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Quoting style in C

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не прочитано,
13 июл. 2007 г., 05:16:0313.07.2007

I was struggling with a weird path. So I decided to use a fancy
option in ls to help me out. But I think the output is incorrect.

mkdir /tmp/bla
touch "/tmp/bla/filename with | pipe"
ls --quoting-style=c /tmp/bla


"filename with \| pipe"

I do not think escaping | is correct in C.

Comments ?

Richard Bos

не прочитано,
13 июл. 2007 г., 05:48:5713.07.2007
mathieu <> wrote:

You are right. '\|' is not a defined escape character in C; its value is
(Of course, one might nit-pick and say that the _style_ of escaping is
that used by C, even if this particular escape _character_ is not in the
C Standard.)


Ralf Damaschke

не прочитано,
13 июл. 2007 г., 07:04:2713.07.2007
Richard Bos wrote:

> mathieu <> wrote:
>> I do not think escaping | is correct in C.
> You are right. '\|' is not a defined escape character in C;
> its value is implementation-defined.

No, it is not defined (by the grammar rule for escape-sequence)
and requires a diagnostic; there is even a footnote on
which explicitly states this.
6.11.4 allows it in extensions though.


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