Quil templates for lein

조회수 36회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기

Nikita Beloglazov

읽지 않음,
2014. 8. 2. 오후 4:39:4514. 8. 2.
받는사람 clj-pro...@googlegroups.com
Hi all

You may already know that there is a lein template for Quil on ClojureScript: quil-cljs. Glad to announce that similar template was created for regular Quil. These two templates are simple ways to create small sketches in few seconds and start playing with them.

How to use
To create new Quil project run:
lein new quil my-project

For Quil on ClojureScript run:
lein new quil-cljs my-project

Both commands generate project in my-project folder. Projects created by these templates use functional mode by default, so it should help adopting more natural functional style in Quil.

How to help
If you have an idea how to improve templates or you found a bug - here is a repo: https://github.com/quil/quil-templates. Feel free to submit issues/pull requests.

Happy hacking!

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