1995 (see

38. "Damage to Yugoslav Environment is Immense, Says a UN Report," Bob
Djurdjevic, 7-4-99, This report was submitted to the
Security Council on June 9, 1999; also, "New Depleted Uranium Study
Clear Damage," BBC News,8-28-99; also "NATO Issued Warning About Toxic
Associated Press, 01-08-01.

39., 12-28-01.

40. "Hundreds Died of Cancer After DU Bombing--Doctor," Reuters,

41."Depleted Uranium Threatens Balkan Cancer Epidemic," BBC News,

42. "Many Defense Sites Still Hazardous," Associated Press, 9-24-02;
also Old
US Weapons Called Hidden Danger, Los Angeles Times, 11-25-02.

43. "Pentagon Seeks Freedom to Pollute Land, Air and Sea," Andrew
Gumbel in
L.A., 3-13-03, Independent Digital (UK) Ltd.

44. "Radioactive DU Ammo Is Tested in Fish Areas," Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, 1-11-03; Letter from Rep. McDermott to Department
of the
Navy: see "Navy Fired DU Rounds Into Waters Off Coast of Washington,"

45."Cancer Rates Soar From US Military Use of DU On `Enchanted
Island,'", 2-5-01; also "Navy Shells With Depleted Uranium
Fired in
Puerto Rico," Fox News Online, 5-28-99.

46. "The Fallon, NV Cancer Cluster And a US Navy Bombing," Jeffrey St.
Clair,, 8-10-02.

47. "DU Shells Are Made of A Potentially Lethal Cocktail of Nuclear
Jonathon Carr-Brown,, 1-22-01.

48. "Preventative War Sets Perilous Precedent," Helen Thomas, Hearst
Newspapers, 3-20-03.

49. PIGS at the Trough, Arriana Huffington, Random House, 2003 (New
Times best seller.); also "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy, From Hitler
Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden Insider Connections and the Bush
Partnership With Killers of Americans;" Mike Ruppert, From the
Wilderness,10-10-01; also "Bush Sr.'s Carlyle Group Gets Fat on War
Conflict," Jamie Doward, The Observer (UK), 3-25-03; also "Halliburton
Contract for Iraq Oil Firefighting, Reuters, 3-7-03; also "Cashing
In-Fortunes in Profits Await Bush Circle After Iraq War, Andrew
Gumbel, The
Independent (London) 9-15-02; also "War Could Be Big Business for
Halliburton," Reuters, 3-23-03.

50. "Pentagon Seeks a Nuclear Digger," Washington Post, March 10,

51. "Remember: Bush Planed Iraq War Before Taking Office," Neil
Mackay, The
Sunday Herald (UK) 3-27-03; also "US Mini-Nukes Alarm Scientists," The
Guardian (UK) 4-18-01; also "US Nuclear First-Strike Plan--It Keeps
Scarier, Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, 2-24-03.

52. Wall Street Journal, 8-16-90: The CIA supported the Baath Party
installed Hussein as Iraqi dictator in 1968.

53. "United States Dual-Use Exports to Iraq and Their Impact on the
Health of
Persian Gulf War Veterans," Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and
Affairs, 1992, 1994; "U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup," Washington

54. "US Government, 24 US Corps Illegally Helped Iraq Build Its WMD,"
Williamson in Berlin, Financial Times, 12-19-02; "Full List of US
Suppliers To Iraq," Anu de Monterice,,

55. Huffington, op. cit.

Amy Worthington is a reporter for The Idaho Observer


Wait a Moment

We are standing in defense for your own rights as you
see ourselves. For me, I got some real troubles as
nature's servant of all I surmise, but for you, this
should be something of a special, uplifting dream
experience, then a quick return to the plight of
destruction bush has befallen ourselves as a war
criminal. So, here I am convinced, this just can't be
an illusion, bush did 9/11, then Afghanistan, now Iraq,
while having the goal, to actually ask US to pay him for
it with further gratitudes from God in appreciation. I
feel, worshiping the false-deity bush, in a delusional
cult like, TV trance without any thought to care about
our actual criminal behavior, is not a good philosophy
to practice as a living world body. The bushmob has
demanded no democratic conclusions by competing ideas in
democracies garnered through election, and governed
through law, instead, the bush demon war monger is going
to install a criminal dictatorship without explanation
to steal the resources of US people by proxy, all for
the corporately celebrated, anti-American bushmob
shysters, waiting to lie as appointed benefactors.
While practicing to use worthless soldiers pushing for
resistance, as demoted by neglection to pitiful
cowardice, too weak and stupid to seek the true enemy of
American Justice, who all the while as demising, will
proudly state bush as supreme commander to all their
fears, and while thanking, the smirking bush demon
pockets survival checks destined for vets, and soon to
be their grandparents security, naturally, left
undefended. Then there is of course the mentioned,
trillion dollar hustle, gone from the public school
system and into the falling margins, or just given free
for the taking if you have as the tax spender, no need
of public accountability.

The so called as costing, still found Iraqi resistance,
are individuals fighting the same cause as American
soldiers are taught to mumble as illiterate cowards.
"Saddam was terrible to the Iraqi people, depriving
ourselves of food and medicine for no known good reason,
and gave all US people losses for stolen profits.", then
off they go, murdering innocent people indiscriminately
with depleted uranium to pay the smirking bushmobsters,
again. Dying. For truly, bush is an irrational
murderer of innocent good Americans as soldiers alike, a
psychopathic depiction to his true evil self, US played
intolerantly ignorant, while he bares false witness
against our eternal family of all being humanity. Is
not what you too perceive of our world?, a reflection of
your own conclusion? If we believe we are of life when
perceiving an injustice, are we not moved to do
something in favor of our remedy? To challenge bush's
contempt for ourselves as the Public, is to demand
nothing less than known facts to conclude our guilty
verdicts, as otherwise, bush would be prosecuting the
innocent as God is US included, thank yourself. And for
what? All for our failure to communicate concern about
further dying as bushite victims. It has been reported
bush doesn't want to be accountable to the American tax
payer regarding the pilfering of America's Social
Security, like he wasn't to follow the criminal leads of
9/11 perpetrators, and too, surprise sunrise, the
allocation of public funds for his secret planned, not
publicly bidded for best price on every Iraqi Peoples
contract, (you know, the repaying for bush's war crime
tolls waged against your world as innocent victim),
payed for by the American tax payer getting further
swindled with the pretension, that robbing from
humanity, does not include themselves represented
politically. Our Mr. bush Jr. has decided not to do
good for Iraq and the American tax payer by opening our
floor to deal the world over on our best offers, but
instead, has decided to go privately as a criminal, with
top secret banned bushmob embezzlers to risk more
American soldiers by lying to their surviving siblings.
Charading for US they are, preparing to sacrifice more
Americans without a thought to Your cost my friend.
With strangely, no one at corporate control assessing
yet, "Hmmm.. Isn't it suppose to be the Iraqi people
who are to benefit for being in the cost analysis?",
and, "Okay, so where didn't American tax paid for
lawless destruction of our Iraqi public infrastructure
occur?", or another favorite, "Isn't demon bush just
plain evil to everyone, when he robs and murders America
like that without principles?"

Why is CNN not defending Our Mr. bush regarding the
torture of US innocent and alive without Human Rights in
Guantanamo Bay either? Micheal Mobbs. Is the bush
demon threatening You by his non-committal on Our issue
as ancient Civilization included? Arron Brown? Why can
not CNN be also of our artists, wise guys, best sellers,
or elected officials? When has CNN ever tackled Social
Security on behalf of the Democrats, or privatized
corporate swindles by Republicans who argue their
ineptness is on the level? What are Our priority issues
to resolve, if we have the stage for speaking as the
global community? Justice for all, would be in whose
favor?, when understood by anyone as unbiased? We are
of the order to the cosmos, and, as so, a good way can
have an even better way when we plan for results to win
with ourselves. Justice is freedom, and needs not
murder in bush's name to resolve conflicts peacefully as
dialoging in person. Iraq People can testify to their
Humanity, but CNN isn't listening for questions, or
asking for solutions for fear they may be wrong about
everything we are together, imbeciles to let bush
unjustly take US further to be willing victims going
silently to our graves. (And you think I'm spooky?)

All is dreamy. Still, we must quickly teach that
Justice is Ours, and injustice practiced, is an
injustice earned politically. Wether a bushite knows it
or not. An injustice against any, truly, is also, an
injustice against yourself, as God is good natured for
your concern. God can not save our world you perceive
without seeing life as a protector, not to fall victim
by our unrepresentative, top top secret, bushmob inner
circle of mirror images, excusing their talentlessness.
by criminally exposing themselves to unheard corporate
ridicule on our suffering. God is suffering a tyranny
through censorship of Our Mr. bush Jr.'s misconduct in
Your name. Example: Walter Issacson advised CNN story
writers to not report on Afghanistan death squads, under
a pretext that followed, don't forget all who died in
the towers. Forget what? That their lives were halted
by acts of murder? What is Issacson, nor anyone,
getting at about himself as unqualified to decide our
important to everyone matters of war time coverage? Or
how about, nazi soldiers running to let the 9/11
perpetrators escape arrest for Enron to get away without
payback for robbing American service people included.
Why? Because the bushite soldiers are too weak, stuck
as betrayers to their own falling comrades, dying
needless deaths so the bush demon can further ransack
America as victim.

In the whole big show Johnny, is there, inside everyone,
a potential cause for caring about our world as actually
worth something, I mean, to ourselves personally? Yes,
a potential, however, we're suffering for our contempt
of seeking for know how through rewarding ourselves with
info. We are all descendent to be Universal in our own
makings if we work for success together at our Human
levels, instead of as bush failures, by conforming
criminality against our living names politically, as the
pirated without equal representation, left to be
victimized as dumdum bushite whores, falling to a
tyranny of blatant, naked injustice falsely guised in
the corruption of the bush administration, as
ultimately, your intention for personal enslavement.
Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from?

What is as known, is where we can only hang our beliefs
of what have we gained. The FBI tell US that bush's
business partner, the unarrested General Ahmad financed
9/11's Atta. Seven of the alleged nineteen 9/11
highjackers were found to be alive, as some, American
trained Saudi national pilots with no evidentiary
terrorist connections made to back up the therefor
fraudulent allegations. Why would a would be terrorist
steal such identification to not be discovered being so?
(Or, how then were the names found as researched
material?(Remember: evil is dumb.)) Why would Atta pack
his final draft suicide letter for the important
flight?, of which as bushmob mastermind, would have been
aware of what was outlaid in his own words? Why would,
would be terrorists, publicly bicker in a restricted
lot, parking spot they snuck into at the airport, right
before a, why they were there, secretly planned criminal
mission?, as devote Muslims?, holy warriors of the
studious, God, what were you thinking about Quran???

From the Los angeles Times article
"Long-Exiled Chalabi Gets His Chance" by Robin Wright

""Clearly, the United States is not going to impose a
government on Iraq," Rumsfeld told reporters."

While blatantly, poker faced rotten rumsfled stated, as
a traitor to American soldiers who continue to die as
cowards he did. All for bushmob lies to commit further
injustice as anti-American cop killers. Sacrificing
American people for criminal gains, is the bushmob's
open offensive, as "We, the People", are apparently,
worth stealing from without public representation.

From a ZNet published article
"Crime Against Humanity" by John Pilger

""To initiate a war of aggression," said the judges in
the Nuremberg trial of the Nazi leadership, "is not only
an international crime; it is the supreme international
crime differing only from other war crimes in that it
contains within itself the accumulated evil of the
whole." In stating this guiding principle of
international law, the judges specifically rejected
German arguments of the "necessity" for pre-emptive
attacks against other countries."

Mr. bush Jr. must be immediately impeached, arrested,
or executed for treason against Ourselves as a
degenerating anti-American mass murdering, terrorist
plotter. While the UN is the closest thing we have to
world representation, and should help devise an Iraqi
Iraqi election of "The People", for Iraq. We, as "The
People", have to start somewhere on our journey to
wherever, and learning of our true strengths this way,
by god, seems like the ground to begin communicating
good intentions. Communicating on our Nature as
ultimate foreseen prevailer, is this dream of being, a
cause to helping yourself as a blessing included. (Not
much for a paycheck though I'm afraid.). Anyway, take
to mentioning this public work where ever you may
choose, for I think someone out there should be of
political affairs.

Presenting ourselves to meet the challenge of gaining
our own Humanity we are trying. Have faith that as the
Universe revolves around all things to be known of, so
too, is Life's true magnificence an honor to honor for.
Wow. You are a living dream, so, wake up and help out.

Thanks for sharing,

Some kinda freakin' godman!


Just Johnny

From "Some Evidence on Iraq Called Fake"
"ElBaradei's report yesterday all but ruled out the use
of the tubes in a nuclear program. The IAEA chief said
investigators had unearthed extensive records that
backed up Iraq's explanation. The documents, which
included blueprints, invoices and notes from meetings,
detailed a 14-year struggle by Iraq to make 81mm
conventional rockets that would perform well and resist
corrosion. Successive failures led Iraqi officials to
revise their standards and request increasingly higher
and more expensive metals, ElBaradei said."...

"The Institute for Science and International Security, a
Washington-based research organization that specializes
in nuclear issues, reported yesterday that Powell's
staff had been briefed about the implications of the
anodized coatings before Powell's address to the
Security Council last month. "Despite being presented
with the falseness of this claim, the administration
persists in making misleading arguments about the
significance of the tubes," the institute's president,
David Albright, wrote in the report."

Now, has any of this information ever to Your knowledge,
been offered by the American corporate TV, or the mostly
wicked evil american talkradio circuts as unbiasedly
providing US with the facts to form our own free
conclusions? Many of almost every phone-in talkradio
bigot program in bushwhore america, offers little or no
access for the general masses to participate by
providing factual information, nor do they provide much
but for officialized bushwhore newsfeeds, and yet as
traitors, will unjustly advertise themselves as American
to be pirates protecting the 9/11 perpetrators from
prosecution to commit further crimes against the
American People.

Example: Does Bill Hemmer, the bushwhore nazi traitor
of the American People, report of bush's business
partner Ahmad funding Atta, or the bushmob sabotage of
the FBI warrant, or Enron's "Dabhol Working Group"? We
should ask Hemmer and Blitzer how many innocent American
families they want to see murdered for stolen gain over
Your rights to be heard represented by ALL our police
agencies who have serious concerns.

Mr. powell the antiChrist disciple, deliberately, with
intent, propagandized, lied to American Soldiers
regarding the facts, so to be sacrificed for the
criminal bushmob, to steal further from their family
left unprotected under the bush regime, who are
currently robbing from every American Soldier's family,
their Social Security, while decimating the Constitution
through lawless rules of conduct to feed the likes of
the evil war profiteers who remain largely hidden from
public discussions, according to CNN's silence of

All of the bush demon stated goals for US People in
Iraq, could have better been accomplished without
dropping thousands of bombs on Iraqi infrastructure to
kill our families indiscriminately. But how then could
the bushmob steal from Americans their life savings
like, Freedom and Liberty by not sacrificing Americans
as unheard from?

Look, the AMERICAN FBI states bush's business partner,
the unarrested General Ahmad (associate of tenant)
funded 9/11's Atta. Are you as an American Soldier
going to let the bush demon continue to murder members
of your own innocent family, to steal further from your
devolving character? American Soldiers to not stand
strong with US for Justice, but injustice against God of
all people, will be hunted down, taught, or destroyed by
OURSELVES as "The People" guaranteed, US who hold that
freedom can only be granted by a Just rule of law to
protect ALL persons. Ask a bushwhore, why is tommy
franks, the death squad running child killer, dropping
thousands of American bombs to kill Our families in
Baghdad as a terrorist? Ask a bushwhore, why innocent,
good honorable people are tortured to death by sadistic,
nazi savages at Guantanamo Bay, while the 9/11
perpetrators are escaping prosecution?

Read The Guardian story, Innocent "Afghan prisoners
beaten to death at US military interrogation base", then
ask Yourself, if You won't destroy Our enemy, Mr. bush
Jr., who will save Yourself as actually worth something
to consider?

Quote from "Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and
Euphrates" by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian

"On March 21, the day after American and British troops
began their illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, an
"embedded" CNN correspondent interviewed an American
soldier. "I wanna get in there and get my nose dirty,"
Private AJ said. "I wanna take revenge for 9/11.""

See? I figure if Private AJ could actually read, and
use deductive reasoning, he'd likely kill the bush demon
himself, if he wasn't already dead as another sacrifice
for the bushmob to rob further from his practically
defenseless, barely surviving family.

Any American Soldier who doesn't KILL Our Mr. bush Jr.
and rumsfeld on site for treason and first degree
murders, is a coward as pitifully uninformed illiterate
nazi traitor to America, and on all we stand strong as

Listen friend, we all witness the refusal of our
corporate news giants, to allow ourselves, open free
discussions with the facts on our true losses. You too,
as many others, can also try contacting CNN, CBC, the
Chorus Radio Network, or Clear Channel about the
bushmob's Ahmad, the CIA's insider information, the
tommy franks death squads against Afghanistan families,
the U.N.'s March 7th conclusion, the privatization of
Iraq's assets into the clutches of companies like Dutch
Shell, but yet, they continue to censor Our voices,
while dictating we have no interest, concern, or
knowledge of such important subjects, while leaving our
brothers and sisters to be robbed and left for murdered
as cowards by the criminal bushites hiding behind the
once great American flag. Our private, for stolen cash
take news agencies have refused to allow Patriots speak
on any serious criminal issue that affects all our
lives. So, I as a human being am again, imploring you
to help yourself on behalf of all as God, by forwarding
this letter to church groups, police agencies, gun
clubs, and anyone You feel would be interested in having
Justice served by supporting the American FBI, and CIA,
to demand bush and rumsfeld be immediately arrested for
public trial, or executed for murdering good Americans
in New York City. Otherwise, unjust evil bush Jr. as
antiChrist, will continue as he has planned according to
"top secret" Presidential Directive Documents reported
on by MSNBC, documents authored in part with 9/11's
Ahmad, a super evil plan to decimate the living economy
of illiterate America, (lowest rates of the developed
world) while committing further mass murder with
unending wars to murder Our discounted Families. Our
Mr. bush Jr. is God's most hanious war criminal that
WE shall ever factually known of.

Did you hear of the evil bushmob's plans for Iraq?
According to several resources, apparently, the bushmob
war criminals want to install 21 ministers in the new
bushite Iraqi government, all 21 American. Two examples
given are of a Previous Dutch-Shell military
dictatorship fender to run the intended to be privatized
oil ministry, while the new finance minister will be
advised by an Iraqi exile, an exile who hasn't been in
Iraq since 58, but since then, has been publicly tried,
and convicted in absentia of massive, multi-million
dollar bank fraud in Jordan. When the State Department
discovered this evil horror of further bushmob
stupidity, they politely suggested it was the State
Department's position to handle such issues, while 9/11
perpetrator rotten rumsfeld seethed with rage, demanding
that nobody but him and wolfowitz will be allowed to get
involved in the open, blatant, criminal intent to rob
further more from the Iraqi People. (Evil is dumb I
told you.)

I alone, for one, say no more bush offences against Our
better Judgements. Destroy demon bush now, and be loved
by ALL as family.


All for our ability to communicate freely

There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is..

Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or
stated, that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest
U.N. resolution: 1441.

I think Patriot Americans would be thankful for Canadian
friends and family who are supporting American troops by
pointing out with no contention but for censorship, that
American soldiers are being sacrificed for no known good
reason under the demon antiChrist, Our Mr. Bush Jr.,
again. The bushites tell US they wish to bring freedom
on the premise that Saddam wasn't dis-arming or
cooperating with US, a naked blatant lie, an attempt to
excuse bush's murder rampages as a terrorist against Our
families as the innocent, Ourselves represented by
thieves that are doing US harm by stealing our value.

HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to
perform professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq
and to increase aerial surveillance..."

Does a bushwhore devolving society where we murder
ourselves on irrational suspicions to steal our worths
to give to the bushmob as victims, sound like a bad
preposition to you too friend? What is bush's panacea
of packaged eternal freedom absent Justice mean truly as
measured to you judged unfairly as the general Public
unawares? How EXACTLY is the bushmob going to liberate
the oppressed and disenfranchised without expressing
public knowledge on the subject on indivisibility? See?
If bush actually had evidence to truly believe Saddam
does in our present day have control as in political
possession, weapons of mass destruction, sold to Saddam
illegally by America to gas the enemy with the then,
full blessings from the great satan, bush would have
provided as such to the UN to be legitimately concerned
for "The People" in Uzbekistan included, right? He
would need to know where abouts he comes to understand
so, no? Mr. Bush Jr. couldn't be sure enough
otherwise to toss cowardly American soldiers as
worthless without meanings, to be sacrificed as he is
doing for financial private profit paid for by the
victimized public, could he? Soldiers so valueless to
Bill Hemmer, to not even speak out for themselves dying
at CNN headquarters. See, Bill knows bush's private
business partner, Amad, provided funding to 9/11's Atta,
to criminally secure Enron's pipeline through
Afghanistan by murdering highly successful American
business people. But we can suppose Bill is scared as a
cowardly unAmerican bushwhore, and would rather see the
true evil doers hiding in America behind the flag, get
away un-apprehended to further toll good Americans for

All the actual evidence we have concludes, Iraq worked
directly to have the stock piles of WMD destroyed,
provided the paper work, the destruction sites, and the
individuals involved in that process. Inspectors had
100 percent access, to go anywhere bush, the false
accuser might suggest without having to murder anyone
from our family. Now, the disarmament process has been
sabotaged, and the terrorist threat against America has
increased. So, Iraq was in compliance, and because of
that, the bush demon, in violation of article 2 of the
UN Charter, has murdered thousands with war crimes as a
terrorist recruiter. Making matters worse, incompetent
bush even had an opportunity to liberate Our Iraqi
family on world wide television, with what he and tommy
franks would fantasize for our ailing economy by someone
else to do the clean up chores. But, is it the
Universal health or educational system, or public
banking in Iraq that is not down to par as the american
nazi fancy that bothers bush so much?, such as laws
against discrimination for all persons, and evidential
findings being a requirement to determine the
measurement of Freedom for Justice to work. The People
in Uzbekistan, are the People in Iraq, are too the
People in America where Ashcroft and rumsfeld tell US
publicly, they wish to factually deprive Justice for
ourselves as equals. When questioned, both, Ashcroft
and rumsfeld have reiterated the demand that foreigners,
like illegally tortured innocent prisoners, don't
deserve the same protections that the American Bill of
Rights grants to all People, therefor, they as
bushwhores wish to treat others unjustly by letting
themselves, as would be nazi criminals, get away
unpunished in devolving bush's america. Right?
American war criminals are treated too good by the bush
administration in all honesty then? Karma is real world
existence, as life is politics ordered through chaos.
If the right is Just as organized deduction, the system
would treat all as equal principles. But again, bush
spew Iraq could be prosecuted for destroying their own
infrastructure, but those same laws don't apply to him
being above God, or anyone else in his administration of
wrong doers. It was on publicly verifying the Justice
process when the bushmob, as war criminals, turned
against the UN, indeed the world community, and began
murdering our families globally as war criminals with
depleted uranium dust for the next 4 million years or so
as bush victims, who will die suffering the criminal
bushite assault for generations, if an American Patriot
victim were man enough to execute the unarrested
American cop killer, our Mr. Bush Jr. yesterday. If
bush isn't even destroyed by the Love for Life in
godless talkradio america, he, as demon will as MSNBC
reported, unjustly continue to murder millions in sixty
countries as the Son of Man's enemy being the
antiChrist, the most hated and despised excuse for human
existence this planet will ever know factually. Just
ask Buddha. While the demon bush supporters, who
advocate blindly murdering our families like US teachers
and students through the censorship of our screams for
Justice as Humanity, who also advocate poisoning
American soldiers with cancer and warmed soft drinks,
would only simply tell us cheaply, it is because their
false deity bush, secretly knows better than everybody
else put together, including the FBI and CIA, (Better
than the mighty You even on everything?), therefor, they
don't have to THINK(!!!) And see?, alas, the mindless
bushwhore SLAVES neglect to mention as chatty personal
failures grasping for the authority of blind generalized
denouncements of our unique, independent selves, that
when their bush demon does go public in their devoted
namesake, (what with bush's evidence Saddam was six
months away from owning a nuke, Laden and Saddam
soirees, or Saddam gassed his own people) he, as demon
antiChrist, exposes his true contempt for human life
while falling as traitor protected by the always
doubtful, intolerant, ignorant, cowardly and criminal,
as censor advocates to stop life's will. I've been
telling loyal dumb functionally illiterate Police
officers and Soldiers to destroy the two prime 9/11
suspects, the unarrested, bush and rumsfeld, ever since
the bushmob declared Omar's interest in nabbing the 9/11
suspects by following the criminal leads, as a hatred
for American Freedom unthinking, and then continued on
to murder approximately 100,000 innocent people in
Afghanistan, now with the lucky survivors left worst
still off, with bush's commitment to not offer any aid
in nourishment, but as terrorist students, heroin
dealers, or Enron propagandists left forgotten by
American, er... CNN interests as dictated through bush

MOHAMED ELBARADEI: "At this stage, the following can be
stated: One, there is no indication of resumed nuclear
activities in those buildings that were identified
through the use of satellite imagery as being
reconstructed or newly erected since 1998, nor any
indication of nuclear-related prohibited activities at
any inspected sites. Second, there is no indication
that Iraq has attempted to import uranium since 1990.
Three, there is no indication that Iraq has attempted to
import aluminum tubes for use in centrifuge enrichment.
After three months of intrusive inspections, we have to
date found no evidence or plausible indication of the
revival of a nuclear weapon program in Iraq."

Now we witness american nazi soldiers using Iraqi human
shields just outside of Basra, committing further war
crimes by blowing up powerplants, residential buildings,
and bombing surrendering Iraq forces lying dead in a
ditch with white flags sticking up. Indiscriminately
murdering US good honorable people, and for what? When
the nazi soldiers finally stop murdering our families
irrationally as criminals, then what? If the nazi
bushwhores know the dictums for Freedom, why don't they
express them now instead of unjustly hurting God as all
people? These bushwhore acts are crimes against ALL
PEOPLES, and should be recognized publicly a such. The
evil bushwhores can't vocalize their mindless support as
cowardly betrayers to the human cause, and instead,
censor our voices on the public airwaves while they
freely propagandize our communities on the benefits of
pillage and murder as terrorists under the antiChrist,
Our Mr. Bush Jr... The war profiteers have already
taken billions from the American People. Cost is paid
by the uneducated illiterate tax payers as collateral
damaged, and the war profits go into the private pockets
of the smirking bush mobsters while killing dumbfuked
american soldiers, as traitors to the American cause,
freedom and Justice for all. God's son as creator
included. Anyone who supports evil bush's war crimes
against our family by censorship, then murder, is the
enemy of America, and on all that she stands strong
united by God unheard from still suffering.

I am,
Some kinda freakin' godman!

Who's the Fool?

Our Mr. bush Jr. demands that he dictate who of US are
evil without evidence?, You, a criminal being without
public charges?, enslaved in the fear bush demands you
bow to as a slave to himself being satan? I mean..
come on! Let's get real...

America's criminal plan boasts being irrationally
proposed to terrorize our planet to fight injustice
under bush's personal terms as a reject. Mr. bush and
rotten rumsfeld ask Saddam to provide evidence that he
isn't secretly, to have weapons hidden unaware. Huh?
What does bush want? What could Iraq do in any context
to please? See, if bush has no evidence to factually
establish his accusation on behalf of ourselves, he
would be denying Humanity equal rights as the law agrees
upon for our judgments to measure. Even if Blix
starting blatantly blushing about something he said he
didn't see, killing innocent People still would not
change the terrorist threat as alleged. If Saddam, and
the rest of US are a secret threat unknown, how then,
will that threat be defeated by stealing Iraqi oil
reserves? If a single rocket launcher can take out a
jet liner, and a bio-warfare lab can fit in a mid-sized
truck, how then will setting up military dictatorships
absent Justice for US people as wanting, stop someone
from attacking the wrong People again in bush's new
global tyranny?

We, as Humanity are not at war with ourselves against a
third of Humanity as bush, rumsfeld, and ariel sharon
keep telling US unquestioned, we are at war with the war
mongering first degree murderers, who wish us further
hardships and more bloodshed to steal our lives as
worthless, without meaning, nor any God anywhere
apparently. Corporate america demands our reflection be
of blind faith in bush's criminality as a false deity to
sacrifice our rights without opinion?! Jesus
kerwillickers man, a fact is a fact Jack! Our Mr. bush
wins the title of anti-Christ by his own free will from
my conclusion as whomever, because bush manages to do as
he does, without consulting US on our established public
outrage with his flagrant disregard for our protection
through laws as measured. Scientifically,
mathematically, documented as recorded even completely
confessed to by the WhiteHouse already, truth to all as
witnessed factually. Just like we were in the Stone
Age, Mesopotamia, Rome, or downtown Los Angeles the
other day by loyal officers committed to the cause. A
cause that is life regardless of how many corporations
don't know of what is contained as the Constitution
breathing. There is no room for debate, for we all
honestly agree, bush and rumsfeld do not want to have
actually arrested, the culprits responsible for
murdering Americans during 9/11. General Ahmad funded
Atta, worked with the bushmob strategy in development
from the WhiteHouse, and also, negotiated the threats
with the Taliban on the premise of criminal wrong doing
against Allah, planned again, prior to 9/11 and
confessed to as fully implemented by official bush
reaction to the MSNBC's Revelation of,.. Top Secret
Presidential Directive documents, originating from
Condolezza's office all planned before hand as
deliberated. (secret meeting) To invade Afghanistan. A
public threat that was made earlier for cheney's Enron
at official multi-national gatherings regarding a pipe
line project worth billions going to the highest bidder.
Not Enron. Enron, who was facing their massive CRIMINAL
conspiracy of fraud against ALL American People as wage
earners. I say end bush and rumsfeld, and for Tenant
and Mueller, for just now, need to be quarantined for
public trial regarding their belief system. Mr. bush
really isn't America, America is America. People, as
American, actually like the idea of apprehending the
true 9/11 culprits. Thank you already very much for
your input on the subject of Ourselves Mr. bush Jr.
For why must we sacrifice ourselves under CNN's tyranny
of censorship on our abilities, while in so doing,
betray American soldiers and FBI officers as not worth
the effort as materially relevant to our story agended?
The official bush plot line of suffering God with
injustice and slavery through ignorance of you being
unfactored is silly stupid., without living
representation? Who does CNN talk to, as included to be
of themselves? Communication technology is what we're
living here, and Justice is Our name. The principles of
Justice are as simple as living to survive as a species,
learning, one decision can have an ever better result in
relation to another as civilizations even. A good way
can have a better way and divine wisdom exists
everywhere as all things being. As I outlawed in my
paper titled "Valhalla", it wouldn't matter if even
99.9% of victimized Americans polled by CNN corporate
america standards, actually, felt committed to end it
all in sacrifice as cowards to bush as an American war
criminal, they'd still be them. US as god's is only
truly known power striving as of your own too as always,
when recognizing equal rights for all serves all things
best. Balanced as the relation is as just being. No
life is separate from existence eternal. (Photon split)
By not following crime scene evidence, how do we suppose
we arrest ourselves then from being crime ridden?

These simple principles that enshrine all things in
absolute wonder as eternity, are all anyone would need
to exercise their Holy sacred "god-dumb", to effect
positive change as a being progressing from some vantage
through towards further achievements in uncovering
mistakes. To know less about everything then when you
still began. (These considerations are ultimately of
illusion also.) With being of reality facing a real
world sustainability struggle, like a body does, is to
be concerned of Your living also, and so too being, is
to care for others as would be of yourself understood by
communication for comfort through Freedom as Justice for
all as God is deserving our praise. Justice is critical
for freedom to flourish throughout Nature as Creation's
Creations Creating. (You know, killing innocent people
to steal our money is just wrong all over, ask
whomever.) Or not, and go extinct from failure to listen
of indifference on the sacrifice of good citizens for
bush as tyrant dictator, heroin pushing death squad
runner, super evil war criminal. It's like this just
can't be real. Have you ever felt like this was
somebody else's bad dream too? I live loyal for being
Universal, [I am but a desperate servant to serve for
something greater than this hell hole we invented not
knowing] while anti-American bushwhored soldiers are
cowards, who would now expect to further watch their own
family robbed then murdered by bush continuing, while as
traitors to the Constitution, blame more of the CLAIMED
INNOCENT with death squads and bombing runs for further
bush takes as leader to none, but talentless savages
rarely present in the few Soldiers I know of. How
enslaved does bush take every Soldier Brave for? See?,
that is a wager I wouldn't bet continually over and over
like that, because it make's US look real bad as bush
Jr.'s.. Now bush and rumfeld, with the most pugnacious
audacity as contempt for every American Soldier's mind,
dare as demons, to want sucker slap US again by
suggesting the MURDER of millions more in sixty
countries?, as the helplessly made unaware without any
communication skills whatsoever?, to survive? Still?

Created through US as this Universe communicates is
simply amazing, leaving nothing as absolute, but this
life we all share as Universal. Your biggest certainty
ever as never cast out of, is you are of the timeless
Universe also, [Soul if you will], and now it means
without me here today as consciously aware of all things
grey, a call for your own will to help US alone to be a
Savior for your own rights as being stupid like me also.
I should now retire later. You can save Humanity for
yourself really by coming down to reality. Don't ask me
why, but, you are of Humanity also.

Gee, I hope we survive from the bushmob as the human
species, for and then we can truly say, wow, we are
really something as God thanks you for being just you!
What an honor. Justice will prevail for ourselves as
the worthy to demand it for Atheists. By God, we must,
they are the most cleverests. As anyone would but be
too stupid to ever rationally understand this actually.
Big Bang? Ba ha ha.. ermm.(I could be wrong on that.)
Maybe however, you are conversational also?

In this woken dream as you are alive still sleeping,

Some kinda freakin' godman!

Example: If you paid me a dollar for this paper, we
could really go somewhere as investors. Hint hint.

Total Eclipse

You'd imagine for intelligence to be as of knowing,
would as being, ultimately progressive in dimension as
Nature is survival. Without, is the difference from a
dud never happening to be thought of without a first
place to even begin from. Vroom Vroom. Life ourselves
is a living plan to adapt to a changing environment, as
related to a present state we might even call present
day as realized. We, as the politic called this Twenty
First Century, are of ourselves blatantly cheated
unfairly by our knowing to be known better, but just not
heard from to complain over. Life's failure to
communicate comfort for yourself as freedom on where we
are wherever being normal, is an achievement we have
little to be proud of, as the disenfranchised from
Humanity suffering bush Jr.'s contempt for God as the
living, is really a big downer man. Now especially,
with the unjust criminal demon tyrant as the controls
enslaving everybody.

Nobody would want to be deprived our freedoms to life,
by living to not deprive those same rights of Justice
from any other, God especially as equal potential for
all Justified to freely wonder of this life beginning as
forever always we do without saying even. It could seem
as so unbelievably magnificent being of a contemplation,
that we can not be contained by example to be completed.
(Hint: God is a thinker unparalleled in vision.)

I can't pretend insight as wisdom truly, but we can
learn from living to do something for yourself as anyone
like Jesus would do filling in as Joking in all
seriousness: "I wonder about this, going to show up
defending ourselves as whom again son?"

Blitzer's recent special on the Gulf War Syndrome, was a
exceptional professional production, open and candid
with our science of measure, and with legitimate
concerns, telling of many who say bush isn't listening
like he should be. As too, has CNN's coverage been
questionably more balanced as importantly aware of
facing, for what we may have taken all for granted. Mr.
bush certainly isn't going to be selling dialog anytime
soon, unless he has to by confrontation on our true
behalf concerned. As where much is really on the line
regarding our longevity, or survival as the human
species... Particularly the seriousness of bush and
rumsfeld, not moving to get the perpetrators caught for
9/11, again,

not moving to get the perpetrators caught for 9/11,

is a Challenge for true Freedom that confronts US all as
individuals, as the lost bush wager is Our chances to
survive as the living. We must stop allowing bush to
continue criminally warring our world as bushmobbed
slaves, a real world seriousness so huge, You actually
have to be as important to the final mark you draw for
as yourself included. Then, when this finally makes the
scene worldwide, wow, what a development we would have
here then right? We have never been in doubt of
something existing as ourselves for somehow sure now as
forever was.

Every single one of us including God as the Atheists
too, are expected to go quiet as murdered during the
criminal bush pillaging process of our values
established through 50,000 years of evolution. 50,000
years brings us too far forward, to then want to jump
blindly back with bush to 1079 there abouts, to learn
all about God the hard way again.

Who shall you be of Christ asks as God eternal? This is
Your Place of all places to do what you will as. What
is this World then you are of, as secret to all anyway
not known ever?

God the magnificent.

Hi buddy! Johnny here, son number one.., I hope things
are going well as imagined loves. I figure to say hello
as being of the great cosmos, would be in thanks for
such privilege to conjure such imaginings, then anguish
of silent desperation at the needless hardships that
befall all, without yourselves as the would be
represented by ourselves politically speaking to learn
from our mistakes, as a benefit to witnessing our
stupidity. Then progress can be achieved through
upgrade as qualified. Understood as paving a path to
natural sustainability by listening to you as
amazing...! National News programs should consider
taking calls for comment as wanted participation, maybe
even for entertaining US as the masses, shown as
contributions on our actual state of talking as the
global community transfixed by blank wonder, while the
bushmob actively as openly, publicly, right out in your
name as dishonored even, continue to plunder US as
unaware to speak of. Blind stumbling fools we are of as
God all alone frightened.

I want to tell you, we was all those stupid names I
called you stranger, and I just hope we can move with
ourselves to a better world for you as measured. As to
be understood so by anyone. This Universe needs us.

I believe that if America as National, took political
calls struggling for open dialog to greater feats in
understanding, Americans would be asking about bush's
complicity in the Afghanistan tragedy as soon as it was
published as fringe magazine covers in Time, Newsweek,
BusinessWeek and others, repeatedly silenced by inaction
through censorship to pursue final outcomes with the
principle actors participating. America wants to
publicly hear Niaz Niak's comments, if he is giving
interviews, and we want to know of officers like Robert
Wright in the FBI, and CIA involved in 9/11
investigations, like the bushmob's General Ahmad, and
the insider trades that got ansy over at the last minute
left trace able, and we want some answers now Goddamn
it!, before bush and rotten rumsfeld go any further as
Our risk in Jeopardy as criminals.

For two hundred:

"He ordered by our will, the murder of more than 100,000
innocent people in Afghanistan to save criminal Enron
from our judicial proceedings. With ingeniously
sacrificing Americans in the Twin Towers as a publicity
tour send off while introducing himself to US all and
God too, as a war mongering world terrorist crime
recruiter as evil incarnate, a true enemy to himself as
all of humanity discounted."

Johnny, "Who is bush Jr., the anti-Christ".

Jesus, we need real leadership. Leadership by factually
discussing top priority Nation protecting. Like our
Wars and famine we inherit for lack of thought on action
as remedy practicing. Needless bush wars buy famine
from stock priced investments for murdering ourselves as
anyone marketed unfairly. Not telling of dividend
pay-out increasing the cost of losing out for the stupid
people falling dead from the dire bush shenanigans as
not qualified. You know, the tower toppling sinister
criminal as evil in design, Our Mr. bush Jr.,
unarrested in America of all places, but as unelected
President too? Okay, I'm crazy, and a little scary
sometimes too, but isn't bush as anti-Christ surely more
disturbing as the manner of his deception is against us
all that includes himself not knowing?

Mr. bush's criminal world policy, is to unjustly be
represented by ourselves as the bush thieves, with
practically no skill but for killing indiscriminately
ourselves as weak, pathetic, cowardly nazi bastards
stupidly protecting evil bush to continue, as our false
deity apposed to God's will. Justice.

Lost we were for lack of understanding our true Nature
as proposed to be politically at peace with all Peoples
committed to Freedom through Justice for all, wanted
around everywhere to ask of. God even. For, already
enshrined as a, to be living challenge, is survival.
You are of all things certain as living is included,
with more revelations in, "Hold The Horses!", by yours
again, Some kinda freakin' godman!.

Mr. bush demands we except his conclusion to wage war
in blind faith as terrorists, instead respected as
equals to judge actually what bush is doing that we
would not approve of publicly as victims unheard from as
not represented, yet. Mr. bush doesn't use US as
public information to conclude our Position, (like
Justice as practiced) nor, does even pretend to really
rely on facts as a basis for our conclusions. He
expects US to sacrifice for his personal contempt of our
shared values he knows not of, nor do many others in the
corporate underworld. Clearly, Our Mr. bush Jr. is a
bad guy, as a murdering war demon spewing threats
against US, as God in innocence, to placate his blind
hatred for living American as we envisioned.

Mr. bush demands to murder people for US as anti-Christ
being evil incarnate with contempt for You, the coming
of Messiah, or a Peace process to stop the bushmob from
criminally reoccurring offensive to US all as victims
left undefended, as not represented without a plan for
Justice, while bush falls US dead as innocent. Again,
demon bush is not my false-deity of hatred to God as
anyone, how about yourself friend? How does he do it do
you think? What has he never had to lose? (Education
is the Universal key to understanding the private
banking industry also.) Mr. bush damns himself without
living as his public convictions in practice being
American. So, who do you figure he is lying to as
stolen from? Just where might WE go if bush is left
unchallenged to continue to do so criminally in every
person's name as censored without voiced objection?
Without God to make a fuss about this freedom thing
already? Wake up!, we've been at war dying to teach the
bushmobbed for centuries. The bushmob, the four or five
demons that publicly press US for actually murdering
millions as the Innocent, are the enemy to humanity this
world over, ash anyone. I hate that American cop killer
bush as much as any real man would.

Mr. bush must be arrested or executed for 9/11

I simply don't know where you are from me, being
everything thing here you are now of likewise born to a
beginning that is always starting at the strengths of
conviction contained as unbound freedom through the
constition of God, being Universal balance naturally
occurring for all eventually, in theory never found to
suppose so. I guess. (We are like so alone as
everybody.) Only words can play as it is this shared
music, this believable wonder we have for when being so
in contemplation as the here after hours, going nowhere
still suffering for nothing while celebrating our
dwindling supplies as fortunes lost to Our bush Jr.'s
real world incompetence. Fortunes!

Look, it's all God's fault too,

These basics, compel me, the actual standing King as
realized Johnny dude from outer-space, to see what we
have does prove our love true as America the beautiful,
existing in our hearts as an almost forgotten dream.
Inescapably, an awakening given all as a matter of
believing in as a voice worth reckoning with is Ours.

Art is a pleasure to listen from as living the way this
works for good sometimes too, eh? I've imagined if
there could ever be a written work that could change the
world, and so, here we were already singing,

Some kinda freakin' godman!


"Peace Now" <> wrote in message

Time to tell

Last night broadcasted nationally in Canada on CBC's
Counterspin, discussing among other things, bush's
ignorance as american barbarity in Latin America, and
Cuba's revolution for independence:

"We have not discussed the real interest behind all
these things. Somebody is profiting from the massacre,
exclusion, and impoverishment of most of Latin
America.... ..They're profit interests mostly in the
u.s., and elites throughout Latin America with specific
expressions in each country. We can discuss examples of
dictators, or pseudo democracies. The winners are
corporate interests that are extracting and exploiting,
the losers are the people of our continents that are
increasingly murdered or massacred if they fight for
their rights. Let's wake up."

The mindless cult members of Corporate America refuse
to allow discussions on why some people would commit war
acts of defence against terrorist states. Of course, it
is often because someone feels their rights are denied,
or are stolen from. Why can not their positions be
looked at, and remedied if true? Because bush and
rumsfeld the terrorists, like sharon, need to continue
killing and robbing US innocent people to steal American
values. Why is that? Because generally, American
soldiers are represented by the corporate agenda as
cowardly, illiterate, and refuse to protect the
Constitution as The People, Justice for US all. Knowing
we all witness first hand, that the super evil villians
bush and rumsfeld, do not wish Americans to learn who
murdered those good people in New York city like police
officers, which should to a proud and brave American
soldier, give good reason to demand we be met with
debate from corporate America in defense of ourselves to
be true, or the immediate call as Patriots, for the
arrest or execution of bush and rumsfeld, traitors
charged for treason of the highest degree ever.

(Wow! What an entrance! It's like I'm really playing
Jesus! Gee, I hope I can score at least a supper out of
this deal..)


quoting from this very document:
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."

What do you say?

"Why then does the Administration remain steadfast in
its opposition to an investigation into the biggest
terrorism attack upon our nation"?
Rep. Cynthia McKinney

We see corporate America refusing to report on their
criminal behaviors against all American interests. We
hear now how the mysterious cheney is sure that
terrorists unknown to the Mueller's FBI who speaks with
the CIA's Tenet everyday, will be likely terrorizing
more American civilians, like the same way in New York
City, but maybe worst "without a doubt" with him in
charge understanding squat. Is that pipsqueak cheney
maybe threatening US then I'm asking every clear
thinking American soldier, and NRA member to pay
attention to the facts made public already by Mueller
and the DEA? Mueller now back tracking on his comments
of bush and rumsfeld, by publicly saying only a week or
two ago, there indeed was no evidence whatsoever to
implicate Afghanistan for 9/11, now says suicide
bombers, like sharon committed to the Jews in Israel is
highly plausible, now that cowardly America is publicly
open about committing injustice against US as innocent,
while everyday OUR world witnesses bush and rumsfeld the
terrorists, continue to escape their rightful arrest or
execution for 9/11, to commit further injustice against
US all. We can all understand the general ignorance in
America due to CNN's continuous propaganda, with America
having the worst managed health care and school system
of the developed world, but cheney is suppose to know
bush and rumsfeld is known as likely responsible, while
he states further terrorist actions against Americans
are probable. Hmmm. That isn't fear cheney's
expressing as his own, but a threat I would suppose.
What do you think? Remember: evil is dumb. Maybe we
should be strongly investigating cheney's involvement in
9/11 as well. Did you know Tom Delay the repuglican
nazi, is attempting to pass a law in america that states
nations who attempt to bring those individuals
responsible for crimes against humanity through Justice
in a public court room of law in every nation on our
planet, will be threatened by every American citizen
demonized the world over now, if Tom isn't stopped for
questioning as a traitor by CNN censors? Who will
ultimately suffer for American cowardice to protect
themselves as equals? Israel the terror nation funded
by the American tax payer, murders and steals from
innocent civilians, US people, as criminals. What can't
you figure nazi slave dying corporate sell outs to
yourselves losing? (One out of seven Americans are
functionally illiterate, and American soldiers have yet
to be smart enough to execute cop killer rumsfeld as a
traitor to America. Why? Too cowardly and stupid to
stand on their own as real American.) Bin Laden is not
so bright unfortunately when he equates the Israeli
Government as that of the Jews. The Israeli Likud
government holds no practicing Jew, in fact, they often
have them, (like school kids I swear), arrested for
testifying to the teachings of the old testament, like,
don't murder and steal from good people as criminals.
The false claims act was removed so rumsfeld and his
band of nazis can continue making false claims through
the Pentagon, fraud, pocket the tax payer money for
themselves, and escape criminal prosecution, because the
FBI can no longer do so, in the new lawless bushmob
dictatorship of cowards, murderers, traitors, and
cheats. Where are the Americans, or are they only found
in myth?

Quoting a paper from by Jason Vest available
also at
From the Irv Rubin Bust To The Stern Gang
-The Rich History Of Jewish Terrorism

and another from,
available also at
Mossad Agents Arrested
In Attempt To Bomb Mexican Congress

[The American Jewish Committee recently stated]
"categorically condemns in the strongest possible terms
the alleged JDL plot," and went so far as to follow up
with a personal letter to Republican representative
Issa, decrying "such wanton lawlessness," which is "so
clearly contrary to the fundamental tenets of our faith,
and to the basic principles of justice and liberty that
brought our parents and grandparents to America's shores
and that form the bedrock of our national values."

Then, as we all should be made aware by CNN, the
American tax payer funded evil nazi Israeli mossad got
caught attempting to blow up the Mexican Congress, and
blame it on the Unionists, of which, a top ariel sharon
envoy, flew to Mexico City specially to plead for the
terrorists release, so to commit terrorist crimes

Just how stupid are Americans expected to except
themselves as? Again, only several
days ago, NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported the bushmob
planned a war to kill innocent people to steal American
lives and money for Enron, with no intent to arrest Bin
Laden, a plan at bush's Whitehouse desk two days prior
to 9/11. Arrest or kill bush and rumsfeld now! Then,
no available evidence linking Bin Laden only bush and
rumsfeld, followed by their rushing from judgement,
showing no interest in apprehending the true culprits
for 9/11, on behalf of the American people being
terrorized. In fact, seeking to have the criminal
investigations stopped. Mr. bush does not want to end
terrorism, but to instigate it against ourselves as
illiterate cowardly American soldiers are led, by
forgoing our rules of law as civilization, while
trashing the Constitution, and spitting on the flag.
Mr. bush the American terrorist, the unelected lawless
criminal dictator, the demon who called the war criminal
ariel sharon a man of peace, bush, who murders innocent
American soldiers fighting for the heroin trade while
stealing billions from American tax payers, who
advocates the robbing, torture and the execution of
people accused of crimes without evidence, silently
stated Castro's history of winning every war Cuba fought
for as our humanity, is history not allowed to be known
by hell bound corporate american degenerates, who again,
have left bush the anti-Christ unchallenged in his lies
of hatred against the great Cuban people, who have
elections, and a health care, education, and
agricultural system that works for the betterment of
all. With bush as an extremely stupid bribe reciever to
be a subsidizer of lucrative peas and lentels. Then of
course it has been repuglicans backing to overthrow
democracies in America and abroad openly, like recently
in Venezuela, and in their hatred for US, actually
support only the oppressors in China, who violate OUR
human rights, as also sanctioning medicine and food for
children in Iraq. Mr. bush, the terrorist responsible
for 9/11, stated he would continue to advocate on behalf
of America the continuation of attack against Cubans,
until there were fair elections. Now, every day you
don't witness CNN covering how elections are covered in
Cuba, is another day you recognize CNN as not American,
for them to hide bush's contempt for the human race, as
he continues to rob Americans of Justice for themselves.
Public money through corporate welfare, or all out
frauds is not what buys your election to keep the
general masses in ignorance praying, but ideas rule our
universe. Repuglicans don't want the Cuban people to
succeed, as they would on equal ground, because they
have always fought for Justice, freedom, and liberty
nationally. Cubans can travel freely, while Americans
are forbidden. Mr. bush actually suggested that the
batista cartel was democratic. Where is CNN I ask
everyone? Then of course there is knowing the hatred
for all humanity in every unjust cowardly war, America,
the nazi nation has committed or funded against all of
our humanity, as the bad bush families tie to hitler.
This is why CNN never tells America about the wars that
Cuba has won with US as the truly brave and strong.
Just look at Monsanto and Ethyl corp., like rumsfeld and
bush escaping prosecution, while recieving payments from
tax payers to be robbed, poisoned, or murdered in New
York city, and you'll begin to see our point of nazi
attrocities commited against our humanity by CNN and
company. Willingly, as a nation of slaves, with
soldiers refusing to protect the American Constitution
as the rights of every American. No leadership but for
traitors who have murdered and would murder their own
brothers, like rumsfeld and bush in New York city.
During the Elian Gonzales fiasco, I wrote several papers
covering the facts CNN refused to inform Americans of.
I encourage you to type ("Some kinda freakin' godman!" and Elian or
Cuba) in a search engine, to read my statements, and
find too, no factual rebuttals in disagreement, but for
those like repuglicans, who demand censorship to
continue with evil lies, to steal our livelihoods,
because they have no real skills, but to threaten the
murder of ourselves as innocent, being taken as cowards.
Like those american nazi soldiers we witnessed
celebrating bombing who they knew to be innocent
villagers. We want bush and rumsfeld arrested, or
executed as traitors to our humanity today.

To do so, doesn't mean you agree with me on everything, but
that you support the struggle of freedom to speak
without fear, and in as so, the betterment of all as
humanity reaching for higher ground. If you would only
believe in yourself, and Justice for US all as equals,
there is no telling how far we can go. So, take it easy
strangers, and I'll see you sooner than never.

Some kinda freakin' godman!


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