Making a game with core.logic

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Pepijn de Vos

Oct 16, 2019, 4:30:37 PM10/16/19
to Clojure
Hey all,

A couple of days ago I had this idea for a strategy/puzzle game based on making logic circuits.
The basic idea is that each player has a secret binary pattern they need to output to win.
They do this by placing tiles with basic logic gates (AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR) to connect certain inputs to the designated output area.

It's still a very rough idea, so I was planning to make a paper mock up to do some play testing.
But I don't know how big the board should be and how many of each tile do you need to have a playable game.
For example, if you have only 2-input logic gates, every input you connect a gate to creates two more inputs.
So you need things like T wires and maybe inverters.

So I figured I'd write a core.logic program that would just make valid circuits for various board sizes.
Then you can do some nice visualizations and statistics.
At then end of this email you'll find what I have so far, but it has some problems.

First of all, there is no distinction between input ports and output ports, so there is not really a way to specify if the edges of the board are expected outputs or input signals.
The most important result of this is that input can't be left unused, overyconstraining the board.

I've used pertmuteo to generate various configurations of the logic ports, but this is maybe a bit overly generic, because it considers swapping two AND inputs a new configuration.

But maybe most importantly, it never finishes for a grid size of 4 or more.
This is probably related to the overconstraint from not being able to discern mandatory outputs from optional inputs.

So I want to share this fun little experiment, and hope maybe someone has some good ideas to improve it a bit.


(ns logicgame.core
(:use clojure.core.logic)

(defne ando [a b y]
([1 1 1])
([1 0 0])
([0 1 0])
([0 0 0]))

(defne oro [a b y]
([1 1 1])
([1 0 1])
([0 1 1])
([0 0 0]))

(defne xoro [a b y]
([1 1 0])
([1 0 1])
([0 1 1])
([0 0 0]))

(defne noto [a y]
([0 1])
([1 0]))

(defn inv [goal a b y]
(fresh [z]
(goal a b z)
(noto z y)))

(def nando (partial inv ando))
(def noro (partial inv oro))

(defn tile [N E S W op port]
(fresh [p1 p2 p3 p4
          ca cb cc cd
(== port [ca cb cc cd])
(permuteo [[:N N] [:E E] [:S S] [:W W]] [p1 p2 p3 p4])
(matche [op p1 p2 p3 p4]
([:and [ca a] [cb b] [cc y] [cd x]]
(ando a b y) (== x :x))
([:or [ca a] [cb b] [cc y] [cd x]]
(oro a b y) (== x :x))
([:nand [ca a] [cb b] [cc y] [cd x]]
(nando a b y) (== x :x))
([:nor [ca a] [cb b] [cc y] [cd x]]
(noro a b y) (== x :x))
([:not [ca a] [cb y] [cc x1] [cd x2]]
(noto a y) (== x1 :x) (== x2 :x))
([:open [ca x1] [cb x2] [cc x3] [cd x4]]
(== x1 :x) (== x2 :x) (== x3 :x) (== x4 :x))
([:w2 [ca a] [cb b] [cc x1] [cd x2]]
(== a b) (== x1 :x) (== x2 :x))
([:w3 [ca a] [cb b] [cc c] [cd x]]
(== a b) (== b c) (== x :x))
([:w4 [ca a] [cb b] [cc c] [cd d]]
(== a b) (== b c) (== c d)))))

(defn grid [w h]
(let [numw (* h w)
(repeatedly numw lvar)]
(->> hvars (partition w) (map vec) (into []))))

(defn board [size edges gates ports]
(let [[N E S W] (map vec (partition size edges))
(vec (concat [N] (grid size (dec size)) [S]))
(vec (concat [E] (grid size (dec size)) [W]))
params (for [x (range size)
(range size)]
[(get-in vvars [y x])       ; N
(get-in hvars [(inc x) y]) ; E
(get-in vvars [(inc y) x]) ; S
(get-in hvars [x y])       ; W
(get-in gates [y x])
(get-in ports [y x])])]
(everyg #(apply tile %) params)))

(defn -main
"I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
[strsize strnum & stredges]
(let [size (Integer/parseInt strsize)
(Integer/parseInt strnum)
(map read-string stredges)
(vec (take (* 4 size) (cycle pattern)))
(grid size size)
(grid size size)]
(run numres [opg portg]
(== opg ops)
(== portg ports)
(board size edges ops ports)))))

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