Generate a million file from a template

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Abhinav Gogna

Aug 20, 2016, 1:51:11 PM8/20/16
to Clojure

I am trying to generate lot of files using futures but it hasn't sped up the process that hoped for. Here is the code I am using. Can someone point what I am doing wrong?

(ns jsonworker.core
(:require [cheshire.core :refer :all ]))

(defn parse-json
(parse-stream ( file-loc)))

(def json-template (atom (parse-json "resources/individual_1918203.json")))

(def fol-location "/Users/json/json_output")

(defn update-individual [json-string]
(assoc-in json-string ["someInfo" "moreInfo"]
(rand-nth  (range 1000 1000000))))

(defn gen-files [folder-loc text]
(spit (str folder-loc "/newfile_" (rand-int 1e7)) text))

(defn run-me [x]
(dotimes [_ x]
(swap! json-template update-individual)
(gen-files fol-location @json-template))))


Erik Assum

Aug 20, 2016, 2:46:54 PM8/20/16
I think you should move the future inside do times, since then you’ll get a future for each write.
Also, I don’t think you need to put your json-template in an atom:

(:require [cheshire.core :refer :all ]))

(defn parse-json
(parse-stream ( file-loc)))

(def json-template (parse-json "resources/foo.json"))

(def fol-location "/tmp/json_output")

(defn update-individual [json-string]
(assoc-in json-string ["someInfo" "moreInfo"]
(rand-nth (range 1000 1000000))))

(defn gen-files [folder-loc text]
(spit (str folder-loc "/newfile_" (rand-int 1e7)) text))

(defn run-me [x]
(dotimes [_ x]
(gen-files fol-location (update-individual json-template)))))
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Aug 22, 2016, 3:10:05 PM8/22/16
to Clojure
This looks like it's doing too much work to simply generate a random integer.  Are you sure you want to build a lazy list of 999,000 integers and randomly select into it for every invocation?  The garbage collector will be working overtime.

(defn update-individual [json-string]
(assoc-in json-string ["someInfo" "moreInfo"]
(rand-nth  (range 1000 1000000))))

This should get you a random number in the range without as much effort.

(+ 1000 (rand-int 999000))

Abhinav Gogna

Aug 22, 2016, 10:03:05 PM8/22/16
to Clojure
Thanks Guys! Hitesh you were right about rand-nth. I switched to rand-int, which is much faster.

I found a way. It may not be the most optimal way but I can get about 50000 files in 2-3 secs.

I am using cheshire to parse json and pjson to write it back.

(ns jsonworker.core
(:require [cheshire.core :refer [parse-stream] ]
[pjson.core :refer [read-str write-str get-charset]]))

(defn parse-json
(parse-stream ( file-loc)))

(def json-template (parse-json "resources/test_1918203.json"))

(def fol-location "/Users/json/json_output")

(defn update-ref [json-string id]
(assoc-in json-string ["basicInformation" "myId"] id))

(defn gen-files [folder-loc text id]
(spit (str folder-loc "/test_"  id ".json") (write-str text)))

(defn run-me [x]
(dotimes [_ x]

(let [iid (rand-int 1e9)]
(gen-files fol-location (update-ref json-template iid) iid))))

(defn run-in-parallel
"run-in-parallel runs 500 different threads.
you can give each thread number of files you want to generate
Eg: run-in-parallel 100 will generate 500*100 = 50000 files"

(dotimes [_ 500]
(.start (Thread. (run-me y))))))

Moritz Ulrich

Aug 23, 2016, 7:48:04 AM8/23/16
to Abhinav Gogna, Clojure

Abhinav Gogna <> writes:
> (defn run-in-parallel
> "run-in-parallel runs 500 different threads.
> you can give each thread number of files you want to generate
> Eg: run-in-parallel 100 will generate 500*100 = 50000 files"
> [y]
> (dotimes [_ 500]
> (future
> (.start (Thread. (run-me y))))))

`future` alread spawns a thread (or at least dispatches into a thread
pool) so you're actually spawning two threads here. You can either get
rid of the `future` or just replace it with `(future (run-me y))`.
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