SunshinePHP Scholarships

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Adrian Cardenas

Jan 22, 2015, 8:15:38 AM1/22/15

The SunshinePHPSunshinePHP conference is almost sold out, and is less than a month away.  We realize there may be some beginners out there who would love to go, but may not be able to afford the ticket.  (Times are tough if you are learning PHP and not earning a nice developer salary yet.). This is an opportunity for students and those making a career change to meet & learn from industry leaders in our own backyard. In exchange you will be helping us (the SunshinePHP staff) with things like registration, sponsor setup, and crowd control.

If you would like to attend SunshinePHP on a SoFloPHP scholarship, in exchange for working during the event, please contact Adam Culp and mention me or Code for Miami.

IMPORTANT: Please do not abuse this opportunity if you can truly afford to go.  This is for those who truly need help to better themselves.  Thank you.

- Adrian

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