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Dan Minnis

Jun 19, 2018, 6:22:53 PM6/19/18
to Welcome to Club Cascadas De Baja
Did you ever wonder why we invested $7000 - $170,000 for a single Timeshare Unit at Club Cascadas de Baja? I bought my first unit back in 2003 after walking through the club while staying at Villa Palmar. My wife and I fell in love with the Architecture of Ed Giddings and the Design of Patricia Giddings. Over the years I have accumulated 4 Magdelenas, 2 Perlas, 1 Villa Sol, 1 Villa Cortez, and 1 Margarita for a total of 9 weeks and around $300,000 of investment in a very unique resort.

Many of you have invested far more than my wife and I and many of you have invested in just a week in this fabulous destination. I’m not sharing this to brag about what I own but WHY I own. We bring our entire family, 17, to Cascadas every year and my entire staff and spouses, 18, on occasion. We bring friends when we want them to experience what we all fell in love with.

What did we fall in love with? Unique surroundings, excellent location, great architecture, lovely furnishings, and tremendous customer service. Most importantly we fell in love with the People of Cascadas both Staff and Members. My closet friends are Cascadas Cabonites. We may only see them once or twice a year for a week or two but we are filled with love and joy during these special reunions. We mourn when a member moves on or passes away and we even get angry and loud when one of our favorite employees are terminated. We hate it when the decor is substituted with an inferior product and we rejoice when the air conditioning works as it should in July and August.

Timeshares are a dime a dozen on EBay and you can buy a 1 or 2 bedroom unit right next door at Pueblo Bonito Rose for less than $100 and many go for $1 but rarely will you find a Cascadas Unit for less than $10,000 in any site.

Why is Club Cascadas one of the more expensive timeshares and why do the units appreciate in value? I own timeshares in Colorado, Florida, and Cabo. My family and friends choose Cascadas hands down over other destinations because of the PEOPLE, especially the staff. Aida, Israel, Alan, Libier, Raphael, Lorenzo, Rene, Augustin, Francisco, Guillermo, Pedro, Enrique, Rory, Mark, Felix, Jorge, Gilberto and Laura, Hector, Heber, Luis and Luis, Esteban, Estevan, Edith, Jimmy, Alberto and Alberto, Joaquin, Denise, Africa, Sergio, Paco, Jesus, Jaime, just to name a few and the list goes on!

Now that we members, Own Cascadas, it is imperative we voice our opinions to insure that our investment in Club Cascadas is protected and preserved.

Failure to protect the resort and the PEOPLE would result in disastrous consequences and our timeshare value will plummet.


Jun 19, 2018, 7:42:48 PM6/19/18
to Dan Minnis, Welcome to Club Cascadas De Baja
VERY well stated! Amen

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Barbara Merrill

Jun 20, 2018, 12:25:59 PM6/20/18
to Dan Minnis, Dave & Cindi Aseltine, friends Cabo,, Friends at Cascadas
Very Well stated Dan!!!  I totally agree!  This forum is the BEST vehicle we have available to stress our valid concerns and communicate with our Board Directors.  All Board members, including Mark Giddings are reading our emails.  I hope they will respond to our valid concerns at this coming Saturday’s annual meeting. 

Barbara Merrill

On Jun 20, 2018, at 9:11 AM, Daniel Minnis <> wrote:

The Board of Directors of Club Cascadas is similar to a Home Owners Association in that they govern and are responsible for maintaining the appearance and assets of the Club, run the finances and set the rules for the common good of the owners and their property.  

Erecting large Blue Flags that obstruct the view of Members, of Lands End or El Arco, may have seemed like a great idea to a small group of management or seems, to a few members, stupid to discuss “stupid flipping blue Flags” to those members who don’t care.  Imagine if your HOA erected Large Blue Flags in your front yard and the yards of every other homeowner.  Imagine if the HOA removes your patio furniture and the patio furniture of ALL members and replaces it with furniture you despise.

I don’t view the posts I’ve seen,concerning these matters, as “hysteria” but instead as justified resentment and a cause for explanation and justification of the purpose.  

The statement that one or two weeks purchased by new owners,most suredly cost more than seven to ten weeks together by other owners is misguided or misunderstood.  We, long time, members have purchased our units not once but twice.  Many of us have invested, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and many have plunked down as much as $175,000 for just one week in one unit.  I agree that we are ALL the same and no one is better than the next and i certainly don't perceive that any member who has posted thought they were "something special" but instead their postings reflect how special Cascadas is and how dear to their heart many staff members have become.  This is not some High School outburst but instead the voices of owners,of a multi-million dollar corporation, exercising their right to free speech in hopes of protecting their investments and insuring the fair treatment of employees of the corporation.

Imagine yourself as an employee of a corporation with 22 years of dedicated service.  You are terminated in less than a dignified manner and asked to inform colleagues and members that you resigned instead of being fired as to give the impression that the termination was a mutually designed exit.  Their are certainly two sides to every story and I am confident Dave Stoenner acted in what he thought was the best interests of the Club.  I know Dave and I know he would never intentionally cause harm to the Club but having said that I, and others, are seconding guessing this decision and feel that a Grave Error has occurred in the termination of Aida Trujillo.  

Aida Trujillo has given her heart and sole to Club Cascadas and its members.  She was humiliated.  She deserved a better exit. As a courtesy of her many years of dedicated service and recognition of her 10 Million Plus Sales for the Club entitles her to proper 2 weeks to 30 Days notice, period.  I and others have talked with Aida personally and she is the first to admit she was in a slump with her sales.  Sales staff in a timeshare industry should and can close 20% of their contacts.  Aida knows,better than anyone,her numbers of less than 10% closure were unacceptable and she states she was made aware that she needed improvement.  Are Sales and Numbers the most important asset of a sales representative of Club Cascadas?  If they are, I am very disappointed.  We are told, every Friday resort meeting, that sales are NO PRESSURE AT CASCADAS and Club Cascadas's true asset is the employees and their dedication to customer service and making the Club feel like HOME.  Remember the motto "Welcome Home" for the last few years?  

Previous manager, Daniel Holzkan, was abruptly terminated two years ago.  Daniel did an excellent job managing the resort, provided great skills and insight, excellent communication with members, and was escorted off the property, LIKE A CRIMINAL?  Did he commit a crime? No!  Was escorting him off the property humiliating uncalled for and unnecessary?  Yes!  So indignant, was this action, another tremendous employee, Israel, resigned in protest, to the treatment of a fellow Cascadas employee!

It is my opinion,when employees are humiliated to the point of tears personnel matters are no longer CONFIDENTIAL and the sole responsibility of management, they become a matter of assessment by the Membership and Board of Directors.  When employees of the Club are terminated and treated as criminals, without due cause, and other employees resign as a result of improper treatment of an employee, then the matter is no longer the sole responsibility of management and a complete investigation should be performed and corrective measures taken to end this horrific lack of management sensitivity.

I see the posts and the members are Responsible Adults and I am sorry some feel like this is juvenile banter among members but these matters are serious and a symptom of something bigger that needs to be addressed.  

We members are truly the judge and jury as owners.  Every decision, right or wrong, made by the Board and Management are subject to scrutiny, deliberation, and verdict by the members.  The members do not micromanage nor does the Board but when matters directly in conflict with the overall well being of the Club arise it is proper and imperative members voice and voice loud their opinions.

We can and should do better and this forum is the BEST vehicle we have available to stress our valid concerns.

Dan Minnis
<IMG_0858.jpg>> wrote: I completely agree Paige.  Too many assumptions, too much hysteria (truth) and too many accusations placed in this past week in literally hundreds of social media posts.  People...breath....step back ...take a breath and give the powers that be a chance!  

I am totally sure those powers that be have seen and heard, hundreds of times this week, the members displeasure with decisions made.  With the total hysteria that has been going on, truely do you think anyone of those in charge would even have a chance to the members...without being totally ostrasized by this group!  I think not.  

I too am an owner...granted new owner...but have been coming to Cascades with friends for a few years now...before we bought two weeks...we have come at many different times/weeks during the years and have met a lot of great people and a lot of not so great people.  Cascades is our place to get away from life...the sit back and enjoy the enjoy new friends we make and ignore the other assholes that only enjoy drama that they refuse to leave at home. 

I don't care who you are, how old you are or how many weeks you own.  We are ALL owners!  And I am sure we new owners paid more for our one or two weeks than the other owners paid for their seven to ten weeks together!  It doesnt matter!  We are all owners!  No one is better than the next. No one has more say than the next. Times change...sorry but thats life!  It is what it is. Stop complaining and whing and participate in the decision making. 

But was has shocked me is the total, out of control...and ridicilous hysteria that has been going on this past week over a personnel issue, chairs and stupid flipping blue flags!! Seriously.  I feel like we are in the presidential election all over again!  

Yes, I get a lot of peoples comments such as "Gidding's would turn over in his grave; we only bought here for the ambience, yada yada yada".... But everyone seems to have become the judge and jury without allowing those to explain.  Yeah I also get you think you actually OWN the club when it went to the members, but yet I see hundreds complaining...and what maybe six stepping up to represent us....on the board....Good for them that atleast someone steps up....

AND then you all complain that a potential member might miss a meeting so now he doesnt get your vote!  Really!   Am I in high school again????  Are we not like adults here?  Hmmm....

If you don't live in Newport Beach, CA you have absolutely NO IDEA how expensive it is to not only fly there but get hotel, transportation, etc.  and why didnt you run for the board, since your complaining so much!  Huh?????

In the end....breath....lets try to act like responsible adults here people!  Regardless of how old you are, who you know, how many weeks you own or how special you think you are....etc.....things change....its life.  Get over it and yourselves!  If you dont like what is going for the board...put your two cents in on the board....rather than sitting here on social media being a backseat our children!  

This...hysteria....people...would have Giddings turning in his are not the judge and jury!

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 10:59 PM 'Paige OKeeffe' via Cabo Friends <> wrote:
I'd like to parse this conversation...

We have only just taken ownership and are electing a new board. So the culture, which we impact, will change over time to reflect this new status of ownership. Give it a chance.

We are electing this board. Wer'e sharing our concerns with this board and they will of course be addressed very soon, right? That sounds reasonable. Question, before this week, how many of you cast specific votes for candidates or just gave proxy in the election? (Uh,, that's rhetorical).

 Because the culture is changing it is the perfect time for a cohesive set of issues to be shared with the new board. What are those issues? I read people are disappointed in staff changes in recent years and some design changes. And it sounds like owners want more transparency.  Sounds like we've shared our opinions. While its disappointing that current board members aren't in this forum I would bet they are aware of our chatter and plan to talk about it soon.

And before we say its about Aida, remember that employment issues are confidential. We can conjure all kinds of reasons that she was removed/let go but we will not - and should not - ever know the reason. For her safety as much as anything.

Change can be a royal pain, but when its exciting change, like taking ownership of our gorgeous Cascadas, then it's a wonderful thing. Let's add to the positive.

Paige OKeeffe
Week 2

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 3:23 PM, Dan Minnis
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Shelley Mills

Jun 20, 2018, 12:51:24 PM6/20/18
to, Dan Minnis, Dave & Cindi Aseltine, friends Cabo,, Friends at Cascadas
I understand everyone's take on these subjects, whether it is a beloved employee being let go, remodeling the villas, or a change in the atmosphere of the club. It is important that we all receive information of any changes and the feelings about these changes, and google groups is the best way to get this information to all of us. Not everyone has or wants to have facebook. We need to be appreciative of the work that Ron Carter has done, and continues to do, to keep this google group going and apprised of news that needs to be shared. Thank you, Ron, for the work that you do to keep all of us informed of any changes at our "home away from home".
Shelley Mills

From: Barbara Merrill <>
To: Dan Minnis <>
Cc: Dave & Cindi Aseltine <>; friends Cabo <>;; Friends at Cascadas <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: People

Daniel Minnis

Jun 20, 2018, 2:35:50 PM6/20/18
to Brian, Barbara Merrill, Dave & Cindi Aseltine, Friends at Cascadas, friends Cabo,
Brian,  Board Members are currently monitoring this site and others and are extremely interested in what is being posted.  I will share my reply to Larry Greenberg and omit his original email to me, out of respect for his privacy.  Larry is free to share his email to me if he deems appropriate.

  Thanks Larry, rest assured I am thrilled with the progress the Club has made under the direction of you, the Board and the current management team.  I have a personal relationship with Mark, Miguel and Rory and know Dave Stoenner on a professional basis.  All of these individuals are High Caliber Assets to the Club and I consider them not only friends of mine but more importantly “Friends of Cascadas”.   Having said that, to error is human, and mistakes, IMO, have been made that undermines the Culture of the organization and have had resounding negative effects on behalf of the members and well being of the Club.  We all learn from mistakes and hopefully we endeavor not to repeat our mistakes.

The need for enhanced communication between Management, Board, and Members is paramount, as is evident by the discussions brought forth on social media.  So much good can come from this unrest we are experiencing. 

I am guilty as charged for inciting a proverbial, shit storm, but felt and still feel it was necessary to insure that all involved can see light at the end of the tunnel.

How great is our Management Team, Sales Team, Resort Employees?  Last year I left a money clip laying poolside in my unit containing a couple of thousand dollars.  I’m never without my money clip, so I thought, and assumed someone stole it from my beach Palapa while I was snorkeling.  I reported the heist to Miguel and ten minutes later was informed that our maid had found the money clip and covered it with a T-shirt, immediately called her Supervisor who contacted Miguel about the discovery and before I even got back to my Beach Palapa I was tracked down and informed that my money was safe in my unit under close guard by my maid.  I was embarrassed,  thrilled and pleased to reward the maid and sit humiliated in Miguel’s office while apologizing for putting them through an unnecessary event.  You just can’t find this level of honesty and customer service anywhere else. 

Sales are rocketing and the progress of the resort remodel and the attention to detail is phenomenal.

I have sat for hours with Mark and Rory to discuss the resort and life in general and know with, 100% confidence, their dedication to the Clubs success.

What I can’t wrap my mind and arms around is how some employees are simply disposed of when they are perceived as redundant.  This is not acceptable and we need to work diligently on handling terminations with dignity and doing our due diligence on the possible reaction of other employees and Members.  Some training in how this can be handled differently in the future would be beneficial.  Who does the termination and adequate notice should be seriously considered.  For key employees and employees with multiple years of dedicated service the termination may need to be discussed with the Board, prior, unless there are proven extenuating circumstances that require immediate dismissal.  I believe Aida’s termination could have been avoided and and I certainly believe her previous track record of record sales, dedicated customer service, and membership relations earned her more time, dignity, and special consideration.  Israel’s departure was very unfortunate and he should not have resigned but circumstances surrounding this departure certainly prove that grievous errors were made by both parties.  I would encourage the Board to consider interviewing Israel, Daniel, and Aida, if they are willing, to get a complete understanding of what purportedly happened and to make apologies and amends if they are deemed appropriate.  Amends could be in the form of consideration of a rehire for Aida and Israel if it is determined we failed to act with the utmost dignity as related to their departure.

Flags and Chairs?  Easy to replace if they are deemed inappropriate for the resort.  People?  You will be hard pressed to replace those who exhibited Aida’s and Israel’s dedication.  Do the have culpability in their departure?  Sure they do and they are the first to admit their shortcomings.  Did Management have culpability?  The Board should do an investigation to determine this and I have full confidence in whatever findings the Board reveals and how they act upon these findings.

Larry, you have my confidence and support as a past Board Member and I believe you to be a valuable asset and mentor to others, as a Board Member moving forward.  You have been plunged into some very difficult and emotional mire but you have a great opportunity to make the Club even better as you wade your way through this muck.

Thanks for the honesty and hard work!
Dan Minnis

On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 12:29 PM Brian <> wrote:
Excuse me, but this is absolutely the worst forum to use to try to get through to the board. Cascadas has their own website with an owner's comments page. That is what they read. This is a private Google page for owners to discuss rental properties, selling, buying. The board is not interested in a outside free page that anyone can post on whether it is Google's, Yahoo, or any other of the hundreds of free sites people can create a dialogue page on.. Use their page to get through to them please! I'm tired of hearing your opinions about things you don't know what you're talking about!

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S® 6, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Barbara Merrill <>
Date: 6/20/18 11:25 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Dan Minnis <>

Dan Minnis

Jun 20, 2018, 4:02:38 PM6/20/18
to Welcome to Club Cascadas De Baja
Larry Greenberg gave me permission to post his private response to my People Post. I believe his email gives us all insight and hope that the Board is indeed listening and some are responding to our concerns. Many of these concerns are also items which concern Board Members and they will address them appropriately when a the New Board is elected Saturday.

Larry's Response:


I completely agree with most nearly everything you said in your eloquent message. You have expressed exactly the reasons why my wife Claire and I bought into Cascadas in 1998 and now have 11 units with even a bigger investment than you. That is why, when I retired at the end of 2007, I began attending Board Meetings as a Member who wanted to offer his ideas and energy into improving Cascadas while retaining the unique Giddings membership culture and architectural design. That is why I have devoted many hundreds, if not thousands, of hours, to listen to members and to make detailed financial plans for the future. I have been very pleased to serve as a Board Member the last four years.

We have an excellent management team in place. Our General Manager, Miguel Torres, is the best the Club has ever had. Our new COO, Mauricio Quezada, has done an outstanding job in overcoming the legal hurdles to prepare the Club for its takeover of the Giddings inventory.

Both of them are working diligently on our behalf with the Hotel Association, the Medano Beach Association, and the local authorities in reducing the chaos of the arroyo. Some major successes have been only transient, but there is hope for a more permanent solution.

Mark Giddings, who is an independent contractor to the Club, has done a remarkable job in remodeling the facilities, keeping but improving on his father’s designs and mother’s style. We are approaching 50% completion, but it will be several years more till we can get it all done given the time and fiscal constraints.

The current Board has worked diligently over the past few years to put the Club on a sound financial path for the future, something that could not be said some time ago.

I admit that the Board needs to communicate better with our members, and I fully expect that to happen after the recent unrest on the social media. We will find additional ways to get Member feedback and to communicate Board and Management decisions.

When we took over the unsold inventory from the Giddings on 1 January, we retained the entire sales staff headed by Dave Stoenner and Rory King. We were quite uncertain how sales would proceed in the Legacy era, and that is the reason that we originally only approved renovating Buildings 22 and 24 in 2018. Sales this year have exceeded our expectations, and the Board approved renovating Building 21 mid-year. All profits of CVI go to the Club, by way of Maintenance Fees of about $900,000 on the unsold inventory, and then a dividend that will be paid after the year is complete.

The sales management made a decision to fire Aida that has been very poorly received by many. My wife and I have been good friends with Aida since we first bought, and I have had a long messaging session with her to understand her viewpoint. We are making plans to see her when we are down this Fall. The Board will be discussing the situation at its Regular Meeting on Friday, but personnel decisions are always kept confidential.

I hope this message inspires some confidence in how Cascadas is moving forward. Not every management decision is perfect, but there is a good, dedicated team working on the Members’ behalf.



Jun 20, 2018, 4:04:12 PM6/20/18
to Barbara Merrill, Dan Minnis, Dave & Cindi Aseltine, friends Cabo,, Friends at Cascadas

Just to let everybody know where I am coming from:  I have ben a member of my home HOA Board of Directors for 9 years (7 of those as President).  We have 144 owners, and we are also blessed with an Owners' Google Group...

I have been following the latest flowering of Cascadas Google Group communications, which pretty much follows the expected pattern, but with enhanced hostility towards the people who actually keep Cascadas being the wonderful place it is (i.e., its Board of Directors and management).   I am sure they are also following it; I hope they give it full consideration, and make whatever decisions (if any need to be made) while keeping collective cool heads.  Here are my thoughts relative to the specific issue that have been brought up:

(1) The blue flags:  I have not seen them, I don't know where have they been placed, I don't know why were they put up, and I don't know whether they were meant to be permanent or temporary, so I won't presume to emit an opinion.  I hope the people who have been vocal in demanding their immediate take-down have actually seen them, or at least had the answers to all my questions.  In any case, it is a moot problem.


(2) The patio chairs:  Somebody pasted a purported picture of the "traditional" chair and one of the "new" chair.  I did not recognize the first picture as a Cascadas chair.  The base resembles the base of our traditional chairs, but the top (seat, back and arms) is more luxurious than anything I have seen at Cascadas, and is definitely not meant as an outdoor chair.  Our traditional Cascadas chairs are visually very interesting, although many of them look worn out, painted over too many times and in bad need of replacement.  I agree that the replacement "new" patio chairs are not that interesting visually.  On the other hand, their design is much better from an ergonomics point of view, and I am sure they are much easier to lift and move around;  I am also sure that those two considerations are significant  for many of our owners.  As for their quality, it is impossible to tell from the picture; they may have sturdy, powder-coated heavy gauge tubing frames and high quality outdoors upholstery, or painted thin-walled tubing and cheap vinyl upholstery.  As I said, impossible to tell from the picture, although, based on past Cascadas experience, I expect that they actually are high quality chairs.  If many of the "traditional" chars need replacement, the choice of replacement chairs must consider a number of variables: cost, esthetics, ergonomics, ease of use, durability, present and future availability...If management were to give undue weight to only one of those variables, they would not be doing their jobs.

(3)  The firing of Aída: I must say that, except for seeing her during the Friday meetings, I don't know her.  We have been Cascadas owners for seven years, and Aída is the only salesperson that never contacted us to chat about additional purchases.  None of the other sales personnel were ever "high pressure" with us, but they did try...Except for that, I  don't know enough to say whether the firing was or was not justified, or whether it should have been conducted in any other way.  If management and the Board are following accepted HR practices, neither do any of the people who have been so free with their opinions in the Google Group, since in the best case they  only know one side of the story.  Any HR professional  will tell you that you cannot be "transparent" with the details of a firing or a termination agreement; the only time those details emerge is in court...

Again, I hope that the Board pays serious consideration to all the thoughts expressed by the owners, and then makes whatever adjustments are thought to be necessary after cool-headed deliberation.  I hope the Board does not seriously consider that they would need an owners' plebiscite every time they need to spend $5,000.  I also hope that owners will stop sharpening their scythes and pitchforks and not succumb to the temptation of voting for a candidate based solely on their promise (or lack thereof) to reinstate Aída.  As a final note, I would like to point out that while the number of e-mails sent during the last few days on these topics was very large, the number of authors was rather small...


From: <> on behalf of Barbara Merrill <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 9:25 AM
To: Dan Minnis
Cc: Dave & Cindi Aseltine; friends Cabo;; Friends at Cascadas
Subject: Re: People
Very Well stated Dan!!!  I totally agree!  This forum is the BEST vehicle we have available to stress our valid concerns and communicate with our Board Directors.  All Board members, including Mark Giddings are reading our emails.  I hope they will respond to our valid concerns at this coming Saturday’s annual meeting. 

Barbara Merrill

On Jun 20, 2018, at 9:11 AM, Daniel Minnis <> wrote:

The Board of Directors of Club Cascadas is similar to a Home Owners Association in that they govern and are responsible for maintaining the appearance and assets of the Club, run the finances and set the rules for the common good of the owners and their property.  

Erecting large Blue Flags that obstruct the view of Members, of Lands End or El Arco, may have seemed like a great idea to a small group of management or seems, to a few members, stupid to discuss “stupid flipping blue Flags” to those members who don’t care.  Imagine if your HOA erected Large Blue Flags in your front yard and the yards of every other homeowner.  Imagine if the HOA removes your patio furniture and the patio furniture of ALL members and replaces it with furniture you despise.

I don’t view the posts I’ve seen,concerning these matters, as “hysteria” but instead as justified resentment and a cause for explanation and justification of the purpose.  

The statement that one or two weeks purchased by new owners,most suredly cost more than seven to ten weeks together by other owners is misguided or misunderstood.  We, long time, members have purchased our units not once but twice.  Many of us have invested, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and many have plunked down as much as $175,000 for just one week in one unit.  I agree that we are ALL the same and no one is better than the next and i certainly don't perceive that any member who has posted thought they were "something special" but instead their postings reflect how special Cascadas is and how dear to their heart many staff members have become.  This is not some High School outburst but instead the voices of owners,of a multi-million dollar corporation, exercising their right to free speech in hopes of protecting their investments and insuring the fair treatment of employees of the corporation.

Imagine yourself as an employee of a corporation with 22 years of dedicated service.  You are terminated in less than a dignified manner and asked to inform colleagues and members that you resigned instead of being fired as to give the impression that the termination was a mutually designed exit.  Their are certainly two sides to every story and I am confident Dave Stoenner acted in what he thought was the best interests of the Club.  I know Dave and I know he would never intentionally cause harm to the Club but having said that I, and others, are seconding guessing this decision and feel that a Grave Error has occurred in the termination of Aida Trujillo.  

Aida Trujillo has given her heart and sole to Club Cascadas and its members.  She was humiliated.  She deserved a better exit. As a courtesy of her many years of dedicated service and recognition of her 10 Million Plus Sales for the Club entitles her to proper 2 weeks to 30 Days notice, period.  I and others have talked with Aida personally and she is the first to admit she was in a slump with her sales.  Sales staff in a timeshare industry should and can close 20% of their contacts.  Aida knows,better than anyone,her numbers of less than 10% closure were unacceptable and she states she was made aware that she needed improvement.  Are Sales and Numbers the most important asset of a sales representative of Club Cascadas?  If they are, I am very disappointed.  We are told, every Friday resort meeting, that sales are NO PRESSURE AT CASCADAS and Club Cascadas's true asset is the employees and their dedication to customer service and making the Club feel like HOME.  Remember the motto "Welcome Home" for the last few years?  

Previous manager, Daniel Holzkan, was abruptly terminated two years ago.  Daniel did an excellent job managing the resort, provided great skills and insight, excellent communication with members, and was escorted off the property, LIKE A CRIMINAL?  Did he commit a crime? No!  Was escorting him off the property humiliating uncalled for and unnecessary?  Yes!  So indignant, was this action, another tremendous employee, Israel, resigned in protest, to the treatment of a fellow Cascadas employee!

It is my opinion,when employees are humiliated to the point of tears personnel matters are no longer CONFIDENTIAL and the sole responsibility of management, they become a matter of assessment by the Membership and Board of Directors.  When employees of the Club are terminated and treated as criminals, without due cause, and other employees resign as a result of improper treatment of an employee, then the matter is no longer the sole responsibility of management and a complete investigation should be performed and corrective measures taken to end this horrific lack of management sensitivity.

I see the posts and the members are Responsible Adults and I am sorry some feel like this is juvenile banter among members but these matters are serious and a symptom of something bigger that needs to be addressed.  

We members are truly the judge and jury as owners.  Every decision, right or wrong, made by the Board and Man agement are subject to scrutiny, deliberation, and verdict by the members.  The members do not micromanage nor does the Board but when matters directly in conflict with the overall well being of the Club arise it is proper and imperative members voice and voice loud their opinions.

We can and should do better and this forum is the BEST vehicle we have available to stress our valid concerns.

Dan Minnis
<IMG_0858.jpg>> wrote: I completely agree Paige.  Too many assumptions, too much hysteria (truth) and to many accusations placed in this past week in literally hundreds of social media posts.  People...breath....step back ...take a breath and give the powers that be a chance!  

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