Can anybody please help me out as to disable galeria cluster

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bbnlaccts acnts

Oct 6, 2015, 1:13:53 PM10/6/15
to codership
I was running a 3 node galeria mysql 5.6 cluster on ubuntu 12.04
node3 went for a toss due to disk failure, this was not noticed for more than week.
Looks like the other nodes were accumulating the logs. We only came to know when there was very high io on the node1 cluster node.
I brought the node1,node2 instances down, then copied the mysql directory data from node1 to node3.
brought the node1 using the --wsrep-new-cluster, then brought up node2, once both were up then brought up node3. but it failed.
Not sure what i am missing.

Since only 2 nodes are running the instances are not responding. and this is causing the apps not to work.

Hence i want to disable the replication and also the galeria cluster

Can anybody please do let me know how to disable the cluster replication

Please do let me know

Thanks in advance

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