0 0
1.85e-04 1.0
0 0
5.55e-04 1.0
0 0
11.11e-04 1.0
0 0
18.52e-04 1.0
0 0
27.78e-04 1.0
My GNUPLOT input file looks like this:
set terminal pbm color;
set output "pie.ppm";
set title "Usage Statistics for MSPR1";
set polar
set size 0.721,1.0
set nozeroaxis
set noytics
set parametric
set data style line
plot t,1, "pie.out" 1
The plot comes out, but it doesn't have any "slices".
Any insight anyone could provide would be greatly
>>>>> "CVK" == Curtis-Van-Kampen <vankac2> writes:
CVK> I'm trying to create a pie chart using GNUPLOT based on some
CVK> infomation I received from this Newsgroup but I can't seem to
CVK> get it to work correctly. I think the problem has to do with
CVK> the way I am specifying the plot command. I'm trying to using a
CVK> data file called pie.out with the following lines:
First put a blank line between each pair of points you want to be
connected, like:
0 0
1.85e-04 1.0
0 0
5.55e-04 1.0
and so on.
Then use your file but modify the plot-command to
plot t,1, "pie.out" with lines
This works for me, allthough I cannot see any difference between the
two lines that build the boundaries. The angles are much to close to
each other (less than 0.5 degree).
Stefan Bodewig ste...@Marvin.fkphy.uni-duesseldorf.de
Department of Materials Science
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (Germany)