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masturbate with the books of Charles Moore and Dr. Ting by Juergen Pintaske

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Nov 20, 2018, 3:12:11 AM11/20/18

A word of thanks to all members of the forth community
that sent me private messages of support.

Also to all Fig chapters members from other parts of the
world, that understand that such lack of respect and moral
can´t be tolerated anymore on any place, and such acts of
dishonesty end destroying the forth community.(*)Please read
my opinion on the other message, what I think of his moral
when he placed an "A" in front of "Starting Forth".

Below there is only a single shot, of more than 20 emails copies I have
with insulting words of Pintaske to my family (my mother and my wife
etc) in those last 2 years I am supporting his vulgar education
lack of respect, his bullying,trolling, sexual explicit swearing, etc.

He is such a technology ignorant , that many of those insults
using a phantom tactic : Posting on FB, then he certified that I saw it,
he quickly deleted it. Without knowing that when it was addressed
to me they all landed on my email box.

And since the books he mention are not of him, and are written by
Mr. Charles Moore and Dr. Ting (and other members of forth), everybody should
know that Google, associates those computer genius, to the swearing
words, insults and other obscenities of Pintaske , since he wrote that to
me (and many more people, I am in contact too) on public forums and
open to the crawler.

To make this short : he has thrown on the mud every member of the programming
world, that associates his name to him.

Please accept my apologies everybody else who has any interest on that
and your name is not within the affected list, dont care about.
please understand that all the offenses were
thrown on computer public forums of forth. And the face of Mr. Pintaske
was printed in the middle of the face of Mr. Moore and Mr. Ting. (as other
affected persons). Now, thanks to Pintaskes vulgarity , they all are
entangled to adult sexual content on the web.**

I regrettably do not have the email of Mr. Moore and Mr. Ting
(I asked for this to a member of SVFIG so I will have it soon).
Specially to send Dr. Ting the rough parts in private, that Pintaske
had in the FB forum, against members of FIG Taiwan.
Those insults to me and as I was called Forthkiller , PeterB...sht ,
etc all began as I invited to our forum, venerable members of Fig Taiwan,
who seems Pintaske started to attack selectiveley and to my person. (everybody
can make his mind if he acts as a supremacist)

The other reason of Pintaske attacks to my person, are because I started
promoting (and will keep doing that) OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. Specially
Win32forth. I am doing this to help others start to program easily,
without any comercial or any other secondary or hidden intention.
And this probably in his limited view, affected MPEs business since
he is still director of sales and marketing, and his expectations
seem to be a fenomenal growth of sales for those years using
swearing insults and personal offense tactics of the uttermost vulgarity.

(** that vulgarity will affect soon activities with kids education etc,
as also the name of his sons, thanks to his father "education"
they are now entangled to adult content on the web)

Juergen Pintaske
it was more teasing and Peter Forth Bullshit - sorry a bad mixture. As you might know I am a STEM Ambassador, and we habe the MeArm demonstratio n in our nexr RPI meeting in December. Mine is as well on the way and hopefully arriving before the event. I had hoped that you would pick up your Forth implementation again - as you had said before. With source Code a nice demonstration of what Forth can do - and expandable for anybody who is can write Forth.
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· Reply · 10h
Juergen Pintaske
Juergen Pintaske And please disregard the Peter Forth Bullshit - our local Forth Killer. I rarely came to this group now as I am sick of seeing Peter masturbate - and using one of the books. I have published. actually 10 he can use as in print - I assume such an activity is possibly difficult with a tablet in his hand"

Nov 20, 2018, 3:58:22 AM11/20/18
Only a part what appears now in Google arround pintaske insults or pintaske swearing , look how this man has thrown everybody in the mudd he lives :

Juergen Pintaske :

"Forth Killer at work again.
I give a fuck about your disambiguifiers - as I give a fuck about any of your work you are claiming you have done. It stinks and it always will. You might flavour it - but shit stays shit.
You give a shit about anybody who does not like you - which is probably 200% of the Forth community. Piss off and get out of my thread - who gives you the right to comment here. You are drunk again or using other drugs.

Never looked at it never will. Why waste my time with it. An arshole is an arshole - and only shit comes out of it as you have proven for the last x years"

Gerry Jackson

Nov 20, 2018, 6:34:00 AM11/20/18
Nobody is the least bit interested in your exchanges with Pintaske -
please stop posting about this.


Nov 20, 2018, 1:27:02 PM11/20/18

What people like Peter and Juergen don't get is that by behaving in the manner they do, they do themselves as much harm as they do anyone else. I had a very brief run in with Peter myself a couple of months ago. It didn't involve insults exactly, but I quickly realized there was no point in discussing it further with him. I think Juergen can also be a bit irrational at times. It's one thing to have a dispute with someone. It is another to do it publicly.

Rick C.

Tesla referral code --

Nov 20, 2018, 1:38:14 PM11/20/18

Your signature is not correct. I believe there needs to be a space before the double dash if you intended to flag it as a signature.

Rick C.

Alex McDonald

Nov 20, 2018, 1:54:07 PM11/20/18
On 20-Nov-18 18:38, wrote:

> PS
> Your signature is not correct. I believe there needs to be a space before the double dash if you intended to flag it as a signature.
> Rick C.

After; its "-- ".


Nov 20, 2018, 2:58:49 PM11/20/18
Didn't seem to work in this case. I thought Google Groups removed recognized signatures from quotes, but I guess not.

I have discovered GG will flag as quotes text I type in if it has been used before in a thread. There must be some other qualifiers as well. My name below won't show up as a quote, but my sig line below that will if I don't change something in it. This one will look like I quoted it.

Gerry Jackson

Nov 20, 2018, 3:00:17 PM11/20/18
It was correct as Alex pointed out. It is added automatically by my
Thunderbird set up. See below. Clearly yours wasn't Rick as your name is
still there, no '-' characters at all.


Alex McDonald

Nov 20, 2018, 3:40:17 PM11/20/18
I'm changing the subject line.


Nov 20, 2018, 8:47:41 PM11/20/18
I never set it up. I notice your name also still appears, so I mistakenly though it was because the tag headers wasn't correct.

Rick C.

Tesla referral code +

Ron Aaron

Nov 20, 2018, 11:20:30 PM11/20/18

On 20/11/2018 22:40, Alex McDonald wrote:

> I'm changing the subject line.
Praised be, my son.

Gerry Jackson

Nov 21, 2018, 3:26:44 AM11/21/18
Your replies seem to be the only ones that include my name. If in
Thunderbird I 'Followup' my post, my name disappears. The lesson is
"don't use Google Groups". You could always delete a name manually as
I've just done with yours. The only good thing about Google Groups is
the ability to search the archive of c.l.f.


Nov 21, 2018, 10:00:48 AM11/21/18
I used to use Thunderbird and when that got corrupted I tried using Seamonkey. I don't recall what happened to that, but I believe it bit the dust again. I'm not going to mess with special programs to read newsgroups anymore, it's just not worth the bother. If replying to my Google Groups posts are a bother then please don't reply.

Sorry, I'm just fed up with crap open source software. Some FOSS is good. Firefox (which is the same outfit producing T-bird) is a good product. I use LibreOffice exclusively. But some lesser projects are rather less functional.

Rick C.

Tesla referral code -

Gerry Jackson

Nov 21, 2018, 3:51:19 PM11/21/18
I don't recollect writing it was a bother.

> Sorry, I'm just fed up with crap open source software. Some FOSS is good. Firefox (which is the same outfit producing T-bird) is a good product. I use LibreOffice exclusively. But some lesser projects are rather less functional.
> Rick C.
> Tesla referral code -
I've been using Thunderbird for a few years with no problems and
wouldn't describe it as "crap open source software".


Nov 21, 2018, 6:47:35 PM11/21/18
That is my assessment. I found support to be terrible, even the peer to peer support. It had many limitations which I never saw resolution to. But the fact that it crapped out in a way that I was forced to switch to a different fork of the software was the last straw.

Of course when your experience is good, you are going to think it is a good product. But what percentage of users have to have significant problems before it is crap? I'm not the only person to walk away from Thunderbird after using it for a fair amount of time. That's how I found Seamonkey, from others who found T-bird to be unworkable.

Rick C.

Tesla referral code +-

Nov 21, 2018, 6:49:32 PM11/21/18
Sorry, I didn't find Seamonkey to be crap. I left that behind the last time I switched computers and just didn't feel like messing with a new installation just for newsgroup access. Google groups is a level of quality called "good enough".

Rick C.

Tesla referral code ++

Nov 22, 2018, 12:13:47 AM11/22/18
Peter --- the best way to make the ANS-Forth cult look stupid is to write ANS-Forth code that works --- this is what they hate and fear the most.
My disambiguifiers really do fix the problem in ANS-Forth with FIND and tick being ambiguous.
Juergen Pintaaske has a stake in pretending that ANS-Forth is bug-free, so he responds emotionally as shown above when I fix a bug in ANS-Forth.
Stephen Pelc is at the same level as Juergen Pintaske and responds with an equally emotional attack on me:!topic/comp.lang.forth/T-yYkpVwYew
Stephen Pelc is mad because he told me that SYNONYM is impossible to write in ANS-Forth, and I wrote it in ANS-Forth (requires disambiguifiers to work).
That thread I mentioned earlier in which Juergen Pintaske said that I deserved a kick in the teeth,
was an attack on me from Alex Wegel because my MACRO: was late-binding.
I had originally written MACRO: in UR/Forth in 1994 and it was early-binding, but when I ported this to ANS-Forth in 2009 it didn't work because
FIND is ambiguous. It worked under SwiftForth but not under gForth, which caused Ron Aaron to say that I don't know ANS-Forth at all (a total incompetent!).
At this time, Anton Ertl invented the disambiguifiers (my contribution was just to think up the cool name: "disambiguifier").
It took me a few years to realize how disambiguifiers fix FIND and tick in ANS-Forth and make impossible code possible. That was when I wrote SYNONYM.
In the thread in which Alex Wegel was attacking my late-binding MACRO: I went ahead and wrote an early-binding MACRO: using the disambiguifiers.
This was when Juergen Pintaske said I deserved a kick in the teeth.

Anyway, my point is that shining a spotlight on the vulgar insults of Stephen Pelc and his sales clown Juergen Pintaske doesn't do much good.
Everybody already knows that they are vulgar and mean --- that is just the ANS-Forth culture --- all of the Forth-200x sycophants are vulgar and mean too.
Writing ANS-Forth code that works hits them where it hurts --- this shines a spotlight on their incompetence --- they can only respond with emotion!

Stephen Pelc wrote an article about quotations in which he bragged about not knowing what quotations are for (quoted Elizabeth Rather on this),
and in which he promoted the fake-quotations that fail to access the parent function's local variables and which are essentially worthless.
This article was copied pretty much word-for-word and became Alex McDonald's RfD for making fake-quotations part of the Forth-200x Standard.
Once again, I succeeded at doing what Stephen Pelc said was impossible.
I implemented rquotations under VFX and SwiftForth that do have access to the parent function's local variables despite the HOF having locals of its own.
This totally discredits the Forth-200x committee! I expect rquotations to be the death-blow to Forth-200x!
Stephen Pelc, Anton Ertl and Bernd Paysan look utterly stupid promoting the fake-quotations after I solved the problem by implementing rquotations.

There are myriad other examples in which I wrote ANS-Forth code that worked and the cult responded with vulgar and mean attacks on me.
For example, Alex McDonald spent four years claiming that I don't know that it is possible to have an array of pointers.
This was because my SORT works on arrays with any size of record. It is not limited to cell-sized records. It supports arrays of pointers though.
That was pretty humorous --- I spent 4 hours writing SORT, and he spent 4 years attacking me for it, saying that I don't know about arrays of pointers.
Note that Alex McDonald doesn't know how to write a SORT function. He was promoting Wil Baden's SORT that is limited to cell-sized records.
Most likely, he thinks that an array of pointers is advanced programming, which is why he assumes (or at least, hopes) that I don't know about this.
It is not advanced programming though --- I knew this in the early 1980s when I was in high-school --- Alex McDonald's "advanced" is pretty novice level.

There are many many other examples of me writing ANS-Forth code that works and getting attacked for it.
They can't write code --- they just attack me for writing code --- they think they are beating me strong, but they are making fools of themselves in public.

Working Forth code that works is what will kill Forth-200x!
I think the failure of Forth-200x is inevitable --- the trick will be to kill Forth-200x but not let Forth-200x pull Forth down with it.
My goal is to save Forth --- Forth-200x deserves to be discredited, because it is crap --- but Forth needs to be saved.

P.S. Another tactic the cult relies on is to hijack a thread criticizing ANS-Forth or Forth-200x with some weird off-topic nonsense.
Here we have Rick C and Gerry Jackson blathering about usenet signatures.
To use a football analogy, they are blocking for their ball-carrier Juergen Pintaske, to prevent you from tackling him. Juergen is going for a touchdown!

Nov 22, 2018, 8:17:41 AM11/22/18

Hugh Aguilar : allow me to respond to you in a new topic, since I want to
clarify a bit better the actual situation of Pintaske on Google.

Your analogy is absolutely correct.

Ron Aaron

Nov 22, 2018, 9:27:44 AM11/22/18
On 22/11/2018 7:13, wrote:

> That thread I mentioned earlier in which Juergen Pintaske said that I deserved a kick in the teeth,
> was an attack on me from Alex Wegel because my MACRO: was late-binding.
> I had originally written MACRO: in UR/Forth in 1994 and it was early-binding, but when I ported this to ANS-Forth in 2009 it didn't work because
> FIND is ambiguous. It worked under SwiftForth but not under gForth, which caused Ron Aaron to say that I don't know ANS-Forth at all (a total incompetent!).

Why are you such a shit-flinging-monkey? Damn, you're an insufferable ass!

When is Straight Forth finally going to see the light of day? What is
it now, five years you've been threatening to unveil it? You should
have the inner interpreter just about done by now.

Nov 22, 2018, 10:11:53 PM11/22/18
On Thursday, November 22, 2018 at 7:27:44 AM UTC-7, Ron Aaron wrote:
> On 22/11/2018 7:13, wrote:
> > That thread I mentioned earlier in which Juergen Pintaske said that I deserved a kick in the teeth,
> > was an attack on me from Alex Wegel because my MACRO: was late-binding.
> > I had originally written MACRO: in UR/Forth in 1994 and it was early-binding, but when I ported this to ANS-Forth in 2009 it didn't work because
> > FIND is ambiguous. It worked under SwiftForth but not under gForth, which caused Ron Aaron to say that I don't know ANS-Forth at all (a total incompetent!).
> Why are you such a shit-flinging-monkey? Damn, you're an insufferable ass!

This is the thread in which I wrote the early-binding MACRO: and Juergen Pintaske said that I deserved a kick in the teeth:!topic/comp.lang.forth/92KNs8p4J6Y%5B1-25%5D
Anybody can see that this was an attack on me by Alex Wegel.
My early-binding MACRO: now worked because I now had the disambiguifiers installed to fix the broken FIND and tick in ANS-Forth.

This is the thread in which I originally wrote the early-binding MACRO: in ANS-Forth without the disambiguifiers.!topic/comp.lang.forth/wP5nw1ClzsM%5B1-25%5D
Anybody can see that this thread was an attack on me by Marcel Hendricks.
You supported this attack by saying that I don't know ANS-Forth at all:

On Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 11:37:04 PM UTC-7, ron wrote:
> On Nov 25, 7:38 am, Hugh Aguilar <> wrote:
> > I didn't compile your program because it is not ANS-Forth. I don't
> > have iForth and I'm not going to spend the $100 to buy it. I really
> > need ANS-Forth in order to be able to run programs such as this.
> I suppose "gforth" is not an ANS-Forth? Your version of the program
> does not compile under gforth 0.7.0:
> lc53.f:27: Cannot tick compile-only word (try COMP' ... DROP)
> over ['] >>>;<<< = if 2drop postpone ; immediate exit
> then

It was in this thread that Anton Ertl invented the disambiguifiers, although he didn't use that name.
Truly, the disambiguifiers are the heart and soul of ANS-Forth!
Nobody can be an ANS-Forth programmer without first installing the disambiguifiers.

> When is Straight Forth finally going to see the light of day? What is
> it now, five years you've been threatening to unveil it? You should
> have the inner interpreter just about done by now.

ANS-Forth was pushed through ANSI in 1994 and was effectively written in stone.
It was untested. SwiftForth was the first ANS-Forth system. Version-1 came out in 1997 and was so bug-ridden as to be useless.
Version-2 was also bug-ridden. For example, (LOCAL) would crash the system when used.
Version-3 is what Forth Inc. has now, and it is usable, although the optimization is so bad that the speed is about 1/4 that of VFX.
Given my novice-package, that has a lot of SwiftForth-specific assembly-language, the speed is about 1/2 of VFX.

So, Forth Inc. took more than 5 years to get ANS-Forth running, and there SwiftForth is still a rip-off (about the quality level of a $20 shareware).

VFX is a lot better, but in 2018 VFX still lacks any support for text-processing. VFX has bugs related to the minimal text-processing it does do:

This is without my novice-package:
: sss 0 <# #S #> ; ok
1234567 sss type 1234567 ok
1234567 sss ok-2
type 1234562 ok

This is with my novice-package:
: sss 0 <# #S #> ; ok
1234567 sss type 1234567 ok
1234567 sss ok-2
type 1234567 ok

I don't think you know anything about ANS-Forth programming. I think you are just vulgar and mean --- that is the ANS-Forth culture.

Ron Aaron

Nov 23, 2018, 12:12:46 AM11/23/18
On 23/11/2018 5:11, wrote:

> This is the thread in which I originally wrote the early-binding MACRO: in ANS-Forth without the disambiguifiers.
> Anybody can see that this thread was an attack on me by Marcel Hendricks.
> You supported this attack by saying that I don't know ANS-Forth at all:

No, you gormless twit; I did not say that. I didn't even imply it.

But what the fuck is wrong with you? That thread is 9 years old. Drop
it already, for your own sake and for the sake of the group's SNL.

> On Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 11:37:04 PM UTC-7, ron wrote:
>> On Nov 25, 7:38 am, Hugh Aguilar <> wrote:
>>> I didn't compile your program because it is not ANS-Forth. I don't
>>> have iForth and I'm not going to spend the $100 to buy it. I really
>>> need ANS-Forth in order to be able to run programs such as this.
>> I suppose "gforth" is not an ANS-Forth? Your version of the program
>> does not compile under gforth 0.7.0:
>> lc53.f:27: Cannot tick compile-only word (try COMP' ... DROP)
>> over ['] >>>;<<< = if 2drop postpone ; immediate exit
>> then

> I don't think you know anything about ANS-Forth programming. I think you are just vulgar and mean --- that is the ANS-Forth culture.

I'm not usually vulgar and mean, but I do make an exception for you.
However, I'm not part of the ANS-Forth "culture", since I don't use ANS
Forths at all and haven't for a very long time. I should sue you for
libel. /s

Ron Aaron

Nov 23, 2018, 12:26:56 AM11/23/18

On 23/11/2018 7:12, Ron Aaron wrote:

>.. for your own sake and for the sake of the group's SNL.

I mean "SNR" of course; "SNL" must have been a Freudian slip...

Greta Ernman Thunberg

Feb 9, 2020, 11:53:05 PM2/9/20
How dare you ?

Gerry Jackson

Feb 10, 2020, 4:37:23 AM2/10/20
A fan of 10cc eh?


Oct 7, 2020, 3:05:56 PM10/7/20
Juergen Pintaske = Stasi snitcher is back

Perfection Store

Feb 8, 2021, 9:47:34 AM2/8/21
El miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2020 a las 21:05:56 UTC+2, escribió:
> On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 5:12:11 AM UTC-3, wrote:
> > A word of thanks to all members of the forth community
> > that sent me private messages of support.
> >

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