Range equivalence

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Tom Mulvaney

Jul 27, 2016, 5:29:53 PM7/27/16
to Clojure Dev

I was running into slower performance than I expected doing some ClojureScript at work and noticed that one source of slowness was comparing two Range objects. 

At the moment Range equivalence in ClojureScript involves calling `equiv-sequence`. Clojure appears to also do a sequence comparison. When comparing a Range with another Range, would it not be better to just compare `start`, `end` and `step` fields of the other Range, and fall back to a sequence comparison when the other object is not a Range?



Alex Miller

Jul 27, 2016, 5:41:58 PM7/27/16
to cloju...@googlegroups.com
This is a slippery slope into a lot of very implementation-dependent mucking that I have generally shied away from. While Clojure happens to have a particular implementation of range (actually 3 implementations), and it would be possible to override equality to potentially do special things, I don't think it's a great idea. Right now there is a generic and uniform approach (compare the values in order) and adding something like this would be a special case (one of many potential such cases). This would allow you to compare *some* infinite or large sequences in constant time, but not others. It changes the laziness expectations, etc. Every one of these special cases adds complexity to the code and over time I expect they would start to interact, cause bugs, and make changing the implementation harder. So, I have no eagerness to do this.

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Thomas Mulvaney

Jul 28, 2016, 10:12:31 AM7/28/16
to cloju...@googlegroups.com


I suspected it boiled down to keeping things simple, generic and uniform.

At least things are fairly open for extension so I shall just continue to override the -equiv protocol for Ranges and SubVectors where it makes sense.



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