Meeting Wizard

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Megan Thom

Feb 25, 2007, 3:51:47 PM2/25/07
Hey folks!

How's everyone doing in coordination land? I just wanted to let you know (possibly too belatedly to be useful, but good to know) about a web tool for meeting scheduling called Meeting Wizard that I've found quite helpful in setting up our working group meetings. It lets you email everyone with up to 12 possible times, then arranges everyone's responses into a table so you can see at a glance when the best times are. Check it out: .

See y'all on Monday!

On 2/22/07, Jamie Biggar < > wrote:

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all having a good week. Thank you to the Energy group
for posting your first meeting time on the wiki (Wednesday at 6:30PM
at the Black Stilt) - as you can see it has been updated here:

I know that the Business group, Food group, Buildings group, and
Transportation group are in the process of finding a common meeting
time. I have not heard from the Civic Engagement yet. (And for Civic
Engagement I would recommend finding a meeting time towards the end of
next week as the others are primarily in the first half)

Agenda for the first meeting -

The goals of the first meeting are:

1. To introduce people to the Knowledge Base
2. Establish research goals (this will involve looking at the minutes
from the conference and then talking through the initials pathways
that the group wants to explore), with people taking on particular
areas to bring back for the meeting the week after

The Food group has been working on using the process of establishing
research goals as a way to organize the production of their Knowledge
Base. I believe that they are keeping the Framing the Problem,
Possible Solutions, and Pathways structure - and then using research
questions to break that down in a way that is manageable for people.

We'll hear more from them soon as this seems like a good way to get
people going.

Common Energy -
MA Candidate in Environmental Studies
Board of Governors, University of Victoria
Board of Directors, University of Victoria Sustainability Project
(250) 858-6057

Student Union Building B007
BOX 3035, Stn CSC, University of Victoria
Victoria, B.C., V8W 3P3
(250) 370-9112
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