Yellow-headed blackbird, Weld County

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Adam Johnson

не прочитано,
12 груд. 2017 р., 14:02:5612.12.17
Кому: Colorado Birds

I saw one male Yellow-headed blackbird among red-winged blackbirds and some starlings along the road, presumably collecting gravel or forage that has fallen off of the agricultural trucks. The birds were flying between the private pond just north of the lamb winter feed lots on the west side of Hwy 257 (also known as Weld County Rd 17), south of Weld County Rd 78, and the Larimer/Weld Canal on the East side of 257.

I was driving by so I was unable to get a picture but I had seen 3 male yellow-headed blackbirds in the cattails at the private pond over the summer so my assumption is that this is one of those individuals lingering due to the warmer weather. I have also posted this to eBird but an image of the map and the link are below.

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