[clim] Erroneous and misleading ETC news release

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Ken Caldeira

May 10, 2010, 7:59:24 PM5/10/10
to climatein...@googlegroups.com

From: Ken Caldeira <kcal...@gmail.com>
Date: May 10, 2010 22:30:14 GMT+02:00
To: Diana Bronson <di...@etcgroup.org>, Pat Mooney <e...@etcgroup.org>, Jim Thomas <j...@etcgroup.org>

Subject: Fwd: ETC news release on Silver Lining project and CBD talks

Dear ETC,

Before you go issuing press releases it would be nice if you would do a little fact checking rather than spreading around false and misleading information. 

Kelly Wanser and Silver Lining have not received any funds from Bill Gates either directly or indirectly. 

David Keith and I allocated funds to Armand Neukermans to use laboratory experiments to establish whether it would be technically feasible to produce seawater sprays that would be fine enough to meet the requirements of the Latham cloud whitening proposal. 

There was no funding given to Silver Lining or any other  team beyond a small group of close associates of Armand Neukermans working to produce fine seawater sprays in the laboratory.  There was no funding given for the planning, preparation or execution of any field tests. 

David Keith and I decided to make this funding available  it was our decision, not anybody else's.  

 I have expressly said that private efforts to conduct field tests should await the development of appropriate governance structures. I am opposed to private entities conducting field tests without appropriate governance and would oppose funding such activites.    

Our reason for funding Armand Neukermans was that many people felt it was impossible to make the kind of sprays required by the Latham proposal. If it could be established that such sprays were infeasible, that would save many people from wasting time researching and discussing and arguing about an infeasible option. If such sprays are technically feasible, then the research emphasis should shift to using climate and other environmental models to establish the possible environmental consequences of such seawater sprays.  

In short, David Keith and I allocated funds to Armand Neukermans to test the feasibility of fine seawater sprays in the laboratory. That is the story. 

Sent from a limited typing keyboard

Ken Caldeira

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jim thomas <j...@etcgroup.org>
Date: Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:07 PM
Subject: ETC news release on Silver Lining project and CBD talks
To: Eli Kintisch <eli...@gmail.com>


ETC Group

News release

10 May 2010


As huge cloud-whitening experiment goes public, global coalition urges an immediate halt to geoengineering

First UN talks on issue in thirty years begin today



Amidst revelations in this weekend’s London Times newspaper[1] that a team of scientists and engineers funded by billionaire Bill Gates are planning to carry out a 10,000 square kilometer field trial of controversial “cloud-whitening” technology, over one hundred civil society groups are urging governments meeting on biological diversity in Nairobi to stop risky geoengineering experiments now. Geoengineering refers to large-scale technological schemes to intentionally alter the planet’s systems as a quick fix for climate change.


The San-Francisco based “Silver Lining Project” directed by entrepreneur Kelly Wanser has so far received $ 300,000 dollars from Bill Gates to develop technologies that will increase the whiteness of marine clouds. Theoretically, executed on a massive scale, whiter clouds could increase the earth’s albedo, reflecting more sunlight back to space and thereby reduce global warming (without changing the composition of greenhouse gases which cause warming). The Silver Lining Project has decided to press ahead with plans to alter cloud-cover over an undisclosed 10,000 square kilometre patch of ocean (as large as the BP oil slick was a few days ago). If not stopped, the Gates ‘cloud-bleaching’ experiment would be the largest known geoengineering field trial to date. Its effects could include changes in rainfall and other altered weather patterns.  One site frequently spoken of by scientists engaged in this research is the Pacific coast of North and South America (specifically California, Ecuador, Peru and Chile).


Most worrisome, the Times revealed: “The British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.”  Such rules could be set in motion this week as scientists and diplomats from 193 nations meet under the auspices of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s scientific body. The meeting in Nairobi of SBSTTA 14 (Subsidiary Body of Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, running from May 10-21 2010) is the first time a UN Body has addressed geoengineering as a whole since the signing of the ENMOD Treaty in Geneva in 1976 that banned environmental modification for “hostile uses”.[2].


A new global coalition will be urging governments in Nairobi to adopt a  moratorium on all geoengineering experiments, just as the UN Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a moratorium on ocean fertilization in 2008. Over one hundred organizations and individuals, including leading names in the environmental and global justice movement have joined H.O.M.E. campaign: Hands off Mother Earth--Our Home is not a Laboratory (www.handsoffmotherearth.org).


“Our Home Planet Earth should not be treated as a laboratory for risky geoengineering experiments,” says Silvia Ribeiro of  ETC Group in Mexico from the Nairobi SBSTTA meeting. “Human-caused climate change already threatens our lands, seas, food supply and rights.  We do not want to embark on another dangerous experiment with our planet. If they think that the people and governments of Ecuador, Peru or Chile – or anywhere else they might try -- will stand idly by as they mess with our oceans, clouds and weather, they are in for a surpise.  Delegates here are shocked by these plans.”


 “We knew Microsoft was developing cloud applications for computers but we didn’t expect this,” explained Jim Thomas of ETC Group, one of the founding organizations of the HOME campaign “Bill Gates and his cloud-wrenching cronies have no right to unilaterally change our seas and skies in this way. A global moratorium on geoengineering experiments just became a whole lot more urgent and the meeting in Nairobi is a fine place to ensure that it gets put into place rapidly.”




Additional background:


What: Geoengineering refers to large-scale technological proposals to fix climate change by deliberately altering the climate, weather, atmosphere and oceans. Examples of geoengineering schemes include dumping nutrients into the sea to grow algal blooms (called Ocean Fertilization), turning extensive monoculture plantations into charcoal to bury in the soil (called biochar) and deliberately polluting the upper atmosphere with sulphur or aluminium particles to reflect sunlight (called stratospheric aerosols) as well as cloud-whitening. All of these experiments have large potential impacts on environment, biodiversity and the livelihoods of people especially in the Global South. Geoengineering advocates argue that there is no time for a global political agreement to address the real causes of climate change, so brave new scientists and wealthy entrepreneurs should save the world for all of us instead, with their own technofixes.


There are now several geoengineering experiments getting underway without any global oversight framework in place and larger experiments are planned. Geoengineers, including those behind the Gates cloud-wrenching test have  recently proposed “voluntary guidelines” rather than full independent multilateral oversight of the field. The proposal currently before SBSTTA 14 is for governments to look into the biodiversity implications of geoengineering (as well as to examine the ongoing work on ocean fertilization which began in 2008). Civil society groups are insisting experiments be stopped while governments examine the implications of such research.



Who: A new global campaign and coalition to stop Geoengineering experiments was launched last month at an international climate change meeting in Cochabamba, Bolivia. This Hands Off Mother Earth (H.O.M.E.) Campaign is calling on governments through the UN to put a halt to unilateral open-air geoengineering experiments – arguing they are too risky and unjust. Supporters of the HOME campaign against geoengineering  include high profile environmentalists such as Bill McKibben, David Suzuki, Vandana Shiva and Naomi Klein. Organizations supporting the HOME campaign include ETC Group, Friends of the Earth International, Third World Network, Indigenous Environmental Network, la Via Campenina, Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact, Biofuelwatch and many others.


Show of Hands: Additionally members of the public have been uploading their pictures with their hands held up with messages against geoengineering to a growing photo petition at http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org. A giant poster displaying the protest is on display at SBSTTA 14 in Nairobi and ETC Group has three people at the meeting, working with campaign partners to inform delegates of the protest and the reasons behind it.



For more information about Hands Off Mother Earth Campaign see




In Nairobi:


*Neth Dano, ne...@etcgroup.org cell & SMS + 63 917 532 9369

                           Nairobi cell: +254 712 605 622


 Silvia Ribeiro, sil...@etcgroup.org cell & SMS +52 1 55 2653 3330

                        Nairobi cell: +254 712 601 660


*Molly Kane,  mo...@etcgroup.org cell & SMS: + 1-613-797 6421


In Canada:


Diana Bronson - di...@etcgroup.org; cell: 514 629 9236

Jim Thomas -  j...@etcgroup.org cell: 514 516 5759

Pat Mooney – e...@etcgroup.org  cell: 613 240 0045



[1] See Ben Webster, Bill Gates Pays for artificial clouds to beat greenhouse gases, 8 May 2010, Times Online at http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece

[2]  Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques.  See http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/enmod/text/environ2.htm

Jim Thomas
ETC Group (Montreal)

Jim Thomas
ETC Group (Montreal)

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Andrew Lockley

May 11, 2010, 8:00:51 AM5/11/10
to kcal...@gmail.com, climatein...@googlegroups.com
I think we're all getting very bored of ETC spreading misinformation to justify its political stance.

I would encourage anyone so affected to threaten or instigate libel action against the organisation.  It is about time that ETC was called to account for its sloppy or even deliberate untruths.  The organisation's lawyers will likely advise an early settlement for a token fee, plus costs, which would hopefully act as a strong deterrent to further peddling of half or untruths.

As a staunch supporter of the environmental movement for a generation, I'm disgusted by the conduct of ETC and its apparent smear campaign against honest and hardworking scientists with whom the organisation disagrees philasophically.


Alvia Gaskill

May 11, 2010, 8:23:00 AM5/11/10
to andrew....@gmail.com, climatein...@googlegroups.com
True, they pump out the lies faster than a BP oil well, but libel cases take even longer to adjudicate than will the restoration of the Gulf wetlands.  Libel is also difficult to prove as in the U.S. it has to be shown that (a) the statements made were false, (b) the people making them knew they were false and intended harm and (c) there was financial damage done.  Otherwise, even if (a) and (b) are proven, there is no penalty other than their attorney fees. 
The best way to staunch the flow of lies from the ETC operation is to expose them for what they are.  Make them the issue for a change.   Who is ETC Group and what is their agenda?  Example from recent history:  Diana Bronson blew off Asilomar for a variety of reasons, one given was that ETC is a small organization with limited funds and couldn't afford to send anyone to far away California to the meeting.  A few days later, they held a press conference in the very affordable San Francisco.  This obvious hypocrisy went unreported.  One set of rules for ETC and another for the bad guys. 
As for honest and hardworking scientists, well, that's another reason to keep this out of the courtroom.  Even you would be surprised what pops up in depositions and related requests for information.  It's not a black and white world. 

Alvia Gaskill

May 11, 2010, 8:31:05 AM5/11/10
to climatein...@googlegroups.com
There are other issues besides spray droplet size generation and modeling.  The actual percentage of salt particles that reach the base of the cloud deck has to be determined and the only way to do that is with field tests.  The Discovery Project Earth study, flawed and TVafied was it was, had an experimental design that should have produced results relevant to this over a very small area.  Trying to arbitrarily classify every experiment that doesn't happen inside a building as a field test that must await governance rules will mean that we will wait a very long time to find out anything as the Governance crowd is just getting warmed up.

Andrew Lockley

May 11, 2010, 8:46:38 AM5/11/10
to agas...@nc.rr.com, climatein...@googlegroups.com

The UK is a better place to bring libel actions

There a call for papers on geoengineering governance elsewhere on these lists so hopefully people can address your concerns formally


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Climate Intervention...

Ken Caldeira

May 11, 2010, 3:50:54 PM5/11/10
to jim thomas, Diana Bronson, Pat Mooney, Eli Kintisch, armand neukermans, David Keith, climatein...@googlegroups.com
Repeating falsehoods doesn't make them true, but it does make you reckless and irresponsible 

Sent from a limited typing keyboard

Ken Caldeira

On May 11, 2010, at 12:41, jim thomas <j...@etcgroup.org> wrote:


We based our news release on a story by Ben Webster, environment editor at the Times:  (http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece)  and that was clearly referenced as the source in this news release. That news report asserted that  1) "Silver Lining, a research body in San Francisco, has received $300,000 (£204,000) from Mr. Gates."  2) that the group intends to carry out  a 10,000 square km test  and that 3) British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.” In our news release we were very clear that these claims were made by The Times and not by ETC Group. The Times has its own internal fact checking procedures. Ben Webster says he stands by his story.

Regarding Gates funding going to Silver Lining project. Firstly this was an assertion of the Times, which we repeated. We note however that until yesterday, Armand Neukermans was publicly listed as part of the Silver Lining project.  Yesterday afternoon the website of the Silver Lining Project (http://www.silverliningproj.org) listed 14 collaborators in the project. After receiving your message I re-checked the website and the list of collaborators has now been conveniently excised and replaced by a list of universities.  The old website is still visible in google's cache: (see http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XpnV-uSqoJ4J:silverliningproj.org/collaborators.html+silver+lining+project+collaborators )  if the cache is no longer visible I have taken a screenshot of it - attached below.

In Eli Kintisch's  book it is separately reported that Neukermans had received money "to develop sprayers"  from Gates  and that "Kelly Wanser meanwhile started a nonprofit they dubbed the Silver Lining project to help co-ordinate the work... [which] included dozens of scientists volunteering their time, possible tests in a German Cloud chamber and a proposed small scale ocean experiment involving American and British Scientists" (Hack The Planet p186). The same book quotes you as expecting such trials to be publicly announced "in the next few years" (p. 217). Later Wanser told New Scientist that they had 35 scientists working on their project and that they were seeking funds for a 10,000 square kilometer trial involving 10 boats in the next 3-4 years. (Hacking the planet: who decides? New Scientist 29 March 2010 by Jim Giles, Asilomar, California).

The argument that Neukermans is building sprays simply to understand whether such sprays are theoretically feasible and that such tests will only take place “in the lab” is not credible. It fails to acknowledge the links between lab testing of hardware and the open-air experiments that will follow. Indeed you yourself called this a slippery slope with reference to cloud whitening in Kintisch's 'Hack the Planet' (page 217: "Now we as scientists could say I was testing the sprayer just because I'm designing misters to do cooling for a ship or some other application there would be no question about it. But when its the first step towards a geoengineering thing, it introduces the notion of a slippery slope") .  Furthermore, ETC Group has had correspondence with Stephen Salter, another collaborator who was listed on the Silver Lining Project's website until yesterday, about what experiments were planned and how they should be governed and he said: “As there has been no money to do even lab testing of a spray generator it seems premature to investigate legal problems especially as lawyers get paid so much more than engineers.  As we are not introducing any new chemicals it is not clear that we need to get permission from anyone.” 

If Neukermans is successful in designing a working spray, isn't it the case that this piece of technology will be used in the proposed trial for the project in which he is/was publicly listed as a collaborator? Given this it is hard to understand how "Silver Lining have not received any funds from Bill Gates either directly or indirectly."

Thanks for clarifying that these decisions about Bill Gates' funds for geoengineering are made by yourself and David Keith.   And while you have clearly taken a position that there should not be outside testing of geoengineering before international rules are in place, that has not been the public position of David Keith.  So if that is a contractual condition for any money that is disbursed from the Gates fund that you manage, it would be helpful to know.

In any case, ETC Group's concern is less with who is funding the trial including the building of the hardware for the trial (we would be concerned whoever was funding it) but that the team are now reported to be willing to proceed to open air trials without global governance arrangements in place. Further we are dismayed by the Times’ claim (also carried earlier in New Scientist in March) that they will be carrying out such a large (10,000 square km) trial. We would be very happy for Silver Lining to contradict this report, let it be known that they will not carry out open air trials and that they will wait for global, multilateral governance to be established. I tried to reach Kelly Wanser at eCert regarding this but she hasn't returned my call.

Obviously a key problem here is the lack of transparency - regarding the disbursement of the Gates funds as well as secrecy regarding the operation, aims and plans of The Silver Lining Project. It would be very helpful if you were willing to provide a public list of where all the monies you and David are responsible for have gone to and for what research and it would be extremely helpful if Kelly Wanser and her associates would make a statement about their plans for open-air field trials including size, location, timing and whether or not they will wait for global multilaterally agreed rules.


Jim Thomas
ETC Group (Montreal)

On May 10, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Ken Caldeira wrote:

Dear ETC,

Before you go issuing press releases it would be nice if you would do a little fact checking rather than spreading around false and misleading information. 

Kelly Wanser and Silver Lining have not received any funds from Bill Gates either directly or indirectly. 

David Keith and I allocated funds to Armand Neukermans to use laboratory experiments to establish whether it would be technically feasible to produce seawater sprays that would be fine enough to meet the requirements of the Latham cloud whitening proposal. 

There was no funding given to Silver Lining or any other  team beyond a small group of close associates of Armand Neukermans working to produce fine seawater sprays in the laboratory.  There was no funding given for the planning, preparation or execution of any field tests. 

David Keith and I decided to make this funding available  it was our decision, not anybody else's.  

 I have expressly said that private efforts to conduct field tests should await the development of appropriate governance structures. I am opposed to private entities conducting field tests without appropriate governance and would oppose funding such activites.    

Our reason for funding Armand Neukermans was that many people felt it was impossible to make the kind of sprays required by the Latham proposal. If it could be established that such sprays were infeasible, that would save many people from wasting time researching and discussing and arguing about an infeasible option. If such sprays are technically feasible, then the research emphasis should shift to using climate and other environmental models to establish the possible environmental consequences of such seawater sprays.  

In short, David Keith and I allocated funds to Armand Neukermans to test the feasibility of fine seawater sprays in the laboratory. That is the story. 

Sent from a limited typing keyboard

Ken Caldeira

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eli Kintisch <eli...@gmail.com>
Date: May 10, 2010 19:24:31 GMT+02:00
To: Ken Caldeira <kcal...@stanford.edu>, David Battisti <batt...@washington.edu>, Kelly Wanser <kelly....@gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: ETC news release on Silver Lining project and CBD talks

I'd like to talk to any one of you about this release (which I find highly misleading). Any time today? Thanks, Eli

Ken Caldeira

May 11, 2010, 5:27:54 PM5/11/10
to jim thomas, Diana Bronson, Pat Mooney, Eli Kintisch, armand neukermans, David Keith, climatein...@googlegroups.com

I am not going to waste my time to pointing out every falsehood and misleadling statement in your press release.

Let's start with an analogy:

'A' gives money to 'B' and says "do good things".
'B' gives money to 'C' and says "do X" (make a fine seawater mist in the lab)
'C' associates with a group G to do X, under the funding from B
'C' also associates with a group of people H who want to do Y and Z, under separate funding.

To what extent can it be said that A is supporting H to do Y and Z? This sort of thing may be fodder for conspiracy theorists, but is not the sort of thing sensible people think of as a causal chain.

David Keith and I ('B') allocated funds to Armand Neukermans ('C') before Silver Lining ('H') even existed, so there not even a logical possibility of supporting Silver Lining. We stressed with Armand that our relationship was with him and not any broader organization of which he might be a part.

I know only about our funding of Armand Neukermans and little to nothing about Silver Lining. (For example, I have never been to any meetings of Silver Lining.) However, Armand Neukermans assures me that statements (2) and (3) below do not represent his views and are not broadly held views.

Of course, if you have a big enough collection of people you can always find one person in that collection who believes anything.

So, in short, ETC is being extremely irresponsible in trying to tie Bill Gates with activities that he in all likelihood as never even heard about, and with which he has no financial relationship.

So let's look at your three claims:

1) "Silver Lining, a research body in San Francisco, has received $300,000 (£204,000) from Mr. Gates."

FALSE, Silver Lining never received any funds from Bill Gates.

 2) that the group intends to carry out  a 10,000 square km test  and that

I have no direct knowledge of this but Armand Neukermans tells me this is not correct.

3) British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.”

FALSE: Armand Neukermans has assured me that he plans to follow good scientific practice and await an appropriate regulatory environment.

So, thank you for having exhibited yourselves as reckless and unreliable, issuing press released based on error filled news report. To this extent, your press release has performed a valuable service.



Ken Caldeira

Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology
260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA

+1 650 704 7212; fax: +1 650 462 5968  

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:05 PM, jim thomas <j...@etcgroup.org> wrote:

Which of the following are falsehoods?

1) Armand Neukemans is part of the Silver Lining Project and has received  $300,000 in funds (via you and David Keith) from Bill Gates to develop hardware for Cloud Whitening.

2) The Silver Lining project is planning to undertake a 10,000 sq km field trial in the 'next few years'/'next 3-4 years.

3) "British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.”  

If you know any of them to be false and have better information it would be helpful if you could share it.

many thanks


Alvia Gaskill

May 11, 2010, 5:50:21 PM5/11/10
to climatein...@googlegroups.com
Re the Disco Channel's field test of cloud whitening (done without any governance as were all their other tests and the environment is still here!), the use of salt flares in clear skies produced a cloud as the salt particles absorbed water vapor, but this was very close to the surface and not at all representative of what would be desired for the brightening of marine stratocumulus clouds.  Thus, this experiment needs to be repeated in the presence of marine stratocumulus with the airplane monitoring to see if any of the particles make it into the cloud.  If they don't or the number is much less than predicted, then the big sea voyage planned, rumored or simply imagined, instead of producing a Silver Lining, may instead just be pie in the sky.  Always do the little experiment first.
Other ironies noted:  Kelly Wanser's company (the software one, not the cloud whitener) is supposed to prevent fraudulent business e-mails, e.g This is your bank, only it ain't your bank.  Her Twitter followers include Richard Branson and Bill Gates.   So considering all this, here's a great idea for her to work on and Bill Gates not to fund.  Software to identify inaccurate press releases.  I think it's called the human mind.

Tom Wigley

May 11, 2010, 7:37:35 PM5/11/10
to kcal...@gmail.com, jim thomas, Diana Bronson, Pat Mooney, Eli Kintisch, armand neukermans, David Keith, climatein...@googlegroups.com

It is possible that ETC may still claim (as they have already done) that
they were just repeating what someone else said and that they had no a
priori reason to doubt this.

The real irresponsibility is the use of secondary sources without
checking their veracity. This is especially necessary in controversial
topic areas. A far more egregious case is the rubbish that Fred Pearce
published not so long ago in the Guardian related to the CRU email hacking.

I hope ETC can learn to be more careful and circumspect in the future.
Especially when other material seems to support their own views. If this
Times story had been contrary to their views, I strongly suspect that
they would have remained silent.

Ho hum


> /1) "Silver Lining, a research body in San Francisco, has received
> $300,000 (£204,000) from Mr. Gates."
> /
> FALSE, Silver Lining never received any funds from Bill Gates.
> 2) that the group intends to carry out a 10,000 square km test and that
> I have no direct knowledge of this but Armand Neukermans tells me this
> is not correct.
> 3) British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for
> international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.”
> FALSE: Armand Neukermans has assured me that he plans to follow good
> scientific practice and await an appropriate regulatory environment.
> So, thank you for having exhibited yourselves as reckless and
> unreliable, issuing press released based on error filled news report. To
> this extent, your press release has performed a valuable service.
> Best,
> Ken
> ___________________________________________________
> Ken Caldeira
> Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology
> 260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
> kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu <mailto:kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu>
>> <mailto:kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu>
>> On May 11, 2010, at 12:41, jim thomas <j...@etcgroup.org
>> <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>> wrote:
>>> Ken,
>>> We based our news release on a story by Ben Webster, environment
>>> editor at the Times: (
>>> <http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece>http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece)
>>> and that was clearly referenced as the source in this news
>>> release. That news report asserted that 1) "Silver Lining, a
>>> research body in San Francisco, has received $300,000 (£204,000)
>>> from Mr. Gates." 2) that the group intends to carry out a
>>> 10,000 square km test and that 3) British and American
>>> scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules
>>> on technology that deliberately alters the climate.” In our news
>>> release we were very clear that these claims were made by The
>>> Times and not by ETC Group. The Times has its own internal fact
>>> checking procedures. Ben Webster says he stands by his story.
>>> Regarding Gates funding going to Silver Lining project. Firstly
>>> this was an assertion of the Times, which we repeated. We note
>>> however that until yesterday, Armand Neukermans was publicly
>>> listed as part of the Silver Lining project. Yesterday afternoon
>>> the website of the Silver Lining Project (
>>> <http://www.silverliningproj.org>http://www.silverliningproj.org)
>>> listed 14 collaborators in the project. After receiving your
>>> message I re-checked the website and the list of collaborators
>>> has now been conveniently excised and replaced by a list of
>>> universities. The old website is still visible in google's
>>> cache: (see
>>> <http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XpnV-uSqoJ4J:silverliningproj.org/collaborators.html+silver+lining+project+collaborators>http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XpnV-uSqoJ4J:silverliningproj.org/collaborators.html+silver+lining+project+collaborators
>>> <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>j...@etcgroup.org <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>
>>>> <mailto:kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu>kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu
>>>> <mailto:kcal...@carnegie.stanford.edu>
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> *From:* Eli Kintisch <
>>>>> <mailto:eli...@gmail.com>eli...@gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:eli...@gmail.com>>
>>>>> *Date:* May 10, 2010 19:24:31 GMT+02:00
>>>>> *To:* Ken Caldeira <
>>>>> <mailto:kcal...@stanford.edu>kcal...@stanford.edu
>>>>> <mailto:kcal...@stanford.edu>>, David Battisti <
>>>>> <mailto:batt...@washington.edu>batt...@washington.edu
>>>>> <mailto:batt...@washington.edu>>, Kelly Wanser <
>>>>> <mailto:kelly....@gmail.com>kelly....@gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:kelly....@gmail.com>>
>>>>> *Subject:* *Fwd: ETC news release on Silver Lining project and
>>>>> CBD talks*
>>>>> I'd like to talk to any one of you about this release (which I
>>>>> find highly misleading). Any time today? Thanks, Eli
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: *jim thomas* < <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>
>>>>> <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>j...@etcgroup.org
>>>>> <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>>
>>>>> Date: Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:07 PM
>>>>> Subject: ETC news release on Silver Lining project and CBD talks
>>>>> To: Eli Kintisch < <mailto:eli...@gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:eli...@gmail.com>eli...@gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:eli...@gmail.com>>
>>>>> ------------
>>>>> ETC Group
>>>>> News release
>>>>> 10 May 2010
>>>>> As huge cloud-whitening experiment goes public, global
>>>>> coalition urges an immediate halt to geoengineering
>>>>> First UN talks on issue in thirty years begin today
>>>>> http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org
>>>>> <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org/>
>>>>> <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org>
>>>>> <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org>www.handsoffmotherearth.org
>>>>> <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org>).
>>>>> <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org/>. A giant poster
>>>>> displaying the protest is on display at SBSTTA 14 in Nairobi
>>>>> and ETC Group has three people at the meeting, working with
>>>>> campaign partners to inform delegates of the protest and the
>>>>> reasons behind it.
>>>>> For more information about Hands Off Mother Earth Campaign see
>>>>> http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org
>>>>> <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org/>
>>>>> In Nairobi:
>>>>> *Neth Dano, ne...@etcgroup.org <mailto:ne...@etcgroup.org> cell &
>>>>> SMS + 63 917 532 9369
>>>>> Nairobi cell: +254 712 605 622
>>>>> Silvia Ribeiro, sil...@etcgroup.org
>>>>> <mailto:sil...@etcgroup.org> cell & SMS +52 1 55 2653 3330
>>>>> Nairobi cell: +254 712 601 660
>>>>> *Molly Kane, mo...@etcgroup.org
>>>>> <mailto:mo...@etcgroup.org> cell & SMS: + 1-613-797 6421
>>>>> In Canada:
>>>>> Diana Bronson - di...@etcgroup.org <mailto:di...@etcgroup.org>;
>>>>> cell: 514 629 9236
>>>>> Jim Thomas - j...@etcgroup.org <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org> cell:
>>>>> 514 516 5759
>>>>> Pat Mooney – e...@etcgroup.org <mailto:e...@etcgroup.org> cell:
>>>>> 613 240 0045
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [1] See Ben Webster, Bill Gates Pays for artificial clouds to
>>>>> beat greenhouse gases, 8 May 2010, Times Online at _
>>>>> <http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece>
>>>>> <http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece>http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece_
>>>>> [2] Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other
>>>>> Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques. See
>>>>> <http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/enmod/text/environ2.htm>
>>>>> <http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/enmod/text/environ2.htm>http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/enmod/text/environ2.htm
>>>>> Jim Thomas
>>>>> ETC Group (Montreal)
>>>>> <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>
>>>>> <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>j...@etcgroup.org <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>
>>>>> +1 514 2739994
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups "Climate Intervention" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> climatein...@googlegroups.com
>> <mailto:climatein...@googlegroups.com>.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> climateinterven...@googlegroups.com
>> <mailto:climateinterven...@googlegroups.com>.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/climateintervention?hl=en.
> Jim Thomas
> ETC Group (Montreal)
> j...@etcgroup.org <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>

Mike MacCracken

May 11, 2010, 10:47:56 PM5/11/10
to Alvia Gaskill, Climate Intervention
On the vertical mixing point, an interesting (to me) informal observation:

When I was in Hawai’i on vacation in March, looking at the waves crashing against the coast creating a lot of drops (no where near as small as the ones to be created), the morning sunlight was coming in over my shoulder and it basically created a rainbow from the surface up to the base of a low marine stratus deck (that I do not think was drizzling), suggesting, it seemed to me, that the surface mist was mixing up to the marine stratus and the evenness of the refracted light suggesting that this layer was pretty well mixed. Just an impression, but interesting.

Mike MacCracken

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  jim thomas < <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org> j...@etcgroup.org <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org> >
Date:  Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:07 PM
Subject: ETC news release on Silver  Lining project and CBD talks
To: Eli Kintisch < <mailto:eli...@gmail.com> eli...@gmail.com <mailto:eli...@gmail.com> >



ETC Group

News release

10 May 2010

As huge cloud-whitening experiment goes  public, global coalition urges an immediate halt to  geoengineering

First UN talks on issue in thirty years  begin today

Amidst revelations in this weekend’s London  Times newspaper[1] that  a team of scientists and engineers funded by billionaire Bill Gates are  planning to carry out a 10,000 square kilometer field trial  of controversial “cloud-whitening” technology, over one hundred  civil society groups are urging governments meeting on biological  diversity in Nairobi to stop risky geoengineering experiments now.  Geoengineering refers to large-scale technological schemes to  intentionally alter the planet’s systems as a quick fix for climate  change.

The San-Francisco based “Silver Lining  Project” directed by entrepreneur Kelly Wanser has so far received $  300,000 dollars from Bill Gates to develop technologies that will  increase the whiteness of marine clouds. Theoretically, executed on a  massive scale, whiter clouds could increase the earth’s albedo,  reflecting more sunlight back to space and thereby reduce global warming  (without changing the composition of greenhouse gases which cause  warming). The Silver Lining Project has decided to press ahead with  plans to alter cloud-cover over an undisclosed 10,000 square kilometre  patch of ocean (as large as the BP oil slick was a few days ago). If not  stopped, the Gates ‘cloud-bleaching’ experiment would be the largest  known geoengineering field trial to date. Its effects could include  changes in rainfall and other altered weather  patterns.  One site frequently spoken of by  scientists engaged in this research is the Pacific coast of North and  South America (specifically California, Ecuador, Peru and  Chile).

Most worrisome, the Times  revealed: “The British and American scientists involved do not  intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately  alters the climate.”  Such rules could be set in motion this week  as scientists and diplomats from 193 nations meet under the auspices of  the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s scientific body. The  meeting in Nairobi of SBSTTA 14 (Subsidiary Body of Scientific,  Technical and Technological Advice, running from May 10-21 2010) is the  first time a UN Body has addressed geoengineering as a whole since the  signing of the ENMOD Treaty in Geneva in 1976 that banned environmental  modification for “hostile uses”.[2].

A new global coalition will be urging  governments in Nairobi to adopt a  moratorium on  all geoengineering experiments, just as the UN Convention on Biological  Diversity adopted a moratorium on ocean fertilization in 2008. Over one  hundred organizations and individuals, including leading names in the  environmental and global justice movement have joined H.O.M.E. campaign:  Hands off Mother Earth--Our Home is not a Laboratory ( <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org> www.handsoffmotherearth.org <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org>  <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org> ).

“Our Home Planet Earth should not be  treated as a laboratory for risky geoengineering  experiments,” says Silvia  Ribeiro of  ETC Group in Mexico from the Nairobi SBSTTA meeting.  “Human-caused climate change already threatens our lands, seas,  food supply and rights.  We do not want to embark  on another dangerous experiment with our planet. If they think that the  people and governments of Ecuador, Peru or Chile – or anywhere else they  might try -- will stand idly by as they mess with our oceans, clouds and  weather, they are in for a surpise.  Delegates  here are shocked by these plans.”

“We knew Microsoft was  developing cloud applications for computers but we didn’t expect this,”  explained Jim Thomas of ETC Group, one of the founding organizations of  the HOME campaign “Bill Gates and his cloud-wrenching cronies have no  right to unilaterally change our seas and skies in this way. A global  moratorium on geoengineering experiments just became a whole lot more  urgent and the meeting in Nairobi is a fine place to ensure that it gets  put into place rapidly.”



Additional background:

What: Geoengineering refers to large-scale  technological proposals to fix climate change by deliberately altering  the climate, weather, atmosphere and oceans. Examples of geoengineering  schemes include dumping nutrients into the sea to grow algal blooms  (called Ocean Fertilization), turning extensive monoculture plantations  into charcoal to bury in the soil (called biochar) and deliberately  polluting the upper atmosphere with sulphur or aluminium particles to  reflect sunlight (called stratospheric aerosols) as well as  cloud-whitening. All of these experiments have large potential impacts  on environment, biodiversity and the livelihoods of people especially in  the Global South. Geoengineering advocates argue that there is no time  for a global political agreement to address the real causes of climate  change, so brave new scientists and wealthy entrepreneurs should save  the world for all of us instead, with their own technofixes.

There are now several geoengineering  experiments getting underway without any global oversight framework in  place and larger experiments are planned. Geoengineers, including those  behind the Gates cloud-wrenching test have  recently proposed  “voluntary guidelines” rather than full independent multilateral  oversight of the field. The proposal currently before SBSTTA 14 is for  governments to look into the biodiversity implications of geoengineering  (as well as to examine the ongoing work on ocean fertilization which  began in 2008). Civil society groups are insisting experiments be  stopped while governments examine the implications of such  research.

Who: A new global campaign and coalition  to stop Geoengineering experiments was launched last month at an  international climate change meeting in Cochabamba, Bolivia. This Hands  Off Mother Earth (H.O.M.E.) Campaign is calling on governments through  the UN to put a halt to unilateral open-air geoengineering experiments –  arguing they are too risky and unjust. Supporters of the HOME campaign  against geoengineering  include high profile environmentalists such  as Bill McKibben, David Suzuki, Vandana Shiva and Naomi Klein.  Organizations supporting the HOME campaign include ETC Group, Friends of  the Earth International, Third World Network, Indigenous Environmental  Network, la Via Campenina, Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact, Biofuelwatch  and many others.


Show of Hands: Additionally members of the public have  been uploading their pictures with their hands held up with messages  against geoengineering to a growing photo petition at http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org <http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org/> . A giant poster displaying the protest is  on display at SBSTTA 14 in Nairobi and ETC Group has three people at the  meeting, working with campaign partners to inform delegates of the  protest and the reasons behind it.

For more information about Hands Off Mother  Earth Campaign see


                          Nairobi  cell: +254 712 605  622


Silvia Ribeiro, sil...@etcgroup.org <mailto:sil...@etcgroup.org> cell & SMS +52 1 55 2653  3330

                       Nairobi  cell: +254 712 601  660


*Molly Kane,  mo...@etcgroup.org <mailto:mo...@etcgroup.org> cell & SMS: + 1-613-797  6421

In Canada:

Diana Bronson - di...@etcgroup.org <mailto:di...@etcgroup.org> ; cell: 514 629 9236

Jim Thomas -  j...@etcgroup.org <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org> cell: 514 516 5759

Pat Mooney – e...@etcgroup.org <mailto:e...@etcgroup.org>  cell: 613 240  0045




[1] See  Ben Webster, Bill Gates Pays for artificial clouds to beat greenhouse  gases, 8 May 2010, Times Online at
<http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece> http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece <http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece>


[2]  Convention  on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental  Modification Techniques.  See  <http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/enmod/text/environ2.htm> http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/enmod/text/environ2.htm <http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/enmod/text/environ2.htm>

Jim Thomas
ETC Group (Montreal)

Jim Thomas
ETC Group (Montreal)

Andrew Lockley

May 12, 2010, 3:38:21 AM5/12/10
to wig...@ucar.edu, climatein...@googlegroups.com
As an important additional point, I think that it's critical to point out that there are several meanings of 'large' in relation to field scale trials.  Just because work ranges over a large area does not make the impacts significant.  There are also the temporal and magnitude dimensions to consider, and to be a 'large' trial from a geoengineering (as opposed to engineering) point of view, then the trial would have to be 'large' on these scales too.

A few boats sailing around spraying not very much into the air for a short time does not mean the climate is going to collapse in a sticky mess.    It is very important to keep a sense of perspective about this kind of research - unless of course ETC is deliberately setting out to be alarmist.


jim thomas

May 11, 2010, 3:41:53 PM5/11/10
to Ken Caldeira, Diana Bronson, Pat Mooney, Eli Kintisch, armand neukermans, David Keith, climatein...@googlegroups.com

We based our news release on a story by Ben Webster, environment editor at the Times:  (http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece)  and that was clearly referenced as the source in this news release. That news report asserted that  1) "Silver Lining, a research body in San Francisco, has received $300,000 (£204,000) from Mr. Gates."  2) that the group intends to carry out  a 10,000 square km test  and that 3) British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.” In our news release we were very clear that these claims were made by The Times and not by ETC Group. The Times has its own internal fact checking procedures. Ben Webster says he stands by his story.

Regarding Gates funding going to Silver Lining project. Firstly this was an assertion of the Times, which we repeated. We note however that until yesterday, Armand Neukermans was publicly listed as part of the Silver Lining project.  Yesterday afternoon the website of the Silver Lining Project (http://www.silverliningproj.org) listed 14 collaborators in the project. After receiving your message I re-checked the website and the list of collaborators has now been conveniently excised and replaced by a list of universities.  The old website is still visible in google's cache: (see http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XpnV-uSqoJ4J:silverliningproj.org/collaborators.html+silver+lining+project+collaborators )  if the cache is no longer visible I have taken a screenshot of it - attached below.

In Eli Kintisch's  book it is separately reported that Neukermans had received money "to develop sprayers"  from Gates  and that "Kelly Wanser meanwhile started a nonprofit they dubbed the Silver Lining project to help co-ordinate the work... [which] included dozens of scientists volunteering their time, possible tests in a German Cloud chamber and a proposed small scale ocean experiment involving American and British Scientists" (Hack The Planet p186). The same book quotes you as expecting such trials to be publicly announced "in the next few years" (p. 217). Later Wanser told New Scientist that they had 35 scientists working on their project and that they were seeking funds for a 10,000 square kilometer trial involving 10 boats in the next 3-4 years. (Hacking the planet: who decides? New Scientist 29 March 2010 by Jim Giles, Asilomar, California).

The argument that Neukermans is building sprays simply to understand whether such sprays are theoretically feasible and that such tests will only take place “in the lab” is not credible. It fails to acknowledge the links between lab testing of hardware and the open-air experiments that will follow. Indeed you yourself called this a slippery slope with reference to cloud whitening in Kintisch's 'Hack the Planet' (page 217: "Now we as scientists could say I was testing the sprayer just because I'm designing misters to do cooling for a ship or some other application there would be no question about it. But when its the first step towards a geoengineering thing, it introduces the notion of a slippery slope") .  Furthermore, ETC Group has had correspondence with Stephen Salter, another collaborator who was listed on the Silver Lining Project's website until yesterday, about what experiments were planned and how they should be governed and he said: “As there has been no money to do even lab testing of a spray generator it seems premature to investigate legal problems especially as lawyers get paid so much more than engineers.  As we are not introducing any new chemicals it is not clear that we need to get permission from anyone.” 

If Neukermans is successful in designing a working spray, isn't it the case that this piece of technology will be used in the proposed trial for the project in which he is/was publicly listed as a collaborator? Given this it is hard to understand how "Silver Lining have not received any funds from Bill Gates either directly or indirectly."

Thanks for clarifying that these decisions about Bill Gates' funds for geoengineering are made by yourself and David Keith.   And while you have clearly taken a position that there should not be outside testing of geoengineering before international rules are in place, that has not been the public position of David Keith.  So if that is a contractual condition for any money that is disbursed from the Gates fund that you manage, it would be helpful to know.

In any case, ETC Group's concern is less with who is funding the trial including the building of the hardware for the trial (we would be concerned whoever was funding it) but that the team are now reported to be willing to proceed to open air trials without global governance arrangements in place. Further we are dismayed by the Times’ claim (also carried earlier in New Scientist in March) that they will be carrying out such a large (10,000 square km) trial. We would be very happy for Silver Lining to contradict this report, let it be known that they will not carry out open air trials and that they will wait for global, multilateral governance to be established. I tried to reach Kelly Wanser at eCert regarding this but she hasn't returned my call.

Obviously a key problem here is the lack of transparency - regarding the disbursement of the Gates funds as well as secrecy regarding the operation, aims and plans of The Silver Lining Project. It would be very helpful if you were willing to provide a public list of where all the monies you and David are responsible for have gone to and for what research and it would be extremely helpful if Kelly Wanser and her associates would make a statement about their plans for open-air field trials including size, location, timing and whether or not they will wait for global multilaterally agreed rules.


Jim Thomas
ETC Group (Montreal)
On May 10, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Ken Caldeira wrote:

Dear ETC,

Before you go issuing press releases it would be nice if you would do a little fact checking rather than spreading around false and misleading information. 

Kelly Wanser and Silver Lining have not received any funds from Bill Gates either directly or indirectly. 

David Keith and I allocated funds to Armand Neukermans to use laboratory experiments to establish whether it would be technically feasible to produce seawater sprays that would be fine enough to meet the requirements of the Latham cloud whitening proposal. 

There was no funding given to Silver Lining or any other  team beyond a small group of close associates of Armand Neukermans working to produce fine seawater sprays in the laboratory.  There was no funding given for the planning, preparation or execution of any field tests. 

David Keith and I decided to make this funding available  it was our decision, not anybody else's.  

 I have expressly said that private efforts to conduct field tests should await the development of appropriate governance structures. I am opposed to private entities conducting field tests without appropriate governance and would oppose funding such activites.    

Our reason for funding Armand Neukermans was that many people felt it was impossible to make the kind of sprays required by the Latham proposal. If it could be established that such sprays were infeasible, that would save many people from wasting time researching and discussing and arguing about an infeasible option. If such sprays are technically feasible, then the research emphasis should shift to using climate and other environmental models to establish the possible environmental consequences of such seawater sprays.  

In short, David Keith and I allocated funds to Armand Neukermans to test the feasibility of fine seawater sprays in the laboratory. That is the story. 

Sent from a limited typing keyboard

Ken Caldeira

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eli Kintisch <eli...@gmail.com>
Date: May 10, 2010 19:24:31 GMT+02:00
To: Ken Caldeira <kcal...@stanford.edu>, David Battisti <batt...@washington.edu>, Kelly Wanser <kelly....@gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: ETC news release on Silver Lining project and CBD talks

I'd like to talk to any one of you about this release (which I find highly misleading). Any time today? Thanks, Eli

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jim thomas <j...@etcgroup.org>
Date: Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:07 PM
Subject: ETC news release on Silver Lining project and CBD talks
To: Eli Kintisch <eli...@gmail.com>


ETC Group

News release

10 May 2010


As huge cloud-whitening experiment goes public, global coalition urges an immediate halt to geoengineering

First UN talks on issue in thirty years begin today



Amidst revelations in this weekend’s London Times newspaper[1] that a team of scientists and engineers funded by billionaire Bill Gates are planning to carry out a 10,000 square kilometer field trial of controversial “cloud-whitening” technology, over one hundred civil society groups are urging governments meeting on biological diversity in Nairobi to stop risky geoengineering experiments now. Geoengineering refers to large-scale technological schemes to intentionally alter the planet’s systems as a quick fix for climate change.


The San-Francisco based “Silver Lining Project” directed by entrepreneur Kelly Wanser has so far received $ 300,000 dollars from Bill Gates to develop technologies that will increase the whiteness of marine clouds. Theoretically, executed on a massive scale, whiter clouds could increase the earth’s albedo, reflecting more sunlight back to space and thereby reduce global warming (without changing the composition of greenhouse gases which cause warming). The Silver Lining Project has decided to press ahead with plans to alter cloud-cover over an undisclosed 10,000 square kilometre patch of ocean (as large as the BP oil slick was a few days ago). If not stopped, the Gates ‘cloud-bleaching’ experiment would be the largest known geoengineering field trial to date. Its effects could include changes in rainfall and other altered weather patterns.  One site frequently spoken of by scientists engaged in this research is the Pacific coast of North and South America (specifically California, Ecuador, Peru and Chile).


Most worrisome, the Times revealed: “The British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.”  Such rules could be set in motion this week as scientists and diplomats from 193 nations meet under the auspices of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s scientific body. The meeting in Nairobi of SBSTTA 14 (Subsidiary Body of Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, running from May 10-21 2010) is the first time a UN Body has addressed geoengineering as a whole since the signing of the ENMOD Treaty in Geneva in 1976 that banned environmental modification for “hostile uses”.[2].


A new global coalition will be urging governments in Nairobi to adopt a  moratorium on all geoengineering experiments, just as the UN Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a moratorium on ocean fertilization in 2008. Over one hundred organizations and individuals, including leading names in the environmental and global justice movement have joined H.O.M.E. campaign: Hands off Mother Earth--Our Home is not a Laboratory (www.handsoffmotherearth.org).


“Our Home Planet Earth should not be treated as a laboratory for risky geoengineering experiments,” says Silvia Ribeiro of  ETC Group in Mexico from the Nairobi SBSTTA meeting. “Human-caused climate change already threatens our lands, seas, food supply and rights.  We do not want to embark on another dangerous experiment with our planet. If they think that the people and governments of Ecuador, Peru or Chile – or anywhere else they might try -- will stand idly by as they mess with our oceans, clouds and weather, they are in for a surpise.  Delegates here are shocked by these plans.”


 “We knew Microsoft was developing cloud applications for computers but we didn’t expect this,” explained Jim Thomas of ETC Group, one of the founding organizations of the HOME campaign “Bill Gates and his cloud-wrenching cronies have no right to unilaterally change our seas and skies in this way. A global moratorium on geoengineering experiments just became a whole lot more urgent and the meeting in Nairobi is a fine place to ensure that it gets put into place rapidly.”




Additional background:


What: Geoengineering refers to large-scale technological proposals to fix climate change by deliberately altering the climate, weather, atmosphere and oceans. Examples of geoengineering schemes include dumping nutrients into the sea to grow algal blooms (called Ocean Fertilization), turning extensive monoculture plantations into charcoal to bury in the soil (called biochar) and deliberately polluting the upper atmosphere with sulphur or aluminium particles to reflect sunlight (called stratospheric aerosols) as well as cloud-whitening. All of these experiments have large potential impacts on environment, biodiversity and the livelihoods of people especially in the Global South. Geoengineering advocates argue that there is no time for a global political agreement to address the real causes of climate change, so brave new scientists and wealthy entrepreneurs should save the world for all of us instead, with their own technofixes.


There are now several geoengineering experiments getting underway without any global oversight framework in place and larger experiments are planned. Geoengineers, including those behind the Gates cloud-wrenching test have  recently proposed “voluntary guidelines” rather than full independent multilateral oversight of the field. The proposal currently before SBSTTA 14 is for governments to look into the biodiversity implications of geoengineering (as well as to examine the ongoing work on ocean fertilization which began in 2008). Civil society groups are insisting experiments be stopped while governments examine the implications of such research.


Who: A new global campaign and coalition to stop Geoengineering experiments was launched last month at an international climate change meeting in Cochabamba, Bolivia. This Hands Off Mother Earth (H.O.M.E.) Campaign is calling on governments through the UN to put a halt to unilateral open-air geoengineering experiments – arguing they are too risky and unjust. Supporters of the HOME campaign against geoengineering  include high profile environmentalists such as Bill McKibben, David Suzuki, Vandana Shiva and Naomi Klein. Organizations supporting the HOME campaign include ETC Group, Friends of the Earth International, Third World Network, Indigenous Environmental Network, la Via Campenina, Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact, Biofuelwatch and many others.


Show of Hands: Additionally members of the public have been uploading their pictures with their hands held up with messages against geoengineering to a growing photo petition at http://www.handsoffmotherearth.org. A giant poster displaying the protest is on display at SBSTTA 14 in Nairobi and ETC Group has three people at the meeting, working with campaign partners to inform delegates of the protest and the reasons behind it.


For more information about Hands Off Mother Earth Campaign see




In Nairobi:


*Neth Dano, ne...@etcgroup.org cell & SMS + 63 917 532 9369

                           Nairobi cell: +254 712 605 622


 Silvia Ribeiro, sil...@etcgroup.org cell & SMS +52 1 55 2653 3330

                        Nairobi cell: +254 712 601 660


*Molly Kane,  mo...@etcgroup.org cell & SMS: + 1-613-797 6421


In Canada:


Diana Bronson - di...@etcgroup.org; cell: 514 629 9236

Jim Thomas -  j...@etcgroup.org cell: 514 516 5759

Pat Mooney – e...@etcgroup.org  cell: 613 240 0045


[1] See Ben Webster, Bill Gates Pays for artificial clouds to beat greenhouse gases, 8 May 2010, Times Online at http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece

[2]  Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques.  See http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/enmod/text/environ2.htm

Jim Thomas
ETC Group (Montreal)

jim thomas

May 11, 2010, 4:05:36 PM5/11/10
to kcal...@gmail.com, Diana Bronson, Pat Mooney, Eli Kintisch, armand neukermans, David Keith, climatein...@googlegroups.com

Which of the following are falsehoods?

1) Armand Neukemans is part of the Silver Lining Project and has received  $300,000 in funds (via you and David Keith) from Bill Gates to develop hardware for Cloud Whitening.

2) The Silver Lining project is planning to undertake a 10,000 sq km field trial in the 'next few years'/'next 3-4 years.

3) "British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.”  
If you know any of them to be false and have better information it would be helpful if you could share it.

many thanks


On May 11, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Ken Caldeira wrote:

jim thomas

May 11, 2010, 3:46:15 PM5/11/10
to Ken Caldeira, Diana Bronson, Pat Mooney, Eli Kintisch, armand neukermans, David Keith, climatein...@googlegroups.com

We based our news release on a story by Ben Webster, environment editor at the Times:  (http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7120011.ece)  and that was clearly referenced as the source in this news release. That news report asserted that  1) "Silver Lining, a research body in San Francisco, has received $300,000 (£204,000) from Mr. Gates."  2) that the group intends to carry out  a 10,000 square km test  and that 3) British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate.” In our news release we were very clear that these claims were made by The Times and not by ETC Group. The Times has its own internal fact checking procedures. Ben Webster says he stands by his story.

Regarding Gates funding going to Silver Lining project. Firstly this was an assertion of the Times, which we repeated. We note however that until yesterday, Armand Neukermans was publicly listed as part of the Silver Lining project.  Yesterday afternoon the website of the Silver Lining Project (http://www.silverliningproj.org) listed 14 collaborators in the project. After receiving your message I re-checked the website and the list of collaborators has now been conveniently excised and replaced by a list of universities.  The old website is still visible in google's cache: (see http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XpnV-uSqoJ4J:silverliningproj.org/collaborators.html+silver+lining+project+collaborators )  if the cache is no longer visible I have taken a screenshot of it - attached below.

In Eli Kintisch's  book it is separately reported that Neukermans had received money "to develop sprayers"  from Gates  and that "Kelly Wanser meanwhile started a nonprofit they dubbed the Silver Lining project to help co-ordinate the work... [which] included dozens of scientists volunteering their time, possible tests in a German Cloud chamber and a proposed small scale ocean experiment involving American and British Scientists" (Hack The Planet p186). The same book quotes you as expecting such trials to be publicly announced "in the next few years" (p. 217). Later Wanser told New Scientist that they had 35 scientists working on their project and that they were seeking funds for a 10,000 square kilometer trial involving 10 boats in the next 3-4 years. (Hacking the planet: who decides? New Scientist 29 March 2010 by Jim Giles, Asilomar, California).

The argument that Neukermans is building sprays simply to understand whether such sprays are theoretically feasible and that such tests will only take place “in the lab” is not credible. It fails to acknowledge the links between lab testing of hardware and the open-air experiments that will follow. Indeed you yourself called this a slippery slope with reference to cloud whitening in Kintisch's 'Hack the Planet' (page 217: "Now we as scientists could say I was testing the sprayer just because I'm designing misters to do cooling for a ship or some other application there would be no question about it. But when its the first step towards a geoengineering thing, it introduces the notion of a slippery slope") .  Furthermore, ETC Group has had correspondence with Stephen Salter, another collaborator who was listed on the Silver Lining Project's website until yesterday, about what experiments were planned and how they should be governed and he said: “As there has been no money to do even lab testing of a spray generator it seems premature to investigate legal problems especially as lawyers get paid so much more than engineers.  As we are not introducing any new chemicals it is not clear that we need to get permission from anyone.” 

If Neukermans is successful in designing a working spray, isn't it the case that this piece of technology will be used in the proposed trial for the project in which he is/was publicly listed as a collaborator? Given this it is hard to understand how "Silver Lining have not received any funds from Bill Gates either directly or indirectly."

Thanks for clarifying that these decisions about Bill Gates' funds for geoengineering are made by yourself and David Keith.   And while you have clearly taken a position that there should not be outside testing of geoengineering before international rules are in place, that has not been the public position of David Keith.  So if that is a contractual condition for any money that is disbursed from the Gates fund that you manage, it would be helpful to know.

In any case, ETC Group's concern is less with who is funding the trial including the building of the hardware for the trial (we would be concerned whoever was funding it) but that the team are now reported to be willing to proceed to open air trials without global governance arrangements in place. Further we are dismayed by the Times’ claim (also carried earlier in New Scientist in March) that they will be carrying out such a large (10,000 square km) trial. We would be very happy for Silver Lining to contradict this report, let it be known that they will not carry out open air trials and that they will wait for global, multilateral governance to be established. I tried to reach Kelly Wanser at eCert regarding this but she hasn't returned my call.

Obviously a key problem here is the lack of transparency - regarding the disbursement of the Gates funds as well as secrecy regarding the operation, aims and plans of The Silver Lining Project. It would be very helpful if you were willing to provide a public list of where all the monies you and David are responsible for have gone to and for what research and it would be extremely helpful if Kelly Wanser and her associates would make a statement about their plans for open-air field trials including size, location, timing and whether or not they will wait for global multilaterally agreed rules.


Jim Thomas
ETC Group (Montreal)

Mike MacCracken

May 12, 2010, 9:18:44 AM5/12/10
to Andrew Lockley, Tom Wigley, Climate Intervention
At an information meeting about cloud brightening approach a year or so ago, we did a comparison of how much water it is estimated would be involved in, as I recall, a full global deployment of these approaches, and it came out something like the amount of water being sprayed out by the water fountains in front of the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas when their water show goes every 20 minutes. Now, it is proposed the droplets be much smaller and done where there are marine stratus clouds, so an intent for a real effect, but any tests would be done over a much, much smaller area and with far, far less water actually being misted.

It would indeed be interesting to do another comparison—for example of the amount proposed to the moisture flow (or maybe the SO2/sulfate CCN flow) coming out from some of the large cooling towers for large coal plants. But under circumstances where clouds form, one can see cloud formation is resulting when flying across the Ohio River Valley area of US there are days one can see this happening over pretty good sized regions. Yes, some local surface cooling under those clouds, at least until the Sun burns them off or the winds come up and stir the air, but no really unusual effect—and this is over land where there is little surface heat capacity; over the ocean, only prolonged cloud incrementation will lead to measureable temperature change.

When proposed experiments are going to do something that is likely far less than what is being done right now in many places and times due to society’s other widespread activities, it seems to me that we need to keep criticisms in perspective. But this can only happen with real transparency, with efforts to draw such comparisons, and a good deal of thinking and explaining in terms of analogs, etc. The real problem for much of the proposed research is going to be detecting an effect.

Mike MacCracken

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    Jim Thomas
    ETC Group (Montreal)
    j...@etcgroup.org <mailto:j...@etcgroup.org>

    +1 514 2739994

Alvia Gaskill

May 13, 2010, 1:29:02 PM5/13/10
to j...@etcgroup.org, kcal...@gmail.com, Diana Bronson, Pat Mooney, Eli Kintisch, armand neukermans, David Keith, climatein...@googlegroups.com
Just for perspective, 10,000 sq km is about the area of Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Lebanon, Hawaii (the big island) and Los Angeles County.  Not very big in terms of cloud cover and insignificant in terms of any potential global impact, good or bad.  Journalists and non scientists from NGOs tend to get excited when they see numbers with commas and lots of zeros in them.
The all-knowing Wikipedia lists areas in this range so you can see what 10,000 sq km or any other sq km compares with.
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